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About this mod

Emulate Pathfinder 1e's Eldritch Scion into Sorcerer class to some degree without straying too far from how BG3's Sorcerer feels. Use your Sorcery Point to cast a spell in tandem with a melee attack and enhance the melee attack, plus gain proficiencies with Armour and Weapons.

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Eldritch Scion Feat in BG3

Unlike typical magi, eldritch scions do not study tomes of magic or spend time learning to combine martial and magical skills. Rather, eldritch scions find that their spells and abilities come to them instinctively.

What is This Mod?

A lightweight, non-invasive feature addition meant to emulate Pathfinder 1e's Eldritch Scion into Sorcerer class to some degree without straying too far from how BG3's Sorcerer feels.

Basically the laziest possible implementation of Eldritch Scion's core feature Spellstrike + some supporting proficiencies into Sorcerer without sacrificing/reimplementing Sorcerer's Bloodline and Full Caster Progression plus making sure the mod is highly compatible with future patches or other mods.

Eldritch Scion Feat

- Metamagic Quickened
    - WARNING: The requirement is ABSOLUTELY needed even though the feat will be able to be picked when you don't have Metamagic Quickened. However, in doing so you'll be unable to receive the Spellstrike and Proficiencies granted by this feat, even if you add Metamagic Quickened later on (e.g. You have "Feat Every 2 Level" mod and pick Eldritch Scion Feat at Level 2. This feat will do nothing for your character even if you add Metamagic Quickened at level 4)

    - Spell Combat
        - Require character to wield a one-handed or versatile melee weapon without a shield
        - Cost 1 Sorcery Point
        - Gives melee attack roll bonus equivalent to ((spellcasting ability modifier/2) + 1) (Typically CHA, but can be for example WIS if somehow you give a Cleric the Metamagic Quickened passive with a mod)
            - This melee attack has to cost 1 Action, i.e. Extra Attack isn't eligible
        - On melee attack hit, allows you to cast a spell. If the spell incurs a disadvantage at point-blank range, the disadvantage is negated.
            - Cost 1 Bonus Action
        - Spellstrike: Alternatively, on melee attack hit, allows you to cast a melee spell attack that is guaranteed to hit (critical hit if the melee attack is also a critical hit)
            - Cost 1 Bonus Action
    - Light Armor Proficiency
    - Medium Armor Proficiency
    - Simple Weapon Proficiency

    - Martial Weapon Proficiency
    - +1 Ability Point (STR or DEX)


Use BG3 Mod Manager to install. If you do insist on installing this manually, add this section to the Mods node in %PATH_TO_YOUR_APP_DATA%\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\PlayerProfiles\<YOUR_PROFILE_FOLDER>\modsettings.lsx

<node id="ModuleShortDesc">
<attribute id="Folder" value="Eldritch Scion Feat" type="LSString" />
<attribute id="MD5" value="" type="LSString" />
<attribute id="Name" value="Eldritch Scion Feat" type="LSString" />
<attribute id="UUID" value="588d53b8-1b8b-4dd9-af3a-b48dcaea9a73" type="FixedString" />
<attribute id="Version64" value="6442450944" type="int64" />


1. Respec characters that have this feat to remove the feat
2. Remove the mod from your game


Eldritch Scion is my favorite Archetype in Pathfinder 1e and so I want to replicate the feeling in BG3 (I failed a WIS check on preventing myself from committing blasphemy by bringing Pathfinder to DnD 5e). There are already some in-game features that bring the combined feel of sword and sorcery, but I always have something to nitpick over each of them, e.g. Eldritch Knight scales on INT, Warlock requires Pact, etc. At the time of writing, there are also no mods that implement what I want (Gycicada's Magus Class is close but it's 2e and more importantly not scales on CHA) so I decided to put these inexperienced hands into the modding scene.

What to Expect From This Mod

- The feat is a complement to Sorcerer class, Draconic Bloodline in particular. This mod will (probably) never expand its scope beyond that.
- This mod isn't a 1-to-1 faithful representation of the Pathfinder 1e Eldritch Scion class. I want to implement cool things from Eldritch Scion without making BG3 too Pathfinder-ly or making Sorcerer too overpowered.
- This mod will strive to maintain ease of installation, uninstalling, and compatibility with future patches or other mods
    - This is part of why the mod is implemented as a feat. Theoretically, it says there's a mod that adds Metamagic Quickened to other classes, then the player should be able to take this feat (albeit with a horrifically inaccurate tooltip)
    - Also, I'm not a dedicated modder and honestly spending a weekend and sacrificing playtime is already borderline unacceptable to me so support will be sparse. So I'm making this mod as simple as possible to maintain high compatibility.

Future Feature Plan

- [x] Spellcombat
    - [ ] Proper removal of Point Blank Disadvantage
- [X] Spellstrike
    - [X] Make sure only enabled for Versatile or One-Handed Weapon without Shield
        - [ ] The check is on the toggleable passive if possible
- [x] Light Armor Proficiency
- [x] Medium Armor Proficiency
    - [ ] Rewarded at Level 7 if possible Doesn't seem to be possible at all
- [x] Martial Weapon Proficiency
- [X] +1 Ability Point (STR or DEX)


- Norbyte for the LSLib
- ShinyHobo for the BG3 Multitool
- Gycicada for the Magus Spellstrike as the inspiration to code


- v0.1.2:
    - Bug Fix
      - Properly remove Spell Combat and Spellstrike after casting a spell. Previously you could keep casting spells as a bonus action as long as you have multiple bonus actions.
- v0.1.1:
    - Fix Localization, remove irrelevant passive from portrait indicator
- v0.1.0:
    - Implemented Spell Combat (which is a mixture of Arcane Accuracy minus the attack roll penalty)
- v0.0.4:
    - Implemented weapon limitation to one-handed/versatile melee weapon without shield
- v0.0.3:
    - Implemented Ability Point Increase
    - Bug fix on Spellstrike
- v0.0.2:
    - Implemented Spellstrike
- v0.0.1:
    - Initialize mod
    - Implemented Armor and Weapon Proficiency