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  1. A has Spanish culture in hammerfell and B has normal Yokuda culture and north africa
  2. I want to build this mod from source, but I know nothing about it, and there's zero info on how to do this. Ok, i've installed VS, but what version it needs? Mod is written in 2022, but everywhere is pointed that Skyrim latest supported version is 2019. This mod uses cmake, i tried to install it but VS fails to find toolchain file vcpkg.cmake (it's in default folder c:\vcpkg\scripts\). Also someone mentioned that i also have to build skse, but despite all tutors i can't do it, and there's zero info on it, i managed to fix one issue (for some reason common_vc14 should be in common\common, instead just common), but still get ~700 errors (tried both in 2019 and 2022). Though, I don't mind if someone will build it for me (actually that would be awesome), but still - this seems like something very common, but there's no proper info on how to do it, like everyone alredy know everything, but wish i could find those resources, where those everyone got this knowledge Tried those tutorials: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=SKSE_Plugin_Creation#C.2B.2B_Toolset_compatibility https://github.com/Ryan-rsm-McKenzie/CommonLibSSE/wiki/Getting-Started https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/jrfr6l/tutorial_how_to_build_a_barebones_skse_plugin/
  3. In Skyrim Vampires battle the dawnguard and Werewolves battle the Silver Hand. However Vampires don't battle Werewolves. Why? or why not? Anyway this is not a request but an idea, if someone has the time and is willing to do it. A werewolves guild in skyrim (hidden caves, houses etc) which fights Vampires (Volkihar or other) and the oposite (vampires also fight the werewolves) Ambushes, attack on the road, some werewolves transorm and some vampires become vampire lords, blood, battle, joy, death and BOOM! A war between the two most fearsome Skyrim's creatures. Choose your side. Remember, it's an idea, a concept, you are not "forced" to make it, meaning that I don't need this mod or else I'll kill myself. Thanks for reading, if you actually read it.
  4. Hello, i've been using Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul for a while now, but recently AI Overhaul got ported to SSE.I've never seen AI Overhaul except recently. I'd like to have informations on both, what both does exactly, if one do something that the other not does not, if one of the two do annoying things too and a comparison between them. A short description between the two will do. I'd also like people's opinions on both of the mods. What i'm looking for is a mod which will make the AI dance in INNs, sing, talk, ... do stuff that people would normally do. You know, immersion. I know that Citizens does it, but does AI Overhaul does it too? Also, smarter AI, using more tactics and all that kind of stuff. If you're too lazy to tell me the difference between both, at least tell me which one you prefer and why. Thanks!
  5. Hey folks, It's me again, but the question this time is a little different. I hope that you all are as helpful as you were previously, even though the feedback I gained wasn't really the one I was looking for. :tongue: Anyhow, a while ago I made a topic about helping me pick which videocard to get and initially I planned to either get a R9 290 or a 780. I've changed my mind and through thorough research, I have decided to instead go with a 780Ti since I can afford it. Although I'm left with a debate: What manufacturer to choose? I've done some research myself and have decided to have my pick inbetween two choices: MSI or ASUS. More specifcally, MSI TwinFrozr vs. ASUS DirectCU II. The end goal is to pick the cooling that's more quiet. All help is appreciated, please do stick to the question! Readme:
  6. I am looking for a mod that adds random battles to Skyrim. Even if its not 100's of soldiers but anywhere between 5-75 soldiers at a time. They would just be random events that you could run around and see once in awhile. Maybe a console command to increase or decrease the amount of occurrences of them. or the size of them. If anyone knows of a mod like this let me know or if you want to build it let me know and I'll help to make it. Be warned im not so good with coding or scripting so I would be a better tester lol. Thanks guys!!
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