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  1. Hi, could someone make a mod where one can upgrade placable torches/sconces/iron torches for the base with surtling cores or flametal ore, so they burn indefinitely without the need of fuel. I know there are mods like Eternal Torches which give us indefinite torches already, but they are rather unbalanced in my opinion and i haven't found a mod yet where one has to put some effort into such an infinite light source. Sconces and iron torches consume less resin indeed, but in a large, fully lit base refilling them is still a tedious task and drains the resin reserves quite a bit. I think, having to upgrade existing torches with mid-end game materials to get infinite light sources would balance infinite torches a bit while still removing the hassle of refilling them.
  2. While working on an update for Interactive Torch Sconces, I found that sometimes torches in sconces don't cast light. Looking through RemovableTorchSconce01SCRIPT.psc, I discovered that while Torch01 (a usable torch) is removed from your inventory when you use a torch sconce, the script actually places RemovableTorch01 (an activator) in the sconce. Unfortunately, RemovableTorch01 has no way to cast light itself. I tried changing RemovableTorch01 to Torch01, which works to a degree. The torch in the sconce casts light (!) because it is an actual torch. (Without BlockActivation(), you could even pick up the torch directly out fo the sconce without activating the sconce, and you can see the weight and value of the torch by looking at it.) Unfortunately again, Torch01 isn't placed IN the sconce but rather at an angle. Because of the way PlaceAtMe() works, carefully positioning Torch01 into the sconce with SetAngle() and SetPosition() is not a solution because while I could get the torch positioned correctly in one sconce, the torch would not be positioned correctly in other sconces. I considered attaching an effect to RemovableTorch01 that simulates torch light, but then there'd be awful compatibility issues with lighting mods because those mods would change Torch01 and not the effect attached to RemovableTorch01. I also considered changing the object bounds of Torch01 to match RemovableTorch01, but I'm not sure if that would a) have any effect or b) screw up Torch01 placements everywhere. So, I'm out of ideas. Can anyone help solve this problem? Screenshots! An empty torch sconce in Solitude http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm277/kolgaeth/empty-sconce.jpg A torch sconce in Solitude with RemovableTorch01 and no light emission (default) http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm277/kolgaeth/no-light.jpg A torch sconce in Solitude with Torch01 and light emission (modified) http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm277/kolgaeth/torch01-in-sconce.jpg RemovableTorch01 in NifSkope (looks like the anchors for sconces are built into the mesh) http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm277/kolgaeth/removabletorch01-in-nifskope.jpg
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