Captured by the Night

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  1. l3ooga
    • premium
    • 17 kudos
    Gorgeous... πŸ’™
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 733 kudos
      Hey, thank you πŸ˜Š
  2. Slur7
    • member
    • 22 kudos
    Excellent set of Halcyon, Vermilion.

    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 733 kudos
      Much appreciated, mate πŸ™
  3. chickmetalhead
    • supporter
    • 152 kudos
    Incredible images as always! I am still not sure that I will play this game, but you sure know how to make it tempting! I have heard good things from a few people now, so I do have it on my list. I may have said this before... but those eyes! Absolutely amazing!
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 733 kudos
      Oh yeah, I definitely recommend it. It's really, really good. It's also my most played single-player game by several hundred hours -- a bit surprising since I was new to this turn-based CRPG genre (you know I mostly play action RPGs like Skyrim, Fallout, and Cyberpunk). BG3 has that comforting old school feeling to it while still being very much modern in design, level of detail, and narrative. In some ways it reminds me of the games I grew up with like Neverwinter Nights and Fallout 3. I hope you play it some day & thank you! 
    2. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 152 kudos
      One of the things that made me debate playing this game was that it seemed to be geared for either online multiplayer, or offline coop with friends in the room playing with you. I did do some research, so I know it has a single player mode. If I am reading your comment right, it sounds like you are saying that you play single-player, and you love it. If that is true - the game will remain on my list.

      To clarify a bit... the term "turn-based" is what concerned me today, and made me do some extra research. But reading some reviews it sounds like in single player, the other (3?) characters in the crew are more like followers? Turning off rambling mode now.
    3. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 733 kudos
      Co-op and multiplayer went completely out of my mind lol. I never tried co-op, but perhaps one day. Tbh I feel like it was made predominantly as a single-player game that makes you feel part of a Dungeons and Dragons session. It's very immersive once you get into it; the narration is top-notch and the companions are quite the lively bunch. Well, only the combat is turn-based -- otherwise it's sort of like Skyrim but character movements are mouse-based (though I believe there are mods that change it to WASD). Yes, the 3 companions you have in your party follow you on their own. The game is truly only turn-based in combat, where you control the entire team and every character gets 9m of movement, an action, and a bonus action (by default) per turn. 
  4. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    Awesome shots. I can't help but think, "Would I really want her attention?" When I look at these.
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 733 kudos
      Oh, she's but a harmless Lore Bard. Well... her Vicious Mockeries and Cutting Words are quite emotionally lethal :p
      Thank you πŸ˜„
  5. phasebun
    • premium
    • 59 kudos

    Enchanting!!!!! β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈI LOVE the way you capture the shadow lands omg!!!!! Beautiful Halcyooon!!!!! ^^ Some of the eeriness is taken away as well because imo.... it's sososo tricky to work with the lighting in so many areas in Act 2, so this is extremely pleasing ( ΛΆΛ†α—œΛ†Λ΅ )!! I forever love that when in darker areas, tiefling's eyes glow a bit more in a way that's sooo perfect to me. (at first it sucked the glitch doesn't work if changing the color :x but I've fallen in love with the draconic flames xD and the way the flames move)  Incredible shots of the graveyard area!!!!!!!!!! The mist/fog on the ground looks even better here βœͺ Ο‰ βœͺ spooky cute since I've always loved the trees and bushes in Act 2 a lot. I can't remember if there's only one grave area in Act my guess is the first 2 scenic shots are from the area near Malus Thorm? The creepy doctor? (my second guess is maybe one of the shots MIGHT be from below Shar's temple....??? I thought hard about this lmao) The 3rd scenic shot....I think I want a hint LOL I notice the little teleport thing, but I can't remember one being near a shed/building???? At least for sure not below it....( β€’Μ€ - β€’ ) Gorgeous set, tysm for sharing!!!!!!!! ^^ πŸ’›
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 733 kudos
      Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it 🫢
      Probably said it before, but I'll say it again -- I love Act 2 (and the Shadow Cursed Lands) so much. The whole vibe and colour palette is perfect. Very easy on the eyes during gameplay, and kinda' chill and comfortable tbh (if you ignore all the horror and monstrosities lol). Oh yeah, you reminded me! When I first created Halcyon, her eyes were supposed to be glowing pink/purple to match her skin tone but instead it defaulted to red... and I eventually got used to it :p

      Yep! The first two were taken right above the House of Healing, along that little winding path before the door leading to the morgue. Very beautiful spooky area. The third one was taken at the Ruined Battlefield waypoint, near the House with Flowers ^^
  6. Moonmaiden37
    • member
    • 29 kudos
    Wonderful shots Vermi, and your girl is super gorgeous.
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 733 kudos
      Thanks a lot, Moonmaiden!
  7. andresot
    • member
    • 50 kudos
    Every pick deserves its own fancy wood frame.
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 733 kudos
      I'm honoured. Thank you so much 😊
  8. Karna5
    • premium
    • 303 kudos
    I'm glad for these pictures :)
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 733 kudos
      Much appreciated, my friend πŸ™β€οΈ
  9. LoreIsFree
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Absolutely beautiful!
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 733 kudos
      Thanks much! πŸ˜Š
  10. lesjones
    • premium
    • 159 kudos
    A very seriously "gothic" vibe to these images, my friend, beautifully made, as always!
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 733 kudos
      Thanks so much, Les! Yes, Act 2 of this game has a sort of corrupted Gothic theme to it. It takes place mostly around an abandoned town covered in curse and vines. I'm personally very fond of the colour scheme prevalent throughout -- I love those pale blues and reds ^^