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About this mod

This code mod allows: Custom icons for abilities, items etc, 3D body transforms, Independent stacking buffs and debuffs for abilities and items. Modeless abilities from outfit items.

Permissions and credits
This is a non-intrusive mod that features:
  • Custom icons for items, abilities etc in your Content Pack's art folder
  • Body 3D transforms for child, teen, fat and "slim ork" characters
  • Abilities and items may cause independent buffs and debuffs on each succesful action

Custom icons

Create a folder called customui (stands for 'Custom UI') in your Content Pack's \art folder.
Create 128x128 32b png files for icons. Name them icon_<name>.png. Some item classes need a group like gun, melee, outfit etc, so your "Cool Samurai" outfit icon should be named icon_outfit_coolsamurai.png.
If it's a weapon it needs a "stroke" icon and a "fill" icon for the combat UI, both in white against a transparent backdrop. The "fill" icon is managed by the game to fill the outline that is the "stroke", according to the amount of ammo left. Melee weapons also need the fill and stroke icons, but they are shown always full in the UI.
For your weapon of icon named <icon_name>.png create <icon_name>_fill.png and <icon_name>_stroke.png images. A gun must be horizontal and the muzzle must touch the right border in the stroke and fill icons. Their lengths may vary, but the height should be somewhat the same as other weapon icons (I used 120px for a custom pistol). In your item or ability definition sheet in the \data folder set the uirep parameter icon: "icon_name"

An item definition file for a gun that uses the icons in the image section was included as an example in the documentation. Drop all three png images of the pkd_blaster in the UGC's \art\customui\ folder and the pi 2 pkd blaster.item.txt file in the \data\items\ folder.

Body 3D transforms

This mod uses transforms to allow smaller (younger) human and metahuman 3D models, overweight characters and thinner orks, allowing more variety and believability for your sprawl citizens. Once installed, everything is enabled through the editor and character sheets.

Only for biped models

Does not work for Player 0 (PC0) characters that were created from the Character Creation Screen. It will work if PC0 is loaded from Character Sheet.
Weapon and cyberdeck size are preserved, if you're going to arm them (the troll guns and decks really look oversized on the little trolls). Flattened chests on children to limit pecs / breast size.

The "fat" transform basically broadens dimensions x and z and keeps height y. It makes humans look heavier like Ms. Kubota but it also makes orks and trolls look bigger, more 'boss'-like. You be the judge.

The transform called "SlimOrk" makes SRR/DFDC orks less bulky. I remember some guys in forums wanted prettier/less cartoonish orks for SRR and DFDC and there it is! This one works for orks only.

Transforms were tested to work in PDA and Equip Screen, Matrix dimension and Matrix Equip Screens, and are also carried through scene transitions.


If it's an Actor Spawner prop (green marker) in the Editor just add (case insensitive) to the spawner Prop Name (NOT Actor name!):


child for the child transform
teen for the teen transform
slimork for the slim ork transform
fat for the fat transform

If it's a Player Spawner (blue marker) the id in the Character Instance Sheet (/data/chars folder, (...)_inst.txt file) must contain

child for the child transform
teen for the teen transform
slimork for the slim ork transform
fat for the fat transform

Stacking buffs and debuffs

For content creators familiar with item and ability sheets on data/items and data/abilities. Under activationStatusEffects in your item or ability sheet simply do not use a stackingCategory field if you want the effect to stack. For example, this (excerpt) of an ability with repetition 2 (a two-hit combo) will strip 2 armor from any actor at any time for each successful hit, so an actor with armor 6 would be left with armor 2 if he suffered two successful hits from this ability:
attackRatingMod: 0
offensiveAbility: true
effectDuration: 99
repetition: 2
cooldown: 2
activationStatusEffects {
  uirep {
icon: "icon_disintegrate1"
name: "Armor Stripped: Armor -2"
  statMods {
attribute: Attribute_Armor
intModValue: -2
  is_debuff: true

Use with parcimony: not using a stackingcategory field tends to make an item much more powerful than its non-stacking counterpart, because its effect will stack for each hit.

3.1 Update: Modeless Abilities from items

Fixed a shortcoming in the Player Inventory script that didn't allow modeless abilities from outfit items. That was fixed in DFDC.

4.0 Update: AI improvement

In the original code the AI yellow and red alerts were only enabled on debug mode. This mechanic was left out in the final release. I enabled them for regular game mode, so the editor trigger "On AI Red Alert" will now work (It didn't). Also, the game was not using the constants AI_PERCEPTION_YELLOWALERT_BONUS and AI_PERCEPTION_REDALERT_BONUS anywhere, so I decided that they be subtracted as penalties for the player in the enemy perception check that was already taking into account drawn weapons, alarm status, disguises and credentials. Also added, guards will enter yellow alert if they hear noise. That means normal perception guards will "smart up" and see through disguises if they hear suspicious noise. Default values for yellow and red are 5 and 10, but they can be changed for the whole UGC with the trigger System - Modify Constant. I use 20 and 40, because that will scale a Dim perception guard to Normal upon yellow alert and to Smart upon red alert.

This changes are not useful for DFDC or HK because they offer no option to holster weapons once in turn-based mode.

Minor tweak in slimork appearance.

Added a toHitfunction called autoHitDoor to be used with a gadget that spies through closed doors. Does not affect any other ability.

4.1 Update: No auto unholster when entering combat

Player characters now won't automatically draw their weapons when entering manual turn mode or when seeing enemy team members for the first time. This will prevent infiltration screw-ups from happening when using disguises or credentials. Once weapons are drawn, weapons will stay unholstered during combat.

What changes? Whether attacked or not, henceforth all PCs must unholster their weapon (with the unholster UI button) to attack enemies in the scene for the first time. As long as there is no AP cost for unholstering (default HOLSTER_COST = 0), nothing else changes in combat from the moment they unholstered on. If all members of enemy teams have perished in the scene, all PCs will holster their weapons.

5.0 Update: Maim effect on critical kills

Upon critical perma-kills of NPCs, a maim effect on body might occur. The head, a leg or arm might disappear (0.01 bone scale). If it's a "headshot" ability, it will be the head. This is a simple "faux gore" effect you could see in games like GTA Vice City.

Custom icons and 3D body transforms 100% do not affect DMS and UGC, given the sparsely remote possibility someone typed the words child, teen or fat on Prop Name field for actors.

Improved AI won't affect vanilla DMS, because disguises were used only without alerts, and on freemove mode.

I went through the vanilla seattle/data/items and /abilities folders and searched for everything that contained activationstatuseffect. In a very comprehensive sample of magic spells, conjuring spells, spirit spells, matrix programs, ESP programs and even grenades I found no buff or debuff that didn't have a stackingcategory assigned. So it does not seem to affect the vanilla Dead Man's Switch.

Other UGC: it will affect any custom buff or debuff that does not have a stackingcategory field, because they'll become stacking.

Compatibility with Dragonfall DC and Hong Kong: NOT COMPATIBLE. This Assembly-CSharp.dll replacement is for Shadowrun Returns only! Look for the equivalent mods in each game's Nexusmods page.

Backup the Assembly-CSharp.dll file that's in the \Shadowrun_Data\Managed\ folder by copying it to someplace safe and memorable.
Unpack the mod zip file in your root Shadowrun Returns Folder. Confirm overwrite. It will replace Assembly-CSharp.dll in the Shadowrun Returns\Shadowrun_Data\Managed\ folder.

need to distribute this mod with your UGC in order for it to work.