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About this mod

Console commands

Permissions and credits
How To Install
  •  Install RE-UE4SS by following their basic installation guide:
    - Download the latest release: UE4SS_v3.0.1.zip
    - Extract the contents to your ManorLords installation path:
    [steam] -> Steam\steamapps\common\Manor Lords\ManorLords\Binaries\Win64\
    [xbox gamepass] -> ..\ManorLords\Binaries\WinGDK\
  •  Unzip the mod and Extract the contents to ManorLords mods installation path:
    [steam] -> Steam\steamapps\common\Manor Lords\ManorLords\Binaries\Win64\mods
    [xbox gamepass] -> ..\ManorLords\Binaries\WinGDK\mods

    - now you should have a folder called MLConsoleCommands in the directory mentioned previously

  • the Mod will be enabled automatically

Installation notes
  • UE4SS will work as long as the game "shipping" executable file is in the same folder with their files, so yo can have both modded and non-modded (vanilla) folder and chose which executable to run
- separate modded folder 
- non-modded
- modded

  •  to remove the "modded" mark you need to delete any folders present in the Content\Paks\ directory and launch the game without UE4SS

Crash On Startup

If you are experiencing crash on startup: try this fix
If for some reason the fix did not work, use the zDev version of UE4SS instead, this is what I use to develop the mod

How To Disable / re-Enable

  • to disable the mod remove or rename the empty enabled.txt File in the mod folder
  • to enable the mod again bring back the enabled.txt File again or utilize the Mod Loader file

How To Use
  • Make sure UE4SS ConsoleEnablerMod is enabled (enabled by default)
  • In Game, open the console using the console keybind (F10 by default)
  • now you can enter the commands available listed below to use it

Be a responsible mod user
  • If you found a bug and is possibly caused by a mod please do report it in the right place and not to the game developer unnecessarily
  • keep in mind that the game is still in early-access and this is made without official mod support
  • always have backup save in case something goes wrong

Available Commands (v1.0.0 .. v1.0.1-alpha02)

note: commands only apply the effect a single time, immediately, each time they are entered, unless stated otherwise

  • k.printCommands
    - print print-command handles of this mod to the console window

  • k.printLordConsoleCommands
    - print Lord related console commands to the console window

  • k.setTreasury amount
    - set player Lord Treasury to specified amount

  • k.addTreasury amount
    - increase/decrease player Lord Treasury by specified amount (negate amount to decrease)

  • k.setInfluece amount
    - set player Lord Influence to specified amount
  • k.addInfluence amount
    - increase/decrease player Lord Treasury by specified amount (negate amount to decrease)

  • k.setKingsFavor amount
    - set player Lord KingsFavor to specified amount

  • k.addKingsFavor amount
    - increase/decrease player Lord KingsFavor by specified amount (negate amount to decrease)

  • k.layRegionClaim
    - lay a claim on current region for player

- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.layRegionClaimForBaron
    - lay a claim on current region for the baron

- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.finalizeClaims
    - finalize all player claims

- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.finalizePlayerClaimOnRegion
    - finalize player claim on current region

current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.withdrawClaimsAndChallengesTowardsPlayer
    - make lords withdraw claims and challenges toward the player

  • k.addChallengesByPlayerDaysLeft amount
    - add daysLeft by amount to player initiated challenges

  • k.addChallengesTowardsPlayerDaysLeft
    -  add daysLeft by amount to challenges towards the player

  • k.declareWarToBaron
    - declare war to the Baron

  • k.declarePeaceToBaron
    - declare peace to the Baron

- note: this doesn't resolve existing diplomacy play

  • k.moveRegionByNameChallengeToCursor regionName
    - move the battlefield place of any challenge in regards to Region with regionName to the cursor position

- note: this is supposedly a locked feature in early access

  • k.printArmyConsoleCommands
    - print Army related commands to the console window

  • k.rerollHireMercenaries
    - reroll the list of mercenary you can hire

  • k.disbandOtherLordsMercenaries
    - disband all of other lords squads that is a part of "mercenary", not limited to named mercenary you can hire

  • k.releaseMercenaryById mercenaryID
    - release mercenary with given mercenaryID, making them available for hire

- mercenaryID refer to the table key in the DT_MercenaryCompanies.uasset

- display name translation here DT_Translation_MercenaryCompanies.uasset
- e.g. to release "The Brotherhood of the Forest" (brotherhood_of_the_forest): "k.releaseMercenaryById brotherhood_of_the_forest"

  • k.releaseLockedMercenaryPool
    - release mercenary that are not currently hired by any lord

- can be workaround for mercenary being locked after being hired once by the baron

  • k.setHireMercenaryByIndexArriveAtCurrentRegion index
    - set the arrival region of hire-mercenary at given index to current region

- index refer to the offset from the first option, so the first option/card is 0, and the 3rd option/card is 2
- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.setHireMercenaryByIndexCost index cost
    - set the cost of hire-mercenary at given index

- index refer to the offset from the first option, so the first option/card is 0, and the 3rd option/card is 2
- avoid using non-positive number, it might not crash but will broke some UI

  • k.setSelectedSquadCapacity amount
    - set currently selected squad(s) capacity to amount

- avoid using this on retinue, interaction with the UI might not work

  • k.addMilitiaToRegion militiaID
    - add new militia to current region

- militiaID refers to the unit template key in the DT_UnitTemplates.uasset
- display name translation here DT_Translation_UnitTemplates.uasset
- e.g. to add archer militia (bowMilitia): "k.addMilitiaToRegion bowMilitia"

- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.addMilitiaToRegionByName regionName militiaID
    - add new militia to the specified region

- regionName is case-insensitive
- militiaID is case-insesitive

- militiaID refers to the unit template key in the DT_UnitTemplates.uasset

- display name translation here DT_Translation_UnitTemplates.uasset
- e.g. to add archer militia (bowMilitia) to a region named "GOLDHOF": "k.addMilitiaToRegion goldhof bowMilitia"

  • k.healPlayerUnits
    - heal all of player commanded army units.

    - stamina, morale, hp will be set to max

  • k.weakenBandits
    - weaken all units that is assigned to a bandit squad, of any lord

- stamina, morale, hp will be set to 1/100 of max
- bandit camps have bandit squads of Outlaw

  • k.weakenRaiders
    - weaken all raider units

- stamina, morale, hp will be set to 1/100 of max
- raiders are squad of Outlaw

  • k.printRegionConsoleCommands
    - print available commands to the console window

  • k.addRegionalWealth amount
    - increase/decrease current region wealth by specified amount (negate amount to decrease)

- current region refers to the region you are currently looking (territory at the center of the camera (you are looking at the game as a camera))
- current region is invalid while looking at the map, in that state these commands will have no effect

  • k.setRegionalWealth amount
    - set current region wealth to specified amount

- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.addDevelopmentPoint amount
    - increase/decrease current region development point by specified amount (negate amount to decrease)

- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.setDevelopmentPoint amount
    - set current region development point to specified amount

- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.addRegionApproval amount
    - increase/decrease current region approval by specified amount (negate amount to decrease)

- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

- note: this only change the region cache, the game will invalidate it again by residents memory each cycle
- see "k.resetRegionApprovalMemories" to reset the memories

  • k.setRegionApproval amount
    - set current region approval to specified amount

- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

- note: this only change the region cache, the game will invalidate it again by residents memory each cycle
- see "k.resetRegionApprovalMemories" to reset the memories

  • k.addRegionPublicOrder amount
    - increase/decrease current region public order by specified amount (negate amount to decrease)

- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.setRegionPublicOrder  amount
    - set current region public order to specified amount

- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.spawnNewFamily
    - spawn a new family in current region

- the spawned family consist of a single "husband" (adult male)
- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.growRegionPopulation
    - grow current region population by 1

- will spawn a new family member to an existing family if applicable
- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.growRegionPopulation amount
    - grow current region population by amount

- will spawn new family members up to amount to an existing family if applicable
- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.spawnBanditCamp
    - spawn a bandit camp at random place on the map

  • k.finishPlayerBuildings (bugged) (use k.buildInstantly instead)
    - finish all of player building construction

- bug_info: the save mechanism doesn't save/load the finished building properly (or the building is simply invalid), it will go back to unconstructed state

  • k.finishSelectedBuildings (bugged) (use k.buildInstantly instead)
    - finish player selected building construction

- bug_info: the save mechanism doesn't save/load the finished building properly (or the building is simply invalid), it will go back to unconstructed state
- you can use this command if you need a building immediately, just remember that it will be invalid on next save load

  • k.buildInstantly
    - place the building and instantly finish it

- note: do not use before the builder UI shows you the building (doing otherwise will crash the game later on)
- enter command whenever you want to place a new building
- this does not bypass resource requirement (will not consume any)
- this does not apply to the burgage plot planner

  • k.spawnRaider amount
    - spawn amount of raider at random edge of the map

- raider starting position is randomized, all of amount from the same place

  • k.spawnRaiderRallyAtCursor amount
    - spawn amount of raider that will rally at current cursor position

- raider starting position is the nearest map border to the cursor position
- after spawned, the raider(s) may ignore the rally position and attack immediately or might not attack at all if the amount is too low (idk if they will attack eventually, I didn't test for long)

  • k.refillRegionBerries
    - refill every berry bushes in current region

- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.increaseRegionBerriesCapacity amount
    - increase the lowest capacity berry bush in current region by amount

- by default a berry bush capacity is 8.
- by default berry deposits consist of 8 bushes, rich type deposit is 16 bushes.

- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.resetRegionBerriesCapacity
    - reset every berry bushes capacity in current region back to default, available berry amount will be coerced

- default value is 8.
- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.emptyRegionBerriesCapacity
    - set every berry bushes capacity in current region to 0, available berry amount will be coerced

- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.emptyRegionBerries
    - set every berry bushes available berry in current region to 0

current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.increaseRegionStoneDepositAmount amount
    - increase the lowest stone amount in current region by amount

- by default a stone amount is 20
- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.resetRegionStoneDepositAmount
    - reset stone amount in current region back to default

- by default a stone amount is 20
- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.emptyRegionStoneDepositAmount
    - set every stone amount in current region to 0

- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.spawnClayDepositAtCursor amount
- spawn new clay deposit at cusor position with amount as initial deposit amount

- note: the deposit texture are not spawned

  • k.addAllClayDepositOfAmount ofAmount amount
    - increase/decrease all clay deposit that has exactly ofAmount clay by amount (negate amount to decrease)

  • k.markRichAllClayDepositOfAmount ofAmount
    - mark all clay deposit that has exactly ofAmount clay as a Rich deposit

  • k.markNormalAllClayDepositOfAmount ofAmount
    - mark all clay deposit that has exactly ofAmount clay as a normal deposit

  • k.spawnIronDepositAtCursor amount
- spawn new iron deposit at cusor position with amount as initial deposit amount

- note: the deposit texture are not spawned

  • k.addAllIronDepositOfAmount ofAmount amount
    - increase/decrease all iron deposit that has exactly ofAmount iron by amount (negate amount to decrease)

  • k.markRichAllIronDepositOfAmount ofAmount
    - mark all iron deposit that has exactly ofAmount iron as a Rich deposit

  • k.markNormalAllIronDepositOfAmount ofAmount
    - mark all iron deposit that has exactly ofAmount iron as a normal deposit

  • k.spawnWildAnimalAtCursor amount
    - spawn a wild animal deposit at mouse cursor position with amount as capacity

    - the game seems to limit the initial amout to around 300, but they can grow over that

  • k.setSelectedBuildingsOnFire
    - set all of player selected buildings on fire

  • k.putOutSelectedBuildingsFire
    - put out all of player selected buildings fire

  • k.setRegionBuildingsOnFire
    - set current region buildings on fire

- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.putOutRegionBuildingsFire
    - put out current region buildings fire

- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.addResourceToSelectedBuildings typeId amount
    - spawn/increase/decrease resource at the player selected buildings inventory (negate amount to decrease)

- typeId refer to the table key in DT_items.uasset.
- display name translations here DT_Translation_Items.uasset. (typeId is a number, so remove "itemID_" prefix)
- e.g. To add 1000 Timber (wood / itemID_16) : "k.addResourceToSelectedBuildings 16 1000"

  • k.spawnSelectedBuildingsConstructionResources
    - spawn remaining construction resources to player selected buildings

  • k.spawnRegionBuildingsConstructionResources
    - spawn remaining construction resources to current region buildings

    current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.removeDeerSquadByDeerAtCursor
    - remove deer squad (wild animals) of the deer unit at the player cursor

- this was requested because of the wild animal wandering-off region/map bug
- see k.spawnWildAnimalAtCursor to spawn new one

  • k.removeOffMapWildlifeHerds
    - remove Wild Animals that are off-map (not within any region)

- this was requested because of the wild animal wandering-off region/map bug
- see k.spawnWildAnimalAtCursor to spawn new one

  • k.setSelectedBuildingsGenericStorageCapacity -amount
    - set selected buildings Generic Storage to amount

- set value is not persisted to the save game

  • k.setSelectedBuildingsPantryStorageCapacity
    - set selected buildings Pantry Storage to amount

- set value is not persisted to the save game

  • k.setSelectedBuildingsHuntingLimit amount
    - set selected buildings Hunting Limit to amount

- only relevant to Hunting Camp
- this can help you go over the default hunting limit cap (50) when spawning large amount of wild animal

  • k.setSelectedBuildingsMourningPeriod amount
    - set selected buildings mourning period to amount

-  amount is day(s) remaining

  • k.setRegionBuildingsMourningPeriod amount
    - set current region buildings mourning period to amount

- amount is day(s) remaining
- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.demolishSelectedBuildings
    - demolish selected buildings

- can be used to demolish supplies building (resources inside will be gone)

  • k.setSelectedBuildingsCropsPlowingProgress amount
    - set selected buildings crops plowing progress to amount

- amount should be in 0.0 .. 1.0 inclusive
- note: plowing progress in this command refer to individual crops, there are always set amount of crops per field size, plowing progress shown on field UI refer to how many crops are fully (1.0) plowed

  • k.multiplySelectedBuildingsCropsYieldBy amount
    - multiply all crops yield in selected buildings by amount

- amount should not be negative
- this will multiply every single crop yield in the field, fractional result is rounded down

  • k.increaseSelectedBuildingsCropsYieldBy
    - increase a random crops yield in selected buildings by amount

    - amount should not be negative

  • k.resetRegionApprovalMemories
    - reset current region residents approval memories

- as if they were just moved in, 50 by default
- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

- note: the logic behind memory calculation is still unclear so no add approval memory command yet

  • k.spawnRegionBuildingsHandcarts
    - spawn handcarts to current region buildings that have the slots unfilled

- especially on newly constructed Granary/Storehouse building (not large) 
- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.spawnPlayerRegionsBuildingHandcarts
    - spawn handcarts to player owned regions buildings that have the slots unfilled

- especially on newly constructed Granary/Storehouse building

  • k.setGenericStorageCapacityForRegionBuildingsOfType typeID capacity
    - set generic storage capacity for current region buildings with assigned typeID to capacity

- typeID name translation here DT_Translation_BuildingNames
- typeID is a number so remove "buildingID_" prefix
- set value is not persisted to the save game

- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.setGenericStorageCapacityForRegionStorehouseBuildings capacity
    - set generic storage capacity for current region storehouse/warehouse buildings to capacity

- set value is not persisted to the save game

- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.setPantryStorageCapacityForRegionBuildingsOfType typeID capacity
    - set pantry storage capacity for current region buildings with assigned typeID to capacity

typeID name translation here DT_Translation_BuildingNames

- typeID is a number so remove "buildingID_" prefix
- set value is not persisted to the save game

- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.setPantryStorageCapacityForRegionPantryBuildings

      - set pantry storage capacity for current region pantry/granary buildings to capacity

      - set value is not persisted to the save game- current region refer to the region of the territory at the center of the camera, invalid while looking at the region map

  • k.setGenericStorageCapacityForPlayerRegionsBuildingsOfType typeID capacity
    - set generic storage capacity for player owned regions buildings with assigned typeID to capacity
- typeID name translation here DT_Translation_BuildingNames 
- typeID is a number so remove "buildingID_" prefix
- set value is not persisted to the save game

  • k.setGenericStorageCapacityForPlayerRegionsStorehouseBuildings capacity
    - set generic storage capacity for player owned regions storehouse/warehouse buildings to capacity

- set value is not persisted to the save game

  • k.setPantryStorageCapacityForPlayerRegionsBuildingsOfType typeID capacity
    - set pantry storage capacity for player owned regions buildings with assigned typeID to capacity

- typeID name translation here DT_Translation_BuildingNames
- typeID is a number so remove "buildingID_" prefix
- set value is not persisted to the save game

  • k.setPantryStorageCapacityForPlayerRegionsPantryBuildings capacity
    - set pantry storage capacity for player owned regions pantry/granary buildings to capacity

- set value is not persisted to the save game

  • k.printMiscConsoleCommands
    - print miscellaneous commands to the console window

  • k.setGameSpeed amount
    - set the game speed to amount

- note: keep in mind that the game is not even stable (the amount of work done by the Director/AI isn't right) at the fastest available speed in vanilla

  • k.followUnitAtCursor
    - follow the Unit that is currently pointed by your cursor, works on deers as well


  • If there's a command you wish to have then you can go on ask for one, I will reply on whether it's possible, there are commands that I know are possible but might be a little complicated to use.

How To Uninstall

  • remove the mod Folder
    - also remove the mod declaration in the Mod Loader file If added previously

allows me to keep the mods updated