Mafia 2 Nexus Site Renamed

Hi Mafia fans! As you may have noticed, this Nexus Site and it's forums were previously mislabeled as "Mafia: City of Lost Heaven". We've corrected this and everything should now be labled as "Mafia 2".

The new url is:, though we will keep a redirect from the old url for some time to ease the transition.

Apologies for the confusion!


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  1. Welcome2Stonia
    • premium
    • 16 kudos
    Wait, so there's no more City of Lost Heaven site at all? Well this update is going to make my Mafia 1 pics and videos look out of place on the (now) Mafia 2 site

    But truth be told, for some reason there were no CoLH mods on the site anyways
    1. renthal311
      • premium
      • 1,273 kudos
      such a pity, because it is a beautiful game