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  1. YaoiPi

    New Here..

    Hello People. ^_^ I recently started getting into modding skyrim and came across this site and decided that it would be fun to get to know people a bit better and hopefully some day start giving back a bit with mod creation. (Though I really have no experience modding..) So... Things about me... Age:25 Sex:Male Location: United States Occupation: Systems/Network Admin Interests: Playing all kinds of instruments(mainly the piano), Makeup/Nails, Reading, photography, anime, Manga, Gaming and lots of other stuff. I'm kind of tired and bored at the moment so I'm not sure this is a good time to do an intro, be meh.. ^^;;;; Anyways....
  2. The indoor music you hear in some inns and in Dohvakiin's Warehouse really reminds me of the song "Piano Man," by Billy Joel. I couldn't stop writing the Skyrim version in my head, set to this music, so I decided to write it down and share it with you for the fun of it. GREAT COLLEGE BARD It's nine o'clock on a Loredas A guard asks me what do I need There's an old mage sitting next to me Makin' love to his Honningbrew mead He says "I'd much love to hear you sing Ragnar the Red - I've rather forgot how it goes. These fools on the street keep changing the words - And their version seriously blows." Dum de de dum de de dum dum Dum dum de de dum de dum Sing us a song You're the great college bard Sing us a song tonight Well, we're all in the mood for a thu'um or three And you've got us feelin' alright Now Delpine at the Giant's a friend of mine She gets me my drinks for free And she's quick with a joke When the room's full of smoke And the room rent's as cheap as can be She says "This High Hrothgar business is killing me," As a smile ran away from her face "Well, I'm sure that I could be the Dragonborn, If I could just shout in his face." Now Ysolda's a Khajiit enthusiast Who complains about starting a life And she wants to begin her own caravan Now instead, she's becoming a wife And Belethor is selling his sister now And Vilja said she'd do the same What the hell is wrong with these dumb villagers? Do they have any level of shame? Dum de de dum de de dum dum Dum dum de de dum de dum Sing us a song You're the great college bard Sing us a song tonight Well, we're all in the mood for a thu'um or three And you've got us feelin' alright It's a pretty good crowd for a Loredas And the Dragonborn gives me a smile 'Cause he knows that it's me they've been comin' to see To forget Ulfric's mess for a while And Lydia still needs to bathe thoroughly And Brenuin's drinkin' cheap wine Yet another guard has taken an arrow to the knee But the Dragonborn's doin' just fine Dum de de dum de de dum dum Dum dum de de dum de dum Sing us a song You're the great college bard Sing us a song tonight Well, we're all in the mood for a thu'um or three And you've got us feelin' alright
  3. I just switched to Vortex and had to re-download several mods en mass because they did not import from NMM. Started up a successful loading of the game no problem now. However, one of my mods has changed the music that plays when the game starts up and says "press any button to start" at the bottom, you know, where the camera is roaming around that little garage with the power armor in it, and the magazine rack, etc. So anyway its playing this really sad violin music with a few little piano notes. And its driving me bonkers!!! It also now plays that sad little piano ditty while the loading screen is up. I don't know which mod has done this but I really want to scrap it. Does anyone know which one it is? I really don't want to have to go through enabling and disabling each and every mod to figure it out. If someone knows off the top of their head, that's great! otherwise I will live with it. thanks!
  4. I have not seen any "audio artwork" thread so far, so I think this is the right place to post this. What is an rpg or any aspect of it without music? One of my friend lately sent me some info about Skyoblivion, and while she got pretty hyped about it, I remembered how beautiful the game was and the music that is, still to this day, stuck in my head. Memes included. I felt that it may be a good idea to share the song while i'm at it, to thx the modding community https://soundcloud.com/emil-zola-878138776/harvest-dawn
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