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About this mod

Hopefully the final solution to changing the player's size/height: dynamically scaling the player based on their furniture situation.

Permissions and credits
Hi, everyone! It's been a while since I've had time to invest in modding and even longer since I've updated this mod. Although the mod is not working as intended in its most updated version, please note that any issues that you encounter from this point on WILL NOT BE INVESTIGATED IN A TIMELY MANNER due to time constraints on my part. I am currently in my clinical years of medical school so I simply no longer have spare time to devote to modding. This will be the case for the foreseeable future, although I do intend on revisiting and updating my mods eventually. I appreciate your understanding and please continue to enjoy my mods in their current state!

What is Player Scale Compatibility?

To be clear, this is not a bug-fixing mod. Changing the player's scale will induce animation-related anomalies and this mod fixes that! Player Scale Compatibility is my answer to making the player larger or smaller without having animation bugs, losing critical abilities such as using terminals, or having everyone be taller than you in first person. When the player enters furniture (chairs, couches, power armor, terminals, etc) they are scaled down to normal, and when they leave they are scaled back to the size of your choosing!


 Adjusting settings: 

1. Main Settings:

  • Desired first person scale - Set your desired player scale while in first person. The further from normal you go, the longer the gradual scaling takes, which may bring with it some temporary animation issues until the scaling is fully done. Please note that aiming down sights is affected by having non-normal scaling due to engine limitations, so I strongly recommend installing the following mod from the requirements section: Custom Scale Fix by Buravo.

  • First person instant scaling - Set the circumstances under which the script will scale the player instantly instead of gradually while in first person. By default, the player is scaled gradually unless they're in combat. Never will make the script always gradually scale the player, and always will make the script always instantly scale the player.

  • Desired third person scale - The same as desired first person scale, except for third person.

  • Third person instant scaling - The same as first person instant scaling, except for third person.

2. Compensation Settings:

  • Jump height multiplier - Set the multiplier for player jump height compensation. This may be desirable for those who use a more extreme scale and want their size to reflect how proportionately high they can jump.

  • Speed multiplier - Set the multiplier for player movement speed compensation. This may be desirable for those who use a more extreme scale and want their size to reflect how proportionately fast they can move. Please note that this affects ALL speeds, including sneaking, running, sprinting, and all of the aforementioned while in power armor. However, also note that the engine limits how fast one can go and to remove that limitation I strongly recommend using the following mod from the requirements section: Antonix35's Sprint Stuttering Fix.

  • Strength slider - Set the Strength S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stat modification for player melee and unarmed damage compensation. This may be desirable for those who use a more extreme scale and want their size to reflect how proportionately they hit with melee and unarmed attacks.

3. Advanced Settings:

  • Furniture check frequency - Set the frequency at which the script checks for furniture entry during the furniture check time. If the script is doing nothing after you've set your scale to something other than 1.0 and the debug sends multiple messages that you are not interacting with furniture, then you may need to change this setting. The default is 0.35, as this is how long it takes for the game to attach the player to the furniture object on my personal computer. If you have a beefy setup, then you may be able to lower this (try it on something like power armor or a chair). However, if you have an under-powered computer it may be advantageous for you to increase this value as well as the below value to compensate.

  • Furniture check time - Set how long the script will check for furniture entry after pressing the activate key. If the debug says the furniture check time ends before you get two or three 'not interacting with furniture' messages, you may have to increase this.

  • Player first person scale rate amount - Set the amount that the script will scale during each step of the gradual scaling loop while in first person. By default this is 0.01, the lowest setting, but if your CPU is under-powered you may have to raise this for the player to scale at all.

  • Player first person scale rate frequency - Set the amount of time between each step of the gradual scaling loop while in first person. By default this is 0.001, the lowest setting, but if your CPU is under-powered you may have to raise this for the player to scale at all.

  • Player third person scale rate amount - The same as player first person scale rate amount, except for third person.

  • Player third person scale rate frequency - The same as player first person scale rate frequency, except for third person.

  • Reset settings - Reset all Player Scale Compatibility settings. This cannot be undone.

  • Debug messages - Enable or disable debug messaging. If something isn't working quite right, try turning this on to see where the script is having troubles or stopping.

 Known bugs/limitations: 

1. Player Scale Compatibility currently does not scale for kill moves. I'm hoping to fix this sometime in the near future!
2. There is currently an issue with terminals and potentially power armor when using very large or very small scale values. I'm currently working on a fix for this, but in the meantime you can increase the "Player first person scale rate amount" setting to counteract this!

 Updating procedure: 

1. If you do not follow these steps when updating, you risk breaking the script entirely. If that happens, follow these steps to fix it.
2. If installing for the first time or on a new game, you don't need to complete the following steps.
3. Create a new game save
4. Completely uninstall this mod and make sure "MCM\Config\PlayerScaleCompatibility" folder, "Scripts\PlayerScaleCompatibility" folder, and "PlayerScaleCompatibility.esp" plugin are deleted.
5. Continue your game (it should tell you it relies on PlayerScaleCompatibility.esp, which is missing, but continue anyway).
6. After loading, make a new save.
7. Install the updated version of this mod and resume your game as normal.

This is not a perfect fix. Ultimately, the best thing to do is to follow this procedure but start a new game. I understand not many will do that no matter how hard I stress it, so this is a procedure that works pretty much all the time. I have heard about game save corruption in removing mods mid-game, but because no novel objects are added into the world, I personally have not been worried about it in my game saves. I have not had issues, but I figured I'd add this disclaimer.

 Bug reporting procedure: 

1. Read the ENTIRE description and watch the ENTIRE video before proceeding, don't just skim or skip through them.
2. Turn on debugging in the "Advanced Settings" tab of the Player Scale Compatibility Mod Configuration Menu.
3. Make note of all the debug message boxes (the ones that require you to select "OK") while attempting to use Player Scale Compatibility.
4. Try starting a new game and reproducing the issue, using the above steps.
5. Post the following in the bug report:
a. What stage of the game you were at/had completed when you installed Player Scale Compatibility.
b. What stage of the game you were at/had completed when you first experienced the issue.
c. The list, in order, of the debug messages you get while attempting to use Player Scale Compatibility.
d. Any other pertinent information such as mod list/load order, any patterns, etc.


Question 1. Are Fallout 4 Script Extender and Mod Configuration Menu actually necessary to use Player Scale Compatibility?
Answer 1. All of the above are absolutely, 420.69% required for Player Scale Compatibility to work at all. No exceptions, sorry. As for the other two requirements, technically the mod will work without them but there are unexpected consequences if you aim down sights or use a speed multiplier value higher than 1.

Question 2. Aren't player jump height, speed, and melee damage all affected by scaling the player?
Answer 2. Typically, yes. However, I've implemented a system that allows you to adjust all three to your liking as well. Whether you want to be tiny or humongous, your gameplay can still be that of a normally-sized player, or not!

Question 3. Why is this necessary? Is your masculinity so fragile that you need to make yourself bigger than NPCs?
Answer 3. My issue with Fallout 4's first person camera is that the cone comes from an area around the chin, and I like to be able to look at someone's face instead of their chest. It actually helps a lot with immersion, in my opinion. Being a taller guy in real life, this also helps me to personally invest in the story and have it be believable. Player Scale Compatibility started out as just a personal fix for myself, but I know that others want to play the game without having to look up at everyone, especially at NPCs with power armor.