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Just demonstrating a very work-in-progress project. I'm in the process of splitting this off from something much larger so that I can publish it standalone while the bigger mod gets developed over the long term.


  1. Radsweeper
    • member
    • 60 kudos
    I am sure you will make waves with this mod 

    Suggestions (Feel free to toss them overboard!): One: add-on to the boat could be a turret and two - it would be also cool - having the occasional raider boat patrolling on the river.

    I think this is a great mod idea!
    1. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 808 kudos
      Unfortunately I don't have much leeway for either of these. The boats have baked in animations and I lack the skill to edit (or replace) them, which makes the raider idea a non-starter. As for the turrets, well. Because of how the boats are animated, they are so big (as objects) that anything I attach to the boat can wind up unloading just by traveling from the spawn point to the dock.
    2. Radsweeper
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      That's understandable. Then would perhaps just adding more docking destinations be possible? Also, would it be possible to actually just ride the boat to its destination? That would add some target opportunity along the way...

      My talents with the creation kit are severely limited so I sometimes make suggestion that are impossible to create. In any case thanks for all the work you throw into your mods. It's appreciated!
    3. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 808 kudos
      More docking points are planned, this video is just a mechanical demonstration after all. As for riding the boat all the way to the destination, no. Not without a completely different approach. Vertibirds let you do that because they are NPCs and you're technically "riding" them the same way you ride a horse in skyrim.

      These boats are derived from the Far Harbor boat, which is a very large object that has a moving platform as part of some pre-made animations. Those animations have a start point or an end point, but not both, and they follow a set path rather than being something I can move as I please.
    4. Radsweeper
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      Oh. Well I truly appreciate you educating me in those things. Seriously. I assumed that the Vertibird were a container and that it moved you around in it...

      Okay let's try this then: How about making a buildable dock at appropriate (coastal) settlements? Could that be within the realm of possibilities?

      Thanks for putting up with endless curiosity!
    5. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 808 kudos
      It's definitely possible to add more docks so long as an appropriately clear approach path for the boat can be arranged. Due to how big that path needs to be and how complex the boat management is, anything of that nature needs to be pre-placed rather than made constructible in the workshop.

      As for the locations currently in the video and the ones I have yet to implement, that ties back in to what I said in the description: I have plans to build things at those locations, but by creating the boat system as a master file it allows me to build and post each location on its own rather than requiring I complete the entire massive project in order to share any of it.
    6. Radsweeper
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      Again, thanks for replying. I will be following this along with attention!  
  2. streetyson
    • member
    • 121 kudos
    If you're up a really big s#*! creek in Boston without a paddle you might as well do it in some style. I'd halve the caps though.
    1. streetyson
      • member
      • 121 kudos
      Really Nexus? I can't spell out a simple Anglo Saxon word without you auto-replacing it with symbols? I'm not being rude here as it's part of a common phrase (and everyone reads that word out in their head anyway). And might I remind you this is a PEGI-18 game in the UK where you and I both are so kids shouldn't be here anyway (something which you fail to properly monitor, btw).
    2. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 808 kudos
      I haven't actually gotten around to balancing the prices yet. In Skyrim (which has effectively the same cost/reward economy) the carriages are 20 septims to go to a hold capital and 50 to go to a rural destination. In Morrowind, the travel cost automatically scales by a few variables but the base price varies by trip and seems to be anywhere from roughly 15 for some routes to 130 for others.

      Skyrim probably should have had higher prices, as they allow you to go from any carriage to any destination and their prices assume the same kind of travel as I'm showing in this video, where you wind up paying for multiple trips in sequence.
  3. Rodocastiza
    • supporter
    • 19 kudos
    Very nice alternative to travel in Survival! I usually go swimming.
  4. WolfeMan2077
    • premium
    • 46 kudos
    this is certainly a boat moment
  5. Twright44
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Holy s#*! hes on a boat 10 out of 10 video how is this not trending