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About this mod

A number of gameplay tweaks and changes that cuts down on your load order.

Permissions and credits
This mod makes a number of mostly subtle gameplay changes tailored somewhat around vanilla gameplay. Should make alot of mods redundant so please read the description in full.

This mod is best started on a new game. If you use it mid playthrough I cant guarantee all features will work as intended.

This is kind of a plug-and-play style mod. Enough changes to make it an overhaul but still tailored to vanilla. I recommend using with PRP to max out the bug fixes. I don't believe any other bug fix mods will be relevant with these 3 active. Keep my mod high up in your load order and let other mods overwrite it most edits won't be noticed if overwritten so don't sweat it.

If there are any issues with the mod please let me know

Previsibines Repair Pack - Compatible just place after mine (Pretty much a must)
Better Locational Damage - A handful of minor things overwritten but nothing that matters place after mine
Burst Impact Blast FX - Compatible just place after mine
FATE (FO4 Fixes And Technical Enhancements) - Place in whatever order you prefer (Recommended)
Blocking Overhaul (Recommended)

What this mod does:

General Gameplay Changes:
-Makes the Moon fade in and out just above the horizon. Compatible with retextures and size adjustments.
-Increases the range of bullets so you can hit targets farther out
-Fast travel doesn't pass time
-Spent ammo sticks around longer (about 1 minute)
-A few quest items can be removed from the inventory
-Sink and Water Pumps give you radiation
-Bullet holes will appear at farther distances
-Makes it not a crime to disable enemy traps
-Ash piles disappear after sometime
-Can use artillery anywhere including Nuka World/Far Harbor (As long as you use common sense this won't be an issue i.e using it in interiors)
-Map Markers have been made for outside Diamond City and Good Neighbors gates
-When running your AP will drain 50% slower
-Heads pop with a bit more force similar to Fallout 3
-Time in game should progress 50% slower
-Ragdoll force has been decreased by alot
-Blood on weapons will linger a bit longer
-More blood splatter can happen at the same time (The game limits this I doubled it)
-Keeps radiant quests in the commonwealth
-Harvesting plants gives you an amount similar to what the plant looks like it carries give or take 1
-Radios in the world have reverb
-Faster terminals
-Does the same thing as Insignificant Object Remover includes DLC
-Jetpacks use up fusion core instead of AP and fusion cores burn half as fast to reflect these changes
-Park benches are only used to relax not eat
-Decreases the chance for automaton loadscreens
-Power armor heavy landing will no longer cause non-hostiles to go hostile
-Does the same thing as the Vault Suit Immersion Fix
-You will always get that pie from the port a diner
-Adds crafting and pick up sounds to items that were missing them
-Changed the name of Meat Bags to Gore Bags (Like Fallout 3)
-Vertibird zombie fix included
-Dropped weapon fix included
-Added Striker Fix
-Added Kneecapper Fix
-World explosions can cause small stagger and other stuff like mines can cause medium stagger
-Green tint from VATS is removed. Should apply to the pause menu.
-White flash was removed from some explosions
-Contains 100's of fixes and grammar issues
-Ash will now despawn

-Adjusts the sound emitter on the turbines in Far Harbor so you can hear them
-Hopemarch church fix (player hits an invisible floor)
-Fixes Bridgeway Trust location being tagged as Federal Ration Stockpile
-Railway Rifle at Bedford Station will spawn from start of game (No longer based on level)
-Does the same thing as River Fix
-Does the same thing as Nuka World Bottle Scenery Fix
-Does the same thing as Underwater Glass Fix
-Does the same thing as Ownership Fixes
-Malden Hospital gives you your pie
-Fixes Weston Water Plant bridge seam and LOD
-Fixes flickering in Swans Pond and LOD
-Sanctuary Bridge LOD has been added (can see it from far away)
-Adds some fixes for holes and misplaced items in the world
-Fixes a missing wall on Beantown Brewery
-Defogged a number of interiors
-Water should now flow towards the ocean rather than inland
-Added a message to the Vault 81 Molerat disease upon contracting it

Items and Recipes:
-Adds scrap recipes to a few objects mostly books and folders
-Nuka Cola, Vim, alcohol, and Toy Robots can be added to the bobblehead stands
-You get a bottle back after drinking booze or nuka cola 
-Drugged Water will have drugged visuals
-Fixes meat logic for some recipes
-Adds issue numbers to magazines
-Includes the Med-Ex perception bug fix
-Does the same thing as Perk Magazine Material Fix
-Disables havoc on the Hardware Town Key
-Restores cut addictions to some chems
-Fusion Cores can now be targeted in VATS
-Fusion Cores, Mr. Handy Fuel, Halucigen Cannisters, Missiles, Mini Nukes can blow up if shot
-DLC ammo has been integrated into the main game 45-70/7.62 only
-Some drugs increase thirst or hunger in survival

-Max settler population has been increased by 10. (Allows you to have 10 more settlers in settlements at one time)
-Workshop power lines are 3x longer
-Build limit is increased in all settlements (As long as you don't build a fortress in every settlement in the game this won't be an issue)
-Spotlights only need 1 energy instead of 2
-Farmers will work on 12 plants rather than 6
-Brahmin can be moved between settlements 
-Cats can be moved between settlements
-Allows you to build DLC ammo at the contraptions thing (7.62 and Lever Action only)
-Fixes conduits not clamping to the ceiling
-Allows interior settlements to be built like any others (Homeplate and Mechanists Lair) (As long as you use common sense this won't be an issue)
-You can build a cymbal monkey in the workshop
-Increased the range of Vault 88's power source
-Wasteland workshop streetlight radius is increased
-Moves the enemy spawn points from inside Vault 88 to outside the door
-Lower chance for settlements to be attacked by automaton robots
-Settlers run to the bell
-Turrets should run on radiant energy similar to lights
-Power Lines have wind physics (I believe this applies to worldspace one to)
-Conduits will generate 1 power
-Workshop recipes require normal crops

Leveled Lists:
-Added the chance to find BoS Technical Documents in the Institute
-Cap Stashes will give you an amount between 50-100
-Tire Iron will spawn with a more range of mods 
-Body parts will spawn in gore bags (Im going to add further features to this)
-No more noodle cups in lunch boxes replaced them with potato crisps
-Broken refrigerators now have the chance of spawning with loot (Fix)
-Rare chance to find nuka grape/orange/cherry in coolers
-Low chance to find scrap on synths
-should be able to buy 7.62 and lever action ammo from vendors
-Rare chance to find missiles in the explosives boxes

-Made Goodfeels essential and he doesn't disappear randomly
-Missile and Fat Man NPC's don't use ammo
-Fishermen outside Covenant wears a fishermans outfit from Far Harbor
-Caravans and Provisioners will open carry
-Removes all caps and junk from cats, radstags, and dogs (I left other creatures alone as a bit of a reward system especially when it comes to legendaries)
-Companions won't attack radstags relentlessly
-Companions have infinite ammo
-Companions have unbreakable power armor
-Radstags and Gazelles are unaggressive but will attack if provoked
-Cats won't meow so much
-Mama Murphy takes a smoke break
-Cait will smoke a few times a day
-Deacons disguises are better although you should be able to still tell him apart
-Diamond city guards have varied appearances
-Stunted Yao Guai are immune to radiation
-Deathclaws can't be staggered by Pain Train
-Deathclaws will medium stagger if hit with a medium or stronger weapon (Instead of small fixes stunlocking)
-All deathclaws are immune to being crippled by Dogmeat
-Meat drops have been fixed for a overlooked creatures like Bloodbugs
-BoS blood samples will spawn on a number of overlooked creatures
-Trader Opals vendor respawns
-Killing giant hermit crabs will give you xp
-Prevents some companions from interacting with you when their dismissed
-Fixes Brooks weird eyes
-Makes Vault-Tec Rep protected (only you can kill him)
-NPC's will drop to the ground if their legs are crippled.
-NPC's will drop their weapons if their arms are crippled
-Includes Teegans inventory fix
-Pipers interview has been restored (Cut Content)
-Fixes the damage resistance on the legendary enraged fog crawler
-Fixes a doctor in Far Harbor
-Kay the doctor has medical supplies now
-Minutemen should spawn with laser muskets
-The ranged accuracy of beasts have been slightly reduced (doesn't touch humans, supermutants, robots, or synths)
-Greeting distance is increased so settlers won't spam you
-NPC's will detect sandboxing roughly two stories up or down
-Vendors have 500 caps
-No affinity cooldown for companions
-Does the same thing as Realistic Conversations
-Fixes some consistency with landing animation between first and 3rd person
-Does the same thing as Minutemen Dialogue Fix 
-Preston shouldn't force you to do radiant quests
-Varied Trapper faces
-Varied Gunner faces
-Varied Raider faces
-Goodfeels can be modified at the robot workbench
-NPC's and settlers will sandbox around allowing them to access other job markers and what not
-Traders will sandbox around the areas they hangout in
-Provisioners will sandbox rather than standing around
-Companions and Essentials stay down for 1 min rather than 20 seconds
-Made some Traders and other random encounter people protected (Only you can kill them)
-Randomized diamond city guard armor
-Prevents tunneling of Bloodworms, Radscoprions, and Molerats (This helps with CTD's in Vault 88 and Nuka World)
-Mythic Deathclaw have a unique skin
-Glowing animals will actually glow
-Removes Strongs dislike for lockpicking
-brahmiluff are friendly
-Valentines hat is now playable so you can re-equip it if needed
-Valentine can now wear more armor pieces, suits, and eyewear
-NPC's talk more to each other (Same as Realistic Conversations)
-Prevents dogmeat from standing in front of you when stopped
-Companions will retain distance and won't get in the way as often
-Companions will flank, use cover, and not rush enemies as often
-Companions have better perks
-Prevents Companions from running up to you when crouched
-Companions don't effect stealth
-Companions will stop asking to romance you after you tell them twice your just friends
-Supermutants can sit on chairs and benches
-Can modify the Nukatron Robot
-Raiders will use some new insults in combat 
-Robots can no longer bleed
-Supermutants can wear some eyewear (For my boy Strong)
-Children were moved from essential to protected (Gives you choice and allows you to use horrors of the commonwealth mod)
-You can no longer disintegrate nor stagger robots

-Added Impact Data to Tesla Rifle and visual effects from the electric trap
-Flare gun has brighter flares
-Institute Rifle nightvision scopes are fixed
-Gauss Rifle recoil fix included
-Contains the VATS Flamer fix
-Some minor fixes for Nuka World weapons
-Can add the Flare Gun to weapon racks
-Deadeye Legendary effect fix included
-Explosive ammo should no longer damage you
-Removes blur from sights
-Explosive bullets leave bullet holes
-Casings should eject in less of a random ejection (should still be random just not all over the place)
-Gun casings eject faster

-Penetrator Perk works with plasma weapons
-Bloody mess can be triggered by explosions and bashing
-Adds a name and description to Robes of Atoms Devoted hidden perk after reaching 900 rads
-More realistic knockdown effect for Pain Train
-Restores the Explorer Perk
-Restores the Railroad Perks
-Restores Wired Reflex Perk
-Pain Train shoulder animation should only play in combat

-Does the same thing as Tesla Mods Fix
-Changes the Captain's Hat texture to use the one Hancock wears
-Some outfit slot fixes so beards can be seen
-Atoms Bulwork will always spawn as a chest piece
-Restores the Cut Content Lobster Trap helmet
-Headlamps should cast light farther and have shadows (No pipboy changes)

Please note the errors that appear in FO4 Edit can be safely ignored. They are vanilla errors and are not caused by this mod :)

Mods that are redundant with this mod installed:

Toy Soldiers and Bot Models Are Bobbleheads
Build Anything In Interiors
Fast Travel Doesn't Skip Time
Forest Grove March Water Fix
Useful Folders and Other Junk
Shell Rain
Longer Range Projectiles
Trove - Immersive Caps Stashes (and any others like this)
New Infinite Settlement Budget Plugin (and any other mods that deal in settlement budgets)
Vault 88 Better Power Connectors
Covenant Fishermen Outfit Replacer
Scriptless Bottle Return
Caravan Guards Open Carry
Bountiful Harvests (and any other mods that make the harvesting logical)
Open Carry Provisioners
Unlimited Power - Tesla Rifle Projectiles Create Visual Effect On Impact
Realistic Drugged Water
Nuka-World Minutemen Flags and East Entrance Fix
Nuka-World - Fixes the East Entrance to Nuka-Town USA Near Fizztop Mountain
Kneecapper Fix
Immersive Meat
Unowned Trash - Taking Trash Isn't Theft
Ownership Fixes
Robes of Atom's Devoted Hidden Perk Fix
Magazine Issue Numbers
Fixed Creature Death Drops
Better Deacon Disguises
Vault 111 and Billboard Distant Visibility
Diamond City Security Outfits Tweak
Smoking Cait
Smoking Mama Murphy
Weapon Drop Stop (W.D.S) (and any other drop weapon fixes)
Institute Rifle Nightvision Fix
Long Range Bullet Holes
Varied Diamond City Guards
Varied Gunner Mercenaries
Varied Raiders
Immersive Meat
Streetlight Radius Fix
Radio Reverb Fix (If you want an idea of what reverb does theres a video on their page that will give you an idea)
Deadeye Legendary Bugfix and Replacer
Vault 88 - Enemies Spawn Only At Front Door
VaultSuit Dialogues
Swans Pond Flicker Fix
Bridge Fix - Wesson Water Plant
Trap Disarming - No Red Text
Opal's Container Fix
Meat Drop Rate Fixes
Merged Vanilla Perk Fixes
Conduit Ceiling Fix
Underwater Glass Fix
Companion Initializing Dialogue Patch
Keep Radiant Quests In The Commonwealth (or any other mods like this)
Giant Hermit Crabs Give No XP Fix
Malden Hospital Port-A-Diner Fix
No Interior Music In Outdoor Cells (In UFO4P)
Landing Animation Consistency Fix (No Collapse or Stumble)
Unique Settlement Vendors - Protected and Tracked (Unless you want to track them then you can use this mod)
Forest Grove Marsh - Dam Water Fix
Tesla Mods Fix
Impact Landing Stagger Fix (and any of the other mods that fix aggression from landing with power armor)
No BloodWorm MoleRats Scorpions Teleport-BugFix
Glitches Fixes, FO4 Fixes, F4 Fixes, Fallout 4 Small Bugfixes and any other general patch mods on the nexus
Park Bench NPC Animation Fix
Gauss Rifle Suppressor Fix
Far Harbor - Cliffs Edge Hotel Wall Rest Ring Lower Fixed
Hopemarch Pentecostal Church Bug Fix
Audible Wind Turbine
Naked Curator Givens Fix (UFO4P)
Proctor Teagan's Inventory Fix
Hardware Town Storage Key Havok Fix
SlotFix - Beards Glasses and Masks
Nuka World Bottle Scenery Fix
Weapon Rack Fixes - WRR
Free The Beards
Piper Interview Restored
Realistic Crippled Limbs Effects
Hermit Crab Spawns Missing Meat No More
Enraged Fog Crawler Fix
Far Harbor Doctor Dialogue Fix
The Captain's Hat Model Fix
Gas Mask Hat Fix
Artillery Unrestricted (and any other mods like this)
Guaranteed Atom's Bulwark Chestpiece
Combined Game Tweaks
Farmers Farm More
Far Harbor Respawning
Cut Addictions Restored
Longer Lasting Fusion Cores (can be used if you want more)
Jetpacks Use Battery Instead of AP
Popping Heads
Moveable Brahmins
Movable Cats
Goodneighbour Entrance Map Marker
Diamond City Entrance Map Marker
Sprint AP Drained Revised
Always Successful Port-A-Diners
Longer Power Lines
Increased Settler Population (Unless you want more)
Realistic Ragdoll Force
Protect Those Merchants
And Stay Down - Extended Essential NPC Knockdown Times
Randomized Diamond City Guard Outfits
Diamond City SWAT
Zombie Vertibird Fix
Shut Up - No Hurrying Dialogue Comments
Protected Uniques
Protected Unique NPC's (and any other mods like this)
Automaton Dialogue Fix - Less Annoying Robot Companions
Provisioners Sandbox
Caravan AI Tweak
Beantown Brewery Missing Wall Fix
Flamer and Plasma Thrower VATS Fix
Any mods that fix Brooks appearance
Nuka-Cola Victory Fix
Merged Vanilla Perk Fix
Melee Weapon Impact Sound Fix
Minutemen Ending Dialogue Fix
Male b*tches and Female F*ckers - Insults For All
Bullet Casings, No More Under Gassed Firearms
No Random Gun Shell Ejection
Explosive Bullet Holes
Automatrons Have Genders Too
Modable Nukatron Torso
Companions As Settlers
Curie Weapon and Perk Fix
Super Mutant Wants To Sit Too
GearUp Nick Valentine
Companion Stealth Distance Fix
Companion Thoughts Overhaul
Monogamy - Break The Romance
Realistic Conversations
Power Line Physics
Pain Train Shoulder Bash Animation - Combat Only
Remove Ironsight Blur
Better Headlamps
Weston Water LOD Fix
Strong No Lockpick Dislike
Nuka World - Disciples Beard Fix
Grass Object Density Reducer
Ninja Perk Fix - Ninja Use Fist Too (UFO4P)
RailroadPerks - Cut Content Restored
Wired Reflexes Cut Content Restored
More Realistic Pain Train Knockdown
Explosive Bullets Self Damage
Explorer Restored - Cut Perk Mod
Trapper Helmets
Open Faced Guard Helmets
CleanVATS - VATS Green Tint Remover
Flashout - Explosion Flash Remover
Glowing Animals Emit Light
Ash Be Gone
Increased Weapon Mod Distribution
Diamond City Billboards

Theres probably other redundant mods but this should atleast help with organizing