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  1. As I have become more knowledgeable of how textures and meshes work, I am mixing trees from various mods for my own personal setup. Currently using Enhanced Vanilla Trees as my base and plugging in trees from 3D and SFO to get the flora I want. It still seems like some of the LODs are out of place. There is a lot of confusion when it comes to LODs. I only have the basic knowledge to use DynDOLOD for what it is intended. What I don't know is how it works with the LODs we have installed. When I am done setting up my custom trees, how will the billboards work? Do I also need to install the specific billboards manually? Or can I just install all the billboards for each tree mod and then TexGen and Dyn will sort out the LODs for the meshes and textures I am using? I don't even know if I can install billboards or LODs manually. Or overwriting mods in a way that uses the proper LODs, Using Vortex so I don't think there is an option like in Mod Organizer to manually select files to hide. If anyone has some guidance on this then that would be super appreciated and you will make my game look amazing. Thanks
  2. It could be nice to have a mod for athletics skills for SE (running speed, max weight carriage, jumping, etc...) but immersive with skills are increasing by training like old elder scrolls games. I know there's an existing mod for Skyrim standard edition called "Athletics training" https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30968/ Maybe someone with programming skills could be interested to convert to SE with permission... I hope so!
  3. Hi, I was wondering if anyone can help find me to solve this problem, some of the stuff is like missing textures and it's really bugging me, I really need to make it look normal as before. So, is there any mod or anything could fix this stuff? Is it vanilla bugs or mod made these things gone texture? Here's the pics - And Here's the texture/model mods that I using now - I hope you guys can help me solve this problem. Tq.
  4. Hi, Had some great advice from here in the past, and you guys are much better at this than me, so thought I'd reach out again. I've put a TL;DR at the bottom. I'm the author of Midwood Isle and as part of the update I am planning. The mod has always had some issues with lag, so I'm looking for some advice. I think its related to the mod being an ESM. I created the mod as an ESP in the LE CK, then turned it into an ESM using the ESMify script for xEdit. Below is what I found when testing the FPS: I think the reduced fps and lag spikes are due to the mod being an esm. The only reason I can think of is that (to my knowledge) an esp loads everything as persistent, whereas an esm has everything temporary and loads it in as you see it. That should in theory cause it to run faster, (so no idea why its slower) but it could explain the lag whilst exploring (loading the new cells). Regardless, I have no idea how to prevent this. With the mod being as big as it is, as well as issues like the grass and sky bug which affect esp files, I'd like to have the mod run smoothly as an esm, but I can't think how. I'd appreciate any advice :smile: TL;DR - Converting Midwood Isle to esm with the ESMify script seems to cause a lower fps and frequent lag spikes when compared to leaving it as an esp. No idea why this is :sad:
  5. Hey so after playing elden ring for a while i just noticed 50% beauty of this game's world is that huge shining tree! so i was wondering if anyone could recreate that in skyrim?? would be awesome to have this and with proper reshade it can create a VERY beautiful sight to see! Thanks in advance :)
  6. I think for most of us the 'go-to' mods are Skyrim Flora Overhaul and Verdant, but is it worth changing it up a bit in 2018? Tree Mod Considerations: Skyrim Flora Overhaul Skysight - Simply Bigger Trees Ultimate Lush Overhaul Enhanced Vanilla Trees Grass Mod Considerations: Verdant Unique Grasses and groundcovers Unbelievable Grass 2 Redux Veydosebrom Any others? I'd really appreciate advice regarding the compatibility between all the mods too. I'm looking for lush/thick/leafy trees, dense grass, varied groundcovers and flowers, very high textures.
  7. Hello everybody, I'm struggling to find what´s causing a particular tree model to pop up only at close range. I've tried messing with textures/meshes, got my DynDOLOD SE version running, changed a few lines in the .ini files, nothing seems to work at all. I can't tell if it's a lod problem, DynDOLOD seems to be working fine but the bug is still there. The aspen tree hd texture looks fine when you´re close to it, at distance though you can clearly see it´s not even the same model, it just looks black. By the way, I've been using an Oldrim Winter Overhaul mod since I installed SkyrimSE and I never had any issues with it so I suppose something just happened there recently because I've got 200h+ in-game so far and I've just noticed it a few days ago. I'll leave my mod list here and a few screenshots to see if anyone can give me any ideas on how to sort this out. https://modwat.ch/u/KarlDilkington/plugins A few screenshots: https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1704/9700715-1526567200.jpg https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1704/9700715-1526567324.jpg https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1704/9700715-1526567594.jpg Notice how in Solstheim some snowpines are not even. https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1704/9700715-1526567658.jpg https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1704/9700715-1526567709.jpg
  8. Ok guys, so I have been modding for days and have gotten my game to the point where I am pretty happy. BUT, the one thing I cannot stand that is driving me crazy is the LODs for the snowy pine trees. Does there exist LODs for these trees that does not look like cardboard!? Please someone help me, I can't stand to look at them... you can see a vertical line down the center from the face 90 degrees to you, it's just aweful. I uninstalled vurt's flora overhaul to get rid of the pine tree retexture to see what would happen but to no avail. All my other LODs look acceptable and I use TES5LODGen. Any help would be greatly appreciated! http://i.imgur.com/giCr5pW.png http://i.imgur.com/RhVJWOl.png http://i.imgur.com/03Btd0H.png
  9. Recently I went through the process of uninstalling the Tropical Skyrim mod as I didn't really like the look of it and it took away a lot of my frame rate. To uninstall it I went through a few of the necessary files and just deleted them, assuming that the skyrim textures.bsa file would replace them with the vanilla files. However when i loaded up my game, the tree Lods had somehow turned into stone wall textures, and I can't fix it. What do I do?
  10. As you can see in this screenshot http://imgur.com/Z4Remi5 ,the tree's I have circled are not rendered properly at a distance, and are either not affected by the Flora overhaul, or do not have trunks, branches etc. Do you any of you have a fix for this? :smile: Ty (Mod List) Skyrim.esm=1 Update.esm=1 Dawnguard.esm=1 HearthFires.esm=1 Dragonborn.esm=1 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp=1 Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm=1 HighResTexturePack01.esp=0 HighResTexturePack02.esp=0 HighResTexturePack03.esp=0 Lucerne Weather.esp=1 RealisticWaterTwo.esp=1 SkyUI.esp=1 SkyrimConfigMenu.esp=1 RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp=1 Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB - Flame Atronach Fix.esp=1 83Willows_101BUGS_V4_HighRes.esp=1 brawlbug-plugin.esp=1 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp=1 dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp=1 dD-Reduced Wound Size.esp=1 getSnowy.esp=1 The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp=1 Cloaks.esp=1 SMIM-Merged-All.esp=1 Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp=1 SkyRealism - Grass.esp=1 SFO - Dragonborn.esp=1 ABT - Faster Arrows Improved +75%.esp=1 ABT - Faster Bolts Improved +100%.esp=1 ABT - Recover +50% Arrows and Bolts.esp=1 Footprints.esp=1 Immersive Weapons.esp=1
  11. I tried to replace trees meshes, but it doesnt work. In game all trees are still a vanilla ones. Any suggestions?
  12. I am trying to swap around a couple of skills on the skill tree, to be more specific: Sniper Skill Tree: - Swap Battle Scanner with Double Tap Support Skill Tree: - Swap Deep Pockets with Saviour - Swap Rifle Suppression with Combat Drugs But I cannot figure out what hex string to edit. I have found the place I need to edit in UE Explorer, but I don't know how to translate that to editing the unpacked XComGame.upk. Can anyone help? Ideally by giving the exact hex string to search for in the .upk file, and what to replace in it.
  13. So I've thrown a whole bunch of mods together (from the RealVision ENB mod list here), and I found that the pine trees that you would find near Riverwood/Whiterun sway ridiculously fast, as if it were super windy. The thing is, these are the only trees that do this. Snowy trees, Aspens, and others don't do this, so I'm not sure what could be causing it. I'm still a noob in the modding scene, so forgive me if I seem vague or ignorant. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. Greetings! I'd like to know how can I make it so when you hit a tree with an axe it will give you firewood. I'm new to modding and even though there's mods like Woodcutter and Indefinite Woodcutting, I'd like to make a simple one for me. I already have Creation Kit up and running. Do I need to write a script (I'm guessing I would have to use the OnHit code if that's the case) or is there a tool that will let me do it more easily? If it's no big bother, I'd love if someone could tell me the various steps to reach this. Thank you in advance! Have a nice day :smile: -Nervly
  15. http://i.imgur.com/f5GrwyM.png I re-downloaded skyrim today and installed ENB but when starting my game I noticed a lot of tree textures pop-ins, anyone knows what's causing this? I've tried disabling multiple addons but it didn't help. This is my load order: Skyrim.esm=1Update.esm=1Dawnguard.esm=1Dawnguard - Textures.esm=1HearthFires.esm=1HearthFires - Textures.esm=1Dragonborn.esm=1Dragonborn - Textures.esm=1ClimatesOfTamriel.esm=1Moss Rocks.esp=1CityForestV2_6.esp=1Unique Grasses.esp=1EnhancedLightsandFX.esp=1ELFX - Exteriors.esp=1ELFX - Dawnguard.esp=1ELFX - Dragonborn.esp=1CinematicFireFX.esp=1ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp=1ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp=1ClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Hazardous.esp=1ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.esp=1ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-3.esp=1Supreme Storms - Cot Version.esp=1CoT-WeatherPatch.esp=1CoT-WeatherPatch_DB.esp=1CoT-WeatherPatch_Snow-40.esp=1CoT-WeatherPatch_SupStorms.esp=1CoT-WeatherPatch_NL3.esp=1ELFXEnhancer.esp=1Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp=1RealisticWaterTwo.esp=1RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp=1SkyFalls + SkyMills.esp=1JKs Whiterun.esp=1Watercolor_for_ENB_RWT.esp=1SMIM-Merged-All.esp=1SFO - Dragonborn.esp=1Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp=1
  16. I'm sure by now a lot of us have seen the Youtube video about the Danish guy who can shoot a bow and arrow like nobody's business. My question and request is: is there an archery mod like that on the nexus? If not, could someone please make it. Perhaps overhaul the archery tree so that movement isn't impaired while shooting, have rapid fire shooting, something that allows close range archery combat, maybe even remodel the quiver so it can be attached to the hip rather than the back.
  17. Hello. In Skyrim, the trees in my game when they are far away from me look really weird. Kind of flat and pixelated. The only mods I have that might impact them are: TreesHD Skyrim Variation Ultra AOF HD Tree LODs HiRes Autumn forest grass and green grass Skyrim Flora Overhaul SMIM (might somehow impact them) If someone could tell me what could fix this, like an ini tweak, or a game setting, it would be most appreciated. http://i60.tinypic.com/2ypcepz.jpg If that picture didn't work the link is http://tinypic.com/r/2ypcepz/8
  18. Someone please help me fix this problem with these trees. http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2015/020/8/7/skyrimbug_by_mirrorizen-d8eo2pr.jpg
  19. I am running RealVision ENB performance with elfx. Installed with NMM, Use ModOrganizer/ Loot. Cleaned Dirty Edits with tesvedit. Followed the whole description page to the single last detail. Skyrim.ini and Skyrimprefs.ini are edited from MO profile folder. enbseries.ini is in /steamapps/common/skyrim. I run SKSE through MO. All mods are up to date. I have included my load order. skyrim.ini skyrimprefs.ini and enbseries.ini Certain trees near Riverwood branches shake unrealistically. (00024B4B)TreePineForest3 Is one of them. They shake around more wildly then they should. Unsure if I am missing a patch for this possible fix? Image of type of tree below. Videos of the branch shaking. It occurs on a lot of trees of same look. https://youtu.be/wff6jiVo-Q0 https://youtu.be/Ll0VcJOKam4 TREE Also i am having an issue with trees farther away looking extremely distorted compared to screenshots of the mod.. I will show you my screenshot then another of what it should closely resemble. Not sure if there is a patch for this? My screenshot Screenshot of what it should be Also having an issue with trees close up not loading properly as well. Skyrim Launcher view distances are on MAX. Also have the same textures from far away trees making it look quite unpleasant. I have edited these settings. "uGridsToLoad=7 uExterior Cell Buffer=64" Below will be an example of what im talking about. Close but not enough to load Close enough to load LOAD ORDER Skyrim.ini skyrimprefs.ini enbseries.ini
  20. Hello! As a big fan of the Planet of the apes movies, I have decided to create an Planet of the apes mod! (This may not be the most lore friendliest mod). Features: Become a Chimpanzee (maybe other kind of monkeys too). Climb in trees as Chimpanzee. Climb on buildings as Chimpanzee New Chimpanzee perks wich makes the Chimpanzee smarter (makes you able to maybe equip armor and ride horses and stuff) Swing across in trees. If you chose to become the Chimpanzee in the race menu you will get another starting place. Jump farther and longer. Run like a Chimpanzee. Sneak (Sneak on all four, maybe an perk wich makes you able to sneak regulary) New quests. New houses. New cities and villages. New land. Chimpanzee colonies Chimpanzee leaders (You can become one and create your own colony) This is what I need: A modeler. An animator. Scripter/Modder. (maybe more then one) I create the new land and houses and stuff. Send me a PM if you want to help! Thank you!
  21. I am getting really frustrated with this now... No matter what entry I change in my skyrimpref.ini or which LOD I try out, I can't increase the start fod distance of the trees and add shadows to those which are 20m away from me. Ugly distant trees: http://s10.postimg.org/bd5n7m5on/enb_2014_08_03_14_52_40_29.png No shadows on distant trees: http://s10.postimg.org/qyw5j1wef/enb_2014_08_03_14_52_43_50.png Please give me the solution to this...
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