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About this mod

Adds a toggle that automatically and CUSTOMIZABLY loots everything around: containers, loose items, corpses, gatherables.

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This mod 100% requires Norbyte's Script Extender here.

You still need the mod fixer if one of your installed mods doesn't already contain the mod fixer built into it.

Adds 2 items that are used to toggle a status to automatically and CUSTOMIZABLY loot everything within 15m: containers, loose items, corpses, gatherables. Everything looted this way is put into a special bag that each playable character has called "Extradimensional Storage"; the bag reduces the items' weight to zero until they are removed from the bag. If you remove the bag from that character, items will go right into your inventory, but you'll become overencumbered very quickly if you don't have carry weight mods.

The 2 items look like a gold Mage Hand (called "Waukeen's Veil") and a red Mage Hand (called "Mask's Cloak"). Gold = won't steal. Red = will steal and NPCs won't notice.

Upon loading your save for the first time after installation, your active character will receive the items. (If you're updating from v2, you have to add the stealing-enabled toggle manually. Use the Tutorial Chest Summon mod OR see farther below in this description for how to add mod items.) The items must be used like potions to toggle the status on or off. They may be autosorted to potion bags, so check there if you don't receive them. All playable characters will receive the optional autoloot bag. Toggle items are also in the tutorial chest.

There are various config options. To set your options, drop one of the toggle items (gold Mage Hand or red Mage Hand) on the ground and attack it with any weapon or spell EXCEPT your unarmed bare hand attack. A message box will pop up. Choose "yes" and then "yes." (Unarmed bare hand attack will open an uninstall menu.)

At the end of the configuration process (the option-setting process, not the item-adding menu), you will be given the option to add a blacklist bag and a whitelist bag to your inventory. Items you place into the whitelist bag will always be looted as long as they are not disabled by your stealing or container unlocking settings. Items placed in the blacklist bag will never be looted. The item does not need to stay inside the bags once placed. These lists are kept in .json files at AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Script Extender\Auto Loot Config. If you know what you're doing, you can also insert root templates or EXACT items names (with the same exact spelling and capitalization) into the files yourself (see mod images for a bit of guidance). The blacklists and whitelists can be reset by attacking the bag for the list you want to reset.

To get more of the toggle items or bags, drop one of the toggle items (gold Mage Hand or red Mage Hand) on the ground and attack it with any weapon or spell EXCEPT your unarmed bare hand attack.  A message box will pop up. Choose "yes" and then "no." You'll be asked which items to add an extra copy of. (Unarmed bare hand attack will open an uninstall menu.)

Different options can be chosen when you run the configuration process. When you choose the last box, your options will save. They will remain the same until you run the configuration again. The options are stored in a .json file at AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Script Extender\Auto Loot Config. I don't recommend touching that file yourself.

  • Highlight non-empty containers and corpses: Containers and corpses that have any items left inside after autolooting will glow for 5 minutes. On by default.
  • Unlock locked containers: Will unlock and loot locked containers that you are allowed to access (AKA won't unlock OWNED locked containers UNLESS you're using the stealing-enabled autoloot). On by default.
  • Valuables only: Exclude worthless (1gp) AND useless items and focus on useful/valuable items and supplies. Off by default.
  • Gold only: Only loot gold. Off by default.
  • Junk only: Only loot items that are worthless (1gp) AND useless. Off by default.
  • Pick up filled barrels: Loot filled barrels of water, booze, etc. Off by default.
  • Reenable picking up quest items: Pick up items even if they MAY be quest-related (keys, unique items, story items, a whole bunch of other quest stuff). This will NOT still pick up items that are KNOWN to be problems. Off by default, but a LOT of items are excluded by the safety filter. You may very well want to turn it on.

This mod is mostly for people who are truly inveterate hoarders. Keeping the status on constantly can result in weird stuff and will result in you hearing the item pickup sound CONSTANTLY. It will accidentally circumvent how the game handles quests in some rare instances. I highly recommend using the toggles as an autoloot button rather than always having the status on.

If you're suffering from item overload, put the stuff you don't want in the autoloot bag, drop the bag on the ground, and punch it with your unarmed bare hands. Its contents will be deleted. BE CAREFUL WITH THIS and don't delete items you need.

Thrown items will not be affected, but after 10 seconds, they can be relooted from the ground if you toggle the status on and off again.

Dead allies are not looted.

The status will automatically turn off when going to camp unless you install the optional file disabling that. You just have to activate the item again to turn it back on. This was a highly requested safety feature.

To install:
  • Use the Baldur's Gate 3 Mod Manager. I can't ever give support for Vortex users, sorry. File > import mod > choose the .zip file for the mod > move the mod from the right side to the left side > File > save order > File > export order to game.
  • Install the script extender. This is required. I recommend going to Tools > Download & Extract the Script Extender in the BG3 Mod Manager, but you can download it from the linked page too.
  • The mod fixer is still required. Some people think it isn't because their installed mods come packaged with it already, but it is 100% confirmed still required as of 9/16 if you don't have a recompiler already.

To uninstall:
  • Take everything you want to keep out of the autoloot bag on every character. Drop one of the toggle items (gold Mage Hand or red Mage Hand) on the ground and attack it with your unarmed bare hand attack. Choose "yes" when the message box shows up. Take a long rest. Save again. That save will now be okay if you uninstall the mod. 

This mod 100% requires Norbyte's Script Extender here.
You still need the mod fixer if one of your installed mods doesn't already contain the mod fixer built into it.

Credit to GavinRay97 for making the item ID sorting tool I used in v2, Fararagi for the script for Auto Loot Seller that I studied to help me, and Auridh for the Bag of Holding mechanism.