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  1. Hi, Had some great advice from here in the past, and you guys are much better at this than me, so thought I'd reach out again. I've put a TL;DR at the bottom. I'm the author of Midwood Isle and as part of the update I am planning. The mod has always had some issues with lag, so I'm looking for some advice. I think its related to the mod being an ESM. I created the mod as an ESP in the LE CK, then turned it into an ESM using the ESMify script for xEdit. Below is what I found when testing the FPS: I think the reduced fps and lag spikes are due to the mod being an esm. The only reason I can think of is that (to my knowledge) an esp loads everything as persistent, whereas an esm has everything temporary and loads it in as you see it. That should in theory cause it to run faster, (so no idea why its slower) but it could explain the lag whilst exploring (loading the new cells). Regardless, I have no idea how to prevent this. With the mod being as big as it is, as well as issues like the grass and sky bug which affect esp files, I'd like to have the mod run smoothly as an esm, but I can't think how. I'd appreciate any advice :smile: TL;DR - Converting Midwood Isle to esm with the ESMify script seems to cause a lower fps and frequent lag spikes when compared to leaving it as an esp. No idea why this is :sad:
  2. [The Nexus Forums' Preview Post button just ate my post so I'm rewriting it from memory, I'll try to be as polite and thorough as the first time but please bear with me] I am having difficulty most noticeable as being unable to harvest firewood in The Reach with Campfire's gather wood power, though I am not convinced that the problem is with Campfire itself so I am asking for help here. When I am in an area with visible trees, such as large portions of The Reach (though not necessarily unique to The Reach), I get a message that there are no trees nearby to harvest from. I do realize it is a deliberate design choice of Campfire that some regions are too sparse, but the process of what areas qualify is somewhat opaque and I'm not sure if I have a hidden mod conflict which I don't realize affects this. As a possible workaround, I have tried installing the mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9816. It is an older mod which is new to me. GWR appears to work in other regions (for example on some but not necessarily all trees outside Riverwood), though in these areas Campfire has no issue finding trees. In my current save, the nearby trees appear to be mostly TreeReachTree02 [TREE:000B8A74]. Nothing appears to be overwriting this entry nor most (any?) other tree records from Skyrim.esm, and this TREE is on the appropriate FormIDList in GWR. When I swing a weapon at the Reach tree, I do not get any visual or audio effect from striking the tree (which I do on "working" trees), and no wood from GWR. I cannot walk through the tree, so as far as I can tell "Collision" is "On". I do not intentionally have any mods which are changing vanilla trees, but my mod list is fairly complex and contains a significant number of landscape, texture and mesh mods so it is possible that something is changing these trees without me realizing it. Again, it may be that I'm in an area with no useable trees as a deliberate design, but the failure of GWR to recognize the trees as well has me suspicious. Also, harder to test but Hunterborn's Forage for "Firewood" seems to fail without a message in the same regions. If it is a known bug, or a conflict from my mod list, I would greatly appreciate some guidance on narrowing down the source. Thank you in advance. My current active Mod List from MO2: My current Load Order: Update: There are some trees in The Reach area I'm in that GWR does work on, such as some dead stumps, but every instance of that particular ReachTree02 seems to not work, so I don't know if I just picked a flavor of tree to test on that is deliberately excluded, or if it is supposed to work. Updated update: I am increasing convinced that this is two separate, unrelated "issues" -- GWR simply seems a bit hit or miss, no pun intended, on what counts as a tree (or at least, a tree's hitbox); Campfire meanwhile simply has its own way of deciding when there are enough trees, even if the criteria aren't always clear. I do still wonder if TreeReachTree02, and possibly other trees I have not yet identified, are creating or at least exacerbating these issues.
  3. This is the issue I'm having: https://i.imgur.com/QLiRDh7.png It looks awful. Nature of the Wild Lands comes with 3d lods, which I made sure were installed before running texgen/dyndolod. The trees look like they're made of paper, which wouldn't be so bad if the shadows didn't look so ridiculous. It's not that noticeable most of the time, but when the weather is sunny and clear it sticks out like a sore thumb. I've used Dyndolod quite a bit, but I'm no expert on the matter, so maybe my settings are garbage. My Texgen settings: https://i.imgur.com/DQVottJ.png My Dyndolod settings: https://i.imgur.com/rP6hGy3.png Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  4. What are your favourite tree and grass combinations? Any landscape mods you like to use with them? I used 3D Trees and Plants with Verdant for a long time and found those match really well in terms of colours and flora. Verdant has tall, thick grass that bandit bodies fall softly into and almost disappear. Recently, I used Nature of the Wild Lands 2.0 and Folkvangr. Both are high quality mods. There are some clipping issues with trees, and the bright green grass does not match the heavy canopy in Falkreath. However, this combination produces the best Morthal by far in my opinion. It has a very high performance cost, even without ENB complex grass. The least expensive in terms of performance is what I am trying currently: Seasonal Landscapes (both trees and grass are included). The trees are vanilla style, improved I think (I haven't done a direct comparison) and the grass naturally matches because it is within the same mod. It, of course, has the feature of changing over time which is an interesting experience. I think if Nature of the Wild Lands and Verdant had support for seasons that would be the best of all.
  5. We need paper as a resource. We have trees. Many of us use Boston Natural Surroundings, A Forest, or the like, so they have LOTS of trees. More of us use Immersive scrapping, assigning sane returns for scrapping things... like trees. Trees give wood, especially for Immersive Scrappers.Wood is pulped in industry. This is used to make paper and paper products like cardboard. NONE of this is cloth. Publick Occurances is not cloth, either. I can understand a lot of paper substitutes during the great Pre-War conflict... there was a lot during World War II. Wood exists, a lot of it. Barring massive deforestation, it's a very renewable resource! Industry's a DLC just about all of us have now. Piper is printing a *(^*&()*&^ing newspaper. Not a newsrag. We. Need. Paper.
  6. I installed a bunch of mods to help improve skyrim visually and also some bug fixes and what not. However, I noticed the trees don't seem right. I tried disabling TreesHD, 4K Trees Parallax for pines, and Enhanced Trees yet it still happens. I also have Flora Overhaul and enhanced texutres details (UV-Tweaks) yet I have no idea what is causing this issue or how to fix it. I just wanted my trees to look good. https://imgur.com/a/yWxQN52 https://imgur.com/a/9HLgRgY Here's the load order: 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp 6 6 Unique Flowers & Plants.esm 7 7 RLO - Interiors.esp 8 8 SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB.esp 9 9 SDO Full-LOD - Waterfall Effects.esp 10 a SkyFalls Dragonborn Small waterfalls.esp 11 b RealisticWaterTwo.esp 12 c RLO - Exteriors.esp 13 d Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB - Flame Atronach Fix.esp 14 e Watercolor_for_ENB_RWT.esp 15 f SMIM-Merged-All.esp 16 10 detailed_whiterun.esp 17 11 fallentreebridges.esp 18 12 SDO Full-LOD - Whiterun Trundra Creeks.esp 19 13 RealisticWaterTwo - Waves.esp 20 14 RealisticWaterTwo - Dragonborn.esp 21 15 SRG Enhanced Trees Activator.esp 22 16 Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp 23 17 Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin.esp 24 18 RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Dawnguard.esp 25 19 SDO Full-LOD - Giant Campfires.esp 26 1a RealisticWaterTwo - Dawnguard.esp 27 1b CinematicFireFX.esp 28 1c RLO - Illuminated Spells.esp
  7. Hi everyone, I'm seeing some purple pine tree branches and roots, and I assume that the origin is a missing texture. See the following screenshot: https://i.ibb.co/chczzmg/Skyrim-SE-2023-06-30-20-09-26.png Full mod load order: https://justpaste.it/aiink I already took a look at "treepineforest03.nif" in nif-skope. It's using two textures: textures\landscape\trees\vurt_pineatlas03.dds textures\landscape\trees\vurt_pineatlas03_n.dds Both are present and seem to be just fine... Do you have any hints for me what I might try to fix this?
  8. I think for most of us the 'go-to' mods are Skyrim Flora Overhaul and Verdant, but is it worth changing it up a bit in 2018? Tree Mod Considerations: Skyrim Flora Overhaul Skysight - Simply Bigger Trees Ultimate Lush Overhaul Enhanced Vanilla Trees Grass Mod Considerations: Verdant Unique Grasses and groundcovers Unbelievable Grass 2 Redux Veydosebrom Any others? I'd really appreciate advice regarding the compatibility between all the mods too. I'm looking for lush/thick/leafy trees, dense grass, varied groundcovers and flowers, very high textures.
  9. I am having a hard time with trying to remove the orange and yellow tint that is part of the untextured Chargen Tree nifs. I went thru all the individual Vertex data entries and changed each yellowish/brown colour I found to be a shade of grey with equal lightness to the original colour. I took forever to do one and the first time I tried it crashed on saving... -_- But went thru and did it again but the colours remain in game when packing the edited nif into a bA2. I had the correct file path for the nif. Is there a way to change these colours to be just grey tones, preferably in a simple way that does not take editing the colour of every single vertex manually? I want to use these for a winter version of Rustbelt Flora but if changing textures to something like a grey/white the orange tones show thru very obviously.
  10. Hello, I am still new to modding, but I have spent many hours searching/reading just trying to learn as much as I can (still feels like I know so little!). I have hit a wall in my research and would like to directly consult the modding veterans/experts. To explain my situation in short, I'd like to ask for suggestions on how to tell tree LODs apart when installing mods. If I can tell them apart, I assume I'll be able to better decide which parts of a mod to overwrite when installing using NMM? What is the file type of tree LODs and how do I view them? Based on my noob knowledge, most flora overhaul/tree mods come with pre-installed LODs? If my assumption is correct then if I'm using trees from one mod, I also have to use the associated LODs (in the same mod)? The mods I'm trying to combine are Skyrim Flora Overhaul and 3D Trees and Plants - lots of overlap between the two. I only like one aspect of 3d trees (the pine trees), while everything else I like from SFO. I installed SFO through NMM first, then installed 3d trees and let it only overwrite the pines and some tamriel-tree files? (what are these?)... So now what happens is I'm seeing trees from 3d trees when close to a tree, and SFO trees in the distance. And when I move toward the distant trees (LODs from SFO), they change into 3d trees. Seeing as the meshes are very different, the transition causes a very jarring "pop-in" transition from one tree type to another. I use NMM but am considering MO2 as I'm starting to experience conflicts with overlapping mods and apparently MO2 can alleviate the issue better... or not? I will update this post with pics soon, but I figured it might not be necessary if the solution was simple enough. Any advice or suggestions are appreciated. Any corrections would be even more appreciated! Even if it is a link to a guide on using tree LODs from different mods would be great. Thank you for your time! EDIT: I recorded some footage of it instead, I recommend staying in default view (not fullscreen) because my recording software isn't great https://youtu.be/IXa0MXj-Dxc
  11. This is a photo of the trees. Look normal up close, but awful and sometimes half invisible far away. Any suggestions are appreciated. Please help
  12. I'm using the mod The Autumn of Whiterun, and a lot of the trees up close are flat and pixelated. I'm not sure what is causing this, hopefully someone can help me out!! :3 Images here: https://imgur.com/a/5JSsM
  13. I don't know why I didn't think of this years ago, but it is such a great idea for Skyrim, and perfectly logical and lore-friendly considering these can be found in real life (go walking through an old evergreen forest once). Wayward Pines! Yes, those wayward pines from Sword of Truth. Basically, a giant honking pine tree that is very tall and old, and the the branches start at about 6 feet and up. Those lower branches hang low enough to completely touch the ground, and grow thick enough to provide shelter from rain, wind, and snow. Break off the dead branches inside that "hollow" spot underneath, and you have a cozy (if small) area in which to set up a firepit (a small one, and the smoke automatically curls up the center of the tree along the trunk, so no smokey interior) with stones and a bed roll or two. The idea I have is if someone were to use vanilla assets, scale up a tree a bit, and layer on more greenery and branches (to make it without a load screen), or make it solid with an invisible trigger to bring up the E Enter Wayward Pine dialogue option so that the interior is a separate space. Either way, if it's navmeshed properly, mods that add more travelers to Skyrim along the roads would be able to use these wayward pines for safe shelter. I could see these pines scattered all over Skyrim, and the ones along the roads would have a firepit and bedrolls (as they would be used frequently by travelers). You could even put a book inside about the etiquette (replace the firewood you use, and keep the fire in the pit at all times!) and a chopping block/woodsman axe and a pile of firewood right outside the entrance. Add a texture of a blanket of dry, soft needles on the ground, and you have a wayward pine! :smile:
  14. Hey folks My trees look awful, at day and at night, but mostly at night. It looks like they have.. no shadows at all? at day the trees are one massive piece of darkgreen texture and at night they are bright af and still got the "flat" look like at day! I installed skyrim today and have only these mods in this order: ENB: Reshade + DoF Enhanced Lights & FX ELFX - Exteriors Skyrim Flora Overhaul 3D Trees Simply Bigger Trees Dolomite Weathers Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin I already tried to increase the contrast in the skyrimPrefs.ini, i disabled one mod after another and I tried in game settings for my ENB but nothing worked. Anybody had this issue? At night: https://www2.pic-upload.de/img/34413194/20171203211755_1.jpg At day: https://www2.pic-upload.de/img/34413199/20171203214126_1.jpg
  15. I noticed that in the Fallout 4 trailers and the older fallout games, there were a lot less trees. Without trees, the landscape feels a lot emptier and ruined, like it should after a nuclear apocalypse. Fallout 4 though, has a shitload of trees everywhere. In my opinion, this makes the environment feel too cluttered and alive. I would make the mod myself but for some reason my computer shits the bed when I try to run the creation kit.
  16. I've been adding a couple of mods to my game and my trees started to look like the ones in the middle of this screenshot http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=685764861 Does anyone know what my problem could be? Any help is very much appreciated :smile:
  17. Don't you ever wanted the be a real wanderer by walking in a real Fallout landscape? I'm sure you do. Today I have a mod idea that will change the way you look at the game by making the landscape looks more like the live action trailer! Here is a preview of what it could looks like. image 1 http://www.gamewallpapers.com/img_script/wallpaper_dir/img.php?src=wallpaper_fallout_4_10_2560x1440.jpg&height=450&width=800&fill-to-fit image 2 http://static3.techinsider.io/image/561fc644bd86ef1d5d8b6e99-1190-625/the-live-action-trailer-for-fallout-4-is-incredible.jpg In fact, the game seems more like a desert (like in fallout new vegas!) and thats what will make the game looks more interesting. Why this mod could be that amazing 1- You will get an INSANE fps boost because there's less trees and some are way smaller. 2- The desert style will bring you back into a Fallout New Vegas game! 3- This mod should be munch more easier to make than regular mods in average.
  18. I have made a model of a palm tree in blender and scaled it to match an existing fallout 4 tree (mapleforest2 is the tree i attempted to replace) the problem im having is modifying the mesh to match the structure of the default tree in nifskope, and beyond that i have no clue if it will even work in game. if someone could make the attached mesh work in game, id really appreciate it if they'd show me the steps they took to get there. otherwise literally any info on the subject would be appreciated. https://hostr.co/2cMwKevYcC6g
  19. Why are all the trees dead? It's nuclear fallout, not the no-plants-allowed-zone! Give me mutant trees, mutant flowers, mutant vines that want to kill you, mutant seaweed, et cetera! I mean, seriously? As far as plants go, there's only dead stuff, hubflowers, bloodleaf, tarberries, mutfruit, tatos, corn, razorgrain, and a small handful of others. There should be more flora than that! How about we answer the questions on everybody's minds with a mod: what is the answer to the equation tree + FEV? Or tree + gene splicing? And what about tree + nuclear radiation over hundreds of years?
  20. http://imgur.com/nBpTRNj Hello. I have this kind of issue with distant trees. I've recently been installing, uninstalling and reinstalling various weather, graphical and lighting mods to try to get the interior lighting as I want. This issue with trees did not exist before. I do not know which mod causes it, but perhaps it might be common "bug". I should add that there are quite a bit of texture popping when approaching things, like ornaments on certain houses, treex, rock formations, etc. Any remedy to this, or perhaps mods that could improve the drawing distance would be appreciated. I tried one (can't remember name) but it made the distant trees cut in half and blocky. Thank you for any help you might provide.
  21. Does someone feel like adding trees, bushes, hedges, rocks etc to the list of available stuff in the settlement crafting doohickey? =D
  22. As you can see in this screenshot http://imgur.com/Z4Remi5 ,the tree's I have circled are not rendered properly at a distance, and are either not affected by the Flora overhaul, or do not have trunks, branches etc. Do you any of you have a fix for this? :smile: Ty (Mod List) Skyrim.esm=1 Update.esm=1 Dawnguard.esm=1 HearthFires.esm=1 Dragonborn.esm=1 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp=1 Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm=1 HighResTexturePack01.esp=0 HighResTexturePack02.esp=0 HighResTexturePack03.esp=0 Lucerne Weather.esp=1 RealisticWaterTwo.esp=1 SkyUI.esp=1 SkyrimConfigMenu.esp=1 RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp=1 Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB - Flame Atronach Fix.esp=1 83Willows_101BUGS_V4_HighRes.esp=1 brawlbug-plugin.esp=1 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp=1 dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp=1 dD-Reduced Wound Size.esp=1 getSnowy.esp=1 The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp=1 Cloaks.esp=1 SMIM-Merged-All.esp=1 Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp=1 SkyRealism - Grass.esp=1 SFO - Dragonborn.esp=1 ABT - Faster Arrows Improved +75%.esp=1 ABT - Faster Bolts Improved +100%.esp=1 ABT - Recover +50% Arrows and Bolts.esp=1 Footprints.esp=1 Immersive Weapons.esp=1
  23. Hi, I have re-made all the pine trees into black spruce and created Shore pines (pinus contorta) to replace the 'reach trees' (in Hjaalmarch only). Here is a gallery of the trees https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B1MLwX6WDo8cZEs2ZlZXX3M5RjA&usp=sharing I just need to resolve two issues then I will release the trees, 1. Adding animations) I have added leaf animations to make the branches sway but I think I can do better. I know in the original pines there are bones to make anims more realistic; the branches appear attached to the trunk not just wobbling in all directions. Also the Aspen trees sway back and forth, including the trunk, which would be perfect for my Shore pines. Is there a tutorial on Tree anims or can some one take a look at my nifs? When I tried to import my my trees in the original Pine nif structure it caused CTD and I really don't know what I am doing in Nifscope. 2. Better Lods?) I don't know if this one is possible without needing to generate lods via dynDOLOD or something but I want to replace the treepineforestdead01_lod_flat.nif with a more accurate one. Re-texturing the existing lod bilboard is not really good enough because it makes an x shape since the trees are leaning over. When I replace the treepineforestdead01_lod_flat.nif with my improved model it is not used in game... Am I doing something wrong or does it need to be change elsewhere? (If I could figure this out I could make way better lots for all sorts of things...) Thanks in advance for any help, David
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