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  1. I’ve been thinking about getting back into modding. I tried it when I was a teenager but was never good at it. I have an idea for a town in Fallout New Vegas, and the Cabin Home by Lonewanderer87 is perfect for it. I could’ve sworn I saw that model listed as a Modder’s resource years ago, but I can’t find it now and I think I should be certain before using it. The cabin does not require a separate space to load into, it looks better made than the usual shanty wooden shacks while simultaneously looking like something made post-war. I can’t get into contact with Lonewanderer87, it appears he has not been on the site in years. He did credit the cabin model to “Sandro T,” but I can’t find a user by that name. I’m unsure where to go from here, does anyone know if this cabin was a Modder’s resource, or am I thinking of something else?
  2. I’ve been thinking about getting back into modding. I tried it when I was a teenager but was never good at it. I have an idea for a town in Fallout New Vegas, and the Cabin Home by Lonewanderer87 is perfect for it. I could’ve sworn I saw that model listed as a Modder’s resource years ago, but I can’t find it now and I think I should be certain before using it. The cabin does not require a separate space to load into, it looks better made than the usual shanty wooden shacks while simultaneously looking like something made post-war. I can’t get into contact with Lonewanderer87, it appears he has not been on the site in years. He did credit the cabin model to “Sandro T,” but I can’t find a user by that name. I’m unsure where to go from here, does anyone know if this cabin was a Modder’s resource, or am I thinking of something else?
  3. [Not enough wood] [Not enough steel] Im sure Im not the only one constantly getting these messages, especially often when building up a new settlement. The problem: Thing is, not having enough wood left, especially when youre in the middle of a damn forest, old houses or even a whole town of scrap gets really annoing. (AND UNIMMERSIVE) Also, wood scrap usually drops really few of the needed items, while having a relatively high weight. With about 200 more of these note boards, i can finally start building that house for the new farmers! yay Same with steel or other building material. Seriously, is everyone of the people living there f***ing blind or something? Like that wouldnt be annoing enough, the settlers of these new settlements just wont stop complaining like get your lazy butt out there and build a bed yourself if you have to get one that badly, you *censored* while standing around doing nothing, or scavenging up to 2 items per day (with a chance of getting literally nothing). waaay to go a**hole, great job aquiring that one toothbrush and single pencil! So scavengers arent really helpful, either. The possible solution: -Why not make "logger" an advisable job, like build them a logging station where they can saw around on a log or something, idc you can build a whole mountain cabin if you want -make scavengers have a stable income of basic matereal or aka a "Stop sucking so hard you blind-ass waste of food!"- patch -make traders actually offer useful amounts of basic scrap or "Oh nice, just 1300 caps for 250 wood, i might just build half a veranda with that!" -get some other idea, idc you got full creative freedom from my side if you want to program this Seriously, i suck at programming and would every mod like that would be greatly appreciated. -Maybe make trees choppable, too if youre at it (I found this => mod while looking for one like this, maybe someone likes the additional challenge idk) Im sure a lot of people building settlements got similar experiences and would also appreciate a mod like this. Thanks for reading through this, and for any additional idea or try. Im studying atm and probably wont have too much time to look into this. Also, I have no freaking clue how these forums work Thanks in advance to all participants, modders or whatever FloatingPork
  4. I'm having an animation bug with the chopping block. It's minor but it's a visual nuisance. If I see an NPC using the W.C.B they place the block of wood, half off the chopping block and the block of wood is in the air about 2 inches from the chopping block. does anyone know how to fix this or what mod could be causing this ? I have to manny mods to search through to find this problem and having to uninstall-install all over again is a pain. Thanks. Pitcher of what it looks like.
  5. Hello Nexus, I just bought my first tree trunks for building my Hearthfire House : 200 gold for 20 wich is ridiculously low. I would like a mod that expend prices for Hearthfire house building furnitures, for all of them, like Wood, stones, and so on (I dont know them all atm) I am currently using those 2 great mods : Very Expensive Skyrim : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13374/? and More Expensive Services and Assets : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43157/? the second one make all Services related and Housing a lot more expensive but sadly it seems that the autor forgot to increase furnitures prices. The perfect would be multiply all prices * 20 (making the 20 Wood worth 4000 golds) or even more, and why not several options. Please let me know if such a mod is planned to be created and/or he already exists. Thanks for answering : ) Cheers
  6. I've noticed Fallout 4 is missing a very simple item; a Wooden Post. You can build Roofs with no supports, but not single posts (that don't snap in place either). These at normal wall height would be great and honestly I think would be pretty simple. (1 or 2 wood) Second, Tiki Torches or just torches in general would be cool. I understand power and lights and such, but a tiki bar isn't complete without torches. These also would be good for basic island aesthetic for Spectacle Island or other places (yes I know not very lore friendly I guess). Preferably these would be either 3/4 wall height or 1/2 wall height and free movement placement. (2 Oil, 3 Wood, 1 Plastic, and 1 Cloth). Last and probably the hardest: a under deck pool. Probably at least 2x3 Wood Platforms in size for a small pool which alone is good enough for me; however 3x3 and 3x4 might be other good alternative sizes for larger ones. The pool ideally would be surrounded by wood around it so it could snap into other wood panels it would also probably be just 1 or 3/4 of a wall deep. Thanks to anyone who atleast attempts these or has more information or pointers to a mod i may have missed somehow. Thanks again.
  7. i'm having a problem with some wood textures in the game... i don't remember when it started happening but it wasn't from the beginning when i started modding and it's not everywhere. since a while now i've noticed that some of the woodtextures in my game are all greyed out. i'ts very noticable in Morthal and on some market stands in cities like Whiterun. at first i thought it was very bad looking snow but it's not. maybe one of my texturemods is corrupt or something? i've tried reinstalling the ones i thought mattered. here's a list of my installed mods that i think matter: i'm using Realvision ENB with ENB version 0.279b (here's a list of all the mods i installed for this ENB preset) optimized vanilla textures - HD unofficial skyrim legendary pack hd enhanced terrain SMIM the ruffled feather (not all of them but some) Skyrim HD v1.4 FULL Skyrim Realistic Overhaul Vivid Landscapes (all packs) detailled cities i had installed Skyrim HD v1.4 previously but wanted to try out realistic overhaul so I installed that one too. the difference is that i originally installed Skyrim HD manually by extracting the files in the Skryim/data folder but i installed Realistic overhaul via Mod organizer. Later, in an attempt to solve the problem, i moved all of the texture files from Skyrim HD from the data folder to a the Mod folder in Mod organizer folder (as to create a new mod), so these textures files would no longer be in the Skyrim/data folder. I've tried activitating them seperatly or at the same time through mod organizer, i've tried extracting either one of them in the skyrim data folder but none of these options seem to fix the issue... You can see what it looks like on the pictures i attached
  8. Can somebody please make the attached outfit for the UNP body? Even better if you could make it for UNPB. Also, as a side request can someone make an outfit composing purely of leaves and vines covering the body but not too densely, show a little skin, ya know what i mean? Thanks!
  9. I like the tall shack walls with the smooth wood, and I had found a mod that added matching doorways, but now I can't find it. I would like to build a house, but hate the ugly vanilla doorway. So if anyone knows a mod that adds them or can make one it'd be great! Thanks! :geek:
  10. The movable static wooden boxes (which can fit things inside of them and have handles) seem to not have any impact data... When struck with any weapon, they produce no sound and no particle effects. Does anyone know of a fix for this? If not, I'm requesting a mod be made to remedy this and add standard wooden impact data to the wood boxes. I tried to do this myself, but have no idea how. You can find the wood box here in Bethesda Archive Extractor... materials\setdressing\woodmetalcrate01.bgsm materials\setdressing\woodmetalcrate01_clean.bgsm meshes\setdressing\concmuseum\woodbox01.nif meshes\setdressing\concmuseum\woodbox01_clean.nif
  11. What i mean by this is, when you are planting a tree in some spot an area outline will appear around the square you are attempting to plant the tree, if all of the area is green then the tree will have no issue growing up to a full grown harvestable tree. but if any of the area squares are red, this will tell you that this spot is to close to another near by tree and the tree you are attempting to plant will only become a small bush or not grow at all if a lot of the area squares are red.
  12. Without mods, does Oblivion share the same issue as Skyrim where the only wood elf eye colors are 50 shades of brown?
  13. I was surprised I couldn't seem to find anything with this available, but the lanterns you see and light sources around Far Harbor and the Nakano residence, they seem to have a specific effect on their glow and it'd be nice to be able to put some of those up around a settlement!
  14. The wood in woodfires has now become the purple in purplefires. It is purple. When other things turn purple, I just exit the cell, and when I return it's fine again. But nooooo, not with the purple logs! They are forever purple! However, this seems to be only the case for new fires that I place with camping mods. Most fires have invisible logs and invisible fire. It is most aggravating. I am pretty inexperienced in modding, coding, editing files, etc. so there may well be a very simple solution I just don't know of. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  15. Hello friends, I've been looking around for what I believe to be a farily simple mod (or so I beieve). I've been hoping to find a simple staff, one that kind of looks like this (the oaken defender), or perhaps a simple restoration staff skin. http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/1137411004722344202/A6C5CEE188CB2825EAABFE4B2646B4A11213BBD5/ I thought it would be cool to have a staff that had the power of the "unrelenting force" shout. Staves in this game are pretty useless. I want to make a mage character who can actually have some use with his staff. So yeah, if this is as quick and easy as I think it is, would someone be willing to make it? Thank you!
  16. Hey, first post here. I was looking for a straight HD/HQ wood replacer for all the wooden stairs,rails, floors, pillars in taverns/keeps, etc., that does not involve completely revamping entire towns and landscapes in a large number additional mods. I searched and all I could find were what I described I do not want. If anyone has one or know the name or where to get it I would really appreciate it. The HQ updates do not include these textures (they're installed and enabled, I checked many times), I play on a 40" (the low res quality is VERY noticeable) and everything else looks so nice except for when I look at all those low res wood textures. Thanks for all the support you guys have and awesome, awesome mods being made! Keep up the good work!
  17. Well I looked around and couldn't find a bokken (wooden katana) for Skyrim... I think it's something that realy would fit into the game. Why you ask? Well I don't know either, I just wanted to have a bokken and was sad when there was none :( Maybe with various skins like these: http://bowendragon1.com/zencart/images/bokken.jpg http://d3d71ba2asa5oz.cloudfront.net/13000332/images/w016rd-1_0.jpg I even found this http://www.the3dstudio.com/product_details.aspx?id_product=240170 and I think it's a 3D model, dunno tho since I have absolutely no clue about 3D models 8D Regards ~Ryu
  18. I found that the Destruction spells in Skyrim being only limited to 3 elements to be kind of restricting. I also thought that the effects of each element was very restricting as well, not allowing for more diverse game-play. After some thought, I had come up with a total of eight elements that can be incorporated into the spell system. I thought this up when trying to take the classical elements (fire, air, water, earth) and seeing where the already existing frost and shock elements in Skyrim fit in. Ice magic fits in as a secondary element between air and water, while shock magic is between fire and air. From this, I also came up with wood magic as a secondary for earth and water, as well as metal for earth and fire(I considered using ash, but I didn't like it as much. Also, like light, it is it's own, unique form of magic.). I have already thought up some spells that can go along with each element. Some of these spells are designed to be used in conjunction with other elements, causing them to become more powerful and leading to more interesting spell synergies. If someone does plan on making a mod with these spells, feel free to create it, as I can't. Also feel free to add or modify spells to the list below because I am not sure if they are balanced or not. Each element generally inflicts a unique type of damage and/or effect, as listed below: fire: fire damage and sets enemies on fire, causing extra damage. Smouldering Embers: Target takes 5 points of fire damage per second for 10 seconds. Smoke Screen: You become 20% harder to detect and fire spells that you cast are 15% stronger for 30 seconds. shock: shock damage, which damages both health and magicka. Conduit: for 45 seconds, lightning spells cast at you only deal 25% damage while a random NPC within 30 feet receives 75% of the damage. If there is no NPC within 30 feet, you take 125% shock damage from the spell. Static : For 10 seconds, the target takes 8 shock damage per second, and any NPC within 15 feet of the target take 4 shock damage per second. air: deals stamina damage and causes movement speed malices or buffs. Would mostly be Alteration magic, but some high level spells could be Destruction. Gust: A concentration spell that does 16 stamina damage per second and reduces the target's speed by 35%. Squall: For 45 seconds, enemies within 15 feet of you are slowed down by 20% and take 4 stamina damage per second, and you take 25% less damage from arrows. Sonic Blast: A fast moving projectile that deals 60 points of damage that can't be resisted. Swift Breeze: For 120 seconds, you move 100% faster and jump 150% higher. ice: frost damage, which damages both health and stamina, as well as some movement speed malices. Cold Blooded: For 30 seconds, you gain a 20% weakness to fire, but ice spells heal you for 15% of the damage dealt. Frigid Aura: For 25 seconds, enemies that are within a 5 foot radius take 8 frost damage per second and have a 10% chance every second to be frozen solid for 4 seconds. water: deals magicka damage and reduces the effectiveness of the target's spells. Like the air element, it would mostly be Alteration magic, but some high level spells would be Destruction. Stream: A concentration spell that deals 16 magicka damage, and spells cast by the target cost 10% more magicka to cast. Soak: The target 30% more damage from ice spells, while gaining a 10% resistance to fire, for 20 seconds. Cloaking Fog: For 30 seconds, enemies within 20 feet have their magicka regeneration negated. You also are 10% harder to detect. Whirlpool: For 60 seconds, you take only 60% damage from spells and you gain 15% spell absorption. Drown: After 120 seconds, a living target's health is reduced to 5%, with a 10% chance of instant death. wood: deals small amounts of physical damage and inflicts poison damage. Splinters: A concentration spell that deals 4 physical damage per second and 1 poison damage per second for 8 seconds. Venom Root: A wall spell that causes 5 poison damage per second for 10 seconds to NPCs that walk through it. Poisonwood: A projectile that deals 15 physical damage and 2 poison damage per second for 10 seconds. Sawdust: The target receives 20% more damage from fire spells for 20 seconds. earth: deals physical damage with a decent chance for staggering, knock down, or knock back. Gravel Blast: A concentration spell that deals 6 damage per second and the target has a 25% chance to be staggered every second. Tremor: For 40 seconds, NPCs within 10 feet of you have a 40% chance to be staggered and a 20% to be knocked down every second. Stone Throw: A projectile that deals 20 physical damage and has a 30% chance to knock down an opponent. Fragile Pillar: A pillar of stone is created on the ground, blocking the path of enemies. The pillar explodes when it is hit, dealing 40 damage, 40% chance of knock down, and a 20% chance of knock back to enemies within a 20 foot radius. metal: deals physical damage as well as bleeding damage. Caltrops: A wall spell that causes an NPC to take 4 bleeding damage per second for 15 seconds when they walk through it. Impale: A projectile that deals 10 physical damage, 2 bleeding damage per second for 5 seconds, and causes the target to gain a 15% weakness to shock spells for 10 seconds. Barbed Wire: The target, for 45 seconds, takes bleeding damage when they move, taking more damage when sprinting or swinging a weapon. Iron Filings: A concentration spell that deals 2 physical damage per second and 2 bleeding damage per second for 4 seconds. Quicksilver: For 30 seconds, you have a 35% chance to deflect incoming damage from weapons and arrows, while gaining a 30% weakness to shock spells.
  19. I think I'll post my video on the problem, then explain what is going on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUaPbTqKuk0 Here I am at a different mill with the same issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6zNYiLJktA Not sure if you can tell but no matter how many times a click on the npc the option wont come up to sell me the logs. I've tried several things already. The first one being reinstalling mods, it didn't work. Then I tried checking the skyrim files with steam, no luck. The only thing I haven't tried is reinstalling skyrim altogther. The thing about that is, is I just got done doing that to fix a different problem I had. ( Was using the new bodyslide 2 mod, forgot an important step and messed up my female bodies, couldn't loot them... lol ) Now I know I can just add the logs with commands. help sawn logs, then add them using the right command, but I like my games to work as intended. I also think that if I hired a steward they'd be able to sell me them, but have not tried yet. I also read that even if you add the logs you may get a bug where your main hall doesn't show up. Going to try using the steward method first then try with command. I also rememeber that I had the same problem last time I had the game running before the reinstall. The other problem I have think goes in a different forum maybe but I'm having problems with my skeleton/quiver mods. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap6E8Q2cTJ8 As you can see, in terrible quality, the character draws from the belt area, but the quiver is clearly still where the vanilla game puts it. I can post my all of my 125 mods if you need me too, but I felt that unless someone needed me too, I wasn't going to bother. Update: Ok, so I can get logs from the steward and adding them from the console also works so it seems to be a problem with the npcs and mills. As per the skeleton problem I really would like to know if either I need a custom skeleton patch or if I just need to do something else. My skeleton effecting mods are: Pretty Combat Idles Realistic Ragdolls and Force Calientes Female Body Mod Big Bottom Edition -CBBE- Custom Skeleton Replacers - Custom Skeleton Pack 65 The Noiral Reloaded - Dawnguard Edition The Noiral Reloaded - CBBE and Sundracon The Noiral Reloaded - Beast Mesh Files Belt-Fastened Quivers 1_2 Release-35717-1-2 RaceCompatibility with fixes I think that's it. I didn't have the problem when I was using the succubus race before so I think it may have something to do with the race I'm using.
  20. hey everyone! i just encountered some washed out textures at karthspire camp and some other locations. ive got the skyrim hd texture pack installed along with some other custom texture packs. this is what, i think, its supposed to look like: http://static-1.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/2495132-1392306798.jpg and this is what it actually looks like: http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/2495132-1392306722.jpg http://static-4.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/2495132-1392306768.jpg any ideas whats causing it or how to fix it?
  21. I have no idea what mod is doing this. What you see is JK's Riften installed via his all-in-one file and I reinstalled trying to overwrite but have no luck. I don't know what other mod could have done this; could it be left over files? How would I go about deleting it? Load Order (from LOOT) on pastebin: https://pastebin.com/JV6JkYSF Would really appreciate the help thanks guys!
  22. Hi, I was just thinking - I have a mod that burns bodies (and makes them disappear)...it's: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10614 So I'm wondering if the same could be done for wooden furniture? Fire spells could be used to burn furniture - which would either delete it completely after a few seconds of burning, or could turn the furniture into an ash pile if that's even possible...that way if you burn a container like a barrel / chest, you can still loot the items from the ash pile. For quitting factions - I was thinking...what if you start a playthrough as a member of the Dark Brotherhood but then decide you want to join the Thieves' Guild instead? I mean, there's nothing wrong with doing both...but from a roleplay perspective, it makes sense to 'quit' one guild to join another. It could be done by adding dialogue options to "quit" at a certain point in each factions questline: "This guild isn't for me." (or something similar). That dialogue option could "Fail" the questline at that point. Kind of like what happens if you 'break the rules' of the guilds.
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