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About this mod

Double click scraps item if it cant be moved to the squad bag. Quick loot to squad bag button. Ammo display changes. Configurable stack sizes.

Permissions and credits
- Double click on item scraps it (or destroys for zero scraps) if can't be moved to squad bag. You can't scrap with double click from a mercenary bag or mercenary's dead body to avoid accidents. Useful with 100% drop chance huge item lists.

- [option] to scrap in bulk (scrap all items in the same class, same container, same or worse condition) (on by default)

- Use ALT key to change current double click action (scrap to equip and vice versa)

- [option] to let quest items, valuables and all stackable items to fit into squad bags 

- Adds button to quickly move all suitable loot to squad bag

- [option] to change maximal size of stacks to:
default - no changes 
999, 1000, 9999, 10000, 99999 (set as default)

- [option] to hide max stack values (on by default)

- [option] to show ammo calibers, ordnance, explosives (on by default)

- Ammo stacks, calibers, reloading options have colored texts and numbers

- Better ammo stacks sorting if you prefer multiple stacks (caliber, name, count;  default: caliber, count)

- squad bag sorting improved

- [option] auto sector stash sorting, item list shifting and merging

- [option] to remove dead bodies when open sector stash out of combat. Flushes dead bodies' (and their backpacks) equipment to the sector stash virtual bag. For dead units backpacks (when died long ago) works only for current loaded sector (enter sector  map and open stash). (on by default)

- [option] to remove map desaturation on pause (on by default)

- [option] change marking behaviour
  - no flashing and flickering scanlines, just colors.
          - removes desaturation on combat movement and preparing melee attack animation.

- changes to repair and craft satellite view operations:
- [option] to scale up items (on by default)
- removes 9 slot limit, adds scroll bar
- scroll bars keep their positions
        - [fixed] sloppy large items horizontal alignment
- adaptive area sizes
        - repair auto fill adds all items in following order (equipped weapon, weapon, equipped armor, the rest)
- repair has button to fill in equipped items only (order as above)
        - [fixed] vanilla bug with repair items cashing (start repair, scrap some weapons, open repair again - cashed item list is not valid)

- squad management changes:
- no squad size limit (drag and drop merc on squad icon when no empty space is shown)
- change squad names
- pop up dialog asking to share squad bag items when moving units between squads
- custom squad icons 

- mods options are collapsed on open, click to expand

- [option] to change portrait backgrounds (mostly removes)

- [option] in one click turns on and off drop all items mode at any time (off by default)

Modders can add item.DisplayNameShort to specify ammo and ordnance short names.

To add more squad icons you just need to insert them into the table:
table.insert_unique(g_SquadLogos, CurrentModPath.."UI/Icons/SquadLogo/name)

"UI" part is important to not produce warnings. No extensions here, just name.
You should have 2 versions - name.png and name_s.png. Name.png is used at changing squad name and logo dialogue, name_s at the map and left top.

Compatibility issues:

- gc militia