About this mod

Europe 1805 is set in the Napoleonic Era. It has improved graphics, models and offers a lot of gameplay features. From investing in towns, enterprises, houses, shares to building defensive structures, formations, combat abilities et cetera! Main topic: http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,186724.0.html

Permissions and credits
The year is 1805. Realising that Britain will keep on supporting coalitions against France, Napoleon decides to tackle the problem at the root. Now Emperor he has brought together his Grande Armée in Boulogne, ready to set sail for England any time. But by crowning himself emperor Napoleon has provoked Russia and Austria, who are preparing to march on Paris from the east. It is in the summer of 1805 that you start. You just graduated from military academy and are ready to play a role in the upcoming conflict.