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About this mod

This mod introduces the Genasi race along with 6 subraces. Currently includes: Earth, Air, Fire, Ice, Smoke, and Storm Genasi.

Permissions and credits
Homebrew Genasi
          Currently adds 5 homebrew Genasi subraces

Thanks to all <3


- Occasionally, genasi result from exposure to a surge of elemental power, through phenomena such as an eruption from the Inner Planes or a planar convergence. Elemental energy saturates any creatures in the area and might alter their nature enough that their offspring with other mortals are born as genasi.
  • Base Racial Speed (10m)
  • Constitution +1
  • Internal Energy Source/Constitution Spell Casting Ability
  • Constitution Saving Throw Proficiency

Fire Genasi:
- Fire genasi could be found anywhere, but were most commonly found in Calimshan, Chult, The Lake Of Steam, and Unther. Most Fire genasi in Faerûn were descended from an Efreet, particularly those that once ruled Calimshan.
  • Fire Resisrance
  • Constitution + 1
  • INT/STR +1
  • Skills - Intimidation & Persuasion
  • (level 1) Produce Flame Cantrip
  • (level 2) Flame whip (Once per short rest) & Control Flames (Need 5e Spells to work)
  • (level 3) Searing Daggers - Once per short rest

Ice Genasi:

- These genasi appeared human, but commonly had sharper facial features and a more chiseled look than the average human. They were quite hearty but a bit sluggish. They had pale skin and supernatural traits that hinted to their heritage, such as breath that fogged in any weather or frost appearing in their hair.
  • Cold Resistance
  • Constitution +1
  • INT/WIS/CHA +1
  • Skills - Insight & Perception
  • Arctic Acclimated
  • (level 1) Frostbite Cantrip
  • (level 2) Ice Knife - Once per short rest
  • (level 3) Qorrashi Burst (Once per long rest) & ArmorOfAgathys(Lvl 2, Once per short rest)

Earth Genasi:
- Earth genasi tended to be strong and tough, but were often stubborn and oblivious. They tended to be indifferent to others of their kind and thus in many cases isolated themselves.
  • 1 Physical Resistance
  • Strength Saving Throw Proficiency
  • STR +2
  • Earth Walk
  • (level 1) Earth Tremor/Magic stone (homebrewed)
  • (level 2) Earth Ward - Once per short rest
  • (level 3) Dust Blast - Once per long rest

Smoke Genasi:
- Smoke genasi always have a faint odor of charcoal about them, and this odor usually indicates their mood. The pleasant odor of smoked cedar, for instance, may indicate that the smoke genasi is in a generous mood, while a sharp and acrimoniously smoky odor might indicate anger or jealousy. Smoke genasi usually also have dark gray hair that moves of its own accords like smoke coming off a fire, and mottled gray skin which seems to change coloring and pattern from moment to moment.
  • Movement Speed +2m
  • Fire Resistance and Immunity to Blindness
  • CHA/DEX +2 (Can do 1 point in each)
  • Skills - Stealth & Deception
  • (level 1) Minor Illusion (Bonus action) or Disguise Self  (Once per long rest)
  • (level 2) Shadow Bolt ( Once per short rest) and Blur (Once per long rest)
  • (level 3) Passive - Smokey Escape (Passive) & Invisibility (Once per short rest); Pass without trace (Once per long rest)

Storm Genasi:
- Storm Genasi are an offshoot of Air Genasi representing the electricity, energy, and power of storms in the sky. They are free-spirited and intense, their moods blowing over as quickly as a thunderstorm.
  • Thunder & Lightning Immunity (Yes; immunity, since it's not very common I figured why not)
  • DEX/CHA +1
  • Skills - Intimidation & Perception
  • (level 1) Witch Bolt (Once per long rest) & Imbue Thunder (Cantrip)
  • (level 2) Static Flux (Once per Combat)
  • (level 3) Dragons Breath - Lightning (Once per long rest)

Air Genasi:
- Air Genasi are fast and free-willed, even for other genasi, and in some ways represent many of the stereotypes about genasi in general. For instance, while most genasi see one another as parts of a larger family this is particularly true for air genasi, and the bloodlines of many air genasi are so old and so untraceable that air genasi, as a whole, tend to view one another as cousins—even air genasi they've never met before.
  • Force Resistance & Immunity to Bleeding
  • +2 DEX & +3m movement speed (Total movement = 13m)
  • Skills - Acrobatics & History
  • (level 1) Forceful Breeze (Cantrip) & Djinn Flight (Once per short rest)
  • (level 3) Warding Wind (Once per long rest) & Gust Of Wind (Once per long rest) <---- this one is super cool I promise

Spell Descriptions:
  • Produce Flame (Fire Genasi Cantrip) - Conjure a flame that sheds dim light around you. The flame remains there for 10 minutes and harms neither you nor your equipment. You can also attack with the flame, although doing so ends the spell.
  • Searing Daggers (Lvl 3 Fire Genasi Spell) - Throw three fiery daggers with each having a 70% chance to burn the target. Each dagger does 1d6 Fire & 1d6 Piercing damage. This spell increases in damage equal to your Level + Constitution modifier. Cooldown = Once Per Long Rest
  • Flame Whip (Lvl 2 Fire Genasi Spell) - Make a melee spell attack with a fiery whip, target one creature you can see within 20 ft of you. On hit, the target takes 1d4 Slashing + 1d4 Fire damage and is pulled up to 10 ft towards you. Cooldown = Once Per Short Rest.
  • Earth Tremor (Earth Genasi Cantrip) - You cause a tremor near a target in range that causes mud to erupt from the ground around them. Each creature, other than you and your allies in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw. The creatures that fail their saving throw take 1d6 bludgeoning damage and fall prone. (Aa an earth genasi you should not be affected by the difficult terrain)
  • Earth Ward (Lvl 2 Earth Genasi spell) - As a bonus action, once per short rest you can channel the divine energy of the earth, target yourself or an ally within range to receive a plus 1 bonus to AC and giving them resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing, and Acidic damage. The effects last for 1 minute or until concentration is broken. Cooldown = Once Per Short Rest.
  • Dust Blast (Lvl 3 Earth Genasi spell) - Manifest a ball of dust and mud with materials that naturally reside within your body. Releasing it, enemies within range must make a Constitution Saving Throw, on a failed save the dust blinds creatures for 2 turns and deals 4d4 Bludgeoning damage. On a succesful save enemies only take half damage and are not blinded.
  • Frostbite (Ice Genasi Cantrip) - You cause numbing frost to form on one creature that you can see within range. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d6 cold damage, and it has disadvantage on the next weapon attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.
  • Ice Knife (Lvl 2 Ice Genasi Spell) - Per 5e rulebook (From Diz's 5e Spells mod) (does not conflict)
  • Qorrashi burst (Lvl 3 Ice Genasi Spell) - Conjure the elemental power within you and unleash a burst of snow and ice in a 5 ft radius around you. Each creature in the radius must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d4 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. In addition, the ground around you turns to ice and becomes difficult terrain.
  • ShadowBolt (Lvl 2 Smoke Genasi Spell) - Make a ranged spell attack on a creature within range. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 Necrotic damage and is Blinded until the end of your next turn. If you miss, the target still takes only half damage and is not blinded.
  • Dragons Breath - Lightning (Lvl 3 Storm Genasi Spell) - Exhale an energy of lightning, dealing 3d6 Lightning Damage or half the damage on a successful saving throw. (Thx DiZ) ^^^^^^
  • Static Flux (Lvl 2 Storm Genasi Spell) - Conjure the elemental energy within you and prepare to release a powerful shock. The next time you are hit by an enemy; expend a reaction point & to deal 1d4 Lightning damage that stuns the foe until the end of your next turn.
  • Imbue Thunder (Storm Genasi Cantrip) - As a bonus action, you conjure Thunder energy into your weapons. The next time you deal damage with them, you deal an additional 1d8 Lightning damage. 
  • Forceful Breeze (Air Genasi Cantrip) - You make a complex arm movement, causing a very specific area of wind around you to increase in speed to overwhelm a target. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 Force damage, 1d4 Slashing damage, and is pushed up to 5m away from you.
  • Warding Wind (Lvl 3 Air Genasi Spell) - A strong wind (20 miles per hour) blows around you in a 4m radius and moves with you, remaining centered on you. The wind lasts for the spell’s duration. Any creature within radius of the wind other than you and you're allies are considered to be in Difficult Terrain. Additionally, creatures have Disadvantage on ranged attacks that pass through the wind. <---- Couldn't make the VFX for this one so I improvised
  • Gust Of Wind - (Lvl 3 Air Genasi Spell) - A line of Strong Wind 60 feet long and 10 feet wide blasts from you in a direction you choose for the spell's Duration. Each creature that starts its turn in the line must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed 15 feet away from you in a direction following the line. As a bonus action on each of your turns, you may change the direction in which the wind flows from you. <---- This one was a headache to implement and required some scripting. (Thanks for the help DiZ) really cool VFX though and probably my favorite spell thus far!
  • Djinn Flight - (Air Genasi Cantrip - Once Per Short Rest) - Fly up to 20m, you do not take fall damage.

  • Passive: Smokey Escape
- As a 'Reaction' the next time you take damage from an an enemy, you may disperse a thick dark cloud of smoke from your body that heavily obscures a 10ft radius sphere centered on you. The smoke lasts for 2 turns and ranged attacks may not enter or leave the area obscured.

  • Manual:
- Place included .pak into Documents\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Mods (Or wherever your mod folder is)
- Update modsettings.lsx as shown below (In player profiles folder)

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(Updating Description OT)

I want to give a quick thanks to all the mod creators who have helped me out along the way and provided me with knowledge...

THANK YOU!: In no particular order of course.

That's it, Enjoy!