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  1. This includes Face Mods, Hair Mods, Texture Packs, Mesh Mods, Followers with Better Graphics than Vanilla Skyrim SE, Any CBBE Submod or CBBE itself, Diversity, SMIM, Flora Mods, Any ENB Preset, Any Custom Outfit Replacer or Custom Weapon/Armour Replacer with better than Skyrim SE Graphics. Also Includes any Lighting/Shading Mods too. Remember that you could ONLY CHOOSE ONE. And Graphics Enhancing Mods that Require Other Graphics Enhancing Mods are a NO GO, so you might not be able to run a CBBE Plugin unless you can get it standalone. However, GFX Enhancing Mods that require Mods that don't Enhance Graphics are Welcome(like SKSE, SkyUI, USSEP)
  2. Can someone make power armor a two piece armor like the old games? No more removable pieces.
  3. So I recently modded my skyrim and decided to use live another life as part of it. I proceeded to chose a thieves guild beginning completed that then moved on to the dawnguard quest line and recently completed that and now I decided to begin the main quest line where my problem begins. So I visited Helen then proceeded to River wood but when I get to Whiterun even though I have already visited th e place it was removed from my map and the guards aren't there at the doors to speak to the make my way in and the door is locked. Any ideas on how to sort this would be greatly appreciated. Additional info: I am playing on SE on xbox one
  4. I think some battlefield 1 style armors would be sweet in New Vegas. It would be cool to have some of the elite class armors from battlefield 1 and some more traditional armors of world war 1. Comment and share if you think this would be cool.
  5. So you have completed skyrim for the 50th time, you have every item, every armour and completed every quest and to finish it all off you have a shiny new house from the people in the modding community to put it all on display to show of your achievements.. ..and you have 1,000,000,000 gold in your pocket? Immersive Right? Where does it go? How have you managed to keep it all and how can you show it off to all the sweetroll loving guards? So here is what i have: As i'm sure many of you have experienced already the nexus community has a wide and varied choice of player homes and npc buildings, but there is something lacking in my opinion or if its here already i am yet to find it. What i would like to see is a display of wealth. Not through giant homes or shiny armour im thinking that there is a bank somewhere in skyrim and that you can go into it and display your vast unneeded wealth in this bank. The way i would imagine doing it (Keep in mind i have not ever made a mod) is by having this "Vault" and within this secured vault have an NPC called "banker" Now this is the cool bit (In my opinion) You would have a few meshes of Gold piles varying in size possibly containing gems or gold bars? So for the purpose of this lets say we have 5 sizes: 1-Tiny 2-Small 3-Medium 4-Large 5-Giant Now the banker would have a check on his inventory which would count as a safe container upon adding something along the lines of 0-1000 gold you would have Mesh #1 and 1000-5000 gold Mesh #2 and so on so forth. Imagine it like some cross between the Fable Wealth Display System & Smaug's Hoard Within Erebor, Hell throw in a bit of Harry Potter Gringotts Bank Style of thing in there. I don't know a great layout but i think that an npc building or player home with this feature amongst all the weapon displays would really complete a true adventurers home with everything he has achieved on display. Sit on your throne among the masses of gold you have collected from your spoils of war and adventure! I mean who wouldn't want that? Oh and if you could port it to XBONE that would be great but if not i would still love to see this happen. Thanks Guys and let me know if you like the idea or not!
  6. What I need: A container that only accepts a single item, whatever happens, not one stack, just one item. And access from another script to the form of that item to pass it as a parameter for FindClosestReferenceOfTypeFromRef. The container will be accessible by the player "equipping" a misc item but haven't got that far yet... Ideally the weight of the misc item would increase with the content of the container, but that would require skse, right? It's not a main feature anyway and cosnidering you can only place a single item, the amount of weight you can cheat is low. What I have: Some of my concerns as comments within the code. Looks good and reliable? any errors you can spot? Improvements? Scriptname CONTAINERTEST extends ObjectReference {Accepts only a single item and stores its form} Bool IsFull Form Property MyItem Auto ; to be accessed and used by another script as a form parameter ; wiki says you cant "make" a form property as in fill it in ck i guess, but can you store stuff in it? Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) If !IsFull IsFull = True MyItem = akBaseItem If aiItemCount > 1 Self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount - 1, true, akSourceContainer) ;keep 1 item send the rest back, should take care of stacks Endif Else Self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true, akSourceContainer) ;if full send everything back Endif EndEvent Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer) IsFull = False ; if it only accepts one item, whenever anything is removed it should be empty? reliable? endEvent
  7. Watching E3 and Todd Howard recently stated that with Fallout 4 they will be able to "transfer" mods from the PC to the Xbox One. Which I can only assume will be limited. Already on PC with mods you can suffer big drops in FPS. The majority of console games are capped at 30FPS. With PC you have the ability of having more than 60FPS so the drop in 20FPS from the mods you have installed can still keep you close to 60FPS if not still above. To a console - dropping 20FPS when you only have a maximum of 30 is... unplayable. Things like texture overhauls, weather mods, new custom armors, weapons, and structures will be a huge strain on the console. Script extenders won't be possible. Which will very likely accumulate for the majority of mods later on. ENB's won't be possible. Cleaning Bethesda's master files probably wont be possible. There can be bugs that can exist on Xbox but not on PC and vice versa... so unofficial patches will have to be tailored specifically for Xbox. I assume some sort of Steam Workshop esk thing will be put in place. So that restricts the majority of the ever so popular body mods. SFW body mods will be required to have them on Xbox. DLC normally comes out faster on consoles. Huge conflicts there. I don't know, this is all just off the top of my head. Seems like conflicts and limitations are just going to be all over the place. Consoles aren't open like PC's are. If they were this wouldn't be that much of a concern. It's really up to mod makers and if they're willing to put in the extra work to have their mod on Xbox. And then support it, most likely separately from the PC version of their mod.
  8. I need a few to dedicate at least 15-30 minutes of their day to help me bug fix this mod and get it to a stable Beta or Final version. What you would be doing is a lot of 'free testing' which means that you play as much as you want, how you want and when you want, reporting bugs along the way in a text file on my google drive or on the mod page [here]. My google drive LINK to get the new version build, I'll post a new topic every time I update the build(once every week), do not use the build found on the mod page please, only the one on my drive. Bug Reports TXT file LINK. <- Edit the TXT file with bugs found or on the mod page with the "Bug writing ruleset:" The reason why I can't fully dedicate a lot of time to fixing the mod myself is because I have a very demanding job and I can barely even find time to code for Skyrim, so please help.. or don't, I'm used to it :smile:. Bug writing ruleset: Severity: A - Crash B - Unplayable or not as designed C - Minor D - Cosmetic Build : #A100 Summary : "Bug happens when you do this". Refer to Objects or UI with " ". Example: Severity - B Build #A100 Bug happens when you read "Alternative Leveling" book. Reproduction: - Do this. - Do that. Result: This happens. ____________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------ ____________________________________________________________ Thank you!! To whoever wants to help me!! You are a hero!
  9. So I have a few mods installed to recreate the women of Skyrim, and figured it's about time to resolve an issue I just can't ignore anymore. All female characters, including my own, have darker hands and faces than the rest if their body. There is a pretty clear seam as to where the discoloration begins and ends; exactly where my modified body begins. Now that I think of it, it's probably the same with the feet of the characters, considering how those aren't part of the body. I believe this is an issue with All In One Face Pack, but I'm not sure. Here are my body/face mods. -CHSBHC - BBP Nude and Jiggly -Caliente's female body mod big bottom edition (CBBE) ;Set to TBBP and CBBE plus in body slide -TBBP animation of Dragonfly (with butt bounce) -All in one face for vanilla and Dawnguard vamps- CBBE v3 edition -Xp32 skeleton -HDT compatible CBBE skeleton (though I don't have HDT physics enabled atm.) I tried running texblend lite but to no avail. Everything works fine besides this colour issue.... Anybody know a good fix, or who can educate me on how to use the full texture blend program to make the textures/colors match? Thanks for your help, it'll help me get my game that much closer to being perf :sweat: Will upload pics if it's asked of me. :thumbsup:
  10. Hi, For a weapon I made the level progression that it offers the player is small. I was wondering if someone could explain which stats of a weapon makes the level progression for skills like one-handed improve faster or slower. Thanks for any help you could provide on this topic.
  11. Hi guys, I was wondering if there is a mod that lets you equip a whole set of armor at once. (Instead of equipping every piece seperatly) If not.. my idea is this: A mod that lets you put all (lets say) daedric armor (body, gauntlets, helmet, boots) into one set. That set will become an item in your inventory. If you equip it, it will equip all the deadric armor at once.
  12. Hey hello i am a french boy and i have a issue with mods i have install 4 mods ( fast travel , immersive hud ,closer cam and gold ursin armor) but only one mod a the same time work ingame the first in alphabetical somebody have a idea ? im in 1.08.1 and i have no script error in loading
  13. Hey guys. I have a weird glitch which i've never seen before. I'm using a XPMSE skeleton with Immersive Animations for Draw and Sheath 1H Swords on back. But whenever i try to draw one handed swords from my back, my character does the animation, but the sword remains on her back, and she's unable to attack for 10 seconds. How do i fix this?
  14. I am creating Edward Newgate in Skyrim, and I have found almost everything I need except for his clothes. Could anyone please make them? Front: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/1/1a/Edward_Newgate_Compared_to_Normal_Humans.png/revision/latest?cb=20130520015236 Back: http://static.tumblr.com/8bd3dd14e04306aaa512e494a95e673d/hhp3qvg/dkwmme76p/tumblr_static_tumblr_mloyhwwyj41rve066o1_500.jpg
  15. Hi there, hoping someone could please help sort out this issue. I've search long and hard for this issue but nothing seems to be coming up. I recently started playing Skyrim again and am using a wired Xbox One Gamepad. For some reason the vibration/feedback seems to be very strong. Especially when using magic it seems to last 2-3 seconds too long (still vibrating like crazy after animation finishes). I don't remember if this is how it was by default. Definitely seems way too strong and delayed of a rumble. Same thing with swinging swords, but not as bad and does not carry the vibration over after the swing animation. I don't notice vibration for jumping/blocking, etc. I went back to my old 360 copy of the game and the vibrations on the native 360 version are very subdued, hardly noticeable. Anyone else have this problem or know of any fixes? I tried downloading the new drivers but apparently Windows 10 comes with them preinstalled now. Any help would be appreciated!
  16. Hello. So today I encountered this legendary bug of not being able to start the follow up quest to "Forsworn Conspiracy" called "No One Escapes The Cidha Mine" or something like that. I've been looking for a solution for literally two hours now, but sadly I always end up in the same place. Let me explain to you what happens and what I've tried to do to fix it. 1. Even though (According to the quest) I didn't find proof for Weylin being involved, I'm at the last step of the quest, telling me to go back to the Temple of Talos. 2. When I go to the temple, my quest giver is dead and I'm being threatened by the guard. The "Forsworn Conspiracy" quest is completed at this mark. 3. Submitting ("Fine I'll go to jail") ends up in me not being able to interact with anything nor use my weapons. Additionally guards attack me. 4. Choosing to fight results in me murdering the guards. If I leave the temple, another guard tells me that I'm going to jail for conspiracy. If I submit, it will bug and he will ask me again if I want to submit, pay fine or fight. If I choose submission, I will go to jail, but the quest won't start. 5. I already tried using commands such as "setstage 01 ms100", "setstage 01 ms95", "setstage 02 ms1", "setstage 02 ms10" etc. They simply either won't work at all, or have the same buggy effect as just finishing the quest manually. 6. Since these commands won't teleport me to the jail by themselves, I've tried accessing the cell from the outside, both before finishing the quest, after finishing the quest, and after using the command to start the follow up quest. It had no effect. I tried breaking into my cell, but the door "Require a key". Even after stealing that key from the guards, the game still won't let me to open these door. Additionally, sometimes I can't interact with them at all. Same goes for those chain-levers in the guard's room. They won't react. 7. I tried using "EnablePlayerControl" command thingy in order to use these blocked door/levers. It doesn't work for me. Frankly, I'm not sure what it does. 8. I have two followers (Though removing one doesn't fix the problem); I killed Weylin; I murdered the guy who sent these murderers after me; I use a couple of mods that are mostly asthetic. These are the only reasons why it wouldn't work, at least by my own fault. Does anyone know a sure-proof method of fixing this? Aside from starting the entire game all over again, hoping it would work?
  17. Hey there guys. I'm new to the nexus because I have never actually posted or been in the community. I'm here because I lead a project called Skyrim: Together, which seeks to make Skyrim multiplayer. We are currently farther in development than both Skyrim Online and Tamriel Online were, and have a planned release for May of 2016. Were doing great, but now come to another obstacle. Okay, so we all know how fun Skyrim is to play, right? It's a pretty good challenge. But what if there were four of you? of seven? or ten? Suddenly enemies that took thirty minutes defeat take ten minutes to defeat. Or five. Gets kinda annoying when the game becomes so easy it's not fun. So here is what we are currently working on. We are adding an entirely new area to Skyrim with it's own questline and horribly overpowered monsters that take at least two people to defeat. What I have in mind is not just a new area, but an entirely new island. Like when you go to solstheim. In this island you will find a few towns, some land, some lakes, and a mountain, etc. The mountain is where you will fight the final boss, Coh, Daedric prince of Time. We already have most of this planned out and underway, but I would like to keep this section of development seperate from the development of the multiplayer part. This part of development has nothing to do with networking. Since the multiplayer mod is compatible with other mods so long as everybody has them installed, this part of development is almost solely client side modding, just like every other mod out there. So you don't need to know how to do anything special. You just need to know how to mod. We can use any type of modders, texturers, etc. so please pop a comment if you can do something. We have a discord chat we will add you to if you decide to join. Or you can join https://discord.gg/0jj8pYmPkB5Fch29 and say "@Tool" when you message to get my attention, and we can talk instantly. Thanks!
  18. I've seen this referenced many times online. Seems like an easy mod to pull off, too (though, i'm no modder :/) A skin would be fine enough, but would be ideal if it could be slowed, give off more of a glow, and have appropriate sound bytes. Many endorsements to whoever can make it happen :tongue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_9cb37090A
  19. can someone please try and attempt making a one punch man mod? im very salty and jealous that fallout 4 has a one punch man mod and fallout new vegas doesn't i really thought by now that fallout new vegas would get one :( ;.;
  20. Source:pie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0U-3VLz85k&t=23s . . . . ... . 4OR https://ufile.io/tnnl9
  21. I'm trying to use this: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/28902/? with Pinnacle, and everything works fine except the right trigger (attack). Does anybody know of a fix or a different mod for this? I used to play with another Pinnacle profile, but that was for the 360 controller and I don't have it anymore.
  22. Do any of you know if there's a relatively quick method to change all two-handed melee weapons in the game to use the one-handed skill? Without manually editing every single item record in the Creation Kit? I have my reasons.
  23. Hi guys ! First, sorry if I do some english mistakes, I'm french :smile:. That's my first time posting here. I hate asking for help, I mean, if I try and solve my problems myself, I will save time to kind peoples that would try to help me. Anyway, here's my problem : I did a step-by-step installation, everytime trying adding a few mods and testing the stability, stable 60fps everytime, everything working fine. So after installing like 200mods I had the feeling I hadenough mods and started playing. I played at least 3 hours and got what, 2 ~ 3 random CTDs. Buuuut in some areas, my game crash after exactly one minute after the save loading. If I'm outside, no problem. If I go inside, I crash after a few seconds. If I load a game saved into the area, I crash after one perfect minute. If I leave the area, I crash after one minute of gameplay too. It's like those areas trigger a script that after one minutes makes my game crash. Idk maybe some kind of a script that executes every one minute fixed time ? (explaining why upon entering the area, the countdown is always less than one minute) The areas that made me crash are (I don't think there is only those areas but that the ones I encountered) : -Korvanjund Crypt (Stormcloak side, Trying to get the bone crown I think) -Deadland (into Forgotten Rivertomb, from the mod Forgotten Dungeons) which has only draugr enemies. (you can see here https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/449) -Ustengrav (I dont remember well where though) -Inside Whiterun during the war (Stormcloak side) I would reaally appreciate if this damn game had a crash report seriously. I know how to read logs, I can solve problems with logs. But I'm blindfolded here ! And papyrus log does not even helps ! My computer's config : https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/31/7/1533488420-my-config.png My Mod Organizer mod list : My load order : I use SKSE64 2.0.7 (though the dll isnt named that way), and here is a screenshot of my skyrim folder : https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/31/7/1533484576-skyrimfolder.png I also use Nyclix's ENB-Reshade without the ENB's DoF and Verdant plugin. (link https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3352) I tried giving you the papyrus log but for no apparent reasons I does not seem to work anymore. It was disabled, I enabled it only for this topic but it seems it'll have to wait for a request. A really fun thing is that saving & loading resets the countdown. So I can play if I reload my game every 50 seconds lmfao. Also, when I tried, for like, the 20th time, the game was running fine until 3:36 of gametime. Idk why. 21th time was 1:15. I think the problem might be battle-related because all my tests were only in battle. Those two were just me, standing at the entrance of the area before initiating a fight. So maybe it's some monster-related-mod that causes the crash ? I tried to disable them but when I do my save wont load so I cant try. I really hope some kind souls could help me. Thanks in advance, Nini700.
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