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  1. Is there a way to stop tracking all mods at once or more than one at a time?
  2. Hi, I have been trying to follow Gopher's Ultimate New Vegas modding guide with several other mods but my game is currently crashing after only a few minutes of gameplay and often when I try to startup the game. Are there any bugfixes left for me to try? I have tried numerous bugfixes and other remedies for crashing including: bUseThreadedAI=1 and iNumHWThreads=2 in my fallout.ini, fallout_default.ini, FalloutPref.ini Fnvedit does not stop midway through load/scan LOOT says that I have 13 warnings but 0 errors NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP New Vegas Stutter Remover 4GB Fallout New Vegas Computer specs: Windows 10 Pro (64 bit) AMD FX-8320 Eight-Core Processor, 3.5 Ghz, 4 Core(s) DDR4 RAM 20 GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 DDR5 4GB My loadorder: FalloutNV.esm=1 DeadMoney.esm=1 HonestHearts.esm=1 OldWorldBlues.esm=1 LonesomeRoad.esm=1 GunRunnersArsenal.esm=1 ClassicPack.esm=1 MercenaryPack.esm=1 TribalPack.esm=1 CaravanPack.esm=1 YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm=1 Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm=1 ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm=1 Advanced Recon Tech.esm=1 FCOMaster.esm=1 AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm=1 Momod.esm=1 Lucky38Suite_Reloaded.esm=1 More Perks.esm=1 More Perks for Dead Money.esm=1 ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm=1 domecity.esm=1 The New Bison Steve Hotel.esm=1 NVR-Strip.esm=1 AWOPDeadMoney.esm=1 SomeguySeries.esm=1 More Perks for Honest Hearts.esm=1 Companion Core.esm=1 Project Nevada - Core.esm=1 Project Nevada - Equipment.esm=1 Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp=1 Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp=1 NevadaSkies.esm=1 Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm=1 Interior Lighting Overhaul - L38PS.esm=1 RobCo Certified.esm=1 More Perks for Old World Blues.esm=1 More Perks for Companions.esm=1 oHUD.esm=1 WMVM.esm=1 YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp=1 The Mod Configuration Menu.esp=1 DarNifiedUINV.esp=1 Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp=1 Project Nevada - All DLC.esp=1 EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp=1 FCO - NPC Changes.esp=1 NVR-Version_10.esp=1 Vurt's WFO.esp=1 outsidebets.esp=1 WeaponModsExpanded.esp=1 WMX-DLCMerged.esp=1 christinecos.esp=1 Advanced Recon Tech.esp=1 More Perks Update.esp=1 CNR_Beta.esp=1 WMX-EVE-AllDLCMerged.esp=1 MadScience02.esp=1 CourierCacheWSE.esp=1 AWOPDeadMoneyVendorPatch.esp=1 ILO - YUP Patch.esp=1 EMR-StealthSuitMkII.esp=1 NewVegasBounties.esp=1 NewVegasBountiesII.esp=1 NewVegasBountiesII Fixes - DLCs.esp=1 TheInheritance.esp=1 Russell.esp=1 AWOP - Russell.esp=1 hunter.esp=1 Advanced Recon Gear.esp=1 Advanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.esp=1 WMX-ArenovalisTextures.esp=1 MoMod-NightSpawn.esp=1 MoMod-MCMMenu.esp=1 Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp=1 More Perks for Companions Update.esp=1 More Perks for Dead Money Update.esp=1 More Perks for Honest Hearts Update.esp=1 More Perks for Old World Blues Update.esp=1 RobCo Certified Friendly Hit Fixer.esp=1 JIP Companions Command & Control.esp=1 The Weapon Mod Menu.esp=1 TrooperOverhaul-Dragbody.esp=1 NCRTrooperOverhaul.esp=1 NVR-NPCs.esp=1 NVR-ELECTRO-CTIY_Patch.esp=1 AWOP Interim Fixes.esp=1 FCO - GlowingOne.esp=1 FCO - Beyond Boulder Dome.esp=1 FCO - The New Bison Steve.esp=1 WMX-POPMerged.esp=1 My Merge Patch.esp=1 FCO - OHSB NPC Edits.esp=1 FCO - Russell.esp=1 FCO - Race Addon.esp=1 SnowGlobePerks_SkillsOnly.esp=1 SnowGlobePerks.esp=1 ILO - Nevada Skies Patch.esp=1 LFox Missing Ammo Recipes GRA DLC.esp=1 LFox Missing Ammo Recipes HH DLC.esp=1 LFox Missing Ammo Recipes.esp=1 AWOP-FCO3.esp=1 AWOP-MoMod.esp=1 FlashlightNVSE.esp=1 ILO - PipBoy Light.esp=1 pipboy2500_edisleado.esp=1 XFO - 4bb - Perks - Two per level.esp=1 dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp=1 courierpowerarmor.esp=1 Courier Power Armor - Advanced Recon Tech.esp=1 Courier Power Armor - Project Nevada.esp=1 KerberosPanzer.esp=1 Project Nevada - The Legacy of X13 Patch.esp=1 Crossbow.esp=1 CASM.esp=1 Cerulean Robotics Playerhome.esp=1 AWOP-WMX-EVE AllDLCMerged.esp=1 Project Nevada - WMX.esp=1 Project Nevada - EVE All DLC.esp=1 WeightlessAmmo.esp=1 Conelrad 640-1240.esp=1 CASM with MCM.esp=1 Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp=1 ILO - A World of Pain.esp=1 ILO - New Vegas Bounties II.esp=1 ILO - New Vegas Bounties.esp=1 NevadaSkies - TTW Edition.esp=0 NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp=1 NevadaSkies - Basic Edition.esp=0
  3. Star-mystyk did a great job with their mod "No Companion Junk Comments". http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10365/? <-- Seen here. But.... they left in all the "nice" comments that companions make about the items you pick up. And if you read the description and posts pages, you can see that the mod author seems to have zero plans to change this. For example, they said: "Those ones are in a different list which I left unedited on purpose, as IMO, it's not as annoying." [<-referencing the "nice" comments] and "Sure, I could do several more versions (for shipment comments, workbench comments, an all-in-one junk/shipment/workbench) but I don't particularly want to as neither of those annoy me enough to have them in my game." But with as much as I pick up, and I'm sure for others as well, it gets highly irritating when companions constantly want to make comments about it, whether they're nice or rude. Can someone please remedy this? Please comment if you think this is a good idea! Let's keep this on the front page of mod requests! Also please comment if you are willing to work on this. :laugh:
  4. Im on solstheim trying to sneak into Severin Manor but Lydia wont stop following me. I tell her to wait, nothing, I point somewhere for her to wait or tell her to do something, she immediately stops and runs back as soon as I cancel order mode, and even if I try to dismiss her I get the message saying I've dismissed my follower, but she still follows me and her dialogue options are still the same. I tried recruiting a mercenary and he took the gold but didnt move, now when I try to talk to him he just goes "ready to go again?" but I dont actually get any options to select, and Lydia still follows me. I think this was caused by me using Amazing Follower Tweaks, which unfortunately I didnt know wasnt ported correctly until after I used it for a bit. Or it could be because I resurrected Lydia...twice, while the mod was active because it broke her "downed" state. I've tried all sorts of console commands: set playerfollowercount to 0, resetAI, disable->enable, recycleactor. The only one that had any effect was recycleactor, but that made her disapear and not come back, which is not what I want. Dont suggest that I kill her, Im trying to fix her, not completely get rid of her. Any ideas?
  5. Bethesda really failed when it came to the arena for the Wasteland Workshop DLC. How the hell are you supposed to stop the fight if you want to? Maybe I want more of a boxing match than a fight-to-the-death. I'm requesting a build-able workshop item (a switch, a timer through a console, a bell, or anything) that signals to the arena combatants that it's time to end the fight, and preferably, to go back to their assigned Arena Contestant mat. And they do not, ever, resume combat unless directed to do so by the switch, console, bell, or whatever. I haven't found a mod that addresses this. If anyone knows of one, please let me know. If you also want something like this, be sure to leave a comment to help this post stay on the front page. Edit: Would also be nice to have an optional file to make settlers essential/immortal so if you use them as combatants and don't get to the new workshop item in time to stop the fight, your settlers don't die. Also, fun having them battle for the rest of time! Bwahaha! :devil:
  6. when i start the game it crush . i cant even reach the main menu , i think it's because skyui or skse because i have disinstalled both and now the game works , but now many mod doesn't , what can i do ?
  7. Because I want the game to be more challenging than just having to deal with bullet sponges, I've developed some personal rules, one being a severe limitation on the quantity of each chem I can carry (either 2 or 4 of each, depending on what they are, and any excess is left behind as though I never saw them - no stockpiling to sell), and for some of the more potent/useful ones (including stimpaks and grape mentats) I only let myself use found ones - no crafting them. Anyway, it pains me to feel like I have to mash buttons to get into the trade window to not run out my drug duration timer on some longwinded NPC merchant's repeated spiel (Percy is one of the worst offenders that comes to mind). Maybe the Survival overhaul will remedy this particular complaint of mine, but I kind of doubt it. And if it were possible to drop the rate of stimpaks in loot to like 5 or 10 percent, I would be incredibly happy. I have to imagine the drop rate can be altered fairly easily, but I'm no modder, unfortunately.
  8. In a mod of mine, I want to make a simple puzzle with 4 levers that enable one or more of 4 different objects. This is similar to the 4 levers/gates puzzle in Folgunthur, except that I want my levers to become inert after the puzzle is completed. Does anyone know how to do this? Or does anyone know of an example in game that does this? I considered using script states for the levers to change between "inert" and "interactive" states, but I don't know what Event I could use to automatically set lever to "inert" once the overall puzzle is complete (i.e., all 4 objects are enabled). Would it be possible to use quest stages instead?
  9. Hello, I would like to seek help from the forum community, I recently got into Fallout 3 on Steam and attempted to download mods for the game. My usual method is manual download (as it was reliable and less prone to suffer incomplete download), however this time around I got into a major problem, every time I tried to download any mods that exceed 100kb will suffer an immense drop in downloading speed. Initially the speed started off at 89 kbps, then dropped to 54 kbps, then 24 kbps, then drop to a jaw dropping 0 byte and the mod stuck at this stage till it finally failed and I got a network error for that file. I could download a good majority of other stuff at 875 kbps like game on Steam or 89 kbps in Mod DB, but I seem to have trouble downloading majority of the mods on Fallout 3 Nexus. Edited: it turns out that all mods within the Nexus Site is impossible to download beyond 100 kB file, I was shocked as 6 months ago the downloading speed was superb and I always got to download my files without hiccups, even big mods like Willow Companion Mods, but now I can't download even the simple texture mods. It would be appreciated to get help here. I really hope to get some great Fallout 3 mods downloaded and get the game started.
  10. A mod that either freezes or slows time (like VATS) when the Favorites Menu is brought up for those times when Hot Swapping just isn't cutting it.
  11. Hello there, I've seen one or two mods on The Nexus that alter the amount of experience points earned from different sources (combat, crafting, exploration et cetera). I'd much rather see a mod that disables experience gain altogether, though. This would be very useful for people who would like to introduce an artificial level cap, or simply stop leveling up after every perk in the game has been aquired. Maybe someone could even mod an adjustable level/experience cap, so the mod could be active all the time, rather than just activating the mod on the disired level? No clue what's possible with Fo4Edit, since the official tool is still on the horizon. Just a little idea from someone who could really use this. I'd love to be able to cap my character to level 50 or so, so every perk point counts, and I can spend as much quality time planning my character as I did with pre-DLC Skyrim, for example. Thanks everybody, have a good one!
  12. Can someone please get rid of the horrible animation that plays over your avatar when changing clothes? Or if the mod already exists, point me to it? Cheers,
  13. Whenever I launch fallout new vegas with anything activated even the DLC files it will crash. Help? I tried re installing the game then mods. When I launch fallout new vegas it wont even go to the loading screen it will crash and say "Fallout NV has stopped working" Here is my load order. PLEASE HELP. It legit doesnt let me run any mods or DLC. And BTW I am running Windows 7 64x Ultimate. FalloutNV.esmNVEC Complete + NVCE.esmCaravanPack.esmClassicPack.esmMercenaryPack.esmDeadMoney.esmHonestHearts.esmOldWorldBlues.esmLonesomeRoad.esmGunRunnersArsenal.esmTribalPack.esmELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esmELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esmInterior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esmInterior Lighting Overhaul - L38PS.esmrePopulated Wasteland.esmProject Nevada - Core.esmProject Nevada - Cyberware.espProject Nevada - Rebalance.espProject Nevada - Equipment.esmProject Nevada - Extra Options.esmaHUD.esmiHUD.esmG3SG1.espKABAR.espB92FS.espCASM.espAnimated Prostitution.espMission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.espMMUE-CP-ILO.espMMUE-CP-EVE.espMMUE-CP-Electrocity.espMMUE-CP-PNALLDLC.espMMUE-CP-PNCore.espMMUE-CP-PNRebalance.espMMUE-CP-PNEquipment.espMMUE-CP-rePopulated.espSPECIALer_DLC03.espAllCompanionsEssential 2.0b.espKatieNPC_eng.espSunnyCompanion.espUnlimitedCompanions.espNVWillow.espCentered 3rd Person Camera.espILO - GS Shack.espInterior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.espnu_women_of_the_wasteland.espEVE FNV - ALL DLC.espZan_AutoPurge_SmartAgro_NV.espProject Nevada - All DLC.espProject Nevada - Cyberware Additions.espProject Nevada - Rebalance Complete.espProject Nevada - EVE All DLC.espThe Weapon Mod Menu.espThe Mod Configuration Menu.esp Total active plugins: 55Total plugins: 59
  14. Hello, Skyrim's walking/movement always looks unrealistic to me, it feels like the player is skating or floating over ground. The feet just don't seem to connect to the ground. I have noticed that the movement in saints row 4 is MUCH more 'organic', and feels solid. This is AFTER trying multiple walking animation mods. One of the things I have noticed is that the player snaps back to the mouse cursor (faces its direction) after pressing any directional key. It looks fine if you are steering with your mouse but is so very un-immersive to see the player snap back into position, even when walking backwards. It takes away the illusion of control that you have on your character. There are, for me atleast, many problems which creates this un-immersive feeling like: The legs don't leap enough for the speed the player runs at(the animation mods I have tried didn't seem to address this) , stopping is abrupt - there is no 'cool down to a halt' animation or time and the feet unlike while having one feet on an elevated surface, don't seem to connect to the ground. They always feel disconnected. Is there any way the position snapping can be removed manually? Or perhaps any mods which address this? I would love for skyrim's movement to be more like saints row 4. Some detailed help about how the animation mechanics work in this game engine would be much appreciated.
  15. I had a few mods downloaded and everything was running smoothly. But all of a sudden it stopped working. Before it started crashing when I started a new game, I downloaded a mod. Well, it wasn't really a mod. It was a replacer for the idle animation. But it only started crashing a day after, after I played it a lot the day before. It's definently not the mods that I downloaded but it's probably the load order. Here: Oblivion.esm MidasSpells.esp Knights.esp DLCMehrunesRazor.esp DLCBattleHornCastle.esp DLCSpellTomes.esp AndurilReforged.esp DLCVileLair.esp DLCThievesDen.esp DLCFrostCrag.esp Fundament.esp DLCHorseArmor.esp Bundlement.esp Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp DLCOrrery.esp Natural_Habitat_by_Max_Tael.esp MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp Rogue Battlemage Armor.esp KT_CustomRaceFix.esp Natural_Water_by_Max_Tael.esp QTdof.esp Natural_Vegetation_by_Max_Tael.esp Birthsign Zero.esp DLCShiveringIsles.esp
  16. Hello, have you ever felt somehow disappointed to go all the way and defeat Alduin, with numerous dragon fights along the way, just to realize that your epic accomplishment hasn't actually change a thing regarding dragons' attacks?? - Simply a modification to cease dragons spawns entirely (DLC included) AFTER defeating Alduin. -
  17. I have two game installed, Fallout 3 and New Vegas from GOG version. I have done manage Fallout 3 mod setup and want to manage New Vegas. OK, at this point there's no problem but the problem comes when I want to play F3. When I activate it, at first half an hour(I think) it seem processing something when I view it on Task Manager so I wait. After 4 hours of waiting, The process stopped but the Vortex still showing loading animated icon. I though there's something wrong with my laptop so I restart and open Vortex again, and it still manage NV instead of F3. I found a way to fix this but it is so inconvenience, I had to uninstall NV and restart Vortex twice, first mention there's js error, second time start with no game managed and a notification about NV goes missing. So I hope the problem will be solved as soon as possible.
  18. Hi Guys, (sorry for my English.....) :dance: made a skyscraper in the creation kit and would like to make a pool on the top floor. And this is my problem... If I create an Activator - Water1024 on my terrace and move back down to earth. And I move below the pool...... Then I swim in the water. Is there a possibility in the creation kit some kind of water blocker or water stopper that I could use..????? That there is only water in the pool on the top floor and under the pool the water is no longer available. I would be very happy if someone could help me. Thanks in advance and best regards Daniel
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