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  1. So my MCM stopped working quite some time ago. Woe is me :sad: I posted about it and everyone seemed to know the cause but no solution was offered. I understand mod authors have to be the ones to correct faulty scripts that get stuck, but that doesn't seem like it will be happening anytime soon. SO... since I can't even open MCM without it getting stuck, is there a way to configure mods outside of the game? An .INI or something?
  2. Hi, I have an idea for the site: Every day I see many users complain on the mod pages about their mods not working, and most of the time the cause is the same: they don't read the readme, so the installation procedure is ignored. When an author create a mod, sometimes that mod can't be installed by simply drop all files in the game folders. It could need some further steps, like choose between 2 files, changing some values in a file ini, use a precise load order, go to a secure place before the installation... All these steps are ignored if the users simply unzip all content in the data folder and run the game. So what about adding a warning for the readme? A new option in the mod page called "Complex installation" toggle the warning: If checked, when you download the mod, a warning will pop-up saying you must carefully read the readme, because the installation is complex, else the mod will likely not work.If unchecked, no warning will pop-up, since the mod is a simple "unzip in the game folder and activate".Users who always read the readme can disable these warnings in the user preferences page.
  3. We have a section setup for specific games which have pages hosted on this site at: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/316-nexus-site-forums/ If you are looking for mod help, tech support, or just to discuss those games you should post to the related section of the forums as this is where you will get the most immediate and useful response. Do NOT post these topics in this section as they will be deleted or moved to the appropriate place. If you have created a topic in this section and do not see it here, you should check the related forums for that game at the above link. Continued efforts to avoid proper posting locations will result in temporary or permanent loss of posting privileges. The PC Gaming section of these forums is intended primarily for discussions which are related to games not linked to this site, upcoming games, or general gaming discussions.
  4. PHOTO IN THE SPOILER!!! How do I fix the orange check boxes within Wrye Bash. I assume it means that my load order is a little out of whack?The Advanced Readme says: Some plugins have changed order. the game and the Construction Set/Creation Kit will adjust for this when loaded. However, if some of the plugins that you depend made conflicting changes to the same item, a different plugin may now dominate because of the reordering.[/size] I got an infinite loading screen on game startup of beginning a fresh save, so I just wanna see if maybe this has something to do with it. I'll include my load order as well, if that helps. (If you do check that out, let me inform you that I do only have the correct SOS - Civilizations, Dungeons, and Wilds needed for my mods checked. Not all of them.) Also, this appeared in my Overwrite mod when I exited out of the infinite loading screen. Skse/plugins CharacterMakingExtender.log FPSCounter.ini Fuz Roh D'oh.ini hdtHighHeelNative.log hdtPhysicsExtensions.log SafetyLoad.log Thanks in advance. Wanna get to playing as soon as possible because I need a break after my grueling Latin final. :down: LOAD ORDER:
  5. I sort of expected, that Vortex would handle the mods and it would be quicker than manually handling the files. But a week later, I still can't figure out where the essential functions to make them work are hidden in Vortex. True to the name? Things disappear in a vortex?? Does Vortex not show you the readme files or can I just not find them?? I have a dozen mods installed, enabled and deployed. Vortex shows everything green, no errors but I can't use any of them, because I can't find ANY instructions, like a readme file, a list of keys to use or manipulate these mods. I'm no stranger to mods, I've done my own game mods in other games - before NexusMods existed. But we made a readme file and told the users what keys will do what... So where do the instructions for individual mods hide in Vortex ? ? ? I can't even find how to open the console now. PS: I didn't find mod usage instructions on the Nexus website either...
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