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About this mod

You can use this mod to give yourself Weapon Mods, Grenade Mods, and Perks.
This is useful for if you want to start a run with a particular item or if you want to test out build ideas.

(Keybinds can be changed)
To open the menu press (CTRL + I)
To add the item to your inventory press (CTRL + U)

Permissions and credits
You can use this mod to give yourself Weapon Mods, Grenade Mods, and Perks.
This is useful for if you want to start a run with a particular item or if you want to test out build ideas.

To open the menu press (CTRL + I) and to add the item to your inventory press (CTRL + U).
Keybinds can be changed in the settings menu.
If you press save in the mod menu, the mod will save your item selection.

If the item doesn't appear in your inventory close and reopen your inventory.
If an item isn't functioning in the lobby drop the item and pick it back up. If that doesn't work drop it from the totem.
Trying to use the mod menu while the game is paused might not work properly.
The mod's save is located at "C:/Users/<Your User Name>/AppData/Local/CrabChampions/Saved/SaveGames/Mods/AddPickup.sav".
The other mods that appear in the screenshots are both mods I made. Custom Skins, Enable Christmas Hat

Version 3.0 Patch Notes:
 - Changed Accumulated Buff to Crab Reach.
 - Removed the useless default enums in the list of enhancements.
 - Holding down the close menu button for 8 seconds will restart the mod.
 - Holding down the save button for 3 seconds will delete the mod's save, if one was made.
 - Added a modifier system to edit the values of items such as base buff, base debuff, and cooldown.
 - Added the ability to make the nearest totem drop items.
 - Added the ability to give/spawn weapons, this includes unreleased weapons that were left in the files such as the LMG.
 - Added a stats menu to view the stats of an item. PLEASE NOTE, I has to add each variable manually meaning variables could get added and not show up in future updates, or old variable get removed (This also applies to modifiers).
 - Added a settings menu to the mod for changing the keybinds for opening the menu, giving yourself an item, and making a totem drop an item.
 - Remade the drop down for selecting items, showing icons of the items.
 - You can now alphabetize the list of items by clicking the check box located at the right of the item select drop down.

  • BPLoader

  • Go into the files which can be found by right clicking the game, Manage > Browse local files, then to CrabChampions/Content/Paks.
  • Make a folder named ~mods. If the folder isn't named properly it may cause issues.
  • Place the .pak file into the ~mods folder.
    Do not remove _P from the end of the filename, if you do the mod will not load.
    If you do not see a .pak file you most likely have show file extensions off. How to turn it on.


I recommend backing up your save folder which is located at
C:/Users/<Your User Name>/AppData/Local/CrabChampions/Saved/SaveGames.

  • Go to the ~mods folder you created.
  • Remove the .pak file you added.