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TheOscar0 - JaySerpa

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About this mod

In vanilla, Falmer Servants just share the same generic bandit lines. No more! They will now get unique voice lines, fitting to their lore and situation.

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~Falmer Servants Line Expansion~

In vanilla, Falmer Servants are a joke. They're copy-pasted bandits that live in Blackreach, with the only difference that they wear rags.
They literally have the same lines bandits do. Not a tiny bit of personality added to these guys, they're as generic as an enemy can be.

If you think that breaks all immersion, I've got you covered. Falmer Servant Lines Expansion adds a whopping 483 new dialogue lines,
all voiced by talented voice talent with top tier equipment that (quite honestly) have knocked it out of the park for this mod.

~Video Showcase~

-Welcome to Brodual JayDual-

"My masters command your death!
-A Falmer Servant, translating the local language into English

One of my most exhaustive Lines Expansions to date:

  • Gives Falmer Servants more personality - They now act sort of brain-washed/insane, as they always should have.
  • They now react to things not covered in vanilla: Allies dying, their current activity, their environment. their enemies...
  • High quality VA talent to make the new lines sound on par with vanilla.
  • Lorefriendly as they come: The mod doesn't make up things or mess with the lore. Not much is known about the Servants, and this mod doesn't change this, but facing these people will make it obvious they've been with the Falmer for a while.
  • Compatible with likely everything without conflicts. These are just lines - no world edits.

If making a Lines expansion with almost 500 lines wasn't enough, that's not all! As you might have realized, I always like to go the Extra Mile™ with my mods, and this is no exception. I've made two optional plugins to complement this release. They're available in the "optional files" of this mod. As the name indicates, they're optional and not needed for the main feature of this mod.

"We will feast on your corpse!"
- A Falmer Servant, apparently happy to see you.

Features: ESL flagged. This plugin simply makes sure the servants appear more often throughout the locations where falmer are, very deep within their caves. The new lines are awesome and it's a shame that you might only get to hear them in Blackreach, so that's where this plugin comes in.

Mind you: NOT everywhere with falmer will now have servants. Sometimes "less is more" and in this case, I've added servants to the locations below without overdoing it. Each location will have 2 or 3 servants where it makes sense. Very big locations might have 4 or 5, spreadout throughout the cell, but nothing crazy. They will be seen working for their masters doing tiresome work like mining rock and getting debris out of the way. They sometimes also pray or take a break. You will hear them mumbling to themselves if you sneak near them.

Compatibility: This file doesn't move, disable or delete any vanilla objects. It should be compatible with everything.

List of Locations:
Locations with added spawns: Chillwind Depths, Darkwater Cavern, Duskglow Crevice, Gloomreach, Irkngthand03, Shimmermist Cave, Stillborn Cave, Mzinchaleft, Mzulft, Raldbthar, Alftand02 

And like the great philosopher of our time DJ Khaled once said: Another one!

"Submit, and join us in the dark glow!"
-The Head of Tourism at Blackreach. 

Features: ESL flagged. This plugin changes the Falmer Servants to be more unique. They will still wear their typical rags for the most part, but some of them also get access to slightly different outfits within the theme of being a slave to the Falmer lol.

In addition, they might also use different weapons that make sense for them: Falmer axes, pickaxes, dwarven daggers they find in local ruins... Some of the servants might even wear a blindfold to resemble their masters, and some might use poisons against you, just like the Falmer.

Two Types of Servants: Servants in this plugin are generally divided into two main groups: Workers (no armor, just pickaxes, they spend their time mining) and Watchers (They might wear a few pieces of Falmer armor and watch over the other workers, a bit higher status, but they sometimes are seen mining just the same - They are all servants after all).  

Compatibility: Compatible with everything, this doesn't edit any vanilla objects or locations.

"So tired... But I must go on... The masters deserve my sweat..."
Perfectly happy servant worker, mining undeground tunnels.


  • TheOscar0: This is our third mod collaboration, after Infiltration - Quest Expansion and Destroy the Dark Brotherhood - Quest Expansion. I'd say we make a great team! Check out Oscar's profile for more quest greatness. I'm always annoying him to change stuff and add more things to his quests, so if you enjoy my mods, chances are you will also enjoy his! 
  • iceyman99: who kindly did part of the work in making the blindfolds be playable for all races. Thank you!


We worked with an insanely talented group of voice actors on this project. Without them, this wouldn't have been possible and the most boring group of enemies in Skyrim would remain at large. A final big thank you to these guys, you were all wonderful!



Kiara Dougherty is a talented and passionate voice artist and we're very pleased to have had her on board! This isn't her first time in a JaySerpamod and there's a good reason for that. If you need a professional VA who also loves Elder Scrolls, she's the one for you!


Elizabeth Plant brought a really fun and zany energy to the Falmer Servants. As if being a talented creator herself wasn't enough, she's also an incredibly wonderful VA too! You might already recognise her voice from other projects, but if you didn't know her before... You'll definitely know her now!


James Cattle is such a pleasure to work with every time. His versatility and professionalism make him to be such an excellent fit for our projects. If you cast him, there is no doubt that he's going to do an excellent job.


BrentMastyVA has an exceptionally powerful voice, and we sure are grateful that he lent it to us for this project! Courteous, professional and skilled are just a few words I can use to describe Brent, but once you hear his voice, you'll be glad you experienced it for yourself!


ItsMeTera is a VA that I cannot praise enough. His voice in this project is like nothing else that I've heard him do before, and it's a true testament to his skill and versatility. If it were up to me, I'd probably have him narrate my life - but I'll settle for having his voice in Skyrim projects for now!


〜AzX, Ares, BeatenPlastic, El, Eric, Fatsalaad, Fluffpants,  
Maya, Nanoteh, Nightfallstorm, Sir Trooper,
Thomas, Sea Sparrow, Tzephira Ball〜

& everyone who is supporting me on Patreon or via other means
Thank you! Your support means a lot!

- ESL flagged? Safe to install mid-game?

- Falmer Servants who??? I've never met these guys in my life! Are these CC addons or something?
No, they're 100% vanilla. My friend, it sounds like you haven't explored Blackreach well enough! But to be fair, there are only 20 something Falmer Servants in the entire game, so it checks out that not everyone has met them. Skyrim, the game that keeps on giving after 13 years!

- I noticed the Falmer making different noises in the video showcase. Are those included in the mod?
No, Falmer are 100% untouched by this mod. The sounds in the showcase are coming from xpanchy's Echolocation for Falmer mod.

- But Jay, what's the point???? I never meet these guys!!!11 
That's what the optional files are for. One of them is adding these enemies to more fitting locations and the other one is adding more variety to these encounters. You may think of this mod as a "new enemy" encounter mod, but whereas creature mods usually come with a few reused grunts, this mod comes with 500 new voiced lines.

- That's one sexy Falmer replacer!
It's the one created by Mandragorasprouts, amazing stuff.


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🗺️ A Dynamic World - 🧙 Roleplaying - 🏹 Immersion - 🎈 Performance Friendly - 🖱️ 1-Click Installation