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About this mod

Adds new Draconic Bloodlines - Gem Dragons.

Permissions and credits
  • Mandarin
[] - Burnished Version ("Down" from []) - Upcoming.

If you are updating DotGD from - versions in the "middle" of your playthrough then check Sticky Post in
the "Posts" section.
Thanks, Lxmnz23!

In other (same) words, respec your character to a different, unaffected
class, while using old version. Then delete previous version and install
new, last one, and then load your game, respec your character to
Sorcerer with Draconic Bloodline, lvl up and play normally afterwards.

[Chinese Localization is Up!]
Many thanks, Entropy7373!

I am downgrading [] version to [] - Burnished Version. Why?
I have jumped a lot in main version numbers only because i was remading
the code of DotGD over and over again. So... A fresh start it will be.
Some might be annoyed by it but, earlier, i was aiming Only for Amethyst
Dragon and no more than that. Now i finally understood the concept of
DotGD and would like to start anew with that knowing and with slightly
more serious approach.

[Note about Multiple Bloodlines]
Fully operational multiple bloodlines, bonuses from them, available to you now.

All Damage Type Bonuses (Energy Prodigy, Energy Fusion) will work with Any mix of yours.

But you shouldnt choose draconic ancestors with the same damage types. For example, Brass, Gold, Red and Ruby dragons chosen together will grant you One (Fire) Ignore Resistance/Ignore Immunity, Resistance/Immunity because all of 4 ancestors represent Fire, duh.
Same goes to Additional Damage from Charisma Modifier. It's not stackable and it wont be multiplied if you have more than one dragon with the same damage type.
[New Draconic Bloodlines]
Amethyst (Force) - Magic Missile;
Crystal (Radiant) - Guiding Bolt;
Emerald (Psychic) - Dissonant Whispers;
Pietersite (Storm) - Create or Destroy Water, Thunderwave, Witchbolt;
Ruby (Fire) - Burning Hands, Hellish Rebuke;
Sapphire (Thunder) - Thunderwave;
Topaz (Necrotic) - Inflict Wounds.
[Edited Original Passives Names and their Descriptions]
Renamed - "Elemental Affinity" to "Energy Fusion".
[Localization - English]
Edited old lines and created new ones to fit new additions properly;

Removed "(Damage Type)" on the right from draconic ancestors passives (check screenshots). Bronze and Sapphire passives (their text) doesnt fit in to the damnable inventory menu with passives. I wont return that. I've made... repeatable, yeah, but, nonetheless, meticulous descriptions for every dragon ancestor. I hope that will be enough.
[New/Edited Old Spells]
Draconic Psionics: Mage Hand

An invisible mage hand which is available from the start.

[Damage Type Bonuses]
Will work with newly added bloodlines and will grant their respective resistance/immunity, ignore resistance/immunity associated with your chosen dragon ancestor.
[Bonuses which worked only with Spells earlier]
Now works with Cantrips you cast and Attacks you make which deals energy (acid or cold or fire and etc) damage. Excluding auto-attacks and temporary/permanent buffs which adds extra energy damage to your cantrips, spells and attacks - wont work with that (Energy Prodigy: Ignore Resistance/Immunity is an exception).That addition covers everything which that mod adds/edits.
[New Draconic Bloodline Progression]

At level 1
Melting Heat. (Stacks with Everything and Applies Only to Ruby Dragon)
You'll get bonus fire damage equal to your (Sorcerer level). 1 on 1st lvl, 2 on 2nd lvl and etc...
Tempestuous Magic. (Applies Only to Pietersite Dragon)
Your Cantrips, Spells and Attacks, that deal Lightning or Thunder damage, would activate "Tempestuous Magic: Flight" buff.
At level 4
Energy Prodigy: Ignore Resistance.
Your Cantrips, Spells and Attacks will ignore resistance to your draconic ancestry damage type.
At level 6
Energy Fusion: Damage; (Stacks with Everything)
Your Cantrips, Spells and Attacks will receive Charisma Bonus Modifier to your draconic ancestry damage type.
Energy Fusion: Resistance.
You will become resistant to your draconic ancestry damage type. Now a passive feature. No need to do anything to activate it.
Heart of the Storm: Lightning; (Only Applies to Pietersite Dragon)
Interrupt now works with Cantrips, Spells and Attacks which deals lightning damage.
Heart of the Storm: Thunder. (Only Applies to Pietersite Dragon)
Interrupt now works with Cantrips, Spells and Attacks which deals thunder damage.
At level 8
Energy Prodigy: Ignore Immunity.
Your Cantrips, Spells and Attacks will ignore immunity to your draconic ancestry damage type.
At level 10
Energy Fusion: Immunity.
You will become immune to your draconic ancestry damage type.
Storm's Fury. (Only Applies to Pietersite Dragon)
"Magic Initiate: Warlock" icon used for everything newly added.
- I, personally, cant do more than that.

DOTGD - Multiple Bloodlines with fully operational Damage Type Bonuses.

DOTGD - Draconic Brutality - at 2 level and on every even level thereafter, the number you need to roll a critical strike reduced by 1. Up to -6 on 12 level and up to -10 on level 20. Be warned, it is an overpowered passive.

Sorcerer - More Vanilla Spells - you can check new Sorcerer Spell List down below.
[Useful Links for Modders]
VFX Effects Banks Color Changer made by Katayama2063 (KY2063) with the help of Shivero.
VFX Auto Color Changer made by Shivero.

[Supported Mods] with which DOTGD had conflict originally.
Community Library/Compatibility Framework - compatible by default after update.

5e Spells - compatible.

[Unsupported Mods]
Sorcerer Subclasses Combined - not compatible anymore. But, you can use "Scroll Learning" and different "Spellcasting Ability Modifier" optional file(s). Still, if you like IndecisionIncarnate main combination more -  you should consider to use it instead of mine.

[*Compatibility*] with anything else which is not in the "Supported Mods" section.
Install DotGD mod After Everything related to Sorcerer, Draconic Bloodline, Storm Sorcery and their progressions.
[Bugs and their Fixes]
Found a bug or/and textual inconsistency? Report in to "Bugs" section or contact me on discord. I'll try to fix everything related to My mod. If it will be related to mine.
I give my permission to anyone to modify:
...\Descendants of the Gem Dragons\Localization\English\DotGD.loca/.xml
...\DOTGD - Draconic Brutality\Localization\English\DotGDDB.loca/.xml
...\Sorcerer - More Vanilla Spells\Localization\English\SorcererMoreVanillaSpells.loca/.xml and SMVS.loca/.xml
files and upload them as your own files.
[Art used on background]
were made by Joshua Raphael - freelance illustator.
[Contact Information]
Discord - Malady#2366
[Sorcerer - More Vanilla Spells]

Acid Splash;
Blade Ward;
Bone Chill;
Dancing Lights;
Fire Bolt;
Mage Hand;
Minor Illusion;
Poison Spray;
Ray of Frost;
Sacred Flame;
Shocking Grasp;
True Strike;
Vicious Mockery.

Level 1:
Animal Friendship;
Armour of Agathys;
Arms of Hadar;
Burning Hands;
Charm Person;
Chromatic Orb;
Colour Spray;
Create or Destroy Water;
Disguise Self;
Dissonant Whispers;
Expeditious Retreat;
False Life;
Feather Fall;
Find Familiar;
Fog Cloud;
Guiding Bolt;
Hellish Rebuke;
Ice Knife;
Inflict Wounds;
Enhance Leap;
Mage Armour;
Magic Missile;
Protection from Evil and Good;
Speak with Animals;
Tasha's Hideous Laughter;
Witch Bolt.

Level 2:
Calm Emotions;
Cloud of Daggers - removed;
Crown of Madness;
Detect Thoughts;
Enlarge - Reduce;
Flame Blade;
Flaming Sphere;
Heat Metal;
Hold Person;
Melf's Acid Arrow;
Mirror Image;
Misty Step;
Phantasmal Force;
Protection from Poison;
Scorching Ray;
Gust of Wind;
Arcane Lock;
See Invisibility.

Level 3:
Call Lightning;
Gaseous Form;
Grant Flight;
Hunger of Hadar;
Hypnotic Pattern;
Lightning Bolt;
Protection from Energy;
Sleet Storm;
Stinking Cloud;
Vampiric Touch;
Speak with Dead.

Level 4:
Dimension Door;
Dominate Beast;
Evard's Black Tentacles;
Fire Shield;
Freedom of Movement;
Invisibility, Greater;
Ice Storm;
Otiluke's Resilient Sphere;
Phantasmal Killer;
Wall of Fire.

Level 5:
Artistry of War;
Cone of Cold;
Destructive Wave;
Dispel Evil and Good;
Dominate Person;
Flame Strike;
Hold Monster;
Inslect Plague - removed;
Planar Binding;
Wall of Stone.

Level 6:
Arcane Gate;
Chain Lightning;
Circle of Death;
Flesh to Stone;
Globe of Invulnerability;
Otiluke's Freezing Sphere;
Otto's Irresistible Dance;
Wall of Ice;
Wind Walk.