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  1. Field of Grass by Erik Houdini erikhoudini.com Oh, field of grass, Ravaged by concrete catacombs, Smothered mass, asphalt cask. Unlike stories from ancient tomes— Here, not even birds roam. Oh, field of grass, Brown bristles swaying in the wind, Brash with lifelessness. Humanity's sin—plastic soaked ground within, Apathy, a collective unconsciousness, Oh, field of grass. Oh, field of nature's trespass— Bottles, bags, and needles amass. Parking lot dust, cars, and trucks, Human creatures now outlast— The beauty of nature's past, Faded like a photo in a worn clasp. Mowed down like machine gun fire, Heat of the concrete, nature's vampire. No room for play, not even an umpire. Shadeless trees—totems to Anubis, Once aureus, now—shadow of human hubris, Oh, field of grass. Oh, nature's land mass, Once prairie, pond, or forest, Now nary a songbird's chorus. Lady Justice, her figure malnourished, The natural balance, now— Brutalist flatlands, now squarrous. Oh, progress, oh humanity. Taming of the shrew, pollinators too, Polymer rebirth, that is our curse, for— What was reaped, never had a choice. What was taken, never had a voice, Oh, field of grass.
  2. Going to start posting all my writing stuff to this thread that way the forum will be less cluttered by junk 0-o Check out my main creative pages. http://zippydsmlee.deviantart.com/ https://www.patreon.com/ZippyDSMlee?ty=h -------- This is part of my Chronicles of the Lord of Power book series project, its a solid placeholder or detailed plot point to fill in later on. ============ YAY FOR ICE EARTH!! Been listening to alot of thier stuff lately got the end plot point to book 1 on my main book project. Been trying to get this out for acouple days now!(or 20ish years since I made her LOL) ========= COTLOP Adventure X(5?) Sarah placeholder World setting and setup Vanishes off the ship or wherever he was and lands on a gothic medieval world strangely like the first place but darker and more corrupted. The systems in place magic engines to control enemy and darkness spread dark disease, cast fire and light and make barriers. The forces of darkness here a demonic darkling king his forces dark wizards who riase and tend to the army of the dead. The vampire knights finish up whatever the hordes of mindless corpses and other undead creatures cannot. ================================ Main factions or villains Factions tend to broken down to common folk and guards of towns or farms. Solitary wandering warriors for hire. Bandits who steal and kill to gain power or kill time in this broken world. The faction of light has long been destroyed but the remnant gathers up forces and reduce the spreading darkness as much as it can. =========================== Main villains The dark ones are broken into 4 groups On the bottom ,mindless darkling’s that hunt and feed and spread the curse of the void. In charge of the mindless beasts and fighting the living are the warriors of decay who are rotting, parasitic vampire like creatures they manage to keep their sanity though they are nothing more than chaotic bandits that randomly work together to destroy the living.. The oath keepers mages of darkness who create both the darkling’s in the area and the warriors of decay. Above them all A Darkling King sits upon a putrid throne of decaying bodies some still living via dark magic. After a few days of wondering he came to a town fought off some bandits and got some money is now town drunk. ==================================== Main characters for this adventure Sarah a twin blade fighter, agility and speed using punches and kicks and her powerful twin sol wire daggers are her primary abilities. Magic wards and magic barriers are her secondary. She is short and polite, honorable and can be girly at times but she does not let the warriors ways take away all her femininity and elegance. (more girly than Saber from fate/stay knight) She is one of many remnant fighters. The broken guild of white hunts down the undead and darkling’s that spread darkness. ========================================= Story bits mostly notes to figure out later After a few days of wondering he came to a town fought off some bandits and got some money is now the town drunk that randomly fights of creatures of darkness. Though since alcohol dose not affect him he has to play the drunkard. Sarah(short, blonde, quick twin dagger user) checking up on the location is told about him and she checks by the well where they say he likes to nap, she gets some water out of the bucket and splashes him with it while he lays there under a blanket. Startled he gets up she moves quickly behind him and while still holding the wet blanket. She moves in with a knee to the back but he quickly throws the blanket at her without turning around himself she in an instant hits the blanket with a flying knee attack then whips up some energy to blow the blanket away while moving to a defensive stance with her arms. She looks around but does not sense him, a breeze blows and in an instant he is behind her with his back against her back with his hands the hilt of both daggers. Before she can speak.He sighs and says “Ya know I hate tests…. And morning… “ She replies with a smile “But ye seem so good at them!” He remains quite for a bit….She jumps forward and turns to face him. He then falls to his knees and pukes on the ground and gasps for breath as he wipes his mouth. She walks over and gets another bucket of water while he does not notice and he says. “I hope you are buying my breakfast that was a whole bottle!” She splashes water on him again and says laughingly. “Breakfast laddy, how discombob’d are ye? It’s time fer dinner. “ He gets up and faces her then says “ I hope “ye” paying…” She kicks him in the back of the left leg. He yelps, making her give him a funny look she shakes her head then says. “Auck come along ye fuzzy swapman, we seek people who can fight if it’s not me others will come to drag ye back with us. ” He stretches and sighs. ”Remnant right?” She looks at him and nods. He madly grin’s for moment not giving off a sense of evil or rage but frustration with tinge of sadness, he tosses the blanket over his shoulder and says. “I guess that’s what I was sent here for, time to get to work I guess.” She looks at him funnily trying to think on the words he said but as he walks by she then points at the blanket which was blown far away and yells. “How’d ye get that I sent that off to te trees!” He looks back at her with a simple smile and wink. “Ye not going to learn all my secrets at once”
  3. Sweet is the taste of sound Wishful hearts in glossy cards A Bliss that is never found Shrouds cover the little stars The vengeful Gods play their cards The blue ball goes around The dusty wind turns into shards Little bodies hug the ground Shade showers their little eyes They fly where the sky flies Nightly lullabies by the fireflies This time, time never dies ... P.S. Don't make fun of me :)) I'm not a native English speaker, nor have I ever taken an English literature class. P.S.S. Appreciate to hear what you think if you read it.
  4. Here are two new Skyrim machinimas. Each features a poem by Emily Dickinson. A list of the skyrim mods used in each video appears on the respective video's youtube page. Hope you enjoy the machinimas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-A9i3fcJrN0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ICI4T0gzts
  5. Greetings everyone! In order to reduce clutter around the Druid's Garden, I have taken the liberty of establishing a collective location where you will find all of my legacy and long abandoned literature. As cringeworthy and unoriginal as it sounds, at the time, Commander's Hideout sounded like a respectable name, but now ironically embodies exactly what it is: a collection of literature that is definitely cringeworthy. Format legend: Literary works have been placed in spoilers and timestamped to keep everything nice and orderly.Strikethroughs indicate that the literary work is deprecated.All of my literary works have been categorized in the following top-down order: novel-length stories (and ongoing stories), short stories, poetry, and spontaneous writings. Capital Punishment (a Max Payne fanfiction) POETRY The Blood Veins of the World - October 30, 2013 0316 Untitled - February 1, 2012 1948 SPONTANEOUS WRITING November 8, 2013 21:45 November 8, 2013 21:30 Love Hurts - October 30, 2013 0430 LEGAL
  6. Hey, boy. .... How are you doing? ....Would you like to play a game? Find me the path that settlers will take this grand construction together we'll make without you, only for modpos's sake, would settlers be able to reach their own stake. The path that I follow is not always there, I must be a wizard to press through the air for walls that were once upon earth's firm foundation though removed, seem only to give them frustration these settlers they choose such a circuitous route, to see my blue corn you'd think there'd been a drought! Now Dogmeat, come hither and strike out all doubt, and help me direct these poor fools strewn about. I'm pretty darn certain that I'd made a way I know it, I walked it, with Dogmeat at bay! http://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1151/2968141-1450557275.jpg here, boy. ...over there. come here. ...stay, boy. here, boy! ...over there. come here! Yes, I see it now. I see my error, and I am filled with a great sadness. This wall seems to be the desire of many as, tireless, they press against its firmness no command nor trickery can convince them to use the portal, they are content to polish the floor. Still, they look at me. The intelligence in their Eyes of Beauty is belied by their apparent duty to hold back my plans for a sensible place and they are content to polish the floor. Still, work must continue and we have our mission though I start to feel silly, an honest admission Dogmeat, please help me, before it's too late deliver our settlers from this horrid condition. TEAR DOWN THE WALL! now we have a sunroom, I hope you're happy cause boy this facade looks pretty crappy. not in the least, I am forced to put stairs so Settlers and Dogmeat may stride unawares of that six. inch. ledge. http://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1151/2968141-1450557334.jpg -- author's note -- I wanted to write another, so I did; if you made it this far I applaud your commitment. Maybe you just wanted to see how bad it could really get. I won't even go back to read it, for I'm certain I would be appalled. I haven't written or read (much) poetry since I had all the hair on the top of my head so if you are knowledgeable and would like to critique this, please do - I don't mind :smile: Many thanks to @ad3d0 for their ahk script, "Precise object moving and rotating." You made this so much easier. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3615/? Also thanks to @LogRaam for their lovely mod, "The Eyes Of Beauty Fallout Edition". http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/133/? Heavenly backdrop provded by @Mangaclub Radiant Clouds and Fogs
  7. http://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/3861-0-1449248624.jpg oh dogmeat he needs so much he has so few animations and idles he gets stuck and clips through everything poor dogmeat. his nose doesn't work, or it's in his paw and he looks for enemies in the ground at his feet oh, dogmeat. I hope the modders will train you. When I/the PC, the voice which comes out, directing my pulsing signal, I cringe to think of needless delays while I wait for the menus to fade. Hey, boy. .... How are you doing? I'm glad fadingsignal hushed you and I took you to baconelk to get your nails trimmed. Can you find something for me? I want you to find ..... It doesn't matter. He'll scratch the ground. He can't smell that raider. He can't smell the food. He's part of that door right now anyhow. but never a word of praise from that voice, so who's to blame? I really can't wait for them to train us.
  8. So, I'm new here in the Druid's Garden, but here is some poetry I posted on Facebook long ago, detailing my thoughts and feelings of reminisce after a Diviner's Sage experience. Long ago, split between Thought and Emotion; the endless commotion. What did that goddess of green give me? The thing she did not permit my eyes befall. That oh so precious object, vital to my sustained existence in this place. The void; cold regret, warm deathbed - the blasphemer's tavern. Cast from Heaven, and Blockaded from Hell, where will I walk; the candle will tell. With the flickering flame of the candle, I'll the speak the words I can't handle. Set ablaze to amaze my consciousness; the scroll. The one word toll, the universal troll; inhale the smoke, and I become whole. Purpose regained, existence explained. Persecuted as Satan, the one they be hatin'; If I became God, wouldn't that be odd?
  9. T'was the night before Xmas At the Nexus Mods site The denizens of the forums Posting all through the nite The Vampyre Dante Waiting coiled in the dark Eager to pounce On some rage-posting lark Like a murder of crows His robes streaming behind him He descends on his prey And slaughters his victim The Dark One rampaging Wielding massive banhammer And down at his local Slays the THOTs with his glamor Had to Register feelings That he couldn't quite fathom Waldorf Salad bicycle Surreal or random? Still, it's Hard to Register much And consistently act with decorum When you have to deal with dolts Over at the Vortex support forum "Don't make me do it I won't read Vortex instructions" I'll just rage-post on Nexus Everyone heed my eruptions Password requirements Like a nuclear silo "I'm an IT manager" And clearly, a psycho Big-Tiddy Goth Girls They're my favourite mods Bouncing round Skyrim With their superhot bods Dominating the Hot Files Farming the endorsements Boobs strain at bikini armor Pop buttons on corsets Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and therefore any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.
  10. FALLEN - A Civil War poetry about the Darkwater Crossing Ambush Extracted from "TES V: Time Traveler Stories" modification Ulfric and his rebels were returning from the Rift ; "We must reach Windhelm, soldiers: let's be swift!" He was in a hurry; "Soldiers don't worry!". By now, the border crossing was behind them; It was the time to sing their anthem. Moral was up, everything seemed quiet; But soon the blood became the arrow's diet. Hundreds of birds made up of wood and steel did suddently appear; Behind enemies' wooden shields...they would quickly disappear. Sunlight was taken down; The carriage driver's outfit became red, but I swear, it was brown. Dozens of blue bodies did hit the ground; That was the Death and its terrible sound. A small group of rebels shared an unique name: "The Survivor"; "General! It could be enough!", said an Imperial advisor. The ambush was over; Everyone became sober. "Ulfric! Open up!"; "If I'll do it, my time in this world will be up!". "You are surrounded, your horses are dead; Today the spirit of the Stormcloak rebellion has been eaten like bread". This is the poetry's end; All hail the Empire! The Evil we will rend!
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