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  1. http://orig05.deviantart.net/811f/f/2016/113/d/5/8195197adc610e7e7830832712999f1f_by_jay_hunter_frost-d9zzcon.png The Otaru Empire is a alien civilization which has thrived for over more than a millennium. It uses a modified version of imperialism and democracy to run its own civilization and has gone through multiple disasters. it created [or at least forming the creation of them and others added onto it.] humanity and they begun observing humans. eventually they saw humanity explore, expand, and evolve thus sending a ship to earth after several centuries. They didn't publically appear yet, but they began to live coinciding with humanity. This lead to eventually more of their bigger discoveries such as the first artificial intelligent robot... However russia began being hostile towards most of its neighboring countries for spying, and or stealing technology or sabotaging it. thus lead to a war which lasted for fifty years until russia decided to nuke everything on the eastern side of the world, also mainly due to sabotage of their directory systems of the silos. The otarus and regular humands began to "breed" with eachother and in most areas even made secret programs for such, while others already knew and simply didn't care. they left the earth when wary citizens thought they were here for a invasion, and attempted to attack. Which they then attempted to over throw their governments in the process. that was retaliated with the entire nuking of the earth. The empire has multiple names, including otaru order. and is led by a royal family following the name of "Kazami" the emperor is named hunter kazami. while there are also differing queens and empress's. the population is over around 10 billion+ on their home planet, and various more. which are simply mostly planetary citizens, or guards unless a war happens. they are very adaptive, but Abide by a strict code. which in short is basically: If a civilization we fight is Lower in tech or population, The war will adapt to fit with it. as they enjoy to fight. however, They will retaliate with necessary force depending on how the war goes. They returned to earth and took over new mexico, columbia, vietnam, moscow, puerto rico, a embassy in morocco, and even made a name of "vietstotzka". [This is a faction thread, which means it is a thread which will be used for primarily faction roleplays. how it works is, It is easier to join in a Faction rp, and you state your story and or limitations. people are allowed to "join" and if/when a rp starts, they can also RP as part of the faction they're in. If this is in the wrong section, please move it. as i am new here.] @gadethyn onmarothi
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