An -yet- unwanted upgrade - my problem solved

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  1. eenuck
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    This is great, had to reinstall my game and needed to be sure which files I had to replace to get my old setup working again. Thanks so much
    1. respaldoshugo
      • member
      • 171 kudos
      You're welcome. I'm glad that this post has been useful to you .
    2. ShadowRavenStudios07
      • BANNED
      • 2 kudos
      I need help.  What did you do to restore SE?  I already tried what the link here suggested.

      But it didn't work.  Someone please help me with this.  I don't want to lose everything.  I really wish Bethesda would stop updating these games when we don't want/need them.  
    3. respaldoshugo
      • member
      • 171 kudos
      What that link suggests didn't work for me. Try following the steps I detail here.
  2. roulk
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm very confused. 
    I see a pretty image and a bunch of people thanking you for some kind of description.
    What am I not seeing? 

    Nevermind, nexus is weird
    1. respaldoshugo
      • member
      • 171 kudos
      There is a new version of Skyrim (Anniversary Edition), which updates The Special Edition through Steam. This update may cause problems for those who use mods; everything is explained here.  In this post I mean how to restore SSE if your game was updated without your wanting it.

      By the way, I'm glad you liked the image .
    2. respaldoshugo
      • member
      • 171 kudos
      PS: you have to open the description of this post.
    3. ShadowRavenStudios07
      • BANNED
      • 2 kudos
      This!  I'm trying to get your full attention.  I need the 1.5.97 version back so I can fix this crap.  I don't like this new AE update.  I tried this, but now when I try to launch Skyrim SE using the script extender (I changed that back to 1.5.97 and the launcher.exe).  Now my game will not start at all!
    4. respaldoshugo
      • member
      • 171 kudos
      Unfortunately I don't know much about these issues and I don't know how to help you. If you followed the steps I detailed in this post exactly, it should work. Hopefully another member of this community can give you some clue.
  3. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    You are a very kind person to share your experiences with this update.
    As I can read, you were very helpful
    The main pic is enchanting

    It this update only for SSE  or for LE too ?
    1. respaldoshugo
      • member
      • 171 kudos
      So far I have not known that the update could affect SLE, but it would not hurt to back up the game folder, just in case. Thank you very much for your kind words dear Heike, I am glad you liked the butterfly image .
  4. BroodyElf22
    • premium
    • 13 kudos
    You are a god amongst us mere mortals, I cannot thank you enough for this post. I had my game perfectly modded for my next playthrough and it all seemed to come crashing down around me until i found this. I'm forever grateful that I can actually play my game again with all my racemenu edits and 300 other mods. You're a legend!
    1. respaldoshugo
      • member
      • 171 kudos
      I know how you feel, because it made my day when, after these simple operations, I saw that my Skyrim SE was working perfectly again... and I'm glad this post was helpful to others. I really appreciate your nice comment, BroodyElf .
  5. Papitas
    • premium
    • 122 kudos
    Thank you so much!
    This totally worked for me.

    I couldn't even start a new game because the R key didn't work on character creation (I suppose due to that annyoing overlayed AE ad).

    I'm glad I backed up my whole installation folder before this mess.
    1. respaldoshugo
      • member
      • 171 kudos
      Knowing that at least one person found this post useful leaves me satisfied. Thank you very much for your kind comment, Carlos, I'm glad you were able to restore your Skyrim SE!
    2. Papitas
      • premium
      • 122 kudos
      It was all thanks to you  

      My game had become useless with that issue of not being able to get past the character creation menu and also some mods didn't properly work. 
      You saved me quite a lot of literal headaches xD

      By the way, I found that if you are using MO you don't need to replace the new files.
      It's just a matter of creating a new folder with the old ones and activating it in MO. 

      The new CC files don't seem to interfere with the old exe, so they can be left alone. 
    3. respaldoshugo
      • member
      • 171 kudos
      Tu información es muy útil, quiere decir que la solución del problema es bastante más fácil. Gracias por el aporte!
  6. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    So glad to hear you've gotten it fixed!   And lovely screenshot!  I've had to do that type of repair work on games myself (F4 being one, and an update in May on RDR2 which broke my every mod I had in for it ).  
    1. respaldoshugo
      • member
      • 171 kudos
      Game updates are generally welcome, but I think having backups of game folders is highly recommended. Thank you very much for your words, Pat, and I'm glad you liked the image .
  7. 0nelazyBattlemaga
    • premium
    • 247 kudos
    Very good to see it working. After much thought about this, I realise why my game did not update. My Steam is set to "play in Offline mode" because I am working with  my new computer. It should have been done months ago. Once again, being Lazy has prevailed.
    1. respaldoshugo
      • member
      • 171 kudos
      I didn't know you could play it offline. I tried disconnecting internet and it didn't work. Surely there is a procedure for this... I will review the Steam instructions. Thanks, friend, for all your advice!
    2. 0nelazyBattlemaga
      • premium
      • 247 kudos
      All joking aside, there is a mod page here on the Nexus Return to Skyrim - Early AE Modding Guide
      That page is loaded with info for this task if a person can sort it out. The SKSE team has a version 2.1.2 that is Partially compatible, not sure if that is a thing or not. Partially compatible is like an exwife, to me. we were ...
      I have been getting update notices from many of the mod authors I track, they are very busy.
      I used this Modding Wiki as a resource, found it on the Return to Skyrim page
      This has become more confusing, I think I will leave my Steam settings in "Offline Mode" .
      One thing is for sure, I am glad to have kept the Back-up!!!
    3. 0nelazyBattlemaga
      • premium
      • 247 kudos
      Hello Hugo. I did not mention the "Offline Mode" cuz it did not seem to be a easy solution.
      That is done in Steam at the upper left drop down menu.
      As I mention, it is not a easy solution, your game may update as soon as you change it to "Onnline Mode" and Log in.
    4. respaldoshugo
      • member
      • 171 kudos
      If my game doesn't crash as a result of the surgery I just did, I can wait a long time without downloading the update from Steam; I knew that AE comes with a good mission, based on some comments, but for now I am not interested. That will be when SKSE is "fully" supported and I can be sure that the mods I have in my game will work without a hitch.
      As for "Offline Mode", I don't think it's necessary for me, I guess Bethesda won't try to make me swallow SAE a second time ... and if it does, I'll repeat the operation, which is simple now that I know how to do it. On the other hand, in my account I have other games that I am interested that update automatically.
      Haha, I think Skyrim takes more time making adjustments than playing.
      Thanks for the info, Doug!
  8. Excellentium
    • member
    • 354 kudos
    Superb post indeed! I know a few people who have had their games all messed up due to the AE patch. I'm linking back to here to at least give them some hope...

    Astonishing capture too! Soft and beautiful as a silk painting!
    1. respaldoshugo
      • member
      • 171 kudos
      Thank you very much for your words, my dear Rick . When the Steam update took place, I was very depressed, and I also felt cheated, because they modified a product for which I had paid without my authorization. Fortunately I was able to restore my SE, although in a not very clean way... anyway, I am once again enjoying my favorite game!
  9. arghTease
    • premium
    • 208 kudos
    good post, might help someone! 
    1. respaldoshugo
      • member
      • 171 kudos
      Thank you very much my friend!
  10. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,117 kudos
    Gorgeous capture Hugo :)
    Pleased that your game is up and running again :)
    1. respaldoshugo
      • member
      • 171 kudos
      Thank you very much for your help, Izzy!