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  1. I've been searching for some time now, and I've been rather shocked to see that very little has been made to add a Scottish flair to the game. I've see the kilted wolf armor by cassidydorman and the tartan stormcloak armor replacers by wartyX and a couple others. However there are very few stand-alone kilt based armors, or Scottish cultural mods for that matter. If there are any willing modders out there, I would love to see some new light kilt armors based on the images I've added to this post. Something that is not a replacer and simply adds a tartan to fur or Stormcloak armor, but a new and craftable series of armors with multiple tartan patern options so that each player can wear the colors of their liking (gray and black or blue and black patterns are my personal favorites, but would also like to see some historic and traditional earthy tones like those used in Braveheart and Rob Roy). Something that would be Medieval in era like Braveheart to keep it as lore friendly as possible. Perhaps a 'Highland' settlement of Nords who have been isolated and have developed their own unique customs and attire could explain it in the lore in a seperate mod later. Any suggestions or thoughts?
  2. hi, I had an idea: I would like to combine the bottom of the Stormcloak armor officer with the top of the Steel armor. Then I want to ask on a tartan kilt. And it would give an armor a Scottish style. So, if a good soul could create that, that would be great. Thank you.
  3. I'm not sure about anyone else but Hunting Horn is one of my favorite weapons. Thanks to the Deviljho update we also got an absolutely amazing horn to play with. Good song selection and it hits like a truck. Unfortunately... it sounds absolutely terrible. The song sounds on the Deviljho horn sound like someone wheezing through a choke hold. It's terrible. So I was wondering if it would be possible to replace the sounds with the Horn sounds from a different weapon set? Possibly the Bazelgeuse horn's drum, or the Rathian bell, or my personal favorite the Metal Bagpipes. (LONG LIVE SCOTLAND!). Personally I hardly use this horn just because it sounds so bad, and I use my Bazel horn instead since it's fairly comparable, but I'd love to get rid of the terrible sound so I can happily beat monsters to death with Deviljho's face on a stick.
  4. Back in 2014, LoganBruce released the beginning of something called "SkyrimKiltMod" AKA "UnfinishedKiltMod", which had a few issues. He quickly abandoned it and asked that someone else take it up and do something with it. So I have. I'm using the original mod's Posts page, https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60027/?tab=posts, for development until I have something rerelease-worthy. An alpha/demo of the overhaul-in-progress has already been posted there, and later ones will be as well. (The current one is at Mega here, but will be replaced with alpha 2 fairly soon; it's best to check that Posts page for current state of development; I'm posting the changes logs as I go.) I could use some initial testers, especially to detect mesh problems, texture UV issues, and appearance glitches under different lighting conditions. In particular, it would be helpful to have screenshots in various ENBs. Also needs testing as to priority: will it layer properly with vanilla gear? (Can't really account for mod gear, since modders will do whatever they want, including bad priority ideas.) * This demo is not intended for use in a save that you will continue with, as all the items (probably even all the IDs) in the current alpha will be replaced. The new ESP name (Kilts of Skyrim.esp) will remain the same, though. * It is MALE ONLY at this point (well, you could equip it as female, but it would not look right). * It provides a shirtless "cuirass", using the original near-white demo tartan (low-resolution, but good for testing lighter versions). * Has a red version as just a kilt (slot 49, pants/skirt), also low-res * And a green version (also just the kilt) with a new high-res texture and UV map. This is the version from which development will continue, since the results are better and the tartan is more easily customizable. * Does not yet have a belt, sporran, or other accessories. * All three are already craftable. * The fact that its visible edges are too thick and that it has some gaps at certain angles is a known problem already, as is the fact that the original texture (and red derivative) are too blurry. Another already-known problem is that it looks goofy at 0 weight, and flares outward like a ladies' skirt. This is not intended to compete with the great-kilt mod; this is a different garment, the small kilt (a kilt by itself, without the shoulder plaid). I think there's one other small-kilt mod, but this one has a mesh specially designed to work well with tartan (lots of straight lines), which is why I "rescued" it from the Land of Incomplete Mods.
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