The Great Cities - Imperial Solitude

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Alright so this is an idea I've had for some time now. I plant to overhaul at least some of the larger monuments within Solitude into something based on a more early medieval Romanesque style with a sublayer of Roman/Byzantine sprinkled in. Just because I thought such architecture is a cool and fitting alternative that highlights Solitude's strong Imperial ties. Depending on how far I'll take this project I want the Nord influence on the architecture to be visible in the residential and lower class structures. For reference I am thinking of the Roman cities in AC Valhalla. This is a project which I plan to work on and expand upon over time.

The particular structure showcased here is the Hall of the Dead. The idea is that it is an older Imperial structure that has been built upon and expanded over time like something you would have seen in former Roman cities in the early middle ages.


  1. Drevan80
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    That really sounds like an interesting project. And that hall of the dead looks great.
  2. chreeeees
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    This sounds like an exciting creative way to take it. I love seeing how the development of your projects progress. Great work!
  3. TyranusMaximus
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Very beautiful and quite epic... I will watch your career with great interest :) but I will probably wait till quite a few are complete before downloading
  4. Weierstress
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    This is a fantastic project. I always thought Skyrim with just a few mods can fit really well the late antiquity/early medieval aesthetics, rather than the generic Renaissance or late medieval style people generally go for in fantasy. It was just missing some Byzantine vibes in its most Imperial city.

    Are you thinking of going for several small releases or just on big final mod?

    Good luck  :-)
    1. Archinatic
      • premium
      • 2,111 kudos
      I will make a page and upload new buildings along the way.
  5. semihguler
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    sounds like a great idea, and looks pretty good too. well done
  6. majesticginger
    • premium
    • 14 kudos
    cant wait!
  7. Antilia
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I like this project of yours very much! 
  8. LucioArtorio
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Insanely cool, but way too white for actual roman architecture. Put some colors there, brother.
  9. congusdongus
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    Really cool concept. Whilst I think the heavy Imperial/Roman Style would fit better with Falkreath (because muh lore...), I do like the concept. However I would personally go Balkan Roman/Byzantine style due to the heavier Slavic intermingling and I think traditional Rome is a bit saturated. Plus there is the existent Nordic interconnections with the Byzantines rather than just living in ruins like Western Rome. The "Varangian Plaza" could be a really cool title for the generic market plaza.
  10. NenMagem
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    The fun part is that in this scenario it would be the opposite, a medieval building repurposed as a roman one XD

    It still looks great and I love the idea.