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About this mod

The Harlequin class embodies whimsy and enigma, a performer skilled in deception and combat. They dance on the line between illusion and reality, using their beguiling presence and agile acrobatics to confound foes.

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The Harlequin Class

A fiendish assassin flings daggers from the alley, eliminating her target's guards faster than they can blink. A mischievous court jester cackles amongst the chaos as his plot to kill the prince finally succeeds. Fire engulfs the town just as the circus is leaving. The flame juggler is now sleeping happily with the payment of his contract. The enigmatic harlequin delights in causing chaos, especially when they get paid.

This mod is inspired by the Harlequin homebrew class by Lexi Abbey and its three subclasses: the Acrobat, Jester, and Torch Bearer. The Harlequin class embodies whimsy and enigma, a performer skilled in deception and combat. They dance on the line between illusion and reality, using their beguiling presence and agile acrobatics to confound and frighten foes. 

Class Icons Require ImprovedUI Mod and ImprovedUI Assets

English, Russian, and Chinese Supported (credits to Tengshe and Culate)

Class Features

Hit Points: 8 at Level 1, +5 for each level thereafter
Armour: Light Armour
Weapon: Simple weapons, Crossbows, Rapiers, Sickles, Short Swords, Musical Instruments
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma

Level 1

  • Harlequin Alias: While under the guise of your Harlequin Alias, you may make Deception and Intimidation checks with advantage. Choose from six different Aliases: Blinded Serpent, Seductive Succubus, Showman, Snickering Shortstack, Deadly Shadow, or Generous Elfreet.

  • Rythmic Assault: After a successful weapon attack, go into a rhythmic stance. While in this stance, attacks on their next turn gain an additional bonus to damage. On a miss, you lose the rhythm and must start again.

  • Harlequin Spellcasting: Charisma is your spellcasting ability. Start with 1 level 1 spell slot.
  • Select Cantrip: Select x1 from Vicious Mockery, Blade Ward, Mage Hand, True Strike, Friends, Dancing Lights, Light, or Minor Illusion.

  • Select Lvl 1 Spell: Select x1 from Sleep, Tasha's, Disguise Self, Colour Spray, or Charm Person.

Level 2

  • Unnatural Agility: You move with a nimble grace that allows you to traverse the dance floor easily. Your walking speed increases by 10ft if you do not have a shield or armour.
  •  Spell Slot: Gain 1 level 1 spell slot.
  • Select Cantrip: Select x1 from Vicious Mockery, Blade Ward, Mage Hand, True Strike, Friends, Dancing Lights, Light, or Minor Illusion.
Level 3

  • Choose a subclass: Acrobat, Jester, or Torch Bearer.

  • Select Lvl 1 Spell: Select x1 from Sleep, Tasha's, Disguise Self, Colour Spray, or Charm Person.

  • Select Expertise: You may become an expert in one of the skills you are proficient in.

Level 4

  • Feat Selection

Level 5

  • Extra Attack

  • Spell Slot: Gain 1 level 1 spell slot. Gain 1 level 2 spell slot.

  • Select Lvl 2 Spell: Select x1 from Phantasmal Force, Crown of Madness, Speak With Dead, Invisibility, Bane, Sleep, Charm Person, Dissonant Whispers, Color Spray, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Disguise Self.

Level 6

  • Subclass Feature

Level 7

  • Menacing Strikes: You learn to instill fear through your combat prowess. When you enhance your damage to a creature with your Deadly Flow feature, you may cause it to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the creature becomes Frightened of you.

Level 8

  • Feat Selection

Level 9

  • Subclass Feature

  • Spell Slot: Gain 1 level 2 spell slot.

Level 10

  • Feat Selection

Level 11

  • Charismatic Hooligan: Gain +2 to your Charisma Ability, allowing Charisma to exceed 20.

  • Maddened Cackle: You may use your action to let out a hideous cacophony of hysterical laughter. Several creatures that can hear you within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or fall to Hideous Laughter for 1 minute.

Level 12

  • Feat Selection

  • Gain Dethrone Spell

Level 13

Level 14

  • Feat Selection

Level 15

  • Torment: When you deal damage with a weapon attack to a creature that is Frightened, you may deal an additional 1d6 psychic damage.

Level 16

  • Feat Selection

Level 17

  • Gain Spell Slots: Gain 1x Level 1 Spell Slot, 1x Level 2 Spell Slot, and 2x Level 3 Spell Slot.

  • Gain Spells: Pick three spells from Conjure Barrage, Fear, Hypnotic Pattern, Phantasmal Force, Crown of Madness, Speak With Dead, Invisibility, Bane, Sleep, Charm Person, Dissonant Whispers, Color Spray, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Disguise Self.

Level 18

Level 19

  • Feat Selection

Level 20

  • Gain 1x Level 5 Spell Slot

  • Greater Torment: Your Torment Ability damage is doubled.

  • Grand Finale: Once per combat, when you hit a creature with a weapon attack while in Rhythmic Assault, you may choose to apply an additional 5d8 psychic damage. Afterwards, your Rhythmic Assault goes on cooldown for six turns.

Subclass Features

The Acrobat

Acrobats focus on extreme mobility to dance across the battlefield and can engage multiple enemies from afar.

Level 3

  • Evasive Training: You gain the ability to take the Dash and Disengage actions as bonus actions instead.

  • Grace and Beauty: You gain proficiency in the Acrobatics skill. You may double your proficiency bonus for all Acrobatics checks you make. 

  • Armour of Anonymity: Your fiendish persona is as effective as any armour. Your AC equals 12 plus your Charisma Modifier if that would be higher than the AC granted by your armour.

  • Elusive: Attack rolls against you have disadvantage, and you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws. This bonus action lasts until your next turn and resets on a short rest.

Level 6

  • Uncanny Movement: You unsettle hostile creatures as you slip by them. Once per short rest, leaping near a hostile creature with your acrobatic prowess may cause them to become frightened until the end of their next turn.

  • Engage the Audience: You take your lightning-fast skills on the offensive, flinging multiple projectiles with unerring accuracy to enemies in front of you within a 40-foot cone originating from you.

  • Fighting Style: You may choose either the duelling or two-handed fighting styles.

Level 9

  • Evasive Expertise: You take no damage on successful Dexterity saving throws and half damage on failed throws.

The Jester
Jesters are masters of the fear tactics employed by Harlequins, sowing chaos and dismay wherever they go.

Level 2

  • Fear Incarnate: You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill. You may double your proficiency bonus for all Intimidation checks you make.

  • Lurk in the Shadows: When you attack a creature that you are considered hidden from, that creature becomes Frightened of you until the start of your next turn.

  • Cunning Action: You may use the Hide ability with a bonus action.

Level 6

  • Witty Banter: You learn the hateful mockery level 2 spell. Damage equals 2d10+6 at level 6, increasing to 3d10+6 at level 10. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for the spell.

Level 9

  • Breathless with Fear: Any frightened creature within 20ft of you has its movement speed halved and may only take an Action or Bonus Action but not both on its turn.

The Torchbearer
Torchbearers embody the supernatural trappings of the harlequins, capitalizing on their targets' fear of the unknown by employing unusual tactics.

Level 2

  • Torch Master: You are proficient with Torches, Lanterns, and Clubs. These Weapons are treated as Finesse Weapons when wielded by you.

  • Bringer of Fire: You may cast the produce flame cantrip, with Charisma as your spellcasting ability.

  • Spell Slot: Gain 1 level 1 spell slot.

  • Select Spell: Select 2x spells from the following: Burning Hands, Dissonant Whispers, Faerie Fire, Bane, Color Spray, Sleep.

  • Smoulder: Whenever you deal fire damage to a creature, that creature is set aflame. It takes fire damage equal to 1d4 at the start of its next turn. The flames are then doused. Damage increases to 5d4 by level 11, increasing every two levels.

Level 4

  • Embrace the Flame: Critical hits or hits on burning creatures inflict fire vulnerability on failed Charisma saves. Burning or smouldering creatures let out an explosion of fire.
Level 6

  • Breath of the Dancing Dragon: You learn to wield fire dramatically. You may exhale a potent alcoholic mixture to spray fire in a cone. Creatures within the cone must make a Dexterity saving throw to prevent taking fire damage.

  • Spell Slot: Gain 1 level 2 spell slot and 1 level 3 spell slot.

  • Select Spell: Select 2x spells from the following: Heat Metal, Flaming Sphere, Flame Blade, Scorching Ray. Also select 1x from the following: Fireball, Crown of Madness, Scorching Ray, Blindness, Burning Hands.

Level 9

  • Spell Slot: Gain 2 level 1 spell slots and 1 level 4 spell slot.

  • Fire Eater: Gain immunity to fire damage.

  • Select Cantrip: Select 2x spells from the following: Fire Bolt, Light, Produce Flame, Dancing Lights, Blade Ward.

  • Select Spell: Select 2x level one and 1x level three spells from the prior lists. Also, select 1x level four spell from the following: Fire Shield, Wall of Fire.