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  1. I've been thinking about making games with text-based graphics, seriously. Part of this is due to my inability to find a decent game engine that can draw graphics. I was trying pygame for a while, but I just got fed up with the lack of information on the language, the arbitrary limits of it (such as not being allowed to have more than one window, among innumberable other issues from it being made with a outdated version of sdl), and performance issues. On top of this though, I figured it would actually be a bit of a fun experiment to see how far I can push text-based games. Text-based games you see today are mainly just 'interactive fiction', aka a 'choose your own adventure' book in digital form. I figured though much more can be done with it. Either way, I've found python highly limiting, especially compared to older languages like Basic. For instance, let's say you wanted to make an rpg (graphics or no) or some other game where you can move between different rooms. There isn't really possible in python. You only have two options; make a long list of elif statements to find which room the player is in, which is clearly not effecient, or do the stupid thing and have functions call each other, which will of course cause the program to quickly flood the RAM. I honestly wish I could this the sensible way and just go a goto or gosub command. Goto in particular would be ideal for such an application. No 'figure out which room the player is in every time they move', just 'go to this area of code and do this'. Thinking about this again today, I came to a realization; python wasn't made for stuff like this. I mean, who does games like this anymore? Seriously. Why would anyone support it? That's probably why there's no way to efficiently do a lot of things in python; it simply wasn't made with such things in mind. Essentially, I'm trying to use a language for make things it was never intended for. That's like making a browser game with just html and NO other language. Clearly it can't be done. I've been thinking that honestly I would be better off with c++. At least that has a goto command, niche as it may be in the modern world. Besides, having a compilable language would improve performence anyway. I can't draw graphics with it obviously, but if I'm making things strictly text-based, why not just use c++? The only reason I focused on python so much was for pygame, which I'm not using anymore. On the other hand, I have been thinking that using tkinter maybe a wise idea just to avoid having a command-line interface. Another thing I've been thinking about is longevity; the main reason I'm looking to make my own games is so I can keep games I love forever, rather than having to f*#@ing buy them over and over. There's also the fact that they cost no money, and I have the source code so I can 'mod' the things in anyway I wish, no limitations. Given all that, an interpretted language like python may not be such a wise idea; just look at what happened to Flash. Don't know if a compilable language would be any better though. Yeah, I could just re-compile the thing on a machine the original exe won't run on, but given how programming languages are perpetually being updated, the thing may not compile after a while (at least without me going through the thing and modifying it by hand). Maybe that's just a lost cause, I admit, though I'm still thinking that something like python wouldn't really be ideal for what I want. As I said, the thing has arbitrary limitions in the thing that forces you to do things in stupid and highly ineffecient ways. If someone could give me a way to do something like a game where you can move between multiple rooms or locations without having to use a long list of if-then statements every time the player moves to a different zone, I would love to hear it. I mean, I don't even see how you could make a game with graphics in python. The base module simply doesn't have all the commands you would need, and as far as I'm aware there's no module that does. Anyway, what should I be using? Is python my best bet? Should I just switch over to c++, for performance if nothing else (though I would have to sacrifice having an actual GUI if I did that)? Maybe use another language? I've noticed that notepad++ does support blitzbasic, but I have no way of knowing what version it supports or even if I could find the resources to learn such an old language (I have tried to look up c, but have come up completely empty time and time again).
  2. I want to create a script for a fallout 4 mod that is set in Canada. I wanted to know if anyone was interested in assisting me in developing the story. I already have a few ideas. - Game starts out with you as an 8 year old being inside of a building, watching as U.S. Soldiers in power armor execute your father, with them laughing afterwards. (A clear reference to the Iconic OG Fallout opening) - 10 years later on October 23rd, 2077, you attend a Canadian Nationalist Rally set in the outskirts of Ottawa. Things take a dramatic turn when all of the sudden a bomb goes off and vaporizes you. That is all I have for now. I was also thinking of implementing a BOS type faction of Canadian Mountain Guards but without the power armor. Please let me know if you have any ideas or interest in helping further flesh out this exteremely undercooked story.
  3. Hi ,After defraging mhw using razorcortex the game cannot access chunk file and does not give any error ,just closes after 2sec . The file is undamaged and in its proper location , but the quicksfv says file doesn't exist . How can i fix it without reinstalling?
  4. Hello everyone, I'm looking for a method to create multiple characters iteratively in Dark Souls 3. I'm aware of the game's mechanics and mods, and I'd like to generate 'n' characters using pseudorandom data. For example, I'd like to find a way to import CSV or text files with allowable parameter ranges. Character preservation isn't necessary; I'm only interested in capturing screenshots from different angles after each iteration and saving parameters of created characters. These screenshots should be saved on my PC with specific sequential names, and the character parameters and corresponding screenshot numbers should be recorded in a text file. Is it feasible to accomplish this using the game engine or mods?I need a method that will provide access to the character editor.Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.
  5. Hello everyone, I need a way to iteratively create multiple characters in Skyrim. I'm aware of the "RaceMenu" mod and would like to generate 'n' characters using pseudorandom data. For example, I would like to somehow load a CSV or text file with the allowable parameter ranges. Saving the character is not necessary; I only need screenshots from various angles after each iteration. The screenshots should be saved on my PC with specific sequential names, and the character parameters and the corresponding screenshot number should be added to a text file. Is it possible to achieve this using the game engine or mod? I don't know what branch should i use, sorry for duplicating msg
  6. Hello everyone, I need a way to iteratively create multiple characters in Skyrim. I'm aware of the "RaceMenu" mod and would like to generate 'n' characters using pseudorandom data. For example, I would like to somehow load a CSV or text file with the allowable parameter ranges. Saving the character is not necessary; I only need screenshots from various angles after each iteration. The screenshots should be saved on my PC with specific sequential names, and the character parameters and the corresponding screenshot number should be added to a text file. Is it possible to achieve this using the game engine or mod? I don't know what branch should i use, sorry for duplicating msg
  7. Hello everyone, I need a way to iteratively create multiple characters in Skyrim. I'm aware of the "RaceMenu" mod and would like to generate 'n' characters using pseudorandom data. For example, I would like to somehow load a CSV or text file with the allowable parameter ranges. Saving the character is not necessary; I only need screenshots from various angles after each iteration. The screenshots should be saved on my PC with specific sequential names, and the character parameters and the corresponding screenshot number should be added to a text file. Is it possible to achieve this using the game engine or mod?
  8. Hello! I've got a technical question for anyone familiar with the inner workings of the TES4 Construction Set. I've been working on a personal project for a while that involves reading through Oblivion's ESM files and interpreting their data in the C# language. This project is NOT a mod for the game, but it requires a good understanding of the engine and how the game works under the hood. Basically, the app will read the Oblivion ESM and plugin files and give me access to all the groups, records, and subrecords within and their corresponding data that I can use for whatever. This is essentially just a programming exercise for me. The problem I've run into is figuring out how the engine deals with associating the actual terrain objects with a worldspace and/or cells. My understanding is that a "LAND" record contains everything necessary to display a terrain properly onscreen, like texture information, mesh vertex heights, etc. But nowhere in this record (at least according to this page), does it actually associate this terrain info with any cell or worldspace. There is also no positional information detailing where the LAND record should exist in the actual 3D space. Likewise, no worldspace or cell references any LAND record (it's worth noting that TES3's LAND records contain coordinate information. This is not the case with TES4). To summarize, how does Oblivion associate the terrain LAND records with an actual worldspace or cell, and how does it get proper coordinate information to be placed in the world? Any and all insight is welcome and much appreciated! Thanks
  9. I need help!! I was trying to install SCAMPI and mods to Stardew Valley and I accidentally deleted all of the programming files in the common folder!! Does anyone know how to fix them? They aren't even in my recycling bin!! Please help me!!!
  10. So I've been toying around with the creation kit, and I just can't figure out the programming for the life of me, so I figured I'd ask around: can someone please help me program my marriage dialogue into the game for all NPCs that have the MaleNordCommander voicetype? I've figured out how to get these NPCs into the marriage faction using the creation kit, and I've been successfully able to marry guards and other NPCs who have this voicetype, but they have no dialogue. Using XVASynth, I've since created said dialogue and have all the files ready, in 16bit .wav format, I just can't figure out how to import them into the creation kit with programming for the marriage event. Can someone who has experience making marriage mods do this for me, or show me how to program the file to all actors with the MaleNordCommander voicetype? (Preferably that last one.) Here is an example of what I have so far in this mod. I will be making a 2021 version once I have the dialogue uploaded. But I need help with that first and foremost.
  11. I made an NPC with the following script: Begin DisabledNPCScript short done if (done==0) disable set done to 1 endif End DisabledNPCScriptThen I made a door, which, once activated, will enable the NPC. I gave it the following script: Begin EnableDisabledNPC short done if (done==1) return endif if ( OnActivate == 1 ) DisabledNPC->Enable Activate endif End EnableDisabledNPCThe game complains about the "EXPRESSION" and "Right Eval" which means that "OnActivate" is an incorrect expression and that it's also not defined in the script. What am I supposed to define it as? It's neither a short, nor a float. Or is OnActivate simply just broken? Help!
  12. Hi everyone, I've got two strings, eg. "Apple 1" and "Apple 2" and I want to compare the first 5 characters only, so I can test for the word "Apple" and have it return true for both strings. Any ideas if/how that can be done? Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
  13. I’m planning add variants to ever weapon tier of the game and add unique effects for each material type. I know a mod that does roughly that but if you try to match all the weapons with all of their materials you end up with a huge amount of assets to make and nobody have time to spend to make each item look like as good as they should. So, what is my solution for it? Each weapon tir will have its very own procedure and may even have unique maps and passes. There is an example of how it should look like one of the software inputs/output. I will make each weapon high poly meshes. bake the normal map to vanilla meshes. separate the base meshes by pieces and classify then using the name or vertex color by what will processed by Houdini fx and how. make a procedural modeling of each weapon tier unique aspects in houdini fx. (im pretty rusty in houdini but i'll learn it again) create tier based reusable smart materials in substance painter/design. create a id map for each possible combination. mostly using the paint bucket tool. batch all the models/textures. add them to the game. create leaved lists that the most exotic the weapon are rarer it is to find. add some hand picked ones to specified locations of the game. if possible: upgrade the crafting system to better accommodate the weapons variants (you chose the weapon that you want to create then the material like the enchantment system).
  14. So, from what I understand about the "No-Snow-Under-Roof" style mods for Skyrim, they work by having the modder go through and select areas where the snow should not reach, right? Well, I find an issue with that system: non-vanilla, non-compatible areas. I might not be understanding fully, so tell me if that is so. But I think it should work like this (if possible) for maximum compatibility: The mod calculates whether or not there is something above the empty space in question (a roof, a jutting-ledge, etc.) and stops it from precipitating there. But it should also check the height of this snow-blocker-thing, because a high ledge will not protect someone thousands of feet below, right? Unless there are walls, but you could have it factor those in as well, right? Anyways, that idea is purely based off of my (most likely incorrect) ideas of how the "No-Snow-Under-Roof" style mods should work! Just a dumbass, Sweez
  15. Is there any modder/programmer out there, who is able to add a "notepad" to No Man's Sky using the NMS Extender? Exploring planets would be nice with a way to write down things about them within the game. It would be great to have a notepad in the System/Planet-List, optional with keyvalues like 'weather', 'temperatures', 'size', etc.
  16. Hey Everyone, This is my first ever forum post so I would just like to start off by apologising for any conventions that I may have missed in posting this query. I am currently developing a Fallout 3 quest mod using the GECK and I am unsure as to how to go about setting up a protectron pod with a protectron inside it that you can activate from a terminal. I have set both the pod and the generic protectron it contains and the terminal as a presistant reference in the GECK and have set the terminals 'Link Ref' to be the generic protectron (Id = "genericPodProtectron "). When I activate the unit in the terminal the protectron turns on but the pod dosn't open to allow it to leave, nor does it seem to be moving around inside the pod(except for some sort of turning from side to side animation). I would greatly appreciate anyones assistance who can help me with this matter! :) Kind regards, rawd123.
  17. I am currently writing a computer program to be used as a modding "WorkStation", i will upload it here if anyone is interested and also need ideas for features so please post in this thread with any suggestions.
  18. I have an idea for an awesome mod for skyrim, but i am not a programmer so i am requesting the awesome people at nexus to make it for me, so the general idea starts here. i am sick of always seeing dwemer cogs struts gear bent scraps ect ect, and having absolutely no use for them, my idea is for a mod that creates a single person who wanders around skyrim, he is the last living dwemer/dunmer/dwarf. he is a blacksmith, if you bring him the previously listed useless items , he will convert them into dwemer weapons armor and items, like if i bring him a stack of dwemer struts he will make me a stack of dwemer scimitars, if i bring him dwemer plates he will make bucklers or armor from them, if i bring him dwemer cogs and gyros, he will make me a dwemer crossbow. i wish i was a talented enough programmer to make this happen myself but i am not. i hope this is a good idea and i pray someone here at nexus picks it up and makes the mod a reality. im tired of over heavy useless dwemer metals hanging around and having no use for them, please nexus, please make some kind of use out of these previously useless items. in the name of Talos. Moved to Skyrim Mod requests forum Bben46
  19. Not sure if this is the right place for this post because this is my first post on this site but I am desperate and in need of help. I recently started to want to mod so I downloaded the Geck and after I got it working I started to make my first companion mod. Needless to say I have run into problems. Not so much with the actual programming but for some reason when I try and type a parameter when writing conditions into a AIPackage, or really anything for that matter, when I click okay.... nothing. It just stays there and does nothing. I can't exit out of it and can't do anything so I have to close the program entirely as if it crashed. It's really annoying me. ^ That's what I'm talking about if you need me to be more specific. I simply can't do anything once I open a condition parameter. Please, if you have any advice at all on how to fix this so I don't give up on modding entirely, it would be GREATLY GREATLY appreciated. Thank you.
  20. Hey guys, what is the best equivalent to an Enum property in creation kit? I'm creating a new sub menu for by arena mod that allows the player to choose what type of enemy they would like to play against. Here is an idea of what I'm after. enum EEnemyTypeSelection = EEnemyTypeGhoul, EEnemyTypeRaider, EEnemyTypeMutant ;in the code EEnemyTypeSelection PlayerSelectedEnemy ;This will be set by the menu shown at start of game if(PlayerSelectedEnemy == EEnemyTypeGhoul) spawned_actor = spawn_points[random_spawn].PlaceActorAtMe(LvlFeralGhoul,1) elseif(PlayerSelectedEnemy == EEnemyTypeRaider) spawned_actor = spawn_points[random_spawn].PlaceActorAtMe(LvlRaider,1)
  21. http://puu.sh/s4Krc.png xedit-lib Description xedit-lib is a project to build a DLL Wrapper for the xEdit framework. This will allow developers in the TES/FO modding communities to make use of xEdit's record definitions and functionality to read and write plugin files from the language of their choice. Developers can then focus on implementing larger solutions rather than constantly re-inventing the wheel. The library will include extensive documentation, a full suite of tests, and plug-and-play wrappers for multiple programming languages. The languages which I plan on building wrappers for, in order of priority, are listed below: - Delphi (primarily for testing) - Javascript (with NodeJS) - C# - Python - C++ - Ruby - Java Design The library will be designed similar to xEdit scripting, though with a number of notable improvements. A primary goal is to yield enough functionality from the library to create a full GUI application as an alternative to TES5Edit at a future point in time. It's also important to return arrays from library functions so users can use functional programming paradigms for iteration, filtering, mapping, etc. All functions in the library will use the cdecl calling convention for maximum accessibility. All functions will use boolean return values to indicate whether or not the function executed correctly. All functions are internally wrapped in an exception handler which prevents exceptions from bubbling up to the calling application (which results in runtime errors). The library will allow applications to load multiple load orders without having to unload the DLL. The library will never directly pass out interfaces to files, records, groups, or elements. Instead, when an interface would be returned from a function the library instead stores the interface in an internal list and passes out an index (or handle) to the stored value. The calling application can release a single handle, or reset the entire interface store between extremely large operations. This should not be an issue, as the limit for handles is ~4 billion, which could only be reached if you loaded ~4GB of plugins or stored all elements in all loaded plugins multiple times over. We would run out of RAM accessible to the 32-bit DLL before we would run out handles. The library will feature extensive serialization methods, which will allow users to serialize and deserialize elements, records groups, or even entire plugins to/from JSON, XML, and YAML. Progress You can track my progress on the library from the GitHub repository. The planning document shows an overview of the functions that have been implemented and have not been implemented. As of 11/2/2016, I'm close to being halfway done implementing the library itself. Once the library itself is implemented, I will be working on the testing suite and wrappers for different programming languages. If you are a software developer and would like to help make this project happen sooner, please let me know. I'd greatly appreciate any help the community can offer me on this project. Use Cases I envision a number of use cases for this project, including patching, automation, resolving plugin errors, and building new mods. This project is, in many ways, a spring board from which many other projects can be made. I personally plan on making an Electron AngularJS application using this library. Working on Mod Picker has shown me that I really like the architecture and systems involved in web development, which are by my measure superior to desktop application development in many areas. (most notably GUI design) Please refer to the use cases document for more information about how I plan on using this library in the future. FAQ Q: What about Mator Smash and Merge Plugins? A: Those application will continue to be supported and developed. While fighting with Delphi to get the GUI to act as I want is very tiring at times, the battle is mostly won for these applications. I do not currently plan on phasing out support for them any time soon, and I am looking forward to coming back to them to polish things off. It is possible that these applications may be "remastered" into Electron AngularJS applications using xedit-lib sometime in the distant future. Q: What about Mod Picker? A: Mod Picker is still my primary focus. I'm only working on xedit-lib in my off-hours. (~10 hours/week, where 60-90 hours a week goes to Mod Picker) Q: This is awesome, but I'm not a developer, how can I help? A: I don't have a job right now. I'm building modding tools full time right now. I'm hoping to continue doing this for the next 6 months, but when my funds dry up I will, inevitably, have to go out and get a Software Engineering position somewhere locally. If you'd like, you can donate to me on PayPal to support my efforts. Additionally, I greatly appreciate your feedback and encouragement on all of my projects. Q: Can you really match or exceed the xEdit GUI's functionality in a new application? A: Absolutely. xEdit has a fairly simple GUI, and building a GUI using HTML/CSS/JS is a heckuvalot faster, easier, flexible, and customizable compared to building a GUI with Delphi or another programming language. Q: When will you be done? A: I expect to have the library "completed" sometime in December. By Christmas at the latest. The GUI application will follow, with an alpha release ready for use by 2017. Things should be pretty solid by the end of February. This is all just estimations though, and really depends on how much time and work Mod Picker will require over the next few months.
  22. Hello! I was just wondering if I can get help from someone who knows how to program? Basically I need a script that I can put on an item that will activate a terminal from anywhere similarly to the cheat terminal mod. I need this scripting just for future reference. Thanks in advance! :)
  23. Many games have that coding in the programming that slows things down for us PC gamers. I believe it's an anti piracy measure. Could be wrong. I remember reading about it once but can't remember what it is. All I remember is it starts with a D. Any takers?
  24. I was thinking, if you can play with only two voice types as a male and female with no restrictions, is it possible to add different types of voices like a deep tone or a faster tone ? Think like if you can put more voices edited via scripting and programming to make it part of the character creation with multiple voice options for V.
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