Why am I not seeing the Cloudflare Turnstile?

This article is intended to help users who are blocked by Cloudflare security settings and are stuck in the login screen, unable to access the Nexus Mods website.

Why am I being presented with this turnstile?

In order to protect our community from malicious users, we use the Cloudflare Turnstile captcha to protect our login and registration pages. While this isn't a problem for the majority of users, in rare cases this protection can be triggered incorrectly and block legitimate users from accessing the website. This is almost always caused by something in the user's setup that makes Cloudflare think your traffic is a bot. If you are having issues, please try the troubleshooting steps and possible solutions below.

This is what the turnstile looks like:

To proceed, simply tick the box that says "I'm not a robot" and you'll be able to move on as normal.

Below is what a failed Cloudflare Turnstile challenge may look like.

Often, refreshing the page and trying again is enough for you to be able to retry and subsequently pass the check. However, this is not always the case, and this article is here to offer guidance for when users may be persistently experiencing issues with the Cloudflare turnstile.

Before reading on, please attempt all other website issue fixes first. 

Possible solutions

Make sure you are not blocking Google services 

If the reCAPTCHA does not show up and the only thing you see is a "WARNING" box (see below), it is likely that your local setup, browser, firewall etc. is blocking Google services. In this case, we recommend trying a different browser, disabling browser plugins that might be interfering, or unblocking Google services manually.

Scan your PC for malware

It is possible that your PC is infected with some form of malware that is interfering with the turnstile. We recommend scanning your PC using some form of antimalware software, and seeing if the identifaction and removal of any infected files on your computer fixes the problem.

Change your computer's date and time settings

This is especially relevant if you are trying to log in using a new computer, or if you travel between time zones frequently.

We recommend setting the date and time on your device to Automatic, and seeing if this solves any issues with the turnstile.

Enable/Disable your VPN

Changes to your IP address as a result of VPN activity can interfere with the turnstile, causing the Captcha challenge to be unable to be passed successfully.

Disable Add-ons

Browser add-ons interfering with the turnstile are a common cause of problems.

Try Incognito/Private Browsing Mode

Some users have reported that doing this seems to solve their issues.

If you have tried all of these options, and still nothing seems to work, then please go ahead and contact support@nexusmods.com. The more information and evidence you can supply, the better, to help us isolate what the problem could be and pass the issue onto our development team if need be.