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About this mod

Tweaks most Spells and Abilities to resemble their original tabletop versions a bit more, anything from simply their range and/or radius, to a complete rework. The aim is NOT to make the game more tedious, so things like until long rest durations and ritual exploration spells are left unchanged.

Permissions and credits
Different versions with different changes added (install only ONE main file)

The main objective was to make changes inspired by the original 5e ruleset; this was NOT made to be a 5e purist but as an experiment. Many changes wouldn't be possible to implement one to one, so in such cases I decided to try to follow the spirit of the rules or whatever felt right to me. That is to say I prioritized fun and how well stuff would work in a video game format over strict adherence to the rules.

Spells were my main focus, but I also made a few changes to abilities and racial passives.

I didn't touch any Larian changes that I liked, such as: weapon skills, until Long Rest durations, and Ritual casting for exploration spells.

I tested all the changes to make sure they work correctly in a vacuum, but I haven't done a full playthrough with them so there is a possibility of some bugs. I urge to save often just to be safe (though that applies to any and all mods).

Highly recommended mods to use with mine: 
Polymorph Spell 
Fix Bad DM (Fix Bad DM Shove and Fix Bad DM Trader)
True Initiative (D20 Initiative Rolls)

Mod is safe to install mid-playthrough

  • Major Changes 
Civil Militia (Human Racial) - Replaced Spear, Pike, and Glaive Proficiencies with Hand, Light, and Heavy Crossbow Proficiency; Removed Shield Proficiency (Light Armor Proficiency still intact)
Civil Militia (Half-elf Racial) - Replaced with a +2 bonus to Persuasion, Deception, Intimidation, and Performance Skill Checks ('Silver Tongue')
Forest Gnome - Added Minor Illusion cantrip as bonus spell known
Elf - Recovers all HP on a short rest ('Trance')
Prone - Now gives Disadvantage on ranged attacks 
Wet - Changed Vulnerability to ice and electricity to Disadvantage on saving throws, and Resistance to fire to Advantage on saving throws
Jump - Removed bonus action cost
Hypnotic Gaze (Enchantment Wizard) - Removed cooldown; Affected creature becomes immune to Hypnotic Gaze if it succeeds a Saving Throw or the duration runs out
Ranged Weapon Range Adjustments - Longbow 36m/120ft; Heavy Crossbow 30m/100ft; Shortbow/Light Crossbow 24m/80ft;
Hand Crossbow/Dart/Sling 9m/30ft
Throw - Throwing range reduced to 9m/30ft
Sleep - Targeting changed from target selection to a circular AoE (friendly fire enabled); Duration extended to 10 turns; 
Range increased to 27m/90ft (up from 18m/60ft)
Gust of Wind - Concentration (10 turns); Can be recast as a bonus action each turn; Targets hit have their movement speed halved for 1 turn (no Save)
Darkness - 2 versions you can choose from while casting:
Darkness (Point) - Same as vanilla
Darkness (Self) - Can cast it centered on the caster each turn as a free action
Phantasmal force - Applies Confusion in addition to the vanilla effect while concentrating; Cannot target Undead and Constructs
Cloud of Daggers  - Creatures get damaged when they end their turn in the area (instead of when they start their turn in the area)
 - Creatures get damaged when they end their turn in the area (instead of when they start their turn in the area);
Range increased to 36m/120ft (up from 18m/60ft)
Glyph of Warding - Cannot be used in combat; The glyph lasts until long rest
Haste - Blocks Verbal Component for spells (like Silence); Gives -2 to attack rolls
Hunger of Hadar - Spawns an area of Darkness in addition to the vanilla effect
Planar Binding - Saving Throw changed to Charisma; Added 'Abberation" to the creature types it can affect (*);
Until Long Rest duration if cast as a level 6 spell
Cloudkill - Removed the ability to recast it; Range Increased to 36m/120ft (up from 18m/60ft)
Dominate Person; Dominate Beast  - Until Long Rest duration if cast as a level 6 spell
Globe of Invulnerability - Resistance to all damage instead of immunity (still gives Advantage on all Saving Throws); Duration extended to 10 turns

  • Moderate Changes
Slow Fall (Monk Passive) - Resistance to fall damage changed to immunity
Frighten (Status effect) - Now also blocks reactions
Dancing Lights - Can be recast as a bonus action each turn; Light Radius reduced to 3m/10ft (down from 9m/30ft)
Heroism  - Uses spellcasting modifier instead of a flat value of 5
Goodberry  - Healing changed from 1d4 to flat 1
Hail of Thorns - Changed range to be dependent on equipped weapon's range
Wrathful Smite - Concentration (10 turns); Duration extended to 10 turns
Thunderous Smite - Concentration (1 turn)
Blinding Smite - Concentration (10 turns)
Longstrider  - Removed ritual casting
Fog Cloud - Radius increases when upcast
Aid - Can target up to 3 allies (down from 4)
Magic Weapon - Cost changed from Action to Bonus Action
Cat's Grace - Resistance to fall damage changed to immunity
Misty Step - Range lowered down to 9m/30ft (from 18m/60ft)
Mass Healing Word  - Can affect only up to 6 allies
Fear - Affected creatures will have a Dash effect on them in addition to the vanilla effects
Slow - Targeting changed from target selection to a circular AoE; Range Increased to 36m/120ft (up from 18m/60ft)
Bestow Cruse -  Doesn't require Concentration If cast as a level 5 or 6 spell
Phantasmal Killer - Also applies damage on an initial successful cast (*); Range Increased to 36m/120ft (up from 18m/60ft)
Conjure Minor Elemental - Concentration (Until Long Rest); Doubles summoned creatures if cast as a level 6 spell;
Increased range to 27m/90ft (up from 18m/60ft)
Conjure Woodland Being - Concentration (Until Long Rest)
Conjure Elemental - Concentration (Until Long Rest); Range increased to 27m/90ft (up from 18m/60ft)
Hypnotic Pattern - Duration extended to 10 turns; Range Increased to 36m/120ft (up from 18m/60ft)
Banishment; Otiluke's Resilient Sphere - Duration extended to 10 turns
Confusion - Duration extended to 10 turns; Range increased to 27m/90ft (up from 18m/60fr); Radius Decreased to 3m/10fr (down from 6m/20ft)
Cure Wounds, Mass - Changed targeting to be free aim instead of focused on an ally; Fixed tooltip to mention 6 target limitation
Wall of Ice - Changed initial damage to use caster's DC instead of a fixed number; Increased Icy Cloud's DC from 15 to 18;
Changed duration to until Long Rest; Range increased to 36m/120ft (up from 18m/60ft)
Wall of thorns - Fixed spell DC to use caster's DC instead of erroneous flat 3; Changed duration to until Long Rest;
Range increased to 36m/120ft (up from18m/60ft)
Blade Barrier - Changed initial damage to use caster's DC instead of a fixed number; Changed duration to until Long Rest;
Range increased to 36m/120ft (up from 18m/60ft)

  • Minor Changes (might have missed some)
Increased Range/Radius  - Bone Chill; Eldritch Blast; Fire Bolt; Hunter's Mark; Hex; Feather Fall (Changed bonus action cost to a reaction point cost);
Guiding Bolt; Magic Missile; Fog Cloud; Chromatic Orb; Entangle; Crown of Madness; Scorching Ray; Melf's Acid Arrow; See Invisibility; Darkvision (Spell);
Silence; Web; Spike Growth; Hunger of Hadar; Sleet Storm; Hypnotic Pattern; Slow; Lightning Bolt; Call Lightning; Fireball; Spirit Guardians;
Stinking Cloud; Conjure Barrage; Plant Growth; Ice Storm; Evard's Black Tentacles; Cone of Cold; Insect Plague; Hold Monster; Disintegrate;
Otiluke's Freezing Sphere;  Chain Lightning; Wall of Stone; Wall of Fire; Circle of Death
Decreased Range/Radius - Mage Hand (removed cooldown); Witch Bolt; Find Familiar; Grease; Tasha's Hideous Laughter; Blink
Increased Duration - Compelled Duel; Animal Friendship; Charm Person; Divine Favour; Flame Blade; Arcane Lock; Silence; Feign Death; Guardian of Faith
Decreased Duration - Dissonant Whispers
Decreased Damage - Wall of Fire (to compensate for bonus damage from fire surface); Flame Strike

(*) Purely personal homebrew that I felt like adding if anyone is wondering

Updated many tooltips to provide more information (i.e. informing that hold person allows a saving throw each turn and a success end the spell early)


ver. 1.0Release
ver. 1.1Added (no range changes) version; Removed vanilla versions of spells left in accidently (compatibility with mods that change spells not
listed on the page no matter the load order); Darkness (Self) changed to be less clunky and work like Gust of Wind