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  1. Post # 1 [1.1] GaiaArkA0314 Under Attack The mutaghoulers had breached through the damaged barriers zone, screaming in rage and hate as if driven by pain along with hard orders. The SQuins aimed their tripulserifles to bring down attacker after attacker. Most mutaghoulers were not very intelligent, were armed with basic hand weapons only, but there were smarter ones who used their pipeguns with dangerous skill. The defenders stun dropped some of the enemy shooters, so as to study them later, but would kill most of them or so ran the plan. That was heavy stun pulses for the chosen few but death pulses for most Sharry, of the SQuins, spoke through helmet 2ways to the other power armoured Gaiaregainers there who, like her, were Gaiareseekers as of a special Gaiaregainer unit. "Somebody has been equipping mutaghoulers with makeshift body armour, melee weapons and pipeguns. Seems a crazy thing to do unless the mutaghoulers are scavenging items to pay for such gear." K9herois was in his human shapeform, with some wolfdog features, firing off his quadruple barrelled shotgun. He used it to fire off spinbullets from the upper two barrels and spinslugs from the lower ones, the spin projectiles were designed to do so while going through a smoothbore. K9herois could take the form of a human, a wolfdog or a squat wolfdog human that was good at climbing. Now he was a human in his Gaiareseeker power armour. Blondes, with blue eyes, were Sharry, Shenny, Shimmy, Shotty and Shully being all attractively dangerous young women. Not that these details showed up much in their power armour that sported individual identification symbols. The male human, Le'Nerd, fired off an arrow missile from his semiautomatic launchergun and blew apart a tight cluster of more stupid type mutaghoulers. An enemy spinbullet pinged off his helmet even as he ducked down with a curse. Stanleygo hid in a tree, with a pair of scan binoculars, not shooting so as not to expose his position to the enemy but reporting to the others, their activity, through the 2ways. He wore power armour adapted to fit his geng (genetically engineered) gorilla body. Shenny 2wayed. "This could be a testing attack on our defences with the mutaghoulers being used as expendable cannon fodder." Shimmy added. "It could also be a diversionary attack." The artificial cavern chamber echoed with what was a large scale skirmish taking place. There were some trees, a few bushes, grasses, a defense security wall and some guard towers. Sunlight was coming down from two big sky windows inset into the rocky ceiling high above where it was hotly sunny in a semiarid desert. Solar power panel arrays took advantage of the sunshine and somebody had hung out shirts on a clothes line. The locals had fled into their underground warrens as manoid humanoids. Shotty frowned. "Smells of insider information, of betrayal." Shully spoke. "Could be there was old information found out there, somewhere, but... yes, I support your 'instinct'." The enemy force, such as it now was, broke of the attack and retreated quickly away.
  2. I was originally going to make a mod for new starter zones for each race. but then I figured I would need to script those zones to work with the story. which could be insanely hard. So I thought I would try and make an action bar mod instead. Something like a ui where you can press hotkeys to equip and then cast spells. maybe something where you could equip them to the slot. I am very new to scripting with skyrim. In fact I just made my first armor and weapon mod. So I'm really new to all of it actually. I was wondering if someone could give me pointers on how to attach a script to players so when you get online you have a ui at the bottom of your screen. so I can start working on a hud for the action bar. Any tips otherwise are welcome. I would love to get help with this if anyone is willing to help :smile: EDIT: I just realized skyrim uses flash ... I am actually very familure with actionscript ... Where can I find how to assign spells to a action?
  3. The gaming world has always been about having fun and doing what YOU want to do. This topic is dedicated to something I wanted to get off my back for a LONG time so that I can move on and start enjoying gaming more. Let me begin this discussion with this simple note... This is NOT for people who hate drama. This is for people who feel left out, lost, angry, fearful and so many emotions that we as a mortal race are suppose to feel. Let me explain by an example: When a man or woman is born she feels happy... blissful... like nothing could happen to him or her. As that person gets older they see more of what the world has to offer: Fun, Excitement, Sadness, Loss, Happiness, etc... Then the younger sibling comes along. That person feels (Depending on what they think or what they fear) like they will be forgotten... old fashioned. The same concept applies to gamers that have a hard time accepting reality. To quote a certain character: "All those with power... are afraid to loose it" This quote applies to real life.
  4. Hello everyone. Here my second mod request. Like allone know, to see the other hunters in the same session you must move to the Hub, and only there you can see your friends. Could be possible to do a nice mod to allow to see hunters over all Astera? I mean, there are only 16 players per session as max, it is not like in MHOnline where more than 200 players could be together at same spot doing a lag apocalypsis xD. To see other hunters in Astera, not only npcs, could be a really social/realistic immersion in the game, instead of force people to go up to hub. Thank you for your nice/good/hard work, modders :laugh:
  5. We will reward 30 gold and 30 airdrops for the new registers from May 9 t0 May 15, 2013. New registered players need to send us emails with game account and server to [email protected]. Earth2037-2 is a SLG network game. While offering wonderful PVE, it enhances PVP part, which will let players who love alliance battles get great fun. Earth 2037-2 includes various aspects such like military, diplomacy, science and technology. Players could select camps like Human Alliance (Both in attack and defense), Rising Sun (Powerful defense) and sharp Hawk Horde. These three camps have their own troops plus their own features and strong points. Especially in an alliance battle, the troops will play different roles. In PVP settings, the game offers perfect failure protection, so you will not feel upset when one battle was lost. Fast recovery of the wounded troops and speedy building repairing help you establish wonderful power system. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
  6. (minor spoilers, kinda) Cause I got this really irritating bug that I've posted in bug reports without success in Dragonborn where I can't interact with the new followers such as frea and teldryn sero. When I meet Teldryn in Raven Rock and he's being all like "blade for hire! blade for hire!" but when I press to talk to him there's no dialogue option. He's just like an NPC that I can't talk to. I also persuaded Frea after completing "the path of knowledge" to be my follower but she just sits on her bench a normal NPC. I've tried without mods and it turns out that it's just this specific character that has this problem cause I tried with another character's save that was on the same list but that's probably how the bugs work. So I'm wondering if there are patchers or bug fixers that can fix this if I send the save to them. I haven't found a solution yet on the internet yet but if you already have please send your regards. If you can fix this it will definitely be appreciated
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