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  1. Everyone has always recommended apps like Audacity for editing the wav files for the gunshot sounds and whatnot in Fallout 4. I go to great lengths to make all the sounds sound as realistic as I can, usually every playthrough I do it differently. But now I found out that Wavosaur is the only app I've found that can even detect "Loop Points" in the fully automatic wav files. These loop points are invisible to Audacity and lost when you save a file with even apps like DB Power Amp Producer's Edition in my experience. However, any wav saved through Wavosaur is perfectly playable, because it detects and saves the loop points as well as other things which it can detect that are a little too complicated for me so I don't mess with them. More cool info for those who actually edit wav files for Fallout 4 all the time: After going to the "Process" drop-down menu and then hovering over "Volume", it offers to boost/quiet the volume of the track by 6 decibels or you can hit custom to select an integer yourself. Much like Audacity's "Amplify" ability. There are many many other tools that Audacity does not have, however, but not a one that Wavosaur doesn't have as far as I know. But it sure is nice being able to edit wav files now, and attach loop points to sound I take from Star Wars Battlefront II to be used with various modded laser weapons, making incompatible full auto wav files suddenly compatible with Fallout 4. Also Wavosaur can arrange several wav files into a Loop Pointed single wav file. This is cool because a lot of wav files I pull from various video games and websites are broken into pieces for full auto.
  2. Hello, I am currently experiencing a problem with the sound of Ghost of Tsushima. The sound of waterfalls and thunderstorms is much too loud compared to the rest of the sounds in the game. I read on the Steam and Reddit forums that I'm not the only one with this problem. Would a benevolent soul like to solve this sound problem? I'll let you judge for yourself what comes closest to something really "realistic". Thank you very much in advance.
  3. Is there anyone able to create a mod that eliminates the incessant jingling sound produced by walking in the Cinderclown shoes? The constant noise with each step has become unbearable. Thank you!
  4. Is there anyone able to create a mod that eliminates the incessant jingling sound produced by walking in the Cinderclown shoes? The constant noise with each step has become unbearable. Thank you!
  5. I feel like Stardew is trolling me with the fish bite sound effect. I wear ear bud head phones, so I can hear the bite sound, I know I can use the exclamation mark that appears to catch fish. However, the bite sound makes me react every single time and I waste energy on a fake. I tried to mute the bite catch sound through options, but I can only change the style of bite sound, not mute it. ( why would i ever want to mute my cute animal sounds, but keep the annoying bite sounds...) I Tried to find other people with my problem, but not many people are annoyed by the bite sound...I also tried to remove it myself, which stressed me a little... If it's not too difficult to do, would someone mind trying to mute the fishing bite effect? Thank you.
  6. Greetings chooms, My name's Dom, I play in a band in Perth called Injured Ninja, and I'm a huge fan of Cyberpunk and of the modding community in general. (the hours I have put into Fallout 4 because of this community is rediculous) I'm looking for someone to help make a mod, as it's something I'm not at all familiar with. Essentially I want to make a custom radio station mod for Cyberpunk 2077 and am looking to commission someone's help to make it happen. I play in a band called Injured Ninja, and I think our music and a few of our side projects would weirdly fit into the game. I've seen other people make their own music for a custom radio station, and would love to know how to do it myself, or figure out what someone's time would be worth to help make one for us. We can make and provide any assets needed, just unsure of how to actually implement it into the game. Gulnare Funk - Hausu - Pyah! - Protostellar Core Collapse - Death / Jam / Toast (Boobs 'frampton Mix') - Puppies in Fish Tanks (Mathas Rap Redux) - Golden Top Mountain Journey (Ylem Remix) Those are just some demo tunes to give you an idea. There are bunch more. That, and I f*#@ing love mod culture, and want to learn more about the making side. (I do plenty on the playing side.) Is there a better place to reach out to people for something like this? Open to any suggestions, recommendations or advice on the matter. Cheers!
  7. Greetings all! I am creating a cave with many different rooms and trying to come up with a script or solution which prevents enemies from leaving a room because of being alerted by a disturbance in a neighboring room. Basically, if I'm fighting Bandits in room B then I want it so that the Bandits in room A and C will not become alerted and join the fight (until I enter each separate room). I'm pretty novice at scripting so I'm deferring to anyone who understands papyrus scripts better than me. There are various detection scripts that the game uses but I wonder if I can do this independent of scripting completely. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can achieve this? Is there an option within the Actors menu for detection? Can I place a static object or collision marker between each room that somehow blocks the sound? -Arx
  8. The sound when you hit an enemy with an arrow from a distance, is just as ridiculous and unrealistic as if there was no sound when hitting an enemy with a melee weapon. That said, there are four arrow flesh impact sounds, shown in the attached image. However, the file named "arrow_impact_flesh_004" is used for way too wide of a distance range (from player to target) It should be way quieter when the player and target are further away from each other, but it doesn't. No matter how far you go, you always hear the same impact sound as if you were 10 meters / 30 feet from the target you shot. I tried downloading Immersive Sounds Compendium mod manually and tested which of the four audio files for the flesh impact sound was used in the long distances, and muted one at a time. Much to my surprise, even if all the four audio files were totally silent when opening them in VLC, none of them were changed in-game. So I downloaded the whole mod and installed with NMM. There was also an .esp file and I suspect the audio files can't sometimes be muted by using silent files without an .esp. Since only when I had the .esp from ISC, the sound file in question could be muted by replacing it with a silent one. And it was the file ending "004" which had to muted to get rid of the sound at longer distances. Still, I've seen mods just replace a certain audio file with a silent one and that does the job. Why does an audio file, be it fx or voice, sometimes require more than just replacing the file with a silent one in order to be successfully muted? The real question is, how does the audio still persist in-game, if the audio file is muted and all the audio file and folder structure is correct? How can this be? Having the same issue with some voice audio files. They're mute in the files but not in-game. And I have no mods that could affect any of these audio files. If someone is a expert with this type of modding or knows how to mute the arrow impact sound, would be greatly appreciated to learn how to do it :smile: Thank you!
  9. Just sound effects from Resident Evil 2 menu sounds added into the pip boy screen and maybe a Resident Evil 2 or Resident Evil 1 Remake "Save Room" soundtrack when you enter "Sanctuary" or the Pip-Boy in general, would be fantastic and would go amazingly with our Leon S. Kennedy or Chris Redfield roleplays. Also i play on Xbox gamertag "Rain and Light". For anyone willing to take up the idea, thank you for reading!
  10. Think this is the right forum. And you all seem to be modding experts. Anyways, I created my first mod(!), so I decided to start small and change some sound effects for a creature. Overall, it works as I want it to. An issue I'm having though is the death sound effects. On my first initial release I applied a 5 second-ish clip. Upon the creature dying in game, it only played a portion of it. Doing some research (I think finding the answer here) the effects clips can only be 3.09, I'm assuming seconds. Upon editing the sound file to 3.09 exact, it still did not play in full. So on my third version I had to upload a simple effect. I also noticed, but isn't really that crucial, is that the death sfx won't play all the time. Usually because of the kill cam. But even upon a normal death. So my questions are: 1) Is there some way I can have a longer clip play (Nothing insane, but like the 5 seconds I mentioned)?<-maybe adding a "condition" or changing the "category" could work? 2) Ensure the death sound plays no matter what? <-would setting the priority to "highest" fix this? This is for SSE, I also have the intention of making this usable on consoles (mostly XB1), so I hope I don't need something like SKSE. Thanks for looking and your time!
  11. Hi! I'm trying to replace a sound file in Skyrim; specifically \sound\fx\mag\vampire mag_vampire_sunlight_01 I've renamed the new sound file and converted it to xwm but don't know exactly how to insert it back "into the game". When going to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\Sound\fx I can't find any "mag" folder. wat do? Thanks
  12. Hey all, I am having issues with sound replacer mods for weapons. They don't seem to be working at all, I have tried installing with NMM and manually but they still do not work. I have made the INI changes needed for Fallout4Custom and Fallout4Prefs. I am using F4SE. All other mods seem to work fine (even other sound replacers such as Clickerfied Ghouls) although I am unsure if Reverb and Ambience Overhaul is working correctly. I have tried uninstalling every mod and only installing a sound weapon mod replacer but that still does not work (the one I am trying to use is Commonwealth Warefare - Realstic Gun Sounds and Bullet Cracks). I have reinstalled Fallout 4 and NMM but that hasn't helped. Last time I modded Fallout 4 I did not have this issue (although that was on a different computer). I've been googling this issue for past few days but still couldn't fix this problem. What am I missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Edit: It seems P.A.M.S sound replacer is not working either. I have tried using the utility BethINI but that hasn't fixed it either. Edit 2: Ok for some reason some sound replacers work (P.A.M.S Hydraulic works) although they sound a lot quieter than they should. I have done a full reinstall of fallout 4 again and now using MO2. Other mods are installing fine, still some sound replacers are not working and those that do sound too quiet. Final Edit: So I have managed to fix this issue - if anyone else if having this problem here is what I did to fix it. Fresh reinstall of Fallout 4, then only use Mod Organiser 2. For some reason for me, neither NMM or manual install of sound files were working. After messing around with MO2 and its load order I got the sound replacers to work. Hope that helps someone!
  13. Yo, so i wanted to make a mod where a sound plays as an npc or the player power attacks, i dont know where to begin, i could apply it to every weapon individually but im sure there is a more efficient way of doing it.
  14. In the DLC Battlehorn Castle mod, you can acquire a war horn which grants you a spell to summon the man-at-arms to fight with you. There is supposed to be the sound of a blaring horn when you cast the spell, but it has never worked. So, using the CS, I created a new horn sound, thinking it might be the original FX (.wav) sound byte file. Not even my new sound file will work. Also, this is NOT the first time I've had issues with not hearing sounds where there are supposed to be whether original Bethesda or an added mod . Even as I study the CS, some sounds will "play" in the sampler window and many will not. Why? I have checked, double-checked, re-double-checked, over and over, and there seems to be no reason why the (horn) sound should not play when the spell is cast. Hopefully the problem has a simple fix. Can anyone tell me what it is? A hearty THANK YOU in advance!
  15. To me, giants' footsteps make giants sound like they are made of metal. Their footsteps are generally unrealistic to my ears. They shouldn't have audible footsteps unless you are in or near their personal space, and then it should be, at most, soft thuds. They're not 50 feet tall. They're less than 3 times a normal person's height. Related to this, elephants don't shake the ground when they walk, so neither should mammoths.
  16. for example i will be crafting or eating alchemy ingredients or makeing potions in large amounts after a while the sounds stop playing i am unable to save, and the game never catches up, as soon as it realizes it is supposed to play sounds when i do things it crashes but not to the desktop, if there is some kind of mod that already fixes this i cant find it, i have enboost usleep and like just about every other mod that helps with performance and this continues to be a problem. i have also considered decompressing the entire skyrim sound file to the data folder to work as a "mod" to get the sound to actually work but i dont know how to decompress esm files any help would be great
  17. Hello, I put this topic in the Special Edition section because I am using the Special Edition Version but I think this Skyrim Forum has more people viewing it that can help me. I'm still pretty new to creating mods for Skyrim and Skyrim SE and only have one small mod uploaded to the Nexus. I have downloaded a mod that edits the sound that plays when you level up a skill but when my player actually levels up the vanilla sound plays and I don't like it. I would like to edit the sound that plays when the player levels up to something else. I know what sound I would like to play but do not know how to actually put it in the game or what file format/program I should use. There aren't many mods that do this on the Skyrim SE Nexus and the ones that do mostly just mute the sound so I thought that I would also upload the mod to the Nexus once I'm actually able to make it. Can someone please help me figure out how to do it. Thank you. As a reference for what I mean this is a video for one of the few mods I found that does what I want (Just not the audio I want): https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12602?tab=videos#lg=2&slide=0 (Put the video to 9-10 seconds for the audio that I want to change)
  18. Hello I'm still pretty new to creating mods for Skyrim and Skyrim SE and only have one small mod uploaded to the Nexus. I have downloaded a mod that edits the sound that plays when you level up a skill but when my player actually levels up the vanilla sound plays and I don't like it. I would like to edit the sound that plays when the player levels up to something else. I know what sound I would like to play but do not know how to actually put it in the game or what file format/program I should use. There aren't many mods that do this on the Skyrim SE Nexus and the ones that do mostly just mute the sound so I thought that I would also upload the mod to the Nexus once I'm actually able to make it. Can someone please help me figure out how to do it. Thank you. As a reference for what I mean this is a video for one of the few mods I found that does what I want (Just not the audio I want): https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12602?tab=videos#lg=2&slide=0 (Put the video to 9-10 seconds for the audio that I want to change)
  19. The Bug: NPC's, companions included, when equipped with a Gauss rifle will immediately emanate the sound of the "charged up" Gauss rifle. Once this happens you can never get rid of it. Equipping / unequpiping, having them fire / reload, etc. Unequipping then leaving them for a few days. Nothing works. The character is permanently left with that "charged up" sound looping for eternity until they die. This is 100% more annoying when your favorite Companion happens somehow gets their hands on a Gauss rifle. I have scoured the internet (some Reddit, Steam and Nexus links below) So far no fixes whatsoever. There has to be a simple fix. I'm pretty sure I could stop the looping in console. Drop console, click on the NPC and enter command. The problem is I have no idea what command I could use. Does anyone here have an idea? Nexus forums https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6682542-compaion-gauss-rifle-charging-loop-sound/?hl=%2Bgauss+%2Bsound https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3930660-companion-gauss-charging-sound/?hl=%2Bgauss+%2Bsound&do=findComment&comment=35871290 https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3789905-constant-gauss-rifle-soundloop/?hl=%2Bgauss+%2Bsound&do=findComment&comment=34483180 Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/8vvxin/gauss_rifle_charge_up_and_down_audio_bug_fix/ Steam https://steamcommunity.com/app/377160/discussions/0/135509823668527778/
  20. Hey guys! Would anyone be interested in creating Alerter (Air Raid/Tornado) Sirens to Fallout 3/New Vegas? I mean, after all, this is a franchise about nuclear war, with many vanilla and external mod references to Civil Defense, CONELRAD, NORAD, Etc... If anyone is interested, then I would suggest the 2 most era or (lore) appropriate Alerter sirens would be the old gas-operated Chrysler Air Raid Siren, and the Federal Signal Thunderbolt 1000T / (1003 also which had selective Hi/Lo signal functionality). There are numerous audio sources available all over the internet, and I would be interested in helping to source audio if necessary. YouTube is a great source. This is something I would kill to see implemented in Fallout 3. I really hope to hear from you all! Thanks, Chris
  21. Hello, I need help, I have 2 questions please help me: 1-I want to add my skyrim data/sound an effect when walk on grass, it will give a voice effect.Where should I put the effect file on my data/sound? 2-I want to add my skyrim more and louder wind voice, where should I put voice file in my data/sound? Thx for help.
  22. I would love to change the sound of the impact phials to the sound of the thunder phials. The aemp of the thunder element sounds amazing.
  23. So how do you add custom creature sounds with creation kid, for instance another creature mod adding it to a new land with the creatures custom sounds.
  24. I have an unnaturally intense desire to hear Palpatine scream "UNNNNNLIMMMMMMMITED POWER!" every time I juice up a lightning spell in Skyrim. Apparently there was a mod that did this in Oldrim, but there's nothing of the sort that does this on SE. I imagine it'd be pretty simple to just make myself, so if somebody could give me a few pointers on how to replace sounds I'll do just that. Your service to the Empire is appreciated.
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