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  1. In this forum game you will fight over who's better, you must explain why you are better than the person who posted before you!
  2. If you are a fan of Doctor Who, you will know how it looks. I really need that mod! I have T. A. R. D. I. S. and Time Lord race, all I need is 10th Doctor trench coat and red sneakers! I will love the person who would make such a mod!
  3. Hello, my idea is to have a doctor who world which would have various features of doctor who. I would like to be based in the 10th doctor era. There would be a lot of new npc types: Daleks(most health of any creature in game) the cult of skaro(attack:laser insta-kill spell, Loot: 3 dalekanium and gold more health than standard dalek, Instead of dying these say emergency temporal shift and glow blue and vanish leaving the loot on the ground) davros(attack: 50pt shock damage spell, Loot: Dalek Control Atom(quest item) supreme dalek(attack:laser insta-kill spell, Loot: 5 dalekanium and gold, more health than cult of skaro members) dalek(attack:laser insta-kill spell, Loot: 1 dalekanium and gold) Trash Can((attack:laser insta-kill spell, Loot: 1 dalekanium and gold, memory core) Cyberman Cyberman(attack hand-to hand and 30pt shock damage Touch spell) Cybercontroller(attack hand-to hand and 50pt shock damage Touch spell) CyberLeader(attack hand-to hand and 40pt shock damage Touch spell) Cybershade(wolf attack) Unit wounded unit soldier(loot:unit uniform) Torchwood Cpt. Jack(loot:cpt.jacks clothes) Other The Madman without a box (loot:the 10th doctor, essential) The doctor(loot:doctors clothes) Dungeons(all should contain appropriate containers and appropriate loot) Saint John-cave with a circle room as seen in the bells of saint john wiht the picture of clara, and a door into a little cave with the tardis in. torchwood-modern interior with alien technology, multiple floors and works like a home. Dalek Ship-Wrecked dalek interior with parts of daleks everywhere, fires and sparks and junk scattered, dalek machinery Cyberbase-Cyber style building with 2 parts the main area is covered with cybermen and has conversion chambers. Throne room has a throne and a portal Crucible-Like the crucibals interior as seen on TV shadey creek-Normal cave filled with dead animals. Items Dalekanium-gained by kill daleks Dalek control atom-quest item, got by death of davros unit uniform-looted of unit soldier Cpt. Jack Clothes-looted of cpt. jack The doctors clothes-looted from the doctor Tardis Key-got from the madman without a box high polarity huon energy bow-quest item given to by jack, black bow with blue and yellow streaks through high powered neuron charged arrows-given by jack then can be bought from jack memory core-loot of trashcan electro magnetic arrows-given by jack then can be bought from jack fob watch- quest item loot from Cybershade of shadey creek cyberarmour-quest item permantent armour that increase hand to hand to master strong than daedric looks liek standard cyberman dalekanium armour- Like building amber armour in shivering isle but with dalekanium talking to cpt. jack stonger than cyber looks man made armour but with dalek colours and bumps Spells Dalek laser -blue laser insta kill unobtainable Davros Shock- 50 pt shock target spell unobtainable Cybershock I- 30 pt shock touch permant equipped spell after upgrade Cybershock II-40 pt shock touch unobtainable Cybershock III-50 pt shock touch unobtainable Quest Idea(journel entreys but no markers) The Bells of Saint John so my idea is that when in the city of Bravil if you go to it's chapel there will be 'The Madman without a box' if talked to he will tell the player that the bells of saint johns are ringing and will give you a strange key. This will start a quest called 'The Bells of saint john'. A new dungeon would be added to the player map. inside this dungeon would be the room shown at the begining of the episode the bells of saint john with the painting of clara and just through a door would be the cave with the tardis in. Using a tardis like Eolhins tardis they door is locked but hey key given opens it. But would have 3 extra locations that would be locked at this stage. Upon entering the tardis the quest is ended. The Trash Can This is the second quest, a single dalek should spawn around the city of anvil, at this stage the dalek should be un killable. The player is told to go in to anvil to search for someone who knows what the 'trash can' really is. Upon entering 'The counts Arms' the player should find a wounded unit soldier. Talking to the soldier he informs the player that the creature is a dalek and that only one man can stop the daleks. He then explains they come from a different planet far across the universe and that the player should seek out a man know as jack at the 'inn of the ill omen'. the soldier then dies.The quest then ends Torchwood This triggers after completing the trash can.Traveling to the inn of the ill omen, you will find a note on a table, the note is a map and has a cross on it. a dungeon will appear on the map, in the lowest point of the map on the west side of the river. Upon finding this they will see a futuristic looking spire with a futuristic door, once opened the player will now be inside torchwood, on the lower levels they will find 'Captain Jack' talking to captain jack he will explain what happened before and how they were now on nirn, he also explains what the tardis is and that it belonged to the doctor, but the doctor was in his human state and his fob watch was stole and so couldn't help. he states about how they were sucked through the void at their world's torchwood and ended up on the nirn. The quest ends. Genesis of the Daleks (the tardis can now travel to torchwood)Talking to jack again trigger this quest. Jack says that they need to find out what the daleks are up to and says he saw a downded dalek ship. a crashed dalek ship now appears on the map in the mountains around bruma, upon finding the ship two daleks will be on patrol, a message pops up saying the player should sneak so they arent alerted. The ship interio has 7 daleks patroling it's corridors at the center there is a room with 2 more daleks patrolling around it's entrance. Once inside this room a message pops up saying somethings coming you need to hide. an open crate is near by was activated the player climbs inside. There is a strange humming noise(transmat being used) and davors speaks about the rise of a new dalek empire on this planet and how all it's species would be exterminated by the might of the daleks. There is the hum of daleks moving which slowly fades as they move away the player must then sneak back out of the ship but now 4 more daleks (each of the cult of skaro)on top of the already there ones are patrolling as well as davros. The player must now escape and get back to jack. once they arrive at torchwood they'll find out jack isnt there but there is a letter on the table. once the letters is read the quest ends. The Man of Steel Reading the letter reveals jack had heard from some locals that there was some mechanical creature that took people from blakenmarch and jack went to investigate. upon going to blakenmarch and finding jack, jack will run up to you saying he's glad you came. he will go on and explain that people heard loud stomps in the night and people screaming in the morning they found the a resident was missing, jack will tell you he will stay and investigate. just before the player walks away jack will give the player a "high polarity huon energy bow" and 50 "high powered neuron charged arrows" expalining that the arrow would kill daleks, but only if fired from the huon bow . (after this jack can sell the arrows). Jack will then tell the player to go try it out on the dalek outside anvil. Dalek Destroyer The player must kill the dalek. the dalek will say just before death that the daleks would reign supreme. Suddenly a loud noise of engines can be heard(the dalek ship taking off,dungeon removed from map). Once looted the 'trash can' will have a memory core. Upon being used it teleports the player into a dalek ship. the player is put in cinematic mode. davros goes up to the player and says that he is to scout the nirn and report of any threat that could hinder the coming dalek invasion the screen goes black and the player is back in control where they killed the "trash Can". The player is told to return to jack to inform him about the dalek fleet. Upon returning to blakenmarch the player will find the the remenants of a cyberman with a hole in it's chest. Jack will tell you that the cybermen must have come through at the same time. (at this point cybermen and daleks start to inhabit scarecley the world killing anything that is not the same species as they are). The Keeper of Time Jack will tell you he has located the doctors fob watch it was stolen by a cybershade. Jack will point you in the direction of a cave know as "shadey creek". before you leave jack will give you 50 electro magnetic arrows and say these will only work on the cybers. The player goes to the cave to find a cyberman outside. inside the cave will be 2 cybermen and the cybershad upon searching the cybershade there will be a "fobwatch". The player musy then go talk to jack (now at torchwood) who will direct the player to go find the doctor (back in bravil) giving the madman without a box the fob watch will turn him into the doctor. the player them must tell the doctor about jack and tell him where torchwood is. he will tell you to meet him there. A good man goes to war arriving back at torchwood you'll find both the doctor and jack, if you try to speak to jack he'll say "you better talk to the doctor", talking to the doctor he will say that jack has informed him of the current situation. he will tell you that you have to deal with the cyber menace while he thinks of a way to stop that daleks. (cybermen now appear frequently in the world) The palyer must locate the cyberleader who is to the south of chorrol upon death he will tell you that he is cold and that the cyber base is located north of cheydinhal. This will be a cyber like underground structure infested with cybermen and cybershades. At the very end of teh dungeon is a throne room with the cybercontroller sat on the throne. he will start conversation saying that it is a hopeless chance to resist them and that all races would be upgraded. Also in this chamber is a white portal (as seen in army of ghosts and doomsday). You can refuse to stand by and kill the cyberleader which would shut the portal and all the cybermen would vanish apart form the very rare survivor or you can side with the cybercontroller. The Death of the Doctor If sided with the cybercontroller cybermen will no longer attack the player and the player will be told to kill the doctor and jack. upon returning to the cybercontroller the player will be upgraded. Now the player is forcefully equipped a cybersuit, the player can't run can only use hand-to-hand and the cybershock spell. This effect is permanent. They daleks and cybermen will remain frequent for the rest of the game. The Crucible If the player kills the cybercontroller, a new quest will trigger. The crucible will now appear in place of the sun and the sky will always be night with 26 other planets rotating through as time passes. Returning to torchwood the doctor will tell you that earth has been moved by the daleks and the daleks had started there invasion (daleks are frequent everywhere apart from cities which will rarely spawn 10 daleks in side) the doctor will tell you that you must take the tardis to the crucible (2nd locked loctation which is now unlocked). The room it's land in will be full of daleks which are not hostile at this stage and the supreme dalek. The supreme dalek will say about how daleks are superior and have won. then the player is put in the vault with davros. the player must kill davros and obtain the 'dalek control atom' all daleks units will now be hostile until the player puts the atom in a special computer unit. Then only the Supreme dalek will be hostile the other daleks will cease to functions. killing the supreme dalek will make the doctor and jack appear in front of the tardis they said all thats left is to finish it off. he will tell you to go trigger the self destruct and return to the tardis, once the self-destruct is active fire will appear around the crucible. One returned to the tardis the player should return to torch wood. once the crucible is left the destianation should be locked again. Homebound Returning to torchwood you meet the doctor and jack. the doctor explains it's time for them to go home. he says the tardis is yours it came from your dimension to keep. he says to have fun and keep the nirn safe. once the player leaves torchwood all doctor who npcs are removed from the world. apart from a very low chance to spawn any type of dalek unit aside from davros and any cyber unit
  4. We're looking for experienced modellers, texturers and scripters to contribute as part of the team on the mod. We have some pretty large expansions coming up, and need all the help we can get. FWV is a hefty piece of work and as such requires availability and above all, experience. We don't have the time to train up inexperienced individuals, so if you modded for Fallout/Oblivion in the past and have a vague interest in Doctor Who or adding something knew to your portfolio, get in touch via the forum. Please spread the word; the quicker we get a functioning team up and running, the quicker we can roll out these incredibly exciting updates. Proboards link: http://falloutwho.proboards.com/
  5. Short story: I want to make a melee only mod, i have a few modified melee weapons from the base game already. I want to replace most of the leveled lists, so a few NCR soldiers, most of the fiends/powder gangers etc. will use melee weapons. Firearms would be more powerful in the mod, and will be less likely to found, especially in good condition. My question: Anyone WANT a mod like this? I want to make one, but only if enough people wants it.
  6. Short story: I want to make a melee only mod, i have a few modified melee weapons from the base game already. I want to replace most of the leveled lists, so a few NCR soldiers, most of the fiends/powder gangers etc. will use melee weapons. Firearms would be more powerful in the mod, and will be less likely to found, especially in good condition. My question: Anyone WANT a mod like this? I want to make one, but only if enough people wants it.
  7. TLDR: I want a new horse animation Long Post: Hi, I downloaded the infamously shitty car mod. I got tired of it in about 5 seconds and decided to uninstall it's Shittyness. So, I deactivated car.esp in data files but when I started the game, the horses just slide when I ride them. The walking animation is ok, but the running and sprinting really bugs me since it looks like they're just sliding like ice on a glass table. Can anyone give me a link for a mod that replaces horse animation? I don't wanna install skyrim again cause I have lost of manual mods installed (cant uninstall with NMM) and when I uninstall them, they're gone. Please, anyone!
  8. Hi, I was playing Skyrim and installed some CBBE mod and I notied something wierd on some redguard female. Sure, she was black (no racism intended) but when I took a closer look of her body and undressed her, HER SKIN WAS TOTAL BLACK. I mean, wtf? Her hands are normal, her face is normal but her body is total darkness. So, I went out to other female NPCs and they too have had this total black skin syndrome. This hasn't happened before and I saw CBBE bodies before but this time, I just saw it like that. I didnt use NMM since I'm a manual guy and I need know what files to uninstall in my game before run it so I dont have to reinstall the whole thing. Now, anyone have any idea?
  9. Recently i've finally set up a collection of mods that does not crash my games. Well, not directly anymore at least. Now i experience that the game is slow alltogether, it takes a long time to start up, initially load, and the scripts work a lot slower. e.g. Running with double speed or justing Whirlwind sprint repeatedly WILL make everything "freeze", npc's standing still, menu's not working, ingredients not being picked, etc. This also happens in big battles. I do have a modified memory, to 768 MB without modifying my uGrids. What is causing this ? ENB maybe ? On the buggy part, i will get weird things like (SPOILERS), when Ancano is trying to "activate" the eye of magnus and the Arch Mage stops him, the quest completes and i don't get a new one and everybody, even ancano, carries on with their life while the Arch Mage dissappeared, and only being able to adopt my children to live in the house without the bedroom, while entering any of my houses causes any of the residents to say "You shouldn't be in here", and i get a bounty. For staying in my own home. I don't know what to do, i am completely out of ideas. Specs: Intel i7-2700k AMD Radeon HD 6950 2GB 16 GB Corsair Vengeance 1600MHz DDR3 RAM Game is located in a WD-Green 5400 rpm 1.5 TB HDD, with minimal fragmention. Modlist: Some of the minor mods have been removed since this modlist was updated. Skyrim.esm Update.esm Dawnguard.esm HearthFires.esm Dragonborn.esm Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp AzarHair.esm RaceCompatibility.esm XFLMain.esm AP Skyrim.esm HighResTexturePack01.esp HighResTexturePack02.esp HighResTexturePack03.esp RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp Immersive Sounds - Aural Assortment.esp Immersive Sounds - Magic.esp Immersive Sounds - Weaponry.esp Remove Interior Fog V2 - Full Version.esp Skyrim Shadow Striping Fix.esp StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp StaticMeshImprovementMod-DragonbornTernFix.esp StaticMeshImprovementMod-FurnitureChestSnowFix.esp Immersive Battles.esp Immersive Brigands.esp Immersive Dawnguard.esp Immersive Dragonborn.esp Immersive Factions.esp Immersive Mercenaries.esp Immersive Patrols.esp Immersive Travelers.esp Immersive Werewolves.esp Lost Art of the Blacksmith.esp More Craftables.esp Point The Way.esp populated prisons.esp skyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds.esp Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp ValsCraftingMeltdownAlpha.esp WetandCold.esp WetandCold - Ashes.esp RaceMenu.esp RaceMenuPlugin.esp UIExtensions.esp SkyUI.esp Cloaks.esp Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp Crossbows_Basic_Collection_EN_LL.esp FaceMasksforNPC.esp fs_lotrpack.esp FurLinedClothes.esp glimmer.esp Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp ibanstaff.esp Immersive Weapons.esp legionary-vanguard-armor-maty743.esp Nordic Conqueror Armor.esp theroadstrokersroguesorceress.esp theroadstrokersroyalelvenset.esp Unique Uniques.esp UniqueBows.esp Dr_Bandolier.esp Immersive Darkwater crossing.esp Immersive Dawnstar.esp Immersive Dragon Bridge.esp Immersive Falkreath.esp Immersive Ivarstead.esp Immersive Karthwasten.esp Immersive Kynesgrove.esp Immersive Morthal.esp Immersive Orc Strongholds.esp Immersive Riverwood.esp Immersive Rorikstead.esp Immersive Shors stone.esp Immersive Stonehills.esp Immersive Whiterun.esp Inconsequential NPCs.esp Book Covers Skyrim.esp Civil War Overhaul.esp CorrectGenderAnimations.esp CorrectGenderAnimations-DG.esp CorrectGenderAnimations-DB.esp Differently Ebony.esp EBS - Ammo.esp EBS - Books (Before).esp EBS - Food (Weightless).esp EBS - Ingredients (Weightless).esp EBS - Misc.esp EBS - Potions (Weightless).esp EBS - Soul Gems (Numbered).esp EBS - Spells.esp Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp longer range range weapons.esp MasterEnchanter.esp morrowindimports.esp Proper Aiming.esp richer merchants.esp SameWalkRunSpeedsLite.esp convenient horses.esp dD - Easy Lift Bodies and Objects.esp TheChoiceIsYours_Dawnguard.esp aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp DVA - Dynamic Vampire Appearance.esp Better Vampires.esp LFox Pickpocketing Chance Caps at 100.esp Realistic crime report radius.esp Duel - Combat Realism.esp The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp ABT - Loot Arrows +50%.esp ABT - Faster Bolts Improved +25%.esp ABT - Faster Arrows Improved +10%.esp ABT - Merchants Arrows +100%.esp ABT - Increased Bolts Damage (BS and CCO) +50%.esp ABT - Increased Progressive Damage (BS and CCO) +50%.esp ABT - Recover +25% Arrows and Bolts.esp Uncapped Perks - Magic.esp Uncapped Perks - Combat + Stealth.esp dD-No Spinning Death Animation.esp SGEyebrows.esp TheEyesOfBeauty.esp The Eyes Of Beauty - Elves Edition.esp XCEMwW.esp asharaskyrimcharacterpresetsreplacer.esp XFLConfig.esp XFLDialogue.esp XFLPanel.esp XFLPlugins.esp reduced distance npc greetings.esp AelaSylvanMK.esp Kitiara.esp the watcher.esp Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp CharGen Morphs.esp ethereal_elven_overhaul.esp EEO Morphs.esp No More Glowing Edges.esp seeenchs.esp barenziahquestmarkers.esp Bashed Patch, 0.esp Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp conjurationhandfx.esp elfendragos elf pack.esp fs_radiantraiment.esp got_theme.esp RaceMenuOverlays.esp FaceMasksOfSkyrim.esp
  10. Skyrim, Fallout 3 and Fallout NV all have a TARDIS mod from Doctor Who, I hope one will soon be created for Fallout 4. I think the best constructed TARDIS mod was for Skyrim it was easy too use and understand the TARDIS controls interface. It was a really fun mod to have in the game.
  11. Hey everyone, A few weeks ago I discovered the tardis mod on the workshop, and thought it was incredible. I then found a time lord race mod and I had an amazing idea. I switched to a pacifist type character with a filled illusion tree, using Calm as my main spell. Suffice it to say, it's really awesome. Ok, so here's my idea: the 10th Doctor's suit. There are similar mods out there now, but they're not made to replicate it. Here's a picture of the suit: http://i.imgur.com/lnpMHsv.jpg It's a brown pinstripe suit. I haven't really gotten into skyrim modding, so I'm not familiar with the creation kit. If anyone wants to take the initiative to do it, that would be amazing. I don't know how many Doctor Who fans are in the skyrim community, but I'm sure there are some. Thanks for reading, and have a great day
  12. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/7627/?tab=description The way this functions is that it changes game settings related to pickpocketing whenever the game is opened that makes stealing 100% every time. I don't like the base game's chances, I don't like 100%. I believe the ability to steal almost anything at 100 sneak with 10 agility would be balanced and I have no idea how to set that. Conversely, if someone told me how to edit this small esp file, I could take care of it. Opening in notepad shows this: TES4A HEDR ï¾ï½£p? ァ CNAM DEFAULT MAST Fallout3.esm DATA GRUPï¾ GMST O GMST% /ã» EDID fPickPocketMaxChance DATA ï¾BGMST% ヲ EDID fPickPocketMinChance DATA ï¾BGMST* -ã» EDID fPickPocketActorSkillMult DATA ï¾B If whomever responds chooses to make the mod edits for me, I'd like something like this: Not sure how exactly skill mult works. I don't know what the default skill mult is, but maybe something like 2-5 times that. Maybe 100 is the right number, it could just be that the 100% chance is due solely to the min and max chance being 100%. Who can say? (Someone who knows how to read these files can.) Skill mult: 70-100 Min chance: 5% Max chance: 100% Figured out how to change it via fo3edit.
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