About this mod

An RTX Remix profile designed for Portal with RTX.

Permissions and credits

Moody Aperture RTX

A visual config for Portal with RTX that brings a much darker, ominous feel to Aperture Science. The default config matches the original game's lighting better, but this modded config matches the original's emotion more. Unlike Portal 2, where there's a large focus on comedy, the original Portal has much more of an atmosphere of haunting mystery. Waking up in an unknown test facility that seems completely abandoned aside from the robotic voice on the speakers? A very chilling scenario, made enhanced with more contrasted lighting.

Please note that this visual setting is not recommended for a first playthrough, as the light can get extremely dark in places, making it easy to miss puzzle elements or other story-driving visuals. This can, however,  be adjusted by following the "Adjusting Settings" section below.

Designed for Portal with RTX

This config is designed for Portal with RTX, but is being posted here as Nexusmods doesn't have a Portal or Portal with RTX category. That being said, Portal 2 also uses d3d9, which means it likely will be supported when the full RTX Remix comes out. There's a chance you may even be able to transplant the RTX Remix files from Portal with RTX to Portal 2 and use this config right now. More info on that will come after some testing.


To install this visual config:
  • Unzip the contents of Moody Apertature RTX.zip into the base PortalRTX folder.
  • The easiest way to reach this folder is by right-clicking Portal with RTX in your Steam Library and selecting Manage > Browse local files
  • Alternatively, from the Steam library folder the game is saved to, the path is \steamapps\common\PortalRTX\
  • rtx.conf is the file that contains the actual visual settings. Deleting this file will reset the settings back to default, alternatively follow the instructions for resetting in-game listed under the "Adjusting Settings" section below.

Adjusting Settings

Accessing the settings menu:
  • Press Alt + X to access the RTX Remix overlay
  • If the Developer Menu is not yet open on the side of the screen, click "Developer Settings Menu" in the lower-left corner.

Changing upscaling settings (for performance):
  • In the Developer Menu under General, change Super Resolution to DLSS, and DLSS mode to what you want.
  • Ultra Performance will make the game play the best but look the worst.
  • You may also change these settings in the Graphics Settings Menu, which is the default menu for the RTX Remix overlay

Making the game brighter:
  • In the Developer Menu, navigate to Post-Processing > Auto Exposure. You will likely have to expand menus to get there.
  • Move the number for Min (EV100) further into the negative for a brighter scene.
  • Changing the number in very small increments (around 0.1 at a time or less) is recommended. Changing the Adaptation Speed to something high (like 50) will make your changes instantaneous. Change it back to the default (5.00) when done adjusting lighting.
  • This is not the only way to change the brightness of the scene. Just about every setting plays off of each other to create the look of this config. You won't break anything by adjusting the values in this menu, you can always re-download and copy over the settings to reset it!

Changing the energy ball brightness:
  • In the Developer Menu, expand the Lighting menu (if it is not already).
  • Adjust Effect Light Intensity to your desired brightness.
  • This config uses a brightness value of 5, but the default config is set to 20, so you may want to start there.
  • Setting this value to 100 or more can make the ball incredibly bright, which can look really cool in contrast with the much darker levels.
  • Don't adjust Effect Light Radius, leave it at 2 or lower. This just makes sure the light object matches the ball size.

Resetting the game to the default look:
  • In the Developer Menu, scroll all the way to the bottom and click "Reset Settings"
  • Keep in mind this will also reset any DLSS settings you may have changed, so you may need to change those again to keep performance.