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  1. master file BSStream error NIF BSversion is too old So i want to port in content from FNV to Fallout 4 and I have set the folders up correctly >Meshes>Fallout New Vegas Upgrades>NVMilitary Crate >Textures>Fallout New Vegas Upgrades>NVMilitary Crate Opened them in creation kit and created a new container and set everything up now i Just get red triangle with exclamation mark. Before I just got a grey see through square. Is it because I have to set the texture paths in nifscope as i have never done that before.
  2. so i got allot of mods in no man sky and i have encountered this one one weird bug where the water is redish pink which i really dont know where it comes from and its really annoying i dont want all my planets to have redish pink water. anyone knows what it is?
  3. Hello! I want to use Somerville place v2.0 in Fallout 4, but it needs Red Rocket Reborn to work properly. Since Somerville place v2.0 is a patch. Where can I find, Red Rocket Reborn. And where on my pc do I install it. Many thanks for the help. [email protected]
  4. So, for the quest Painting the Town, you can actually choose NOT to use green paint, and instead paint the wall Yellow or Blue. But even though Cans of Blood are a thing, as are Red ones (thanks to Far Harbour I believe), you cannot use them. So I was wondering if it would be possible for a mod to allow the use of those cans, and paint the wall Red, or if you are an edgy raider, Blood.
  5. Hey everyone, So I'm currently working on a gwent mod that I think is a lot more advanced than any gwent mods I've seen. Here are the general features: - Balance cards - Improve lore friendliness - A lot more cards have abilities - Add new cards - Add new card abilities (All of these are for the Skellige deck too) The new cards and abilities are the main features that I think will set my mod apart from the rest. In order to create some of the really interesting abilities that I've thought up however, I need to edit a few .redswf files. Specifically: deck_builder.redswf and gwint_game.redswf. EDIT: I figured out how to edit the .redswf files but can't quite get some features working. If anyone interested in gwent mods wants to try to figure out wtf all this code means with me let me know :P
  6. Hey all. This probably sounds insane but I'm having a hard time looking for a nice red light armor that matches well with this Mask of Blades mod by Seppoko. I'm a big fan of Fable and thought this was amazing, so if anyone can help me find an armor that matches, I'd be very grateful! *EDIT* Looking for armors that can work for both male and female.
  7. Hi NexusForums. This is my first time posting, so sorry if I'm an idiot lol Anyway, I was just hoping someone could please make an outfit that looks like Kazuma Kiryu's suit. Its basically just a grey / light grey leisure suit with matching shoes and a red shirt. Here's some pictures of it: http://i.imgur.com/6lKjl87.jpg http://66.media.tumblr.com/79965834bc57ed1f6048ad918b4155a0/tumblr_inline_obuwsvdbku1qa6ecl_500.jpg http://i.imgtc.com/XF9oa3A.jpg http://i.imgtc.com/fBGf0Ci.jpg Anything even slightly close to that would be greatly appreciated :smile:
  8. I'm really wanting a mod that'll somehow notify me that I've entered combat. Whether it be a glow around the edges of the screen, or a message popping up and fading... Anything, really. I like to play stealthy, but I don't like to be sneaking constantly. And I find myself pressing Ctrl to go in and out of sneak to check if I've gained aggro on some baddies while I'm out exploring. I'd rather just be automatically notified somehow.
  9. Hello :3. I am using the Terminator race mod on the nexus mods site and would really love to see Terminator vision ^^. If coding all the occasional text and computer messages a terminator would receive from different objects it sees is too hard I'd settle for a red screen with a few stationary computer codes buzzing on the corners of the screen. Anyone up for this challenge. Not a modder myself but i can't imagine that would be too hard to code. Thanks :3
  10. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to make a model and texture for the red handyman jumpsuit but with the top half tied around the waist, instead of fully done up. The specific jumpsuit I am referring to is: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090624231521/fallout/images/4/4f/Handyman_Jumpsuit.png But I'm looking to have it done in the style of the following: http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121106222425/farcry/images/8/83/Mikhail.jpg http://www.critiques4geeks.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/portal-2-thumb1.jpg I'm pretty useless at modelling. The best I can do is some nifscope at a very basic level. I would really appreciate it if someone was willing to help me with this. I understand this takes up peoples time and they do it all for free. Preferably, I would like it to have male and female versions but honestly I'll take what I can get. Thanks in advance for reading and posting. Cheers!
  11. ]Hey guys, another question... I have been working on a small mod, but I'm trying to expand it little by little. I've decided to tweak the mesh for a custom gun I made, and it won't load. [i can't upload .nif files to the forums, so I uploaded it here.] I can open it fine in Blender and NifSkope but in the geck I get the red error marker exclamation point of death, seen here: That's not all For some reason which I can't figure out, my mod causes random half buildings to float above houses?
  12. Sorry, wrong location. Im not really sure how to delete/move this..
  13. So I have one great mod request for Skyrim (In my opinion) and I've been posting on it and so have others. I only got permission for others add to Haven Bag recently. And then I come and check if anyones replied but my topic wasn't there. So then I checked my content and it was there but red. When I clicked on it, it said it couldn't find it and that I didn't have permission. Please help!
  14. The quest "Big Trouble in Big Town" can only be completed if you saved Red. But the quest "Strictly Business" requires you to enslave her. If you enslaved her, you basically have to ruin your relationship with the Slavers to get her out, or you have to just free her and let her die. I was thinking: there should be a mod that lets you buy her back from Eulogy Jones for a certain price. That way neutral characters can complete both quests peacefully and evil characters can save Big Town for selfish reasons. Perhaps even add a dialogue-chain where you sell Red back to Big Town for double what you payed for.
  15. A while ago I watched Fallout: Red Star, it was a Fallout fan made movie showing a Desert Ranger look for a girl before season 2 of Nuka Break, the orgin story of James, I figured a mod like the movie would be a great quest mod introducing a new companion and maybe a new land and if one exsists on Nexus could someone direct me there
  16. Hello! I wonder if someone could do a Preset that looks something like this: http://s3.gamefreaks.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Transistor.jpg I dont need the dress, just the face. Would be really cool if someone could do something like this
  17. Hi, I was wondering if someone more experienced could change the black cloth that sticks out from the Dark armor set to the colour red. The same red colour as the Crimson Set. If also, could this wonderful being also make the Armor set more in the colours of the Hollow Helmet? So it looks more worn and more grayish. This would mean a lot to me. The armor combination I'm looking for is a Hollow helm, Dark armor, Crimson hands and Elite Knight leggings. This would look so cool with the same colour scheme and the gray helm, chestplate and leggings. Thanks in advance! /LolFlox
  18. Mods that edit Nipton: - Nipton Rebuilt: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/56663/? - Niner (There is a mission that takes place there): http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/48002/? Things I've tried: - Validating Integrity of Game Cache - Disabling and Enabling Archive Invalidation Image of the problem: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/541879712595500371/682B2CB50F6F4841EAE7C58425119CE3234E1C3B/ These are all over Nipton, and I've never had an issue with this anywhere else (yet) [FIXED] To those asking "how?" 1. I deleted NiptonRebuilt.esp 2. Manually re-downloaded Nipton Rebuilt, overwrited the meshes/sounds/textures folders 3. Put the .esp back 4. Cleaned with Wrye Flash but UNCHECKED NiptonRebuilt - because it was already previously cleaned according to the mod author.
  19. A black and red color retexture to all of the feline sets would look great. The leather on the pants, chest, and wrists of the gloves having the black, with red accents all around, belt, straps on chestpeice, on the backhand of the gloves. Think it'd be kind of cool since there aren't that many black/red sets in the game. Thanks guys!
  20. I thought his outfit looked really neat. Anyone interested in making this mod for me? It's suitable for light armor http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100117190833/dragonquest/images/b/b5/Dq8-angelo.jpg http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/51d6e021429d93714c7698626efc4320/http://i910.photobucket.com/albums/ac309/peacefulrevolution/Roleplays/dq8-angelo.jpg?t=1279751260
  21. I know this has been requested a year or so ago, but would anyone be up to making this? I've always thought of this set as one of the coolest armors designed and my current modelling skills are amatuer at best. Plus i'm suprised no one has made it yet. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tribunal:Royal_Guard_Armor
  22. Howdy fine folks of the Nexus! It's always bugged me that the emperor doesn't have a real symbol of office in Skyrim, it was the amulet of kings and the red dragon crown was seen as "just a piece of jewelry". Surely it'd be the symbol of office ever since the amulet was destroyed? So I was wondering if any of you fine people would give making the red dragon crown a go? I've attached the only picture I could find of it, Uriel Septim VII wearing it in arena. It doesn't seem like to complicated a mesh, since the engraving looking bits could be applied with the texture Thanks in advance for any reply Nexiuns!
  23. Hey guys, I'm running the windows steam in a wineskin. I recently installed FO: NV, and with it, a few weapon mods. I manually installed them, seeing as you can't use any mod manager on a Mac. I installed the AKS74u, BM4A1 Captain Rex Battle Droid, HK- 47, MP42REX, and Raging Bull. When I was asked if I wanted to replace textures and meshes when dumping the files into the Data folder, I clicked replace and yes. Now, when I run my save, every gun but the BM4A1 rifle appears flawlessly. Everything else looks like this: http://imgur.com/a/khhQ6 I'm not sure about the battle droids yet, and I don't know if I should try installing the type 6 body yet. How can I fix this bug? What's causing it? Can I still install other texture and meshes from other mods? -Des EDIT 1: I've noticed that when I reinstall the M4A1 for example, and choose replace to all options, it overwrites the other weapons?? So it's like, I can only have one weapon. I wonder if this interferes with the droid mods too.. EDIT 2: Nevermind! I found that I actually have to drop the individual files of each weapon into the appropriate places! Now I have the weapons I wanted!
  24. Could someone please create a war paint that simply put 2 red slashes over the eyes, preferably compatible for all races, mod and vanilla?
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