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  1. I wanted to give hats to my cows and sheep and pigs and chickens and stuff, in the same way you would for a pet, but it doesn't seem to be possible. I've seen people make similar mods before (one for turtles?...), but I can't find any that let you put hats on Barn/Coop animals! I wanna get into modding but I'm starting off simpler with a dialogue mod so I can get used to the code and stuff. If anyone else is good at modding and wants to make this, I would be soooo happy!
  2. Good news for the residents of Pelican Town - We're excited to open up the latest build of the Nexus Mods App to the Stardew Valley community! Important Before playing with the App, you need to know a few things. Please don't skip over this information as it may negatively impact your experience. This is alpha software, meaning it is still very early in development and may have bugs or issues that could break your mod setup. We've done our best to patch up any major problems, but there will always be a few "gotchas" we haven't accounted for. The app only works on Windows (10+) or Linux. MacOS support is coming later! The current build only supports Stardew Valley on Steam or GOG.com - more games are planned to be added soon, so don't worry if you don't see your favourites yet! Please only use the app on a clean installation of Stardew Valley. This means removing SMAPI and any mods you have installed before managing it with the app. This is important as the state of the game folder will be the state the app will roll back to when mods are removed. As we release new versions you may be required to reset your loadout and start over. We'll do our best to avoid this though and it won't be a requirement in the final release! The app will work on Steam Deck but the experience isn't optimised yet, let us know how you get on! What can I do with the app? The Nexus Mods App is available as an alpha pre-release on Windows or Linux and includes these features: Install mods for Stardew Valley on Steam and GOG (Xbox Game Pass support is coming later). Log in to your Nexus Mods account and download mods directly from the website. Cleanly enable and disable mods in your loadout. Easily roll your game to a non-modded state by un-managing the game or uninstalling the app. Get diagnostic information about common issues in your load order, including: Missing dependencies SMAPI or game version issues Potentially dangerous mod installed (XNB edits) In-app editing of config files (e.g. config.json) Planned Features This version is a development snapshot and doesn't represent the final version so some common features will be missing but we already plan to add these in later. Some examples of these include: Multiple loadouts (modlists) per game. Updating mods. Deleting downloaded mods from your Mod Library. Support for the Xbox Game Pass (PC) version of Stardew Valley. Sorting, searching and filtering the table views. "Rewind" - a global undo feature that will allow you to walk back changes to your loadout one at a time or jump back to a specific point in time. Collections support More games! Known Issues There are a few quirks we're already aware of in this release build, we've already got plans to address them: When uninstalling the app, the main UI will appear on the screen for a few seconds. You don't need to touch anything, this is just the app making sure it has undone all changes it made to your games. In future builds this will happen without the UI showing. Table sort orders do not save. We'll be properly recording this preference in future. Get the Nexus Mods App! You can download the latest build from here: https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/NexusMods.App/releases Feedback and Support Your feedback is our compass, so please don't be shy in letting us know your thoughts. There are several ways you can get in touch with us: Join the App Discord - Create a thread on the forums - Raise an issue on GitHub
  3. Is there anyone able to create a mod that eliminates the incessant jingling sound produced by walking in the Cinderclown shoes? The constant noise with each step has become unbearable. Thank you!
  4. Is there anyone able to create a mod that eliminates the incessant jingling sound produced by walking in the Cinderclown shoes? The constant noise with each step has become unbearable. Thank you!
  5. I'm not familiar with vortex and I'm trying to download mods for Stardew Valley. I had all of them downloaded manually but some werent working so I figured i'd try vortex. When I try to deploy mods it says "cant write to output directory". I deleted everything and im trying to redownload them all but they wont deploy. Anyone know what to do?
  6. I'm trying to start modding stuff, really a newbie here so i don't really know much about stuff but i'm learning. I've been watching tutorials and all about modding on Stardew valley and changing portraits looked like a good start, but for some reason i just can't make it work. I'm pretty sure i do follow the steps correctly and i've seen more than 3 diferrent tutorials to try and solve the problem but i just don't understand what i'm doing wrong. This is the error that appears every time i try to load my mod: [Content Patcher] Patch error: Rasmodius Portraits > Load Portraits/Wizard has a FromFile which matches non-existent file 'assets\RasmodiusPortraits'. Can someone please help me?
  7. The long-awaited 1.6 update for Stardew Valley will be released for PC players today. More info: https://www.nexusmods.com/news/14948 As announced on Twitter:
  8. Hi everyone, I'm in a bit of a pickle and could really use your collective wisdom. Before a recent Windows update, my Stardew Valley game was heavily modded and everything was running smoothly. However, after the update, my computer crashed and, as a result, all my mods were wiped out. I've tried to reinstall them, this time using Vortex for better mod management, but now the game won't even load my saves. Every attempt to start the game and load a save file results in an immediate crash. This has been quite disheartening as I deeply love playing Stardew Valley, and now I can't access my farms or continue my progress. Here's what I've done so far: Reinstalled all my mods through Vortex, ensuring they're the same ones I used before. Maybe I missed some but I got the "big ones", like Stardew Valley Expanded who could make problems when removed Attempted to start the game with only a few mods to pinpoint if a specific mod is causing the issue, but no luck. The game is also not working if I try to run it without mods I'm reaching out to see if anyone has experienced something similar or has any insights on how to resolve this problem. Any advice on troubleshooting steps or specific settings in Vortex that I might need to adjust would be incredibly appreciated. Thank you so much for any help you can provide!
  9. Seemed like it was easier before... this is taking hours. All I need to do is to update some Mods, maybe find one or two new ones to replace those that are never updated. Why has this become SO HARD to do? I would love to FILTER by Game, by DATE UPLOADED, by what it modifies, such as livestock, chickens, sprites, greenhouse, time, etc.... Wow, this has gotten such a big, stressful, back and forth job.... what happened? Can we fix this? Make it easier, again!? PLEASE! (AND any Mods that are not updated for newer versions could be archived, marked as out of date, or something? Someone, please... help? This is No Longer Fun!
  10. Every time I load my save game it cuts to the load up screen, im currently using the newest version of SMAPI and have these mods in the SMAPI menu this text comes out when i start it please let me know if you find a way to fix this
  11. I'm not sure if this is a me problem or something happening to everyone, but Vortex isn't detecting SMAPI nor running the modded version whenever I try. I've never had a problem with Vortex before. Any ideas?
  12. Vortex runs, and correctly detects Stardew Valley as installed, but whenever I try to download a mod from the Nexus page by clicking the "download using Vortex" button on the web page, Nexus Mod Manager loads instead, with error message "Unrecognized Game Mode: stardewvalley". I can't just uninstall NMM - I'm using it with Fallout 4 and New Vegas.
  13. Sooooo... hi guys. I always try to figure things out by myself cause I know how annoying it can be when people can't figure simple things out. I've tried searching the forum but can't find anything that fits my problem. 1) I am an IDIOT when it comes to computers. & I play Stardew Valley on mac, which doesnt make it easier. 2) things need to be explained like you would talk to a baby, otherwise im not gonna understand crap. :laugh: Anyways, I've downloaded Mono, I've downloaded SMAPI, &... nothing happens. I've tried 3 diff types of mod and nothing happens. but im afraid im doing something wrong? I've made a file where all my SV things are, and when I download a mod, I just unzip it in there. I've tried dragging it directly onto the SV app (then the game launches), or dragging it into SMAPI & then launch the game. Wether I do the first thing or the second thing, nothing happens. What am I doing wrong? I'm desperate. :dry: Thank you, and sorry for bothering you with noobie questions lol. Lilly
  14. So I've spent several hours now searching the internet looking for a way to solve this issue im having but ive come up with nothing specific. I am attempting to install the Anthro Characters Mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1083?tab=description) for stardew valley. I have installed the required mods, and the required mods for those mods, but i still get errors regarding empty folders or missing folders. Has anyone had a similar issue, or found information on the specific subject, it would be much appreciated. Below i have included a screen grab of what my mods folder looks like and a screen grab of the console.
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