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Hi guys,

It's been a while since I've posted about the project, so here's a small snippet of freight train level I'm working on at the moment. Took me a while to figure out the best way to do the train thing.

The gun is Beretta PM12S, made from scratch for this project. I haven't finished all the anims yet, but so far this might be my favorite out of all the guns I'm preparing.  Here's a screenshot of PM12S :

Fallout 4 North End is a tiny expansion which adds a new town location in the Little Italy part of Boston, as well as factions, quests, and items.  I will be doing a proper write up on what I've been working on at one point, but in the meanwhile you can read my old posts about the project :

Thank you so much for stopping by.


  1. IcewaterKat
    • premium
    • 61 kudos
    That was awesome. Not something I ever expected to be a part of FO4 but it is now (well going to be at least). Didn't know about 'The Train' mod.

    That Beretta is looking great.
    1. DiodeLadder
      • supporter
      • 47 kudos
      Thank you so much, IcewaterKat!  Very glad to see you again.  :-)

      My freight train mission will be a small one in the faction quest line, but hopefully it'll be something people would enjoy.  Lots of challenges to make it a good mission, but I think it'll be a good learning experience.

      Beretta PM12S, for my taste, is really fun to use, and I'm glad I've decided to include this one.  :-)
  2. Radsweeper
    • member
    • 60 kudos
    One step at a time, always forward. Good work every time!
    1. DiodeLadder
      • supporter
      • 47 kudos
      Thank you very much, Radsweeper!  I hope you've been well.  :-)

      There's still a lot of things for me to learn, but I'm glad at least this part works now.  I want to make every quest in this project to be memorable, and hopefully I can come up with enough ideas to achieve that goal.
  3. TurntLogic
    • premium
    • 166 kudos
    I love that train section you put together, the swaying and movement of the train cars is a great touch!
    1. DiodeLadder
      • supporter
      • 47 kudos
      Thank you so much, TurntLogic!

      I've made a helper object that's similar to Bethesda's floating platform thing used in Libertalia.  I think I still need to fine tune it, but I'm relieved that it actually worked.  Train thing was something I wanted to do, but I wasn't sure if I actually could pull this off.  I'm glad this part is now a possibility.

      I think the real challenge is, though, making the corridor-like level interesting to play.  I've been testing some gameplay ideas to make it more engaging, but hopefully I'd have enough ideas to keep players' interest until the end.
    2. TurntLogic
      • premium
      • 166 kudos
      I'm not sure how long or expansive this train sequence will be, but you might want to check another mod called The Train.

      It has some interesting features like unique train cars, fighting/boarding other trains, and some other stuff. I don't know how practical that would be in a tunnel, but it could offer some inspiration. 

      But honestly, I think the novelty and challenge of a moving train is already pretty engaging for most players.

      Hope it helps, and good luck with the mod!
    3. DiodeLadder
      • supporter
      • 47 kudos
      Thank you!  Yeah, mine is going to be much simpler, and shorter than that mod.  He's way more skilled than I am, and I'd have to pick my fight, lol.

      Gameplay wise mine is going to be a mixture of narrative, fighting and problem-solving.  After doing the blockout and mechanical stuff, I'll have to see which assets I need to make.  Hopefully this will be a fun quest.  :-)