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  1. The objective is to find a way to argue with the person before you!
  2. When I tried to get the Raven Rock Mine word wall, I hear sizzling and music, but instead of just one of the words being blue and coming off of the wall, all of the words are red and won't come off the wall. Oh, here is my Load Order: Typically, the first solution for any glitch is to reload a save from before you entered the cell. However, because the entirety of Raven Rock Mine is actually just 1 cell, to do so is basically to do the quest all over again. Here is a SS, BTW: http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk213/MidbossVyers/ScreenShot50_zpss5snbgjh.jpg~original
  3. Hello nexus. Is there a way to prevent me from being automatically signed out? I mean, when I'm writing a new post for example and then try to post it and then I discover I'm auto signed off. Yeah, I get annoyed by that. So is there a way to increase the time I'm logged in? I know there's "remember me" but I don't know if that will help. I don't use remember me in forums. Thank you for any help.
  4. My Skyrim wont start, ill run SKSE, and it will open, show the Bethesda logo, the the Skyrim logo, and immediately shuts off. I've updated all my mods that needed it, still didn't work, I uninstalled the newer mods (to a time where it all worked) and it does the same thing. Now I have uninstalled some of the mods that used to work, and it STILL doesn't work, I've updated my FNIS and my SKSE, there's no reason for it not to work, as far as I can see. Please someone help before I punch a hole in my laptop. This is literally the only game I can have fun in anymore. Thanks in advance.
  5. Is there a way to reverse which hand is designated the "weapon hand" and which one is designated the "off-hand"? I've seen mods that allow weapons in the off-hand, but none that put shields in the weapon hand, and it seems pretty ridiculous to me that everybody in Tamriel is either right-handed or ambidextrous. Unless it's some kind of Dark Age setting where left-handedness is considered evil and lefties are thus forced to rely on their right hand based on superstition. Which is still kind of ridiculous considering that magic is considered perfectly okay, no matter which hand you cast from.
  6. When I tell my spouse or followers to wait or to go home, they typically unequip (but still possess) whatever armor I have given them to wear. They do not wear their default armor, they simply waltz around nearly-naked. I do not believe this occurs if they are already wearing default armor, but, as the bug does not occur every time, I cannot say for sure. Does anyone know if this bug is inherent to any specific mod or if it can be fixed by one? Any help is appreciated, thanks.
  7. Hey, im making a new land mod and im having some issues with the wildlife. My land is all an island, and so it is fully surrounded by water. The problem im having is that the animals keep running off into the water, regardless of if I pursue them or not. I also have a graveyard/crypt type area, and it looks a bit stupid if there are loads of deer in there, as its supposed to be evil. Im asking if anyone knows a way in order to make a sort of invisible barrier so deers, rabbits and foxes etc cannot run into there. Is there some kind of marker, or is there no way to do it? Im open to all help that you give me, as this can get quite annoying Thanks Will :)
  8. Does skyrim still flip the freak out if you disable vsync? Like get physics bugs and day/night timescale bugs?
  9. Is it normal for the game to autosave when you enter or exit Apocrypha despite turning autosave off? I know that it is the game's way of making playing "safer" by having autosave during places that have a high chance of errors. However, this is a self-fulfilling prophecy as attempting to autosave as soon as you enter a new area causes my game to occasionally freeze or slow.
  10. After finishing the main quest, I figured I would try to get the rest of the Words of Power, so I checked what I needed, and I noticed that I still needed one more Word for Fire Breath, but I had already completed both the main quest, the Companions quest line, and visited Sunderstone Gorge. I checked Sunderstone and Dustman's Cairn and found nothing. Then I went to Paarthurnax at the Throat of the World and noticed that the Word on his Word Wall was still glowing. I tried to unlock it by going near it to the point of touching it, but it didn't come off, and as a result, I didn't learn it. How do I get it? Is there a fix for this?
  11. As the title states I'm having trouble getting a sound to match how the gun fires. The minigun is from the Classic Fallout Weapons mod, it is the unique gauss minigun, and the problem is that it uses a vanilla spin up sound but the weapon spins at its top speed from the get go and starts shooting half a second into the spin up sound. This causes the sound to be off with the actual firing of the weapon and I am trying to fix that. I have made the sound that is in sync with the immidiate firing of the minigun, made a new sound using the Geck, pathed it to my new sound file and linked it to the gun. However it doesnt play a sound now when firing the gun. I saw in another thread that it had to be mono and 16 bit pcm which is what the .wav file set to. I have spent a couple hours tweaking various settings, the Hz rate and even tried messing with the sound looping in the GECK but nothing has worked.
  12. It's called Kick Off the Dust. I had wrote it in mind for a Fallout: New Vegas mod I'm making, tell me what you think? Cheers.
  13. Hello, Can somebody please tell me a mod trough which i can change the state of my companions from essential to non-essencial and vice-versa trough the dialog menu? I had one years ago and i can't remember it, or find it. I have installed a bunch of mods like "Companion Sandbox mode", "Companion dress up", "Trade and hire", "Companion wait time 10000", "Home marker", "Unlimited Companions", "NCSS companion" and i can't find a option to alternate states so far :(
  14. Hello everyone, I'm having issues with a hat I've created in Geck. I modified the Rattan CowBoy Hat to give it +1 in Luck and renamed it "Lucky Hat". Although, when I equip it, it takes off my tech eye (eyepatch) from the Ghoul Eye mod. Any suggestions on how to make the hat and the eyepatch live peacefully on my face ? Thanks
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