Flow Graph

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Standard Flow Graph

FlowGraph Image1.png

Flow Graph is a standard tool in CryEngine Sandbox Editor. In this version of the Editor though it also features a major extension – Quest System Flow Graph. The standard Flowgraph is used for various game features such as screen effects.
For further information on this standard usage please consult CE 3 documentation.

Quest System Flow Graph

FlowGraph Image2.png

The tool is used for:

  • Creation of Quest FlowGraphs
    • Quest FlowGraphs primarily consist Quests and Objectives which have their states. These states are stored upon saving.
    • Partly allows some logic scripting.
  • Visual live debugging of Quest FlowGraphs states when you are in the Game Mode.

All flowgraphs (FGs) are storable in XML files. Quest FlowGraphs however are stored in DB (with XML as an auto-generated backup). When you open a FlowGraph of the type “quest” the tool switches to the Quest System FlowGraph mode. This mode uses its own set of nodes and cannot be combined with the standard nodes. You can find all the Quest System nodes under the Quest node group.
FlowGraph Image2.png

All Quest FGs ought to be stored under the Quest folder.
FlowGraph Image2.png

Across the tools and game systems there are 3 different things commonly called “quest”:

  • Quest in Flow Graph/Quest System – Along with its FlowGraph Objectives defines the game state of a given quest. Along with its Objectives represents one of the means of scripting the game logic. However, the Quest FlowGraph has very limited scripting capabilities. Stored in DB table “quest”. It’s inherently paired with a single FlowGraph of the same name. Must hold at least one FlowGraph Objective to work. Can be in states: Unchanged, Active, Started, Completed, Canceled.
  • Quest SmartObject – A special subtype of SmartObject class which ought to use a specific predefined brain template. Because it’s a SmartObject it holds the main AI tree of the quest and has much wider options for game logic scripting. It is also used and the object that holds definitions for all behaviors used in the quest. The Quest System (which is “under the hood” of the Quest Flow Graph) is able to automatically send objective and quest state messages to the desired Quest SmartObject. The object entity is placed in the level.
  • Quest in Skald – A subchapter in Skald which is linked to a Quest FlowGraph. Represents the textual layer to the other systems. Should hold all texts and objectives related to one quest. Can be linked to a Quest FlowGraph. Objective Actions and Exit scripts, both part of Dialog System, represent the third crucial part of the means of scripting of game logic.

For further information on the Quest System please consult Quest System documentation and tutorial.

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