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About this mod

- Enhanced draw distance without CTD's
- New render API
- Win 10 inventory mouse bug fix
- Hardcoded reshade
- Shaders fixes
- Enhanced vanilla textures
- Reduced in game lags
- No x86 Vram limit

Permissions and credits
Global update:

- G3_edd_Launcher.exe full reworked
- Added useful enchansements
- Automatic voice localisation mount (just copy speech archives to data folder)
- Performance improved
- Distance reduced to compromise values
- Fixed engine distance settings bugs
- Fixed bugged shadowing
- Inventory mouse fix
- Fixed specular textures
- Fixed normal map textures (now it is a tangenta blue instead 'true' green)
- No VRAM limitation (now G3 work with 5+ gb)

Known issues:
- Black screen after game launch (5-10 sec)
- Non regular sound issue (look at RIO)
- Sometime some polygons is dark in caves (just save\load to fix it)

1) Set 'ultra' preset in game
2) OPTIONAL: Download textures and place files to data (EXPERIMENTAL- MAY CAUSE CTD's)
3) Install World of Gothic Gothic 3 v1.75 Update Pack
4) Place to game folder and use G3_edd_Launcher.exe to run game
5) For steam users - copy steam.exe to Gothic3 main folder

Auto (recommend!):
1) Open G3_edd.ini and set UNINSTALL EDD = TRUE
2) Run launcher

1) Open G3_edd.ini and set TEXTURES ATTACH = FALSE
2) Launch game via G3_edd_Launcher.exe and exit (this is required for unmount textures)
3) Delete all _compiledImage.0-X (not *.p00-pXX) in gothic3\data and delete data\_compiledImage folder
    - Current version 1.6 contains two files - _compiledImage.0 and 1 (just delete it, after step 2)
4) Rename gothic3\ini\original_ge3.ini ---> ge3.ini


(!) EDD require vulkan support
After first launch shaders compiling requires - this take a while!


1) Do not try use textures without EDD_launcher (you will get a ctd's and broken textures while TGA compiling)
3) Radius of influence - RIO: 5500 is optimal (sometime still cause sound issue)
   - Affect to sound entities distance also cause getting a limit of engine sound channels (but default value = 4000 is too low for NPC distance)
4) In game setting shadow quality set to low? Ignore it (used max possible quality)
5) EAX? No, used modified DSOAL for fix some sound issues (G3 not support eax, but HTRF work)
6) Do not rename _compiledImage.0 (this is uncompressed speed texture pack)
7) Why some textures is TGA format? This textures will be compiled on fly (EDD_launcher will check conversion automatically)
   - TGA textures - this is _compiledImage.1 in next update
8) Do not make any ini tweaks - all of it is unuseful
9) If you change resolution in game setting - restart game (scaling bug)
10) How much VRAM G3 now use? ~5-6gb without issues (no limits)
11) Do not enable engine anti aliasing (will be used rs smaa instead it)

Notice for g3_edd.ini:

[SH = 35000]  <--- This is complex chain of render settings values (you can increase\decrease it)
(!) If you use launcher without textures you can increase this value and get incredible distance in game
(!) This value is experemental and you can edit it
(!) Reduce it, if you got a missed level geometry or ctd's (with step 500)
Check it in game and repeat, if issue still appea
Then you can make a new save and restore it to 3500 (3400)
Remember - clean  game is lagging  and randomly crash also :)

My other projects: