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  1. 1.1[1] Techorderlers made their way through the OldPentagon of Washington DC that officially ceased to function on Warday, of 2051AA, when the nuclear, biological, and nerve gas bombs were dropped across much of the world. The mysterious Doomsday followed in 2151AA after a century that was strangely obscure as history. Around them were Prewarday UNSDF (United Nationstates Defence Force) bunker conditions with typical WW3 propaganda posters, service-support remoterobots in bays, storage cabinets, light fittings of which only the emergency ones were active, swivel-chairs, vending machines and other utilities, fittings, furnishings along with decorations. The Ironstroopers paced in assault power armour with a whole lot of clever tricks built in. They mostly carried heavy hitting battlecarbines, better suited to close order combat than were bigger battlerifles, though there were also battleshotters, handlong missile launcherguns and lasercarbines. Battlepistols, shotgunpistols, laserknives and other weapons were for backup. The Ironstroopers looked somewhat like hairless, metallic apes but did not move as if they were. As they so often ended up doing so, they were soon fighting strange enemies of a kind that even they had not encountered before. Sentinel Saraa Irons dropped a helmet wearing mutaghant and wondered why the head piece staid fast in place when it looked as if it should have fallen off. She shifted her battlecarbine and blew a hole through the chest of another of the creatures, noting that all of them were wearing helmets that seemed to be fixed into place. The discovery went along with the realisation that the mutaghants were fighting with impressive coordinated discipline for mutaghants. Blast damage then exposed cybernetics beneath enemy armour; Conclusion, they were cyborged to some degree! Cyborghants fired off autoshotguns and autocarbines but also more dangerous, for the Ironstroopers, muzzle‑grenades and rocket‑grenades. The mutaghants had standard Prewar heavy security body armour, guns and other items; it was as if it had been issued to them in a well organised manner. Mutaghants were smarter versions of typical mutaghoulits or rampaging mutaghoulers but were not as smart as more ‘civilised’ mutaghoulmans; yet it was odd that anybody would bother to give them such equipment to use even with the cybernetics. The mutaghants were lightly cyborged but that indicated that they were probably being guided through some exterior means such as security video cameras because of the basic nature of the hardware that was exposed. Or was that the case? Cyborged mutaghants kept charging towards the Ironstroopers, falling as they were shot down, but then there was a sudden halt to their appearances. The dying ones shuddered and then lay dead at the very same moment; clearly a signal had been sent to cause that to happen. The Ironstroopers examined some of them lightly but then moved on. Less elite Techtroopers were following and they would have both Techsages and Techscribes with them who would do a better job of it.
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