Blender mbass tutorial

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Adult content.

Download Blender, Python, Skeleton.nif (this is an older version of Blender, however it matches this tutorial):

The version of Blender I use can be downloaded here: link

Install in the order as the text file indicates, this text file comes with the download*

Download whatever body you prefer. In this tutorial, I used HGEC c-cup, m-lowerbody

1.0 Blender Setup

This part will be true only if you are using the factory settings The following are my preferences in using Blender

1. Open Blender

Blender mbass tutorial image 1.jpg

2. Press 'a' on the keyboard till all a objects are highlighted

Blender mbass tutorial image 2.jpg

3. Press delete, and press enter (or click 'Erase selected Object(s)')

4. Move the mouse to the lowest part of the top title bar, a double arrow will appear. Left click, and drag down the bar menu to reveal the view & controls menu.

Blender mbass tutorial image 3.jpg

5. Click on 'turntable' and 'pan view'

Blender mbass tutorial image 4.jpg

6. Hide the view & controls bar

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7. In between the lower window and middle window, move the courser in between, and right click once the courser turns to a double arrow.

Blender mbass tutorial image 6.jpg

8. Click on 'split area', and divide the main window into two.

Blender mbass tutorial image 7.jpg

9. Change the right window to UV/Image Editor

Blender mbass tutorial image 8.jpg

10. Click on file, and save default setting

Blender mbass tutorial image 9.jpg

Setup complete, this new configuration will start-up each time you start up blender*

1.1 Setup Nude Mesh

I prefer to make my outfits as one nif file, this is due to the fact that you can hide more body seams*

1. File > Import > NetImmerse/Gamebryo <== I will refer to this as "import nif"

Blender mbass tutorial image 10.jpg

2. Locate the nif files which you downloaded. You might need to move one of the windows to make navigation easier

Blender mbass tutorial image 11.jpg

3. For each nif file imported in this section, highlight only "Realign Bone Tail + Roll" and "Send Bones To Blind Position".

Blender mbass tutorial image 12.jpg

Very important

anytime you have an existing mesh already imported into blender, you MUST have all meshes highlighted (by pressing 'a' on

the keyboard) before importing the next mesh*

4. Import all hand, foot, upperbody, and lowerbody.

Blender mbass tutorial image 13.jpg

  • to change views, hold shift, then press in the mouse wheel...them move the mouse*

Blender mbass tutorial image 14.jpg

5. Highlight, and delete all 'bones' (aka armature). Make sure to delete all 4 sets.

the armature looks like the black dots, some of which are connected by a line*

Blender mbass tutorial image 15.jpg

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6. Save your file

blender does NOT automatically save, even when the program is closed*

we want to eliminate some seams*

7. Highlight all meshes, by either holding shift and right clicking on each mesh, or press 'a'

8. Object > Join Objects

Blender mbass tutorial image 17.jpg

9. Switch to Edit Mode, press 'a' to deselect the vertcies

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10. Zoom in to the waist (rotate the mouse wheel) *we are going to eliminate that seam*

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11. We want to find a duplicate vertcie, to find it, right click once.....then right click a second time. If the same

vertcie appears to reference two difference meshes, that is the one we need to join together.

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12. Once you have located it, hold shift, right click twice (to highlight both vertcies), then press 'w', then click on merge.

in this case, you can select either first, last, or center*

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13. Work your way around the whole body to eliminate the waist seem

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14. Do the same for the wrists and ankles.

15. Save your file.

1.2 Creating a New Mesh

In Object Mode* 1. Add > Mesh > Cube

Blender mbass tutorial image 25.jpg

2. move the cube to approximately where you want the new mesh to be located

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3. Switch to Edit Mode, hold shift, right click on the top two vertcies, and move them back a bit

Blender mbass tutorial image 27.jpg

4. press 's' on the keyboard to scale the vertcies in a bit

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6. Move vertcies out to hide the nude mesh

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7. Click on the top and bottom vertcie, then press delete.

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8. Press 'a' to highlight all, press 'w' and Subdivide again

Blender mbass tutorial image 34.jpg

9. Move vertcies out again to cover nude mesh

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10. Go to object mode. Notice how the mesh looks like segments of squares. To fix this, make sure you are in editing mode as shown in the bottom panel, and click set smooth.

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11. fine tune the mesh so that the skirt does not let the nude mesh show.

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12. Save your file

1.3 Setting up a Uv

setting up a good uv takes practice, It is good to understand how texture files work for this section*

1. Highlight the top row of vertcies. I used the border select (locate the mouse to the bottom left of where you want to

highlight vertcies, press 'b' , left click on the mouse, and make the dotted box enclose the vertcies you want to highlight.

Highlight all the vertcies as shown in the second figure.

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2. Press ctrl+e, click mark seam

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3. Highlight all pressing 'a', type 'u' and click unwrap. On the right window, a UV will show. You will need to zoom in to

get the view I have as shown

Blender mbass tutorial image 44.jpg

An alternate version to a UV is show with a single seam down the back side of the skirt*

Blender mbass tutorial image 45.jpg

1.4 Setting up the texture reference

1. Select object mode, select the shading panel, and select the material buttons mode, click on add new

Blender mbass tutorial image 46.jpg

2. In the texture menu, click 'add new'

Blender mbass tutorial image 47.jpg

3. Map input to UV

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4. Click on the texture Button

Blender mbass tutorial image 49.jpg

5. Select texture type to image, and load image (this is a texture reference)

Blender mbass tutorial image 50.jpg

a preview of the texture will show once selected*

Blender mbass tutorial image 51.jpg

1.5 Weighing an outfit

t is best to weigh an outfit to a separated body mesh (femalehand.nif, femalefoot.nif, femaleupperbody.nif, femalelowerbody.nif) rather than the combined mesh from before.

1. go into object mode

2. highlight the nude mesh, then go into edit mode, highlight all vertcies with 'a', go back into object mode

Blender mbass tutorial image 52.jpg

3. Click on the un-weighted mesh. Switch to edit mode, press 'a' to select all vertcies.

Blender mbass tutorial image 53.jpg

Next steps are very important in sequence*

4. highlight the un-weighted mesh

5. Hold shift, and Highlight the body mesh

6. object > Scripts > bone weight copy

Blender mbass tutorial image 54.jpg

7. Quality 3, update selected

Blender mbass tutorial image 55.jpg

these are the typical settings, in some cases, quality 4 will crash Blender*

8. Save your file.

1.6 Normals to a Mesh

I am not going too much in depth, to recalculate normals:

1) go into edit mode

2) highlight all the vertcies 'a'

3) press ctrl+n, then press enter for outside normals (ctrl+shift+n for inside normals)

the tricky part of this is to make sure that all surfaces are facing a particular direction, watch out for connected vertcies across a mesh*

1.7 Final prep work

1. Highlight all meshes 'a', press ctrl+a and click 'Scale and Rotation to ObData

2. Highlight all meshes 'a', File > Import > nif , select skeleton.nif from my uploaded folder. Highlight 'Realign Bone Tail + Roll' and 'Import Skeleton Only + Parent Selected' for those who understand engineering terminology, let all normals to the surface face similar direction with respect to each-other.*

Blender mbass tutorial image 56.jpg

f done correctly, you should be able to drag the armature, and the other meshes will follow*

3. Export by file > export > nif

Blender mbass tutorial image 57.jpg

happy modding :)