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Adds a potion to drink to change stats, speed, actions, BA. Can spawn different items. You get potion at game start, from armourer trader in grove or from a hireling.
V1.73 Add: SORCERER- Flight, CLERIC- Thunderbolt Strike, Blindsight (Need Blindsight Mod), Status Immunity- Charmed & Frightened, BARB- Frenzied Rage.

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V1.73 Add: SORCERER- Flight, CLERIC- Thunderbolt Strike, Blindsight (Need Blindsight Mod), Status Immunity- Charmed & Frightened, BARB- Frenzied Rage.
V1.72 Add: Compatibility with Extended Metamagic (massive thanks to darkcharl); Sneaky Attack (wpn attack, need advantage or ally within melee range, do (2d6*12/2, Piercing dmg)
V1.71 Fix: Font of magic
V1.70 Add: magical ambush, Wrath of the Storm, Heart of the Storm, LifeDrinker, Improved Divine Smite, Arcane Hunger, Boots of Striding, Background Tags (untested), Spell Flesh to Gold. Fix: Font of magic, elemental affinity.
V1.69 Add: Detect Thoughts to Ritual Caster, Warlock- add all mystic arcanum, Fix: all arcane recovery up to lvl 5 spell slots.
V1.68 Add: Druid- natural recovery spell; Buffs- toggle advantage; Cantrips - Prestidigitation, Monk- Step of the Wind, Sorcerer- Wild Magic, Barb- add all Aspects of the beast.
V1.67 Add: Natural Recovery Resource (under druid); Fix - 1 AC debuff
V1.66 Add: Paladin - Aura of Courage
V1.65 Add: Under buffs - Tharchiate Codex, Danse Macabre, Forbidden Knowledge, Race Tags Aasimar (with approval of Trips, thx Trips!)
V1.64 Add: Under buffs - spell to restore resources
V1.63 Add: Rogue - reliable talent, magehand legerdemain, Fighter- improved critical, Bard - Jack of All Trades
V1.62 Fix: Racial abilities (Tiefling), Add Arcane Recovery, Add War Priest
V1.61 Add: Arcane Recovery+5, Font of magic (higherspellslots), Tranquility (Monk), Fast Movement, Brutal Critical (Barb), Pact blade, chain, tomb (Warlock), High level invocations
V1.60 Add: Rogue - cunning action, uncanny action, assassinate, Sorcerer- affinity dmg and resistance
V1.59 Add: Bard - bardic inspiration, inspiration points and bardic flourish.
V1.58 Add: Githzerasi Mind Barrier, Dread Ambusher, Construct Tag, Add All Proficiencies, Add All Expertise
V1.57 Add: Pack Tactics
V1.56 TESTING: if you add 1 of the following feats (SS, GWM, Elven accuracy, Lucky, PAM, Mobile or TavernB) it will show as taken at level 4. Add: Monk unarmored movement and ki empowered strikes, Pally lvl 7 spells/ abilities
V1.55 Amend: you get a passive- leave on to summon potion on reload; turn off and the potion will not be summoned
V1.54 Fix: Strike of the Giant resource; Add +2 weapon damage
V1.53 Add: Giant feats from FeatsExtra, Origin Tags, Pact Weapon (from Warlock)
V1.52 Add: summon soap, Full Illithid gets mind blast and mind sanctuary, Fighter gest improved combat superiority, Evocations adds One with Shadows
V1.51 Amend: Divine Buff unlocks a spell and a toggle passive. Just toggle the buff on or off at any time
V1.50 Add: All the smite spells, create sorcery points and spellslots.
V1.49 Fix: Divine Buff (thanks Jaggernaut365); Riposte, Subclass tags are part of class tags
V1.48 Fix: Divine Buff (thanks Jaggernaut365); Add Shadow Spell Slots.
V1.47 Fix: red text in the console
V1.46 Add: ProficiencyBonus(6); Elemental Weapon Spell (under Buffs)
V1.45 Add: Pixie Blessing, Debuff wpn attacks, Wizard Sublcass features, Ranger Tag
V1.44 Add: Karsus' Compulsion, Separate BM Manoeuvres, Barb powers (rage, reckless attack and unarmored defense), Monk Power (unarmored defense)
V1.43 Add" Gale's End Game Powers
V1.42 Fix: racial feats
V1.41 Add: Gunner Feat and Updated version of Crossbow Expert Feat (requires Feats Extra mod).
V1.40 Add: Observant Wis, Add all BM Manouvres (including a few from weapon skills extra), Separate Race tags from Race Abilities.
V1.39 Add: Ranger-whirlwind/ volley, Racial Tags, Class Tags (separate icon), Divine Buff (+10stats, +10 attack, skill min roll 10), Druid- wildshape.
V1.38 Add: Support 6 feats from Essential Feats - Alchemist, Deadly Alacrity, Nimble Fingers, Lightly Armored, Thiefs Apprentice, War Magic (Thanks to Syrchalis); Fix for Mindflayer Drain Ability
V1.37 Add: Astral Knowledge to Gith; Add support for War Caster 2014 (thanks Wesslan)
V1.36 Add: Full Illithid Tadpole powers, Flight, Vulnerabilities, another 9 feats from Feats Extra.
V1.35 Add: Kereska's Favour (spells still usable once per LR, but can swap between them).
V1.34 Fix: Dragonborn features
V1.33 Fix: Observant Wis
V1.32 Add: FeatsExtra have a separate icon (with Observant, Healer, Infernal Constitution, Telekinetic); Fighter weapon bond, Cleric all level 2 channel divinity powers
V1.31 Fix: Racial Human now gets the increased carry capacity (to add the skill use another option in this mod).
V1.30 Add: Cantrips: bladeward, dancing lights, friends, produce flame, truestrike; Add: SpellAttack, WeaponAttack, ThrowAttack, UnarmedAttack (dash icon with other abilities)
V1.29 Add: Racial abilities; SpellSaveDC (dash icon with other abilities)
V1.28 Add: Gales Mystra Blessings 1 &2, Add Fungal infestation resource
V1.27 Fix: summon gold and gold bars
V1.26 Fix: summoned legendary items are permanent (not removed on respec)
V1.25 Add: cantrip Thaumaturgy
V1.24 Add: Shillelagh cantrip
V1.23 Add: War Magic
V1.22 Add: Minor Illusion, remove Sapping Sting
V1.21 Add: Lathander's Blessing, added dyes Boreal Blue and Dark Amethyst
V1.20 Add: Combat Regeneration (1d4/turn), and under immunities is Stunned Immunity
V1.19 Add: Boooal's Blessing
V1.18 Add: lucky points Fix: branded name. Fix : light cantrip
V1.17 Add: feat spell sniper (adds all spells); add Volo see invisibility status. Potion added via Script Extender and Treasuretables.
V1.16 Add damage immunities
V1.15 Add: Feather Fall added to Ritual Feat spells
V1.14 Fix: Movement  Add: resistance to fall damage.
V1.13 Add: Evasion (under resources), RitualCaster (under Feat2- unlocks all six ritual spells).
V1.12 Add: Ignore Physical resistance in beast form (under Resistance spell container).
V1.11 Add: War priest resources Fix: get Divine Smite children spells
V1.10 Add: fighting styles, paladin powers, spellslots now +1, cantrips, Emperor Form, +5 max health or -5 max health.
V1.09 Fix: soap/resistance will be removed Add: choose Loviators Bless, Awakenend, Branded.
V1.08 Fix: resistance are now working
V1.07 Add: +5 Movement, Level 11 extra attack, AC fix, choose resistance, add soap & water, fix Minthara disguise and REMOVE ALL OPTION
V1.06 Add: feats added- dungeon delver, elemental adept, heavily armored, lightly arored, mage slayer, moderately armored, savage attacker and tavern brawler.
V1.05 Fix: can remove all movements changes, added invocation names, and can remove acrobatics prof.
V1.04 Add: Rage, ChannelOath, ChannelDivinity resources, Slayer Form. Fix: Wildshape resources
V1.03 Add: Ki, Warlock slots, Summon dyes, Feats actor, charger, Elven Accuracy, MediumArmorMaster, Legendary items, change how stats increase, few missing entries.    
V1.02 Fix/Add: ok, really fixed metamagic and resources; plus added disguise self option (e.g. Astarion, cambion, owlbear cug, buffed cambion etc)
V1.01 Fix: resources container spelling error
You get a potion at character start (and can buy at the armorer trader in the Grove).

The potions allows you to:
1. increase (or decrease) abilities scores, movement, AC, initiative, action/ bonus/reaction points, and add extra attack.

2. Add skill proficiencies and skill expertise.

3. Add resources: bardic inspiration, darkvision, superior dark vision, increase critical range, sorcery points, wildshapes, superiority die, spell slots (1-9).

4. Add metamagic: heightened, quickened, subtle, twinned, careful, distance and extended.

5. Summon items: gold and gold bars, archery supplies (handcrossbows and special arrows) and tadpoles.

6. Add many feats from base game: Alert, Athlete, Crossbow Expert, Defensive Dualist, Dual Wielder,Durable, Eldrtich Adept, Great Weapon Master, Heavy Armor Master,Lucky, Mobile, Polearm Master, Performance, Resilient, Sentinel, Sharpshooter, Shield Master, Tough, War Caster.