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  1. I've always wanted a building that would allow me to quickly arm my settlers with customized loadouts, so you don't have to individually go to every settler and outfit them yourselves. The Armory is the solution. With it you will be able to purchase in bulk, things such as heavy combat armor and your own weapon caches for your settlers. This all comes at a premium price however. Most importantly, it will include weapon lockers which you will be able to "ring" to call your settlers to pick up gear and weapons from the cache you just bought. Hopefully there would be an ability to make and assign different groups of settlers to get a different load out. Features could include being able to specialize settlers into specialized fighters, known as classes. You could level these classes for exponentially more money, up to your own level. Unlock classes that can vary in rarity and power. Legendary Recipe would be used to unlock classes. They could even gain powerful perks by being leveled. And of course a custom class could be included using a generic, but still rare, legendary drop. This is for those players who want a caps sink that will actually make them use all that purified water they hoarded. This is for players who want to make Boston a warzone. If you want more details, continue below. Try to just read the italics and bolded sentences. *IGNORE EVERYTHING EVERYTHING BELOW* *THIS, JUST READ THE TOP* *Warning: Wall of text launch detected* Hey guys, first time post here. This isn't so much a request, its mainly me brainstorming ideas. Feel free to criticize, discuss or add anything you see here. I will try to make this wall of text easier to digest with important sections bolded or italicized. I would like to make this a project I could work on in the summer, but if anyone wants to take any portion of these ideas, and wants to work on them feel free to. Just give me a nod and I'll be ecstatic. Oh and if you can, give me a heads up if you plan to use one of these so either, 1.) I decide not to work on it, since you already plan work on it yourself. 2.) Maybe there could be a collaboration. 3.) I'd give you whatever work I had completed. Disclaimer: I know this is a lot of work, and I don't want to seem like I don't have any idea how much work it actually takes to make some of these ideas come true. That's why anyone is free to take these ideas, this is something I would like to do, but I honestly don't know how realistic that is. I also don't want to come off as entitled, as I said I am not requesting this, as I think its a rather long list of features, some of which are rather complex. If I did mod, It would have to be on the easier ideas anyway. *Also I'm pretty tired writing this, and might say "This WILL include" instead of "This could include." That's incorrectly phrased, also I may make typos or forget a word in a sentence, bear with me please! I'd like to once again reiterate the open source of this. I don't want to make it seem like I have ultimate say on anything. Ok, so the Ideas. What are the goals? Some of these ideas are related to each other, others are not. Ill try to keep them organized. I'd liked to improve immersion as well as adding immersive content, and generally make your settlers much easier to outfit with weapons and gear on a large scale. Why do I want this? *You don't need to read this, Skip if you just want to read the ideas, this is just personal context* Some Context: Story time Kidds. I have a lot of play time on a single character. ~900 hours, level 245. I have had a lot of time to customize my bases and settlers. I'm more of a "practical" player. I don't use space for aesthetics reasons at all. I fill it to the brim with crops, cages, and the necessary shops. Roughly around when I started to use the permanent over encumbered build, and with the introduction of the cages, I had so much extra combat armor and military style automatic weapons from me farming xp from Gunner Cages on Spectacle Island. I didn't need the caps at all as I had been abusing the purified water filters to no end. I also like to play with army men and like strategy games. I just love seeing massive battles take place on an open battlefield. Something something napalm in the morning. Here's the rub....If I want to make sure all my settlers get the gear I either have to rely on them picking things up off the ground which I had dropped, which personally I don't like doing, OR I personally go and give each settler a personal set of gear one. at. a. time. I ended up doing this. But even now there are settlers roaming with pipe weapons still...haunting me. I wanted a personal army patrolling the wasteland. I intentionally sent settlers on trade routers to every settlement FROM every settlement, causing a all the roads to be essentially patrolled by massive groups of heavily armored, geared to the teeth, immortal platoons of soldiers. This also has the added bonus of alerting you to any enemy anywhere near you, if you near any of the roads on the map. You also seem to get XP when they kill things regardless if you interacted with them or not. Othertimes not though. Its strange. TL;DR I wanted a big army of heavily geared settlers, but it takes an absurd amount of time to do so, and could be hopefully made easier. I want to be able to customize settlers, but also have a consistent way of arming them very easily and quickly. Also I want some endgame ways of making your very high level character incredibly powerful but with very high level restrictions or gates. *Read this* First Mod Idea - Armory How it could be designed? This would be a modular building, meaning you could snap different pieces of the building on anyway you want and they would actually have an effect on what happens. For example, you could have different rooms which allow you more options for customizing your settler. say if you wanted to buy a case of pre-modified weapons to outfit your settlers, you'd need a new set of weapon lockers and an outfitting area that allows you a second settler class loadout. I'll get more into this later. What could the building do/what features could this mod include? As I mentioned the building could be modular, and the rooms you "snap" onto it would allow you better and different options for customization, as well a way to quickly arm all the settlers in that settlement. So this could include.. 1.) Outfitting Area - Allows you 1 extra slot (in addition to the one you are given with base building) for a preset settler customization, you have either personally customized or bought. A. These preset jobs or classes would cost a high amount of caps, depending on how powerful the class innately is. B. These class presets as well as the building it self will cost a significant amount of caps, as it very easy to mass large amounts of caps in this game . I would like a caps sink, especially since this is more designed for end game play. (Maybe a new perk level for one of the merchant perks that allowed you to invest in merchants continually?) C. Another option would be to gate the classes to an extent. 2.) Weapon Lockers - Store your new weapon caches that you can buy for your kill squad here. These are massively expensive especially if they have mods. Buying 25 Powerful or Advanced Automatic receivers with a scope will cost you a pretty penny. There will be a way to have your settlers be assigned to different teams, so you can choose groups to get certain weapons. A. These could be designed for a certain "team" of settlers that you could assign via a new GUI, that would be far more intuitive and easy to manage all your settlers at once. I can't afford to do this small time s*** now. I'm a general I get subordinates to take care of it while I'm planning what to do next. This new GUI allows you to just check off and keep track of your settlers using a chart, for increased convenience and control over how you want to play. This allows for a more macro style play, that just isn't feasible with how the game is now. 3. Command Center(?) - This could unlock *hero* loadouts for a class. It could be a uniquely named NPC with legendary gear and armor. You could have 1 per class. So what would these preset classes look like? Could I make my own? What makes them unique? and other F.A.Q You would be able to pay (also restricted by you're level) to train your new classes. You could train a class by leveling it, significantly increasingly durability of your now new soldiers. Any NPC that is that class will be upgraded wherever they are in the wasteland. I know tthe settlers are unkillable by other enemy's - I propose a solution farther down in the post.) This would start out costing a few hundred caps for the very first levels, but when you start to really get up there, it will start to cost an absurd amount of caps to level them. Especially the higher tier classes. Yes customization classes could hopefully be included with an easy option to choose the armor for each part of the body, their weapons with the respective mods you want attached (maybe even a legendary mod can be attached to more powerful settlers for high prices or rare materials, maybe also require a perk/magazine?) all for a rather premium price, especially if you choose the higher end options. Any class you named would be the label that actually appears on them when you scroll over them. The classes level could also determine certain perks/upgrades that they are allowed to have or how many of these upgrades they could have at one time. For custom classes you could mix and match from a list of perks instead of having a smaller more specialized predefined set. These perks could be very powerful or rather weak all depending on the level required. Level 100 Master Assassin with perks/augments anyone? Some classes will be more expensive and/or harder to level up. Light, Medium and Heavy classes can maybe have different niches to fill so the different versions all have purpose late game. Making Settlers Killable, but having someway of resurrecting and teleporting them to a safe zone where they return to their settlements and do their previous assigned job. I'm not sure how feasible this is, but I don't like that you can't ever get to see who would win in a fight for real, without having to pay the high cost of getting another settler geared again. This way you could focus on having fun, instead of worrying about paying dearly costs just so you can have fun. Some way of toggling an attack on a specific settlement, and having possibly customized regiments of gunners or w/e attack you in actually a large force. Like 40, 50 or even more enemies. This of course would be taxing on your system so proceed at your own risk of crashing. Yes you can do this with console commands, but its much more messy and takes much more time. A more intuitive and more immersive system could help alleviate the frustration of setting up battles, while getting to enjoy all that sweet sweet carnage. As far as the preset classes go here are some ideas, the names don't have to be permanent by any means. Some of these classes could have higher potential and costs, as well as heavier and other alternate variants hopefully.The Shadow - Shadowy leathered asssassin. These guys you *could* keep around to harvest tato's all day, but that's a terrible waste of their talent. They would have various stealthy weapons, knives, sniper rifles. You can choose slightly different weapon loadout variants easily, and it could remember what you choose before so you can outfit settlers quickly in a row if need be. Or you could tell to go to a specific locations, and hunt for enemy types maybe, or just have them patrol. There could be light, medium and heavy versions of the class, with each increasing in cost but also gear quality, as their potential to be upgraded. Nimrods. A hunter class that provides more of an economic boon. They will store animal and creature meat depending on how high their level is as well what weight class, in a specified container or workshop. Heavy versions I'd imagine as being a little "off" they spend so much time a lone and hunting they a little...quirky. These guys defintley deserve a hunters hood of some sort, and in a perfect world a bow and arrow or crossbow. Hunting Rifles are their weapon. You can give them a preferred choice of meat to go after maybe? Choices such as Mirelurk, Brahmin etc. with the more powerful and rare meats being collected in smaller quantities in larger intervals. Machinists/Welder - These would look like the guys near Saugus Foundry, and would have a specific niche, I haven't figured what yet. The Ranger/Forlorn Wanderer - All he (or she) needs is his duster, and a big iron on his side. These guys like lever actions, powerful revolvers, (and possibly a specialized custom assault rifle at some point) that fits their enigmatic, wandering cowboy theme. Personally this would be perfect if this could include a recreated version of the NCR ranger and elite ranger, and maybe even a more Boston, urban type theme as well. I think this really requires those models, but you could make it work without it by using other longer coats or dusters in the game. There would be Light, Medium, Heavy and I feel like a Super Elite version could exist. Use your imagination to how badass they can be. These guys even at the lighter version are a more rare/expensiver class. (Maybe you have to unlock certain classes by finding a magazine somewhere around the map? Or maybe all the magazines get listed on your map as part of a long quest.) The Commando - These guys and gals love their submarine guns and assault rifles in whatever flavor they come in. In the best world, you would be able to choose if they were more stealthy variants with camo paint on their face, gulie suits. I'm Imagining Benicio Del Toro in the movie "Hunter" somewhat. The other variant could be the more Counter Terrorist/SWAT upfront. Body Armor, using a more modern looking assault rifle (like those used in the modern weapons mod.) Like the ranger this class could really use a new set of mod gear to go well with it, to get a distinct look, but it could be done without as well obviously. This would be a higher tier class as well, being a bit more expensive, and possibly having a Super Heavy or Super Elite tier like the Ranger. Perks/upgrades could include rate of fire increase, flat damage increase, but more imaginative ideas would be interesting. Institute Courser type class, or even turning you're settler into a Synth eradicator OR even a super high tech assassin. This is one of the more ambitious/unrealistic ideas. The Assassin I'm thinking something that would have a Ghost in the Shell (?) inspired design or even a Ghost from Starcraft inspired design. I'm thinking sleek skin tight marine wetsuit looking armor with what looks like cybernetic augmentations added to them. Face masks so that kind of dehumanize them and make them look more machine like. It'd be really cool if they could have dead space like holographic displays that would be animated. Thats the ideal version to me. The less ambitious option could include Synth gear. Even though I really only like the Heavy helmet and think everything else looks pretty terrible (Maybe a redesign is in order?). This is really up in the air, I don't know how I would designate the light, medium or heavy versions of this class. A Brotherhood faction, maybe outcasts, or maybe even an enclave type soldier. Or Atom Cats! I like to have plausible lore if I can, so if a reason could be made up to explain the reasoning why enclave or the brotherhood help you somehow. That's not super important though. These guys would be in the highest echelon of classes you could purchase. They have some of the best and high level perks available, as well as being clad in power armor (lighter versions may include conscript types.) These guys would be very expensive to level and even outfiting a single soldier is a small fortune. A high level Star Paladin with a gatling laser or worse will be very powerful and hard to kill. As you level up this class, the soldiers will take on their respective titles. Maybe super elite soldiers you have the option to upgrade them to have the Legendary ability to have two lives, and would use a legendary weapon. Enclave soldiers would be one of the higher variants you could buy, which would come with the signature x-01 suit of armor. Like I said, VERY expensive. I could also imagine brotherhood, institute, railroad specific classes that you get for siding with a faction, and this could be one of them. The atom cats could serve as a replacement so you don't feel like you are getting cheated on the other two factions. Grunts. These guys come in the standard Combat Armor, regular, sturdy and heavy versions. They have dirty armor helmets and combat helmets, with varying bandannas and eye wear. Yes, this is gunner type armor, but I want these mostly meant to be youngish looking adults that kinda have the attitude of a drafted private in the vietnam war, or like an NCR soldier. More powerful weapons will become usable after certain level requirements are met. (maybe even having specific commander types which boost effectiveness of those around them? Or have other "auras" you could purchase?) Some more half baked ideas Intelligent Super Mutants or option to ghoulfy settlers for unique options? Raider type loadouts that would be much cheaper could be available as well. Dust Devil types included?Maybe expensive but powerful economic classes that help you produce exotic scrap or large amounts of crops.Boomers variant for Grunts, that obsessed with explosives and long range artillery?Some way of getting your settlers to follow you, with a click of a button so you could feel like a general Thats what I got so far. Ideas to be expanded on; Some may already be done by other mods Feeling As Powerful As Your Level - Ok I have no life and I am level 245, I can accept that. What I can't except is feeling as though I'm really not that much better than someone whose level 45. I'd love some different reactions from enemies and people. Treating you like you just walked out of the vault, when you could mow down every single citizen in the city and hundreds of guards without breaking a sweat, and they want to test your patience? Or be terrified of you (depending on reputation if karma was still in the game.) I'd also like some way for your ranged weapons to scale with level or special stats somehow, (Agility boosting dmg slightly to small arms? Perception to rifles? etc etc.) and overall enemy's who are suppose to be scaled to your level should be tougher imo. Maybe extremely powerful and hard to get weapons that requires a high level perk to even wield.I want to feel like a demigod when I'm level 200+, I want gunners to freeze up and know who I am, and hope that I decide to grant them mercy. I want super mutants to generally ignore me, or even respect me for being a good fighter. I want to have an almost mythical power that even the animals and beasts of the wastelands respect, with deathclaws or treating you with a form of respect or even fear. I'm not sure what the higher level perks would entail yet. A game with more options for high end and post campaign game play - I also like the idea of super high level perks for level 100 and even 200 characters that allow you unbelievable influence over the battlefield (on a grand scale) with almost comical levels of power. At that point the games a joke anyway, so why not have the power you feel you should have!? I want to not just be a god mode perk or something...and I would want these very powerful perks gated behind quite a few things before you access them.They should also feel like they aren't just so overpowered that you are feel like you are cheating and just no clipping around or something. Make them somewhat plausible, even if they aren't entirely balanced. It's gotta be "Fallouty"A trait-Class type system you could use maybe? I was thinking for example a stealthy assassin type trait/class/tree, you could choose different call signs (like Whisper, Willow, Ghost etc...) that would be a more tactical choice for customization, with various boons that come at a price, and should hopefully change how you play. There would be other "trees" you can choose as well besides just the Assassin archtype obviously. These would be able to be switched at the armory though, unlike traits which are usually permanent. How this would be balanced, im not sure yet.A possible perk called "Washington's Life Guards" / "The General's Guard"/ "His Excellency's Guard" [These were names for the personal guards of GWashington during the revolutionary war.] allowing you to call two-four loyal until their dying breath elite guards to you, they could be slightly varied, but they would all have marine armor with automatic weapon, imo. They would stay for 20 minutes real time. This could be used once a day. Maybe also only activate it when you hit 20% life. (or have it tied to a new level of nerd rage..?) Chaos Button - The idea behind this is, you activate this mode and you amp up the spawns drastically across the wasteland, the numbers they appear in and how fast they come back. There could be a couple different levels of this since it would probably be quite taxing on your system, so you could have the number of spawns be lower or higher depending on preference.I believe there was a mode called warzones from fo3 or new vegas that did something similar, and it also added new battlefield areas where multiple groups would contest an area. The Ability to fast travel using specific caravan's on the ground, you could eventually upgrade them with better guards even if it's just for A E S T H E T I C reasons. This would be nice for me just because my vertibirds are permanently bugged and I am playing the dirty peasant ps4 version so there is no work around currently for this, and therefore I have to run everywhere now.Small things I hope someone turns into a (modular) gameplay mod. The ability to choose whether you want to still take rads from when you have aquaboy/girl and the option to be addicted to alcohol even after you picked up party boy. The first one is because you can heal very fast thanks to water and sunlight with the right endurance perks, and the second one stops you from attaining a max damage junkies weapon, which while it doesn't matter that much, kinda drives me crazy. I suppose someones probably already done this though. Oh and a way for me to just conquer bunker hill and covenant without having to be allied. Also a way to get the caravan tents or whatever from bunker hill. I never got those and It bugs me I can't just put a flag in the ground.Hopefully you guys think some of these ideas are of value. They certainly aren't set in stone ideas, and I'd love to hear feedback. I will continue to edit this post to add ideas from this thread.
  2. The main issue I'm having is that when I go near the New Vegas Medical Clinic my game goes into the looping black screen with splashing noises and the fading sounds and it forces me to load a previous save. This is a real pain in the a** becasue it wont let me advance in some story and mod quest. Any suggestions? SIDE NOTE: I also run FNV with FNV4Gb program alone with NVSE. Weapon Mods- >Winchester M1897 >US ARMY M1 Carbine >Mateba Modle 6 Unica >Falling Block Rifle >Colt 1849 Pocket Actual Mods - >Unified HUD (uHUD) >Mod Configuration Menu (MCM) >Couriers Cache >Silent Hill >Out For Hill >New Vegas Bounties 1 >Monster Mod Wasteland Edition >A World Of Pain (AWOP) >Pip-Boy 2500A (Cause I'm lazy) >Someguy Series >Light My Flare >Weapon Mods Expanded (WMX) >WARZONES >Open Broken Doors (TmT) >The Strip Open >Project Nevada >More Perks >FOOK >Fellout >CAGE (continue after game ends) >CASM (the auto saving feature mod) >Holster Gear >Beatrix Bug Script Sorry for the horrendously long list.
  3. OK. First let me state that this idea is COMPLETELY uncanon. And it is not a thing I am working on but a free concept for anybody who thinks they have the talent to create it. I do not have a name for it, but the main idea is to bring in an Extraterrestrial Empire i've dubbed the Rak'Shea. These Aliens have come to Skyrim to place a foot hold on the world and bring it to its people to its knees and use them as slaves to rebuild their alien society. It starts out with large metal probes that made out of black metal and glow purple on its inside. These probes land in all the major cities like Whiterun, WinterHold, and the Imperial city. As the dragon born you come to Whiteruns rescue and to inspect the probe. As you try to inspect it, its defenses turn on and a bright purple light blinds you and the entire screen goes black as you pass out. ((Cliche 'year-or-so-later' thing)) The Rak'Shea have been in power over Skyrim for awhile and even have begun to attack nearby kingdoms and lands, spreading their armies. Skyrim has changed, its lands are spotted with Rak'shea command posts, soldiers, and hovering warships in the sky ((Would have to find non-skyrim resources most likely)). The Aliens have brought along heavy rifles (Which could be easily made from crossbow animations) and large war beasts. Skyrims spirit has been broken as its people are enslaved by the Rak'Shea. You, the Dragonborn, have been in captivity, kept locked away as a trophy to the Rak'Shea king, Vulpes. But, you are suddenly set free by an unknown source. After fighting your way through the bowels of Vulpes's command ship, you finally find an escape pod with the help of your mysterious ally and escape to the surface to find the drastic changes of Skyrim. Throughout the rest of the mod, your missions consist of taking down Rak'Shea command posts, killing generals, freeing slaves, and building a successful revolt agains the Alien empire. Weapons would consist of: Alien Heavy rifles Alien Heated Blades Vanilla Skyrim weapons Armor: Alien armor of different types And vanilla armor And thats what I've brought to the table :/. I hope people enjoy the concept and might even take a crack and making it. It would be a pretty good sized Story, Quest, Weapon, Armor, and aesthetics mod and would probably take alot of time and effort. But yes, please enjoy the concept and leave any comments about it below :D
  4. hello i downloaded warzones and it works great apart from the bodies dissapear to quickly i understand i need a peformance pck and the auther says its in the archive what and where is the archive?
  5. Hi, I really like the warzones civil unrest mod, but i (like many) get a ctd when its on. any good alternatives to it? after a few minutes of googling i read about a mod called occupy skyrim but it was removed from the nexus now
  6. My game is currently running pretty well all things considered at the moment, and I just read about the warzones http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9494 mod and naturally started drooling. Then I read about the optimizations and the disclaimers and had to admit that I probably couldn't run it smoothly on my rig and so I wonder if anyone has suggestions about mods that contribute to the civil war feel, yet are not so sensitive that they require waiting 15 days in an interior and hyper vigilance about your history of tweaks and patches etc. Thanks! Immersive patrols? With possessive corpses?
  7. [1] Trenchzone Troubles [1.1][1] Knight Major Saraa Maishan wondered if the interior, of her powerarmor, could get any hotter and stickier than it was. There were some Seekatechies close bye but they were very busy repairing powerarma and other scihitech. Oversized enemy bullets exploded into the earth banks at top-front of the trench causing some dirt to trickle down into it. A mutiroach fled past her but, sensing she was no threat to it, was clearly more concerned about the battle in general. The BDUs (big dumb uglies) were using slippipeguns made from special type piping invented 34 years before Doomsday took place. That was almost exactly 100 years after Warday that had ended WW3 (World War Three) just as Doomsday had ended WW4 (World War Four). Slippiping was very enduring, against wear, and projectiles were not reduced in speed as they shot along a slippipegun barrel. The odd weapons also used other techtricks designed by the same eccentric supergenius who had refused to believe that any other than 'good' people would use his remarkable survival designs. Half, of a Predoomsday plastic poster of overdone propaganda quality, showed United States of NorthAm (North America); it had a map proudly showing how it ruled all of NorthAm including Canada and Mexico. The original USA ended with Warday but in the Postwarday times the USNA had arisen to replace it, eagerly conquering Canada, and Mexico, in the process. Then it, in turn, had fallen when Doomsday took place or so went the general stories. NewWashington's South GrandMall was trench warfare raging but the trenches were much older than the current conflict; it was a savage fight between the SeekaChapterDC and HulkMarshal Smashbang's hulktant army from SBC1232. On the side of the Seekars were local volunteers including experienced, disciplined, fighters. Serving the hulktants were zytants, animatants and some pyskertants; the last with their narrow ranged, but dangerous, psychic based psyker powers. Knight Captain Venger cursed through the 2way radionet of the powerarmor suits. "We all need to get out of the hot, bright, sun or at least a few of us are going to get sick." Then it happened, all of a sudden, taking all by surprise. The flash of light filled the area, radiating out from Saraa herself, and then the two were waking up in improved powerarmor with just as enhanced other tech. They felt better of mind-body-spirit, the last being that which could not really be explained in reference to mind or body. A camouflaged roof, heavily armoured, and able to crumple to divert kinetic force, lay overhead providing shade. The irony was that it was no longer needed due to the improved powerarmor. Venger smiled. "Inbuilt tubes supplying fresh water, coffee and foodpaste." Saraa raised one powered hand, moving her large battlerifle to do so. "Everything has gone silent but peacefully so, not tensely so." At moment the mutiroach returned but now it was covered with flexible armour platelets above and a smooth plate on its belly. It was Saraa who, somehow, knew this to be. It came up to her and huddled down next to her taking it for granted that she would do it no harm. Then it began to suck on its own inbuilt tube of foodpaste. Venger showed his amazement in his voice. "I suppose we could call it an armorroach!" Saraa stroked the creature's back. "It is a 'she' and she is pregnant." ***** Celestibaby, as a Celestigod Baby, was awakening, sleepy still, but aware anyway as her mind reached out carefully explore the area. Thus she picked up the presence of the Seekars, off the mutageltants, of mutiradtants and other entities. She knew at once, easily, that some subtle factor linked her with all of the lifeforms there, some influence that had come from herself in the past but as yet she could define its true nature. Then there were the others...
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