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  1. as the title says, is the specific games forum bugged or what? every time I try to go to it, it goes to the Battlefield forum instead! I was wanting to see if there was an Ark: Survival Evolved forum, if not i was gonna suggest one but the specif games forums link seems to be broken!
  2. I was trying to open this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57929/ But I was redirected to this page instead: http://http//www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/Error?err=page_blocked&hr=1&he=1 (which cannot be opened) And I've noticed I'm experiencing this with mods that are published by that user only (Mofakin). Is it a bug or an error from my part? Thanks!
  3. hello first time posting here been a nexus user for a long time, however i feel the ads are getting out of hand when the mod page tabs, download links are covered by hidden links to off site ads. the latest one was when i was trying to download buffout 4 to my modmanger, i hit the link and got redirected to this site https://dougale.com/KHqCJhnSFddhKkYr2UeYDZLgz7n5pbqgSP9H89kIjgM/?cid=6209f258b9b33c00015215c6&sid=4_5301391-174200537-0. now i don't know what company's your working with for you ad campain's, however i feel its a big secutity risk and takes away form the user experince. yes i understand a ad block will help but when its come from a site that's got https one would think its safe. please consider the words from a user that uses your site.
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