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  1. 1.1[1] 210 years after the 3Doomsdays the Wanderer wandered across the desolation of the Wastelands, teleporting from point to point across the world. Sometimes he visited the dome sheltered Havens of the Havenfolk, the big underground Enclaves of the Enclaven, the edges of the Doomlands of the abominations and other zones. The Brotherhood of Steel had long arisen in the Lost Hills of California. The Minutemen had arisen in New England as did the TriInstitute and the FreeRailroad. The DCRegulators had arisen in the Wastelands of DC centered in the cracked dome covered WashingtonDC. The Followers of the Apocalypse, Ceaser's Empire of animal-humanoids, the Children of Atom, the Eurasian Dynastic Dominion, the British Imperia, the United Civilised Citystates and others had arisen across the world. There were also the TechVaults and much else besides. Mostly there were such as radghouls, radhumans, trogs, radbeasts, wraiths and other entities of the Wastelands while the Wastewaters had their own fair share of threats. Not all common entities were threatening and a few were only lightly so. The Wanderer had tricks of rejuvenation-regeneration of devices, lifeforms and some interesting other things like replication, teleportation and telepathy along with others more exotic and less used. He used them, as much as he could, to turn sometimes dangerous radghouls into friendly, fixed up, radrhouls, doing similar things for other entities. Yet his great secret was that there were four of him and soon to be more, some being female. In the Wanderdomain radrhouls, robots, some androids, animals and plants thrived.
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