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About this mod

Have you ever played Legacy of the Dragonborn for Skyrim? Well try it as it is among the best mods ever made for any TES game. Am I close to it? Not in 10 or 100 years but maybe we will one day? One step in a time. This does not look like the Skyrim version and I do like to test to make new stuff, that no one ever made. Exploring new areas is fun.

Permissions and credits
The Legacy of the Champion
This museum does not have anything in common with the Skyrim version, called the legacy of the Dragornborn, except the principle but that is it. It is meant to become a museum for the Champion but not look or work the way the Legacy of the Dragonborn do. All designs are based from Oblivion and most is underground. The main room and main building is above ground north of Anvil. The scripts are more static and extremely fast. Coding dynamic stuff can be done in Oblivion but it is easier in Skyrim I guess. Skyrim scanning in the Dragonborn Museum takes forever. My scanning's is done within a single frame so far. Compare and see for your self. This is Oblivion and this game is 16 years old. We just have to accept that fact. Oblivion is in many ways much faster than Skyrim and this mod is fast and have high performance, everywhere, even if it is filled with so much stuff.

I have played TES since Daggerfall 1996, modded Morrowind 2004-2006, Oblivion 2006-2008 and from 2020-20XX. I have learned modding from Qarl (R.I.P), we all did back in the days. His stuff is still nice.

I still play TES 2-5, and the TES 2 version is the free Daggerfall Unity, fully modded. TES 1? I never tested it.
Why 2 years development?
What is included and what have I done during the period 2020-2022. I have been solving a lot of issues and problems. This mod has not been a walk in a park and I do try to make new things, that no one ever made before for oblivion or for TES and I do not give up so easy. Oblivion demand that we stay patient and not try things that are not meant for Oblivion but still, we must try new things and develop new things and that we do together as a community. I spent a lot of time looking for proper resources, editing them, fixing collisions that was not aligned with the meshes and sending the corrected stuff back to the authors I got in contact with. I have also editing as lot of UV, making some textures fit better at all objects I am using. Read my W.I.P if you wanna know every detail, It is all there. Every tiny step and me swearing and shouting.
-Why does not this work?  :/  Why cannot I do things this way?  

Lets pay a visit to the Estate which slowly becoming the Museum and center for this project. lets visit it during night. Video is 2 years old, so a lot is added since then.

Where is it Located?
It is located just North of Anvil. The quest that starts will take you here, so do not worry about finding it really.  :)

What is included?
A Display Room that has taken a lot of time to get working in a way that I like it to work. Be patient down in that basement. Follow my instructions in the quest and be patient (again). All weapons are stored in a quest database and it updates default every 10.2 seconds when you are in that room. Sometimes the speed change to 0.2 seconds when you add a weapon but it takes time until the quest timer changes. Not my fault. The game works that way. Performance is more important than speed. Read the book inside the Display Room, close to the ladder and table, well on the left side of the table.

I also made many videos that explains how to use the Display Room, so no need to read the manual really. Why a manual or videos? Well the Display Room is a bit unique really, you will see. This is not Skyrim and the Display Room had to be remade to make it work at all, which it does now.

  • Fully path'd estate for companions, both inside and outside, both in main file and in the MOO Addon and enough space for them to move around with no problems.
  • Ramps outdoors are adapted for chickens, small cats and dogs, wide enough for bulls, hippos, horses and mammoths to use without issues. Normal stairs are 45 degrees and the ramps outdoors are 25 degrees I guess or max 30. I do not recall. They work perfect for a chicken or a hippo or a mammoth. I dislike when they cannot use the stairs. I also add ramps in sewers in an addon as my pets have problems moving inside them and now they can. That addon is meant to make all enemies to have level offset and add ramps and make fighting funnier with companions and more challenging.
  • A working Fence in the Display Room. 3 merchants - 1 sell COBL items only.
  • Dynamic Auto sorting. A quest stores the chests you add to the quest and all items in that chest. Every item in the database is connected to the chest it was in when you added the chest and its content to the database with a spell. 4 spells is for sale in my Fence in the Display Room.
  • MOO Addon with a working workshop. All MOO tools included and retextured. Ore and MOO monsters roams the outside of our farm, very close to the house even. Be ready to protect your farm and its critters. If they die, no big deal. They respawn. Gather resources all around the house. MOO Rocks. The house is a bit boring without MOO really so if you want to have a peaceful life, do not use MOO but who likes to be bored? Not me. Forget it. I want WAR! Fight for your farm.
  • Lots of different tools. All tools my imagination will come up with and influences from all TES games and even Ultima Online. Alchemy sorter from COBL, 2 different drinks and bottle sorter's in the kitchen, special tools that I have used from the mod Private Quarters with permissions as I love those tools and that mod.
  • All weird spells I can come up with. Auto looting of NPC, Creatures and chests, all divided into 2 spells.
  • I am lazy. Lazy people invent stuff to make life easier. I want to focus at fun stuff and as soon I feel something is boring, I do something about it. I make a spell or a quest that makes life easy to live. No one will force you to use any tools. Do what you want. If you want it simple or pure, do not touch any buttons or spells.
  • Spells are sold by 4 merchants. The 3 in the Fence and 1 that loves to be in my tent. She loves camping it seems. She goes out and eat with the rest and goes back inside the tent again. She sleeps there as well. Just let her do her thing.
  • Dynamic schedules for Companions. Let your companions do fun stuff. They do not wanna stay in doors when the sun is shining. Add them to 6 different schedules with a spell. They will gather resources, rake the farm from poo, guard and protect the whole area and fight for you. Well, the game has its limits. Sometimes they ignore threats. My companions has a bit increased aggression. My pets are very unreliable so I do not bring them to town. I do like some chaos so if they fight each others, well let them...  :wink: Either that or they will stay boring. Oblivion do suck sometimes. We must take risks or stay bored.
  • I am trying to build the biggest library in Tamriel. Right now it has 2 main rooms with place for 540 books. The library is not dynamic. You cannot choose where each book will be placed. This is not Skyrim. It could be possible to make a dynamic book shelf in the future but now is not the right time for such experiments. I wish we could have a library that is dynamic and that can lock the books so our NPC do not steal them as they will steal all loose books. My companions steals anything, even my weapons from the Display Room. keep your companions out of that room if they are not flagged -> Skip Fallout behaviour - That flag is boring. I do not use it. I want my companions to decide them self what to do and when to do it. They will steal my weapons if they follow me to the display room. So if stuff disappears, check your companions inventory as you will find the missing stuff there.
  • A new Faction - The Imperial Book Tracking Agency. Imperial? Well that is not true. All races is welcome to the order but it was formed to protect the world from the Book Burglars that roams everywhere.
  • The Book Burglars is a faction with a secret HQ somewhere. Things is not black and white. What is their true agenda? They are our enemy. They will pop up when you try to rebuild the library. They have become friends with many factions to be able to hide the books from us and they do that in every hole you can imagine, all over Cyrodiil. This is why the Imperial Book Tracking Agency was formed, BTA. It is easier to say BTA as we all soon will know what BTA is.
  • BTA will guard and protect you and your library. If you get tired of their present, go to the Arcane University, to BTA HQ, tell the Lore Master to withdraw every agent from your property. All Agents and horses will slowly move back to the Imperial City. No big deal.If you want them back, just tell the Lore Master and he sends them back. It will not effect your relationship with BTA in any way. They will understand that you want privacy time to time. The farm is crowded as it is anyway. If you do not want to loin BTA then don't. They have a single quest so far and new to this mod. If they are at the house r not will not effect your war against the Book Burglars as it is personal. They broke in to the library while you sat in the Imperial prison so it was nothing you could do anything about. It is what it is. You will take over an empty library containing 5 new books or so. I lost count. It is 5 books I guess or very few and the Librarian is pissed. She do not like to work in an empty Library.
  • Library room number 2 updates per auto. When you visit a dungeon, the last cell, deepest as deep as you can get, a book or rather your report will get added per auto in a suitable shelf. What you see in that dungeon will be added to the book, briefly, with some vital simple info about ore (MOO ore veins) and location with a nice cover. Ignore the last page if you do not use MOO. When you close the book, you will get offered to be ported to the entrance outside the dungeon. To its map marker. If you do not wanna go, just click NO!!!

I did mentioned ramps at point 2 and here they are. It works for chickens, cats, mammoths or rather everyone, well maybe not Blue Whales? It is not beautiful but I am not either so...   :wink:  it works, that is the point. I work too and I am functional. (As you have your eyes open right now, you also see smoke in the chimneys. Visit any town, look for smoke. report to me if you see any smoke in any chimneys at all in any NPC estate)

First in game test during dinner. When all left the balcony, they walked in a nice group down the ramp, following the path nice an slow. As it is a ramp, some feet will be inside the mesh, some above it. it is what it is. It is functional and that is all that matters here. If you want stairs, well delete the ramps and add stairs instead. I do not care...   :wink:  I see some companions. 2 or 3. They are on scheduled missions and will eat when everyone else eat, both indoors for breakfast and late supper and at the roof, lunch and dinner. If you leave your companions inside the main entrance room, they will stay there, doing boring stuff. Use your companions wisely. Let them work on the farm in all types of weather. They will love it and feel happy and they will be part of the whole community. If they would get lost, recall them. I have never lost anyone. They stay and do their duties daily. Buy the spell, add them to Schedule 1-6. Make them happy. Doing this for the companions was a goal from start. For me it is very important it work as smooth as possible. I love following them, to see what they are doing. They do not mind I check in to them really. The companions are those dressed in Gigadeux Armour with dark shields.

Paths and custom collisions in CSE of the ramps and the balcony on the roof. It all works so nice now that I can burst.

Old stair with a cow and a horse in problems. They are stuck and are desperate. Poor animals. I should be reported to any animal agency for animal beating. This is torture really.

What is in focus now?
The Library is focus now. Nothing else. The Library has a third room built for Anvil. Every town will have its own room in the future. When you do missions or quests for the citizens of Cyrodiil, the house will know about your actions and it will change with the players progress as the house is connected with the Lord. This is also very new and will be updated as long as I work with this mod and maybe it will never get completed? I need to take a break from the books and work on these smaller rooms around the Library area. I can only take a single step in a time. 2 years have gone for what? Well a big nasty mod that will grow bigger but it can have more content. Rebuilding the library will keep you busy for weeks hopefully. What is a lord anyway?  Why use that fancy title? I could use Land Lord? the Estate Owner or the Caretaker but the house has a caretaker already so that title is taken. Everyone in the house hold work for the house. All are responsible for their expertise area. I would say every NPC is a boss over their own area. The Shop is not for free. You have to pay for every service you use in the house, if there is no stuff placed in the open, then it is free for anyone to use. Enchanting and spell making is not free anywhere. No merchants will give you anything for free. No training is for free. The house trainers charge the same sum as every trainer in the game.
After I have completed 21 quests today, the library shelf row 01 looks like this as the Book Burglars also carry random common books so then we can focus at the rare and skill books in our quest for glory, to make the Librarian happy. She is the one in the blue robe in the picture with the ramp after dinner break. You will have to deal with her a lot. If you do not like her, there is a button that starts quest 02-61 but you must speak with her about quest 01. She takes her job very seriously and I like that really and she likes me now as well. Who is the boss in the Library? You or her? Find that out for your self. Also peek at the painting closest to that dangerous door. What happens if we open that door? Where does it lead?

It is so fun to just play around with the Energy Saving Light in the Library. After I fooled around with it today, I decided to record it.

Map of the underground, put together in layers with gimp. It is very accurate: I do love such details. I am a navigator, coast skipper degree. Accurate sea charts are vital for life and death at sea. 

The Dungeons and Book Burglars? A Clean Game? Conflicts?
I use the boring common Dungeons right now, the ones with low level critters and bugs. some have more interesting enemies but many are boring in the original game, well until now at least. I do not add stuff into a dungeon from CS or CSE (I did add a ladder to one dungeon cell but I consider to delete it and I do add a wall, door and a chest to Hrota Cave and it is impossible to change that as Hrota Cave is next to my library in game). I use scripts that adds stuff to each dungeon when you have the quest for it. I want to keep the game as clean as possible in this process. I do not need to explain it more than my goal is to keep the mod in balance with everyone else. No matter what other modder's is doing in these dungeons, my mod will not care, not until someone rebuild the dungeon and move the base meshes, everything will work just fine. My mod cannot conflict with changes others are doing, except in the area around the estate and the area around BTA HQ in the Arcane University area. The HQ is placed next to the Midas shop and I see no conflict between them in game. They fit together as a unit as far as I can see. Some mods must work smoothly together. I consider Midas as a popular and widely used mod. 
Midas spell mod is disabled at this screenshot as my newest char do not use Midas nice spells. I can activate it so we see how these 2 mods cooperate perfectly.

There will be a series of addons for this mod. Several are made and will be included in this package but I will release them at their own pages, to make it easier to upgrade and manage them. So to get the latest version, peek at each page for each addon. My favorite addon is the MOO addon, no doubt. Playing this outside the house without MOO is boring. Moo is compatible with everything, so there is no reason why you should not use it really. I see it as the glue that makes everything in Oblivion to work.

Proper Load Order and everything is loaded after the Bashed Patch, as MOO must be loaded after it but before my addons for it.

HobbitHome MOO Crafting.esp
It adds a workshop that includes all tools for MOO crafting. The whole estate gets surrounded by Ore and Wood Atronach's and birds with feathers for your arrows. I add ore Veins all around the area and inside the Hrota Cave as well as i already polluted that cave with my stuff anyway, so I decided to pollute it a lot while I am at it. The biggest ore area is between Lord Drad's estate and the Brina Cross Inn. If you order the BTA Horses to go home, they will cross this area, with a nice result if you want some action that is.

This Addon requires:

Pek Merchant List.esp
Fixes some prices. Nothing can cost 0 gold. Nothing is ever free.

Changes some plants or ingredients at our farm from pointless effects to restore magicka over time. Use a magicka mod, as those are better but still, this is a complement in case you need fast mana recovering. Nice option really.

Adds a big clock inside the Library

This Addon requires:

HobbitHome Crafting Engine Patch.esp
Prevents the Luggage button inside Private Quarters next to Library to loot Crafting Token belonging to Retro Fletching from 2008. Everything else will be moved to the Luggage if used.

This Addon requires:

PekCOBLBookJackets - HobbitHome.esp
Exchanges all Cobl Books covers at the locked COBL books inside HobbitHome. Does not require a separate DL of the COBL Book jackets i added at Nexus. They are there for anyone that wants to use them separate, without Hobbit Homa as base and library. Disable the Stand Alone and Enavle this one if you plan to run HobbitHome.

This mod also exist in a stand alone verison: Pek COBL Book Jackets - Stand Alone 

HobbitHome MOO Crafting - Weather Inside addon 2D.esp
Weather inide the Work Shop outside Hobbit Home. 2D

This Addon requires:

Hobbit Home Weather Inside 2D.esp
Weather inside Hobbit Home 2D ( I use this one )

This Addon requires:

  • Weather Inside (Seasons)
  • HobbitHome (Our Main Mod)

    Summonable Private Quarters (original Version)
    by LazyMonk (he approved me to publish my version)
    Version: 2.33

    My 3 pets are in this mod.

    A small, useful room for the purpose of storing your gear, resting your head when needed, and making your spells and potions in peace and solitude. Scrolls can be found at the Inn at Chorrol that teaches you the spell that takes you to the room.

    Pekka added boxes to move stuff in the bed, scrolls in Chorrol and 3 lovely pet companions. The boxes was used when I was forced to move everything from Hobbithome for a reset of string bloats.

    This Addon requires:
    And finally a mod that I like a lot. I changed the level of a lot of creatures + added a lot of collisions inside the IC sewer system, so my small pets are able to follow me around without getting stuck. This addon is far from finished. 

    This Addon requires:

    I do have a list of mods, fixes and tools I want to share. Do not ignore the fixes if you want a stable game. Install them.

    Mods and tools
    Wrye Bash - The original mod manager made 2004 for Morrowind and now it supports all Bethesda games and it still gets updated and is still supported by Wrye and is the most well made one ever. I chatted with him not long ago at his support chat, asking him about my lost paintings that he endorsed at UESP.   :D
    MOO - Best Oblivion mod ever made by the brilliant Maskar - Best Overhaul ever made. High performance too and it does not touch the game as it is all scripted. The game stays clean and stable. Put this mod after Wrye Bash Patch, last in your loading order, well before my addon's for it of course. It must run before my addon...  :/ (Works great with OOO or MMM or WAC)
    WAC - Adds so much fun stuff, animals, weapons, you name it. So fun mod. MOO and WAC works best together, not stand alone.   :wink:  Maskar strongly suggest that we use WAC with MOO to get all extra fancy and fun stuff in game. Both are Overhauls, and the best ones I ever used as it keeps the game balanced and not boring. Vanilla game is boring.
    Ultimate Levelling - Choose between exp or skill levelling in the ini or from the in game menu. I prefer skills as exp makes no sense what so ever. I really hate exp based games as they do not make any sense at all. All skills counts. Main skills full points and minor skills 10%. So damn well made by Maskar, the author of MOO.
    Bugfixes and tools
    SkyBSA - If you use custom textures, you must use this to make them load in game, like Qarl's retexture or any retexture.
    EngineBugFixes - Bugfixes
    Unofficial Bugfixes - Patch Oblivion
    Unofficial Bugfixes for all DLC's and Oblivion - 3 all together? - Bugfixes  SI as one example
    ENBoost - Bugfixes
    ENB v0.295 - Bugfixes
    Performance Sounds - Bugfixes
    More Cool and fun mods
    Retros Fletching - Make your own arrows, from bones and other stuff you find. I love the bone arrow   :D
    Knights Revelation - Best Oblivion story and quest driven mod I guess. So fun to play and it made Knights DLC worth the money, as it was expensive to buy back then. You got not much for those money honestly... This mod makes Knights into a brilliant and fun DLC.
    Frostcrag expansion - Takes you deep inside a new world. Extremely well made.
    Archaeology - The Lost Spires - Brilliant fun quest mod. (External DL)
    Fighters Guild - Extra quests
    Mages Guild - Extra quests
    Adventurers Guild - Extra quests  
    The order of the Phoenix - My first quest dungeon from 2006 - I still like it but it only has 1h game play...   :wink:  Making such a dungeon takes a week and it is all over after 1h only....  :/
    Qarls textures made 2006 - and they are still the best textures ever made with high performance, nothing gets better than he did it. He was the best artist we had 2006 and still is a genius. Old stuff does not mean bad stuff, as it means quality stuff. Highest quality ever. Trust me, I have tested plenty of them and flushed them again... Qarl tought me a lot 2004-2008, as we where in the same forum. If it was not for him, my mods would never existed. I guess we all need mentors that guide us. And once more: R.I.P Qarl. We miss you, a lot.  DAMN!!!!  We sure lost one of the most brilliant person ever for this community...   :/
    Multi Enchants
    FEA for arrow enchanting
    Alchemy Enhanced or Advanced rather. - For better options and faster potion making - Instead of making 1 potion at a time, you can make batches of unlitied amount within a second. Faster brewing than this is impossible. Trust me. 
    OCO2 for better good looking NPC's
    Blockhead to make OCO2 to work at all.
    Apachi Wigs for both sexes
    Bodies?  This is a very personal area, and hard to say, use this or use that. I use HGEC and i do think it has the most variable armour and clothes made for it today. I used BAB 2006 but it is a bit old now, This body mod also has an underwear version and you can make your female chars and NPC's to have any form and size. Loads of different textures for this body as well. Look around and find the ones you like best really. Search for Body in the search field at Nexus mods and see.
    My old char with BAB from 2006 or 2007, do not remember really...
    Current char, Gigaduex Armor just released

    Gigadeux more dry surface:

    If you later want to use COBL and denock use OBSE or xOBSE max version v21.5 as 22.x do not work with denocking arrows, well the latest does but it has other issues right now that I reported to Idle at Github for xOBSE.  My own mod is based on COBL and all cool tools in it. I also made an addon for MOO. Not released yet but I do it very very soon, next week or so, 2 years of hard work all together. My goal is to let the game be much more funnier than it already is. This is my way to try that. 2 years development...
    I do test the latest xOBSE right now with good results. I installed it last week. So far so good. My BUG report for xOBSE 22.x is now closed. OBSE works from 2013 but it is 9 years old. Idle knows what he is doing. xOBSE will be damn great and is great already. Still under development by Idle who knows OBSE more than anyone else. I hope he one day solve the string bloating issues with con_save. All modder's that use strings, must destruct them to keep the saves clean. That's the way it is now. The latest update has an issue with the repair commands, and Idle is looking at it right now.
    So much fun stuff. so much to do still.  :D     Peek for more in our Mod Section
    Gigadeux armor? This is the original that we ported to Oblivion, with some help from SunlitEarth, with permissions from this very nice modder ZapgiL that was involved in this as well. Screenshots taken yesterday with a new char. Bonus picture:   :D   (I play Skyrim at weekends, 2-3 days. And also some Morrowind and Daggerfall unity, for screenshots for my books. I can play Morrowind or Daggerfall Unity whenever I like. I do have some nice setups running.)

    • 4 more Dungeons and quests added.
    • 2 Dungeons had door openers added, so it is possible to reach the missing book.
    • Ramps added and pathes edited at the addon PekLevelOffset

    * Stroti for all lovely resource objects and for making the Hobbit Home base
    * Wrye for Cobl and Bash
    * lunasprite13 for all her lovely furniture's used in Hobbit Home
    * LazMonk for Private Quarters as I use a lot of scripts from it and it inspired me to make the Hobbit Home as the Private Quarters are not suitable for companions.
    * Phitt for Old School Dungons.
    * Munch Universe for the bows from Craftybits 
    * Loth DeBonneville for Better Weapon Racks
    * metz for weapons display 
    * MrMcCrab for weapons display
    * Gizmodian for the Gothic Resource Set
    * WhiteWizard11 for the rugs
    * mr_siika for the farm critters
    * Maskar for Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul, Ultimate leveling and the Stock Chest.
    * Curio Beach for the paper lanterns
    * Myself for making the painting resource with Blender for Morrowind 2005 and ported it to Oblivion 2006 and the book covers used in this mod and the dividers which you can use in your own mods if you like too
    * Bethesda for TES - I have been playing them all back and forth since 1995 - Daggerfall
    * The teams behind Blender, Gimp, Tes4Edit, Nifskope and all DDS tools and plugins
    * Phijama for Requiem (I used it for 16 years now)
    * MickTheMage for the Empire Sword
    * Malli for the nice Weatherspell
    * Bethesda for all lovely games
    * Niftools project for all nice tools
    * Blender for their nice 3D editor
    * Gimp for 2D - again.  Used it since 1996 now  :D
    * WilliamSea for Clocks of Cyrodiil

    I use textures from:

    Following is credited for their work with Lunasprite13's furniture's:
    Riley Marks

    I have not included any free meshes from any free mesh site(s) as I made them either myself or used Oblivion player made meshes from the Modders resource section or Bethesda meshes

    Following have contributed with screenshots for the paintings inside the house
    * HotDog Noire
    * Oblivionaddicted
    * Drake
    * LordPalpatine2020
    * DrakeTheDragon
    * dharma92
    * motes-of-light
    * olha2
    * HuntBoston1508
    * Snoo49734

    By the way, if you happens to have my old painting exchanger, please upload it to Nexus again as the file did go missing when Nexus changed their URL's, with so many other files.  ;)
